About Me
Hello and welcome, my name is Robert McGregor. Thanks for visiting my web site!

This is just a brief note about myself and how I happened to become involved with The DHS Club.

I am a self-employed business consultant based in the UK. My particular areas of interest are business ethics and corporate social responsibility. However, since about 50% of my working time is unpaid (I do voluntary work helping people with employment problems) and since I cannot depend on a regular supply of consultancy work and any income I earn from a book I am currently writing on organisational accountability is some years away, I needed another source of income.

I looked into the possibility of trying to start an on-line business, but the hype and the exploitative nature of the ready-made business opportunities (at least the ones I saw) and the apparent technical complexities of Internet marketing put me off.

Then I received an email from a gentleman who is now my upline sponsor in the DHS Club. What struck me about the content of that email was the obvious sincerity of the writer. I therefore decided to follow up and was immediately delighted that I had: here is a business which delivers a real service where everyone wins; here is a business where you can become financially independent (without having to do so at someone-else’s expense); here is a business where they do what they say they will and here is a business which is permanent.

I can build my business with The DHS Club, feel good about doing so and be able to pass it on to my children.

The training which The DHS Club provides (which is available as part of the Club Advantage subscription which costs $49.95 initially and then $25 per month) is outstanding value for money and the underlying system, The Club Advantage business building system, is the very best on-line system that I have ever come across or even heard about: quite simply, you are never on your own, the whole system has been designed to ensure that you are properly and effectively supported every step of the way to financial independence.

Here, finally, is a company with integrity that offers a genuine opportunity to create a permanent residual income (which can be passed on to ones children) and that is led by a CEO who is honest and forthright.

If you are not yet a Member, I urge you to join for free now at my DHS Club Web Page (see the Links section of this site, click on ‘Join for Free‘) and watch your business grow while you learn.

If you are currently an Associate Member, then I invite you to very seriously consider joining our VIP team by subscribing to Club Advantage: see the Links section of this site, click on ‘DHS Club Advantage Subscription Page).

As soon as I receive confirmation that you have joined, I will be in touch to help you get started on your exciting (and fun!) journey to financial independence!

Best wishes,

Robert McGregor
Join for Free
DHS Club Advantage Subscription Page
My Info:
Name: Robert McGregor
Email: robertmcgregor@myfastmail.com