Welcome to TheKing1980

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Some facts about me:
My real name is Pavel Pech (17). I am studying at SPSE (Electro-technical High Scool) in my hometown Plzen. My hobbies are: sports, programming and finaly travelling (I am hitchhiker). My favorite sport is hockey (I'm goalkeeper). I know these programming languages: BASIC (on the old Commodore 64), Turbo Pascal, Borland Pascal (7.0), Assembler (2.0) and finaly Turbo C++ 1.0 (but just a little bit). I like also fast cars (lamborghini, ferrari, porsche). My favorite music bands are: Jon Bon Jovi, Doors, Green Day and also Phil Collins and Ace of Base.
Here You can download my latest programms:
Date of release Name Description Size Let's get
March 97 SCON
SpeedControl - This small TSR programm allow you to slow down your computer as much as you want. THIS PROGRAMM'S MEMORY USAGE IS 76 BYTES or none!!!
June 97 TI TI - TakeIt - This small TSR programm is able to duplicate twenty created or modified files to specified directory at once !!! 2292 B TI.ZIP
(not sorted yet)
(not sorted yet)

E-Mail me how you like my homepage or if you have any question about my programms
This homepage has been created on 12.4.97 and last updated on 15.6.97

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times since 11.5.97

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