DELIA: At first, I let him take stuff 'cause I thought he'd be my friend. But now, he just takes whatever he wants.

DR. BROWN: Honey, just because you want people to like you, it doesn't mean you have to give everything away.

DELIA: Then, how come you don't charge your patients?

DR. BROWN: That's very different.

[Ephram sits up, very interested in what his father has to say.]

EPHRAM: Go on.

DR. BROWN: This boy is stealing from your sister. Delia, either you and I are gonna have to talk to Miss Violet or I...

EPHRAM: Forget it. He's a bully. You've gotta kick his butt, that's the only way to deal with a bully.

DR. BROWN: That's not true. There's a proper way to deal with the situation...

DELIA: He took Mom's bookmark.

DR. BROWN: And that's to kick his butt.

[Someone knocks on the door. Walter is there.]

WALTER: Evening, Doc. I got your message, you're all done with the boat.

DR. BROWN: Ephram, Delia. This is Mr. Cunningham, one of my patients who let me borrow his Sea Breeze. A real delight, Walter. You might wanna think about patching it next time with something more lasting than ear wax.

WALTER: Oh, sprung a leak did ya?

[Walter notices the pizza and makes his way inside.]

WALTER: Ooo, Gino Chang's. He works magic with that crust.

[Nina approaches the door.]

DR. BROWN: Oh, hey. I'm glad you came over. I was gonna come by after dinner and just apologize profusely.

NINA: Andy.

DR. BROWN: I really screwed up. I should never have said anything. I don't know what came over me, I just get caught up in this spur of the moment...

NINA: Andy, you can make it up to me by giving me a ride.

DR. BROWN: Ride? Where?

[She looks down at her tummy. Dr. Brown realizes she's gonna deliver.]

DR. BROWN: To the hospital. How close are you?

NINA: Close.

DR. BROWN: OK. Delia? I want you to finish your dinner. Ephram, I need you to come with me.


DR. BROWN: In case we don't make it all the way, I'm gonna need your help.

EPHRAM: Wait a second.

DR. BROWN: Don't argue with me. Just go grab the keys. Walter, would you watch my daughter?

WALTER: No can do. It's Thursday, I watch Oz tonight.

DR. BROWN: Remember what you said about taking and not giving in return? Here's your chance to give, Walter. Watch my daughter, please? And you're watching The Wizard of Oz. You got it?

[Dr. Brown, Nina and Ephram head out.]

WALTER: [to Delia] That Oz gives me nightmares.

DELIA: Me too.

[Cut to the car. Ephram and Nina are in the back. Nina is breathing heavily.]

NINA: Oh God

EPHRAM: Ah, Dad. Maybe you need to stop.

DR. BROWN: We can't stop. You all right, Nina?

EPHRAM: We should've called an ambulance.

NINA: No, no. No ambulance. I can not have my baby in an ambulance.

DR. BROWN: How do you feel about a donut shop?