News and Commentary on Ethiopia/Eritrea Conflict:
March 13, 1999 to March 19, 1999

Week ending March 19, 1999:

Video images from Operation Sunset
Links to ETV:

Part 6: Tuesday, Feb 23
Advancing into forward positions... Counteroffensive begins with night-time artillery barrage... Artillery bombardment continues into daylight... Three-pronged attack on Eritrean Mereb-Setit line... Tanks and infantry execute swift attack at 6:45 AM... First objective captured by 7:30 AM...

Part 7:
Ethiopian Air Force provides ground support... Tank and artillery barrages...

Part 8:
Intense small arms fire... Commanders direct the battle...

Part 9
Ethiopian troops and tanks advance across Eritrean trenches (Guemhalo)... Eritrean POWs herded to the rear... A burning Eritrean Mig-29 falls out of the sky... Mereb-Setit line collapses as remaining objectives (Dembe Megul and Hadish Adi) are captured... Ethiopian troops prepare all night for expected counterattack...

Part 10 (Wed Feb 24/ Thurs Feb 25)
Waves of Eritrean counterattacks smashed... Dust and fires obscure battlefield as artillery pounds Eritrean attackers... Eritrean forces begin retreating in disarray...

Part 11 (Friday Feb 26)
Ethiopian forces advance into Badime... Civilians welcome Ethiopian soldiers... Ethiopian flag raised...

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The news items posted here are selected reports that cover significant developments. More information can generally be found by using the various sources in the newsstand.

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