Blue Sox Baseball 2005




Blue Sox Baseball.....2001 State Games of Oregon Silver Medalist.......2004 State Games of Oregon Silver Medalist.......All Time .545 Win Percentage.......78-65 All Time Win/Loss Record.......Excellent Record of Preparing Players for College Baseball..........Welcome to the Blue Sox Dugout..........Enjoy Your Stay................

What's New....

Roster Up

Rough Draft Schedule Is Up, More To Be Added Soon




                                     We will have many new features to this website this year. Keep looking back for updates as the spring nears. Returning players are anxious to begin play in 2005 and have been instrumental in the survival of our program. Our program boasts many accomplishments and we look forward to what will be the best season in recent memory. We also will use this time to thank you for visiting our dugout and to thank returning players for their commitment during the past two seasons.

Blue Sox players celebrate at Hooters after winning the Silver Medal at the 2004 State Games.