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Let me know your favorite way to prepare the bean soup -- otherwise known as artificial sleep, black gold, coffeine, jet fuel, magic elixier, and nap suppresant (any others?). We'll feature it here, where others can partake of your special delicious blend of pick-me-up and satisfaction in a cup.
(make sure to add you 're e-mail and homepage info, so I may give credit where credit is due)

(coffee recipe of the month)


Take two scoops of vanilla ice cream, 10 espresso beans, a dash of real vanilla, a tsp of almond extract, milk to suit, put ingredients into a blender and mix then poor this refreshing coffee drink into a tall glass with a dollop of whip cream and some sprinkles on top.
submitted be: me :)

All Time Favorites

A dark roast coffee extracted under high pressure. Be sure to use good quality espresso! Contrary to popular belief, one shot of espresso actually has the equivalent amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. The best espresso is brewed with one of those huge metal (likely brass) machines you see in cafes. After that, beware the personal espresso maker, even from companies whose coffee makers are fantastic! Remember that your espresso grind needs to be finer when it is wet or humid outside.
1/3 shot espresso, 1/3 steamed milk,1/3 milk froth.
dry cappuccino
Use less milk, more foam.
café latte
Steamed milk and shot(s) of espresso.
café au lait
Like a latte but made with brewed coffee instead of espresso. About ˝ coffee and &frac; steamed milk.
hazelnut café
This is another variation on the latte. Use hazelnut coffee instead of espresso and steamed hot chocolate instead of milk. (This drink goes by a thousand different names!)
hot chocolate
Use high quality hot chocolate: either Ghiradelli's chocolate powder or semi-sweet bakers chocolate shavings. Proportions for a mug are 1 Tbs. powder or 3 Tbs. shavings. Mix chocolate with milk. Just steam; don't froth. Top with fresh whipped cream.
café mocha
Steamed hot chocolate with shot(s) of espresso and whipped cream.
Steamed hot chocolate, espresso and white milk foam.
Shot of espresso topped with foam. Like cappuccino without milk layer.
Shot of espresso brewed on top of hot water. The on top part is essential because you do not want to break the golden creme on top of the espresso. So brew the espresso directly into the water-filled serving cup if the cup will fit under your espresso machine.

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CAFE'2'BOOT / Cybercook / / revised Oct. '97