
it was in that moment when himura kenshin propose to tomoe. for half a year they lived in otsu. tomoe never smile until kenshin promises tomoe that he shall protect her happiness. leaving her second beloved, tomoe left to tetsumi and his gang. tetsumi soon realize that tomoe is kenshin weakness, hit tomoe making her unconcious. kenshin discovered that tomoe was a spy, still went to rescue tomoe no matter what. being injured and killing one after another, kenshin confronted tetsumi. tomoe awaken and sees are dead fiance, kiyosato and realize that she loves kenshin and she must protect him. kenshin injured closes his eyes and think about his promise to tomoe slashes deeply with his sword. once opening his eyes, he see his love in front of him receiving the slash into her heart. "TOMOE!!!" "T..Tomoe..?" tomoe resting in kenshin lap grabs the dagger she retreive from tetsumi and gently cut kenshin cheek cross the other scar from kiyosato. "I'm...sorry..Darling.." and there tomoe slept for eternity....
what was that for? will this is what relates to kenshin first love. and now he has a second lover. kaoru. kenshin swore to protect kaoru for as long as he live. and he also married kaoru fifteen years later with a child that looks like a child kenshin. i also like this kaoru and kenshin thing, so here is my humbe shrine dedicating their love by pictures!!! these art are drawn by me, so no stealing without permission. e-mail: eva00nan@webtv.net

kenshin in front, kaoru background drawn on 11.9.99-11.11.99

same as above drawn on 12.17.99