This web page consists of all the information that you require to know about Zambia.

Zambia's Major Attractions

Map of Zambia

Victoria Falls, Livingstone

About 437 km south of Lusaka is the Victoria Falls, named by Dr David Livingstone in 1855 after Queen Victoria of Britain, located on the Zambia / Zimbabwe border. Since the building of the Knife-edge Footbridge a few years ago, stunning views of this single tourist spectacle in Africa are now possible. Spray leaps hundreds of metres into the air, accompanied by an ever-present rainbow and aptly reflecting the Falls' local name, Mosi-oa-Tunya. (The Smoke That Thunders).

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Shumbu National Park / Lake Tanganyika

Although landlocked, Zambia has water resorts on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in the north of the country. Fine world-class game fishing is a major feature here. This inland sea, one of the seven largest lakes in the world, contains Goliath Tiger fish, which have been landed at 35kg, Nile perch over 50kg, and giant catfish of over 50kg.

There are three lodges: Kasaba Bay, Nkamba Bay Beach and Ndole Bay and boating on the lake. Every year in February or March a national fishing competition is held at Kasaba Bay, which is attended by fishermen from all over the world.

Luangwa National Park

The park is about 968km from Lusaka, in northeast Zambia. Christened the Last Kingdom of Elephants, the ecologically unspoiled South Luangwa National Park is undoubtedly the finest wildlife sanctuary in Africa, and probably the world.

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Kafue National Park

Africa's most extensive stretch of conserved pure nature, larger than Switzerland. Almost all sub-tropical African antelopes and their predators are found in this vast area. Magnificant clean Kafue River, crocs, hippos, fishing.

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National Parks in Zambia

Introduction to Zambia

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