News and Commentary on Ethiopia/Eritrea Conflict:
April 03, 1999 to April 09, 1999

Week ending April 9, 1999: (For more news see Ben's Newspage )
  • Miscellaneous News Roundup:
    Djibouti gears up for presidential elections (Reuters; Apr 7)
    Djiboutians Skeptical on Elections (AP; Apr 8)
    Eritrea invites private aid groups to return (AP; Apr 8)
    U.N. To Feed 640,000 Drought-Stricken Ethiopians (Reuters; Apr 8)
    Rebel group holding French aid worker (BBC; Apr 7)
    Lions And Hyenas Battle In Ethiopian Desert (Reuters; Apr 8)

  • Ethiopia-Eritrea Front (VOA; Apr 8)

  • Video Link: Captured Eritrean Soldiers Describe Failed Attack On Monday, March 29, five Eritrean brigades launched an attack against Ethiopian defense lines west of Badime. This daylong attack was defeated and a large number of Eritrean POWs were taken. The POWs are from units that were part of the Eritrean 271 Corps (2nd Division) and 2001 Corps. (ETV; Apr 5, 1999)

  • Ethiopia mobilizes more recruits, Eritrea extends conscription: According to the ION (4/3), Eritrea has stopped issuing exit visas to all male citizens under the age of 40 and is drafting those who previously were granted exemptions from military service. The article also claims that "Two weeks ago, two Ethiopian aircraft (a Mig and a Sukhoi) penetrated within 56 km of Asmara before turning back, and there is growing fear across Eritrea that its capital might be bombed, particularly as Ethiopian aircraft regularly overfly south-western Eritrea."

  • Links to articles from "The Reporter" Newspaper, Addis Abeba:
    Systematic management or elimination? (Article discusses the proposed new broadcast law). "Despite the constitutional provision (Article 29/4) which is there to protect the independence of the press from the government, the recent proclamation was drafted in such a way as to create a legal sphere wherein the broadcasting media could exist only as long as the government is not disappointed with them."

    Listening is important "After the war with Eritrea is over, it is the co-operation of the people and government in Ethiopia that in the final analysis will put the country on the right track towards a healthy and sustainable growth. It is here that the government must learn to be more open and accountable to the people and address their grievances by listening. Till now, people have complained about numerous issues through whatever means possible, and in many cases the government has turned a deaf ear. Accountability of government officials at all levels is important."

    Heed our purpose A response to a previous article in which "The Reporter" newspaper discussed a symposium: "Public Access to Information" organized by the Forum for Social Studies on March 25, 1999.

Featured Link:
Two Adventurous South Africans Spend Several Months Wandering Around Ethiopia

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The news items posted here are selected reports that cover significant developments. More information can generally be found by using the various sources in the newsstand.

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