EDNA: I worry about my Harold, too. He died two years ago. For a long time I used to wonder if he was OK. If he's... anywhere even. If he can see me. I used to make myself nuts over it. But you know what? You know what? I didn't see it till you came along. Making myself nuts was my way of knowing he's still around. Because you looking all over for God, that's your mom. That's how you know she's OK. She's in you, looking. OK, Private, let's press on.

[They put their goggles on.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown and Ephram in the woods. They've reached a clearing and are both looking tired.]

DR. BROWN: Why aren't we there yet?

EPHRAM: Because we're out of shape. How far back was Mountain Lion Pass?

DR. BROWN: Four blisters ago.

EPHRAM: New boots?

DR. BROWN: Yeah, I got it now.

[Ephram laughs.]

DR. BROWN: Wait a minute... you smell that?

EPHRAM: Nah. I don't smell anything.

DR. BROWN: The sign! We made it! You got us here.

EPHRAM: The reserve. It's up here. C'mon!

[They start running and reach the top. Ephram looks around and his face drops. The trees have all been burnt and the land is now barren.]

EPHRAM: She was supposed to be safe here. She can't survive in this.

[He takes off his bag and throws it on the ground.]

EPHRAM: Dammit!

DR. BROWN: It's OK, Ephram.

[Ephram's eyes well up.]

EPHRAM: No, it's not. Where's she gonna go now, huh? What's she gonna do now?

DR. BROWN: We'll hike a mile up, try and find another patch in the reserve.

EPHRAM: No, that isn't her home. All I wanted to do was bring her home.

DR. BROWN: You did, Ephram. It's just gone.

EPHRAM: This is where she belongs.

DR. BROWN: She'll, she'll do what we did. She'll find a new home.

EPHRAM: Our home was in New York. Our home was with Mom.

DR. BROWN: It was. But she's gone now, we can't go back. We left New York because there was nothing left for us, anymore. Ephram, what you're hanging on to... is, [motioning to the burnt scrub] this.

EPHRAM: [crying] I just wanna go back.

DR. BROWN: I know.

[They embrace and Ephram cries on his father's shoulder.]

DR. BROWN: I know. Me too.


[Back in a new area of the woods. Ephram bends down to talk to the deer.]

EPHRAM: OK, Bambi. Now I know this isn't your old home, but, looks doable to me. Then again, I used to go to school above 96th street. Anyway, there's no hunting up here. Now I'd love to tell you that everthing's gonna be OK. That's what everyone told me but, it's just not. You can stay here, or you can go back. Either way, it's gonna suck. But I figure, at least when it sucks, you know you're alive. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's OK when everything sucks, it means you're somewhere. Now, I gotta go.

[He unties her and she runs off.]

DR. BROWN: Everything OK?

EPHRAM: As good as it's gonna be.

[They start the long hike home.]

[Cut to the Everwood Elementary school bus dropping them off. They wave to Irv and head inside.]

[Cut to the both of them inside, sitting on the couch with their feet up, absolutely exhausted. Ephram looks at his father.]