Well, if you have some spare time in KB try to visit a woodcarving shop, my own recomandation is at 4373-B J.Kebun Sultan. The people working there is very friendly and they will most certainly show you around and maybe you can pick up some woodcarving. I did, made myself a wooden Gecko lizard (actually a hybrid, looks like a crossbreed between a Monitor Lizard and a Gecko), and the little bastard is on display right here! The woodcarving master Iszhal bin Ismail is a friend of me and would be happy to show other interested persons around (gives him a chance to practice his english, which is already good).

  The number one place to go is the Perhentian Islands (they are not part of Kelantan, but its so close that most people going there goes via KB). If you fancy beaches, snorkelling, diving and the like this is the place for you. I spent a month on the small Island. Tried to catch some fish but they were very hard to trick. And then there is snorkelling....You can expect to se the usual coralreef-fishes, and then if you are lucky...Napoleon fish, Blacktip reef sharks, Turtles, Grouper's(BIG), Barracuda, plus lots of other things. I saw a really BIG Grouper, must have been around 20-30 kg poking around in the corals early one morning, also got to se Napoleon fish (Enourmous app 80kg), Muray eel etc. This place is truly one of the best snorkelling places i have been to, No1 is Pulau Wee on the nortern tip of Sumatra, but that is not discussed here (Puerto Galera, Philippines is a very close No2). Most GuestHouses in KB will arrange transport to the ferrys (about 1 hour with shared taxi, they still have those old 60's Mercedes in KB and some of them in mint condition!). If you have expensive cameras etc, wrap it in waterproof plastic bags, the final approach to the island is by small boat and it's a fact that they sometimes during rough weather capzise!!

Your's truly don't have any good pictures from Perhentian to add to the Image Gallary, maybe you could help me out with this? If so, please send me a mail.


Do you have any suggestions of what to do around KB, please share your experiences with the rest of us, send a mail


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