DELIA: You forgot to buy juice, too.

DR. BROWN: Eat your cookie!

[Ephram takes the garbage out to the porch and notices the deer.]

EPHRAM: Hey there. A little lost? Tell me about it.

[He approaches her and takes a piece of bread out of the garbage for her. She eats it.]

EPHRAM: Want some more?

[He reaches in the bag to get more food for her.]

[Cut to Everwood Elementary, then to Miss Violet's classroom. Delia's painting pinecones. Magilla is on her right and sneezes.]

DELIA: God bless you.

MAGILLA: Why would you say that?

DELIA: You sneezed.

MAGILLA: So. I don't believe in God.

DELIA: What do you mean you don't believe in God? Everyone believes in him.

MAGILLA: It's like Santa. They just tell kids about God to get them to go to bed on time or stop picking their scabs.

DELIA: Then who made everything?

MAGILLA: I don't know, but not God. He isn't real.

DELIA: Well I believe in him.

MAGILLA: Oh, yeah? Where is he?

DELIA: Everywhere... Heaven.

MAGILLA: Prove it. If there's a God, why doesn't he knock this cup over.

[Another boy, named Arnie, joins the conversation.]

ARNIE: My dad said you can't prove there's a God. You just have to have faith.

MAGILLA: Oh, yeah? Your dad's poor. There's no God and that's it.



MISS VIOLET: Ah ah ah, stop it you two! Arnie, go sit with the girls. There's a fresh pot of the orange paint you like to eat. Delia, are you starting fights again?

DELIA: I just had a question... about God.

MISS VIOLET: What's the question, Delia?

DELIA: How do you prove there's a God?

MISS VIOLET: Well... seeing as how we're approaching the Hanukah, let's say your people believe in God because of the oil.

DELIA: The what?

MISS VIOLET: Way back in something-something before Christ, who your people don't believe in anyway, the Hebrews were chased out of their land... again. But when they got back, there was only enough oil to light their lamp for one day. They said 'to the heck with it' and used it all up. But it turned out the oil that was only enough for one day, lasted eight whole days. Now if you don't mind, those pine bells aren't gonna glitter themselves.

[Cut to County High. Amy approaches Ephram in the hallway.]

AMY: I need to come talk to you.

EPHRAM: Ah, I don't think I'm qualified to advise anyone right now.

AMY: Oh, but this is your specialty. I need some fresh reading material, thought I'd give one of your comics a whirl.

EPRHAM: I thought girls liked beauty magazines and books about ponies.

AMY: It's for Colin. I've finished reading him 'Call of the Wild'. I need something easy on the eyes. Come on, lend me one please?

[He pulls some out.]

EPHRAM: Well... we have, an assortment of Manga imports. Although Japanese non-linear storytelling might be a bit much for him. Or the latest 'Green Lantern'. You know, traditional good triumphs over evil stuff.

[She grabs it.]