Purchase a prescription drug book like Worst Pills
and learn the side effects and adverse effects of all drugs. They all have side effects. Learn about the legal pill you have had prescribed to you by doctors and the withdrawal information if any.

Keep a diary, write down all your pain you are feeling every day when you can.

Keep a log and jot down all your fears throughout recovery. The first 200 fears will give you an idea what's going on.

Stick with only mild exercise, walking around the neighborhood to get rid of physical stress that the body's going through from pain.

Stay away from stressful situations in withdrawals if we think we feel good. Don't start inviting people to your home and start pleasing again as you're not ready for that yet. Get away from friends that use you as thery are not really friends anyway as we all find out later on in recovery.

Start learning only to think positive when we get off drugs. We worry about everything but ourselves and we tend to want to fix people, places and things like in the past while on drugs. Prayer is the opposite of worrying all the time. We want things to happen and take place right now. That's our anxiety and anxious thoughts ( hurry up and wait attitude ). So quit thinking negatively and try to learn to think of just pleasant thoughts.

Try to learn not to try to change others to your ways of thinking, thats part of our problem and the cause of our anxieties. Our serenity prayer becomes part of our way to learn to live normal again.

We learn in P.A.A. how to live normal again, and to handle those normal human emotions, and not let them get the best of us. We learn too that it's normal to be sad, glad, happy, unhappy and that it's OK to cry once in a while.

Stomach cramps: Lie on the stomach on the floor, try to stretch the arms out, for burning in the stomach, malox or other antacids help. For gas pains I took Gas-X ( Simethicone ) also for burning intestines.

Tension in shoulder, chest arms exercise on floor by sitting on legs, then lean forward placing forehead on the floor. Place arms along side of body and turn head to the left side then the right. Remain that way for about 10 minutes as it relieves a lot of tense anxious feelings after that.

Chest, arms and shoulder cramps: Stand and place your shoulders backward and extend your arms outward to do big arm circles for a few minutes. This relieves tension in the chest, shoulders and arms.

Use a heating pad for all muscle pain or a hot bath.

Accupressure: have another person massage the cramped parts of your back,at the center or near the top of the shoulders. Also apply pressure to neck and back of head and temples. Try using your couch to press up against if no one is there to help massage you. A professional electric back massager is helpful for head and neck tension. See part ONE for recommended massager.

Driving was the best tension reliever for me and just driving in my own neighborhood was helpful. I also placed a hard object behind my back while driving to break the muscle contractions in my back. I drove thousands of miles in my recovery but drove no where in particular but staying off the highways at first.