----------------------SERENA KILL THE KENNEDIES
Chapter 2 - THE TRANSFER
	After school, at the sidewalk SERENA and LITA walking togheter in 
direction of the mall. LUNA is there too, she is walking a couple of 
footsteps of the girls. Luna is thinking about the last attack of the 
Negaverse, was a little time which nothing happens, so something bad is 
going to happen, she was worried.
	Suddenly a strange guy appears, he's DARIEN.
	"Hello Meatball head, Hello Metaball's Friend" He said
	"HUHHH, I hate when you call me 'Meatball head' " Serena replied
	"Hey, you are a growed guy, you shouldn't insult girls like us." 
Lita complete.
	"Sorry Meatball's, the truth I like you, but both you still have 
meatball's in your head."
	"Let's go Serena, this guy is a looser." 
	"Be carefull, the future nobody knows!" Darien said
	The girls continue walking, whithout understand what he tried to 
tell with that phrase.
	After a little time, they continue talking.
	"Today, miss Haruna, teach us the periodic table, it's so strange, 
full of letters and numbers of molecules, i guess" Said Serena
	"I know it, is about the size and eletrical charge of the atoms"
	"Why do we learn it? it's nonsense"
	"It's important if will be a chemist, though you never knows when 
you can need a information from this classes. But I would like more if was 
cooking classes"
	"Me too" laughs "Me too... Lita when will you  cook for us again ? 
	"Soon, Serena! Soon."
	"You cook is terrific, when I remember I get hungry..!"
	Luna behind her, only listening what they talking.
	Luna stops, she looks thru a alley, she saw a big bird into the 
darkness. In this moments the Cat basic instinct's control her. She ran 
trying to take the bird. "Meow !"
	"Luna, come'on" Said Serena.
	When Luna saw the bird in the lightness, she keep scared. 
It's a owl, Luna know about owls, but he know what don't have owls in 
Japan. The OWL take off, flying thru a alley's corner.
	In the end of the alley, Luna saw a hole full of a black liquid 
circulate by some white stones. She felt a smell like something is burning. 
The owl is behind the hole. Luna Jump to take the owl, when she is above 
the hole, the cat and the owl have vanished. The alley is empty now.
	"Luna! Lita keep here. I will look up for Luna" said Serena, 
entering in the alley.
	Serena approach the hole, smelling the burning smell. "HUGH". 
Serena heard a meow from the hole. Serena Jumps the hole, and disappear too.
	A second after Serena is in that red room. "OOPS... Luna ! Come in !"
 She said, with a little afraid. Into the red room have three armchair's 
and one table with lamp-shade which looks like the Saturn Planet and a 
famous statue "Venus di Millo". Serena continue walking thru the room, 
and she cross a curtain.
	"Luna you are here, let's go little cat"
	So Serena has noticed herself, isn't the same place, it's a deposit
full of boxes, smelling old things, don't have red curtains any more, only
she and Luna between lots of boxes.
	"Hello! Anybody??" Serena yelled.
	"It's not good" Luna said
	"Why did you run from me?"
	"I was running to take a big bird."
	"Cats, cats, cats."
	"It's instict, i can't hold on"
	"Now, where is this"
	"I Don't know, meow!"
	"And about that red room ?"
	"Something bad brought us to here, maybe a time warp between 
important occurrences in the history."
	Serena walks, and saw some windows behind the boxes. She goes at 
the windows, and saw a parade in the streets, she notice herself it's a 
building. She looks at his side and saw a man leaned in another window's 
parapet, the man is holding a big gun.
	"Helloooo, man? What kind of place is this?"
	The man turned very scared. Aiming his gun to Serena the man said:
	"What a hell you are doing here? Go ! Go ! You can't see what I am 
going to do .!!"
	"aaahhhh" Yelled Serena !
	"It's not a show. The future of the world is in my hands" he 
continues "I am going to enter for the history, and some years all the 
world will know me, I am LEE HARVEY OSWALD!"

Paulo F. M. Freire at s962291@geocities.com
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