Entertainment Weekly (Dec 2002)
Age: 19.

Moment of Arrival: Playing Ephram Brown, the fragile teenager who confronts his physician dad and pines for the girl next door in a way that makes millions of viewers of The WB's new hit Everwood want to give him a hug.

How He Got the Part: The gangly Canadian-born actor admits that he "didn't do a very good job" on the first audition, but fortunately, one of the producers remembered him from his work in the straight-to-video pic The Climb .

How Lucky Charms Helped Him: "When I was, like, 11, I got these two Leapin' Leprechaun movies and shot them in Romania. I had never been outside of Vancouver, and that changed my life."

What Fame Has Brought: Endless teasing from Everwood's bully Chris Pratt, who is Smith's housemate on location in Utah. "Chris came to work one day and he was like, 'Hey, Greg, guess what I did last night? I went to TheWb.com and downloaded my own life-sized Gregory poster.' The crew gave me the hardest time about that.

What Fame Has Not Brought: Fame. "Nobody even recognizes me! But I'm not complaining. If I ever say 'Don't you know who I am?' I will promptly quit acting."

What's Next: Peace in the valley for Ephram and Greg. "This is the longest and hardest I've ever worked in my life. I just want to chill out!" - Caroline Kepnes