Jewish Marriages and Blessings
This site is designed to give support and guidance if you are seeking a rabbi, (based in London, but willing to travel,) to officiate at a religious life-cycle ceremony, such as those related to "Births, Marriages and Deaths."

If you are looking at this site, it may be because either you have no access to a rabbi, or your local rabbi is either unable, or unwilling to offer you the services that you seek. Alternatively, it may be due to the rulings laid down by your local "Bet Din" (religious court.)

The most common question is how to find a rabbi willing to officiate, or even co-officiate at interfaith, or mixed faith ceremony. This could be to celebrate a wedding, or the birth of a child.

It could also be that you are looking for someone to officiate at a cremation, or funeral.

Increasingly same gender couples are also seeking rabbis, as such unions become legally recognised in Europe.

Please send me an e-mail describing the problem you are trying to resolve and I will try and find an answer.

Mixed Marriages
Ketuba World
Thai Wedding
Version en Francais
Contact Details
Name: Rabbi Guy Hall