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Polymita Taxonomy Page

The Polymita sp. photo page #11

This is a photo and information page for the Polymita sp. of Cuba.
The listed species, subspecies,varieties and forms do not all have
available photos at the moment, they will have verified photos if I can
find specimens to photograph.

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Aperture Key to the Polymita picta Subspecies

Identification of the Polymita picta ssp.

The Polymita picta and subspecies are separable by the columellar "color blotch"
as indicated in the above photograph.

    - P. picta picta has a small narrow blotch of dark variable color which is always interrupted by
       the growth arrest line. The interruption of the blotch always occurs by either colored or clear
       growth arrest lines.
    - P. picta iolimbata has an "iodine" or reddish brown columellar blotch with sharply defined
      external border.
    - P. picta fuscolimbata has a brownish to black columellar blotch with external border that
      is diffuse and seems to have been painted on with a fine nib pen or brush.
    - P. picta roseolimbata has a light to dark rose colored columellar blotch with sharply defined
      external border.
    - P. picta nigrolimbata has a dark black columellar blotch with sharply defined external border.

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