Physical therapists assist the patient in functional restoration, especially for gross motor functions. Tasks may include the following:

þ      Restore and preserve joint ROM through mobilization techniques and exercises

þ      Evaluate muscle length and perform stretching exercises and soft-tissue mobilization to enhance muscle elasticity

þ      Perform muscle strength evaluation and quantification

þ      Evaluate muscle hypotonicity or hypertonicity and provide exercises to normalize motor control

þ      Evaluate and train sitting and standing balance, transfers, and mobility, including wheelchair use and ambulation. Progressive gait training with or without ambulatory aids may be offered and includes instruction in negotiating barriers and obstacles such as rough ground ramps, and stairs.

þ      Evaluate and train users of lower extremities orthoses and prostheses to facilitate their gait independence and function

þ      Evaluate level of dependence during position changes and provide mobility training to enhance function

þ      Offer exercises to increase strength, endurance, and coordination for specific muscle groups or the entire body

þ      Assess skin integrity and sensation and provide precautionary instructions for skin care

þ      Manage edema and musculoskeletal pain by physical measures

þ      Offers various physical therapy modalities, such as superficial and deep heat and cold, as well as hydrotherapy techniques, electrical stimulation, traction and massage

þ      Assess total body posture and provide education and exercises to improve alignment

þ      Perform auscultation to lung fields and render percussion and vibration, breathing exercises, incentive spirometry, and postural drainage in some settings

þ      Aid in home evaluation to make the environment barrier free and accessible

þ      Assess the patient’s wheelchair needs, including maintenance, and assist with individualized wheelchair prescriptions

þ      Teach functional employment skills, including proper lifting techniques, functional strength testing, and ergonomic considerations