EU Gjilane Regional Office
Kosovo Development Group - KDG
KDC- Gjilane
What KDG and KDC are ?
In July  2000 the  KDG,  has  been  created  as  a  directorate  from  the  Department  of  Reconstruction (DOR) -UNMIK EU PILLAR IV ( see main page) and coordinate  all  reconsstruction  activities.The  KDG  consist  of  a central detachment (KDC), deployed in Prishtina inside DOR organization  and  five  Kosovo  Development   Cells (KDC,s)  one  each  Region.   KDC's   are   integrated   at   Regional   level   in   the   PILLAR   IV   organization.
KDG General mision
Supporting UNMIK in the theatre wide Reconstruction and Economic Development  activities. In this framework
KDG is  responsible  to  plan  and  implement,  at  the  Regional  and  Municipal l evel,  the  DOR  responsibilities (
except  Housing,  which  is  being  implement  by  Regional  Teams  reporting  to  the  Housing  Directoriate ).
KDG Main tasks.
Establish close coordination and cooperation with KFOR-MNB,Regional Administrators,Donors and other relevant Agencies involved in the reconstruction and economic development of the region.

- Help Municipal to identify future projects.
- Identify additional requirements.
- Monitor the implementation of reconstruction activities.
KDG course of action
In order to accomplish his task KDG carried out the following actions:
- Running around to every actor playing a role in reconstruction activities (going from Municipalities to KFOR and
to Regional Administrations ) KDG  managed  to  produce  a  huge amount of finished,  ongoing  and   unfounded projects. All of these have been put in  a overall database  known as
RIMS -(Reconstruction Intervention Monitoring System)

- A sort of database, called
PRIP - (Public Reconstruction and Investment Program), has been  created  by  KDC'
at regional level. It consist in asmaller data base then
RIMS made up of unfounded projects. This PRIP  has  been
sent to DOR with the aim of allowing the central departments to fit these prioitized projects into the  2001  budget plan.

- Apart from the feedback on this
PRIP 2001 exercise, which in process and has not finished (Donors - EU pillar  meeting will take place the next 26th of February),it is clear that a new PRIP 2002 is expecting  for  the  incoming fiscal year.
PRIP 2002 guidlines (draft)
Produce fewer projects than last year, but of higher quality.Fit them properly into the municipal and general plans.
Obtain a general framework sector be sector, Region by Region to allow Central Authority  to  have  a  clear  idea about "
municipalities needs in term of reconstruction" and better manage the related activities.
What we are  waiting for ?
We strongly believe that everything can help us increase our possibilities to prepare a stunning  new  PRIP  2002.
According to this statement we need to receive every possible relevant information to set out a list of municipality
needs. So we are ready to collect and bring together every suggestion or personal vision concerning  how  to  set projects and prioritizer them, in order to make all them suitable for receiving funds.
Village Employment and Rehabilitation Programme
-view it
Here is PIP 2002 view
Some Projects
Future Projects
Regional Gjilane Hospital
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