AMY: I've gotta go get in the shower. Oh, can you do me a favor? Can you grab my necklace? I left it on the hall, outside the kitchen.

[He nods. Amy takes off upstairs. Dr. Abbott walks into the hall and notices the necklace hanging on a framed copy of the paper article. The note attached to it on the outside reads "To my crazy father" and inside reads "The best doctor in 3 counties. Love Amy xoxo." Dr. Abbott smiles.]

[Cut to the Brown house. Dr. Brown puts a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and sees a plate of cookies.]

DR. BROWN: Are these for regular people, or just major deities?

DELIA: [deadpan] They're for you.

DR. BROWN: Thank you. Tell me you didn't give Edna a hard time.

DELIA: I tried not to.

DR. BROWN: Did you two find God nicely?

[Delia pops a DVD into the machine.]


DR. BROWN: Really? Where was he?

DELIA: The gas tank.

DR. BROWN: I knew it.

[Delia joins her father on the couch and snuggles up next to him.]

DELIA: Magilla says that it's just a coincidence.

DR. BROWN: Mmm. That reminds me of something your mom used to say. She said that coincidence was just God's way of preserving physics.

DELIA: What's that mean?

DR. BROWN: You got me. She was awful pretty.

[He kisses her on the forehead. Ephram walks past, in the background.]

DR. BROWN: Hey. We're doing snacks and ah...

DELIA: Black Beauty.

DR. BROWN: You wanna watch?

EPHRAM: No thanks. I got something I gotta take care of.

[He walks out.]

[Cut to Ephram knocking on the Abbotts' door. Dr. Abbott answers.]

DR. ABBOTT: You! Why do you look as though you're about to vomit?

EPHRAM: 'Cause I might.

DR. ABBOTT: [over his shoulder] Amy! [to Ephram] Remain outside, please.

AMY: [off-screen] Coming!

DR. ABBOTT: Your father didn't happen to mention anything about me, did he? Perhaps something he read in the paper?

EPHRAM: Ah, not that I know of. My dad doesn't really do the Pinecone though.


[Amy approaches the door. She's toweling her hair.]

AMY: Well well, the warrior is back from his vision quest. Did you find your spirit animal? Let me guess, you're a... marmot.

EPHRAM: I have to talk to you for a minute. You're gonna be really pissed, but please, hear me out before you hate me.

AMY: Go on.

EPHRAM: We made spaghettios, in the woods. Sandwiches too, but I-I-I took the spaghettio can and put it right in the fire, which I got started, by the way. I-I-I stacked up the kindling like a, a triangle or a...

AMY: Ephram.


AMY: Start again.

EPHRAM: Right. Right. Hi.

AMY: Hi.