The Voltdabi, part 2

b) A tiny Canadian religious cult, indefinitely connected with UFO cultists Clerics of the Aestherius apparently regard the Voltdab as prophets of a new religious path. Their beliefs largely rest on the Cleland Statement, a document of uncertain origin that chronicles Voltdab/UFO activity in Port Hope, Ontario, in the late nineteenth century. According to the Voltdab cultists, the Voltdab travel "outside of time" as we experience it, and came to earth in 1883 to return the body of a future space-traveller whom they'd encountered. As is apparently Voltdab practice, they spread their religious word while on earth.

Their early encounter was, according to the Clelland Statement, not without incident. They arrived with the body of the unnamed astronaut in 1883, to a rural farmhouse which stands on the site where he will eventually be born. The nineteenth-century farmwife, entirely unprepared to receive a body from floating extraterrestrial glass tubes, went insane, killed her husband, and burned down their house.

It is worth noting that, according to the public records of Hope township, Ontario, one John Bullen was, in fact, murdered by his wife in March 1883. She afterwards torched their house. Contemporary reports make no reference, however, to any motive, much less an alien-inspired one.

The cultists claim the Cleland Statement surfaced at Mill Street Presbyterian Church in Port Hope (near Hope Township) decades later. No one currently employed at the church claims any knowledge on the subject.

According to the cultists, the Voltdabi do indeed resemble fluid-filled glass tubes, who move themselves and manipulate objects through "electromotive force." "Electromotive force" is another term for electrical voltage. It is difficult to see how voltage could be used to manipulate anything in the manner they describe.

The beliefs of the cultists, thought to number fewer than one hundred, are vague: New Age-ish statements about love and aliens.

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