DELIA: How's Nina?

DR. BROWN: Very tired.

EPHRAM: [from inside] Delia!

[Ephram comes out.]

EPHRAM: You've got a phone call. Who's Magilla?

DELIA: The kid who stole your yo-yo.

EPHRAM: Great. What does he want now?

DELIA: I think he wants to be my friend.

DR. BROWN: Your friend?

DELIA: It's complicated.


[Delia walks inside. Ephram sits on a chair on the porch, looking over to the right, to Nina's house.]

EPHRAM: I don't know how she did it. I don't know how anyone could just hand over a baby.

DR. BROWN: I think the issue's more focused on someone else's gain, not her loss.

EPHRAM: Still. I don't envy that kid.


EPHRAM: Well, think about it. When he's 10, his mother's a senior citizen. When he's 15, she's like, what? 70? One slip in the tub, she breaks her hip. Could be dead before he graduates high school.

DR. BROWN: You're right. Then again, she may live to be a hundred. Maybe that kid will be luckier than you.

[Ephram gives his father an understanding look. They both sit in silence on the porch.]

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