Starting Point.... ONLINE AND UPDATED
Starting Point









  News and Updates


I've failed you guys, and I've been really bad about updating the site.
Please forgive me, and I promise that I'm going to try and make it up
to you all. My strip has ended its run in The Daily Cardinal, but it
will live on in some form on this site, as I plan on adding new strips
(perhaps in a slightly different, less conventional format) on this site.
More updates soon guys...


 Alright kids, a bunch of comics have been added. I've begun
 the first minor storyline of the semester, hope that you
 enjoy it in all of it's mundane glory. Stay tuned to the
 comic for big things, and stay tuned to the webpage for many
 more comics.


 I typed the address of this website into tomorrow's comic,
 so if you actually saw the address and decided to come here,
 thanks, welcome to my site. Every page should be working
 right now, although none of them are complete yet. Check out
 the site and have a good time.


 Alright, after being convinced by friends concerned about my 
 general laziness, I've finally started a crude website for
 Starting Point. It's not much to look at right now, but I plan 
 to keep it pretty updated, and eventually include a full archive 
 of old strips. It should be fun, so stick around.


 I'm going to give myself one day to figure out HTML. 
 It can be done.