Guild Code of Conduct
Members are strongly encourged to help each other as possible. Guild officers are expected to help other members, within the bounds of reason.

Disputes between players will be handled by any officers, disputes with an officer or other guild will be handled by the guild leader.

Officers shall be promoted based on recommendatios from other officers.Officers shall normally hold a position (ie: Guild vault keeper, guild recruiting offical, guild webmaster,etc.) within the guild. These positions will be defined and assigned by the guild leader. An officer can only be demoted with a majority vote from the other officers.

Remember, be fair.

Dishonesty, stealing, diruptivness, or unsportmanlike conduct in game will not be tolerated.

Removal from the guild id by a majority vote of the officers. The guild must maintain an enjoyiable atmosphere, or we have failed our main objective.

Invantations are at the discretion of any officer. A recruiting application must be filled out by the recuit so that we can maintain information for all guild members. We will not recuit based class,race, tradeskill,etc. EKoD will recruit any and all high quality citizens, regardless of anything else.
A master tradesman who does not believe in the guild philosophy is a detriment; however, a level 0 necromancer to the game who is fun to play with is a perfect addition.

Guild raids are weekly, one for all levels and one for higher levels. These guild raids or better guild come together are nesessary to fill the guild vault. This money is used to purchase resources for the guild (coffins to summon corpses, short term loans, ressuractions, etc).Donations to the guild vault for general distripution are voluntary, and all contributions will be documented. Withdarwls and loans are at the discretion of the guild vault keeper.

Attandance at guild functions and meetings is not mandatory, but highly encouraged. Guild activities are disigned to engage all members of the guild at all levels- and the more participation means more fun for everyone, and guild meetings are used to convey important information and upcoming events.
Please inform the guild if you will be unable to attend.

Rember, Karma works
recruiting application