BlackDog's Home Page

Black-Puppy-Welcome.gif (14384 bytes)


BlackDog the wav by Led Zeppelin

My Sister said I should not be playing this constantly

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God Bless America

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Veterans Day

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Biographical Information
Personal Interests
Contact Information
Some Links I Like

Biographical Information

I live in Saint Louis, MO, but was born in East St. Louis, IL. I have lived all over the world however with the Air Force.
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Kansas, The Sunflower State

College U. S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
Graduation Picture (mind you this was in umm 1978 and I don't look like this anymore!)
I have worked for Sprint for more than 10 years (tossing you a dime as you read this). Now I am a Computer Consultant (Imagine that).

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Visit Sprint's site at

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Personal Interests

Enjoying family and friends, IRC (Internet Relay Chat), travelling, sports, music and good parties !!! Playing Bridge... Visit the MSN Zone...
Places I have been

Major League Baseball

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Music (Jazz, Rock, Blues, Soul and umm yes Country)

Poetry I have collected
#35plus IRC party in Manhattan NY
#30+divorced/sep party in Charlotte, NC
Las Vegas 2000


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Contact Information

Electronic mail address

Web address

These pages include graphics by Pat and may be obtained at:

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Last revised: December 28, 2001