Mentor Press

Publisher of

The simplest introduction to language structure in the English language.

"The Byte and Bits of Language is a rare gem, remarkable for the brevity and clarity in which the author unfolds the basic tools of sentence writing(and reading) in the simplest terms possible. Max Berkovitz has devoted a lifetime teaching young students how to write. Having been one of those students (over 25 years ago), I can assure you that young men and women will come away from this little volume with a feeling of enlightenment and all the power and confidence that a mastery of the English language can provide."

-- Robert H. Kohn, Esq., Winner of the 1994 Encyclopedia Britannica Essay Contest for his essay, Mind and Brian: the Genius of Fortune, co-author of Kohn On Music Licensing, and vice president and general counsel of Pretty Good Privacy, Inc.

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