BRENDA: Oh, sure. Right. And these aren't my thighs but somehow one morning and had to give up spandex.

NINA: No, you don't understand. I...I'm carrying this baby for someone else.

[Everyone, including Dr. Brown, look around in shock. Brenda notices Dr. Brown is still there.]

BRENDA: [to Dr. Brown] Do you know what she's talking about?

[Dr. Brown gives no indication that he did.]



[Open on the exterior of County High.]

[Cut to the interior. Ephram is by his locker, listening to music on his headset. A little ways down and across the hallway, Amy and two of her friends named Page (a blonde) and Kayla (a brunette) are talking by Amy's open locker. Ephram closes his locker, looks around, takes his earpieces out of his ears, and starts walking toward Amy. Page and Kayla walk away, seeing Ephram walking towards them.]

PAGE: Oh, look. Here comes Geek Boy.

AMY: Oh, you guys are awful.


AMY: Later guys. [to Ephram] Hey, Ephram.

EPHRAM: Boy, can I clear a hallway or what?

AMY: That's Kayla and Page. They're allergic to anyone who's not at the top two popularity percentile.

EPHRAM: I'm only 98 percent short.

[They have a little laugh about that.]

EPHRAM: [re: a picture inside Amy's locker] Friends of yours?

AMY: Those legs belong to Borisenkov and Twyla Tharp. I cut them out of a dancing magazine. You like?

EPHRAM: [unsure] Sure. Where's the rest of them?

AMY: I dig legs. So what's up? You look like you wanted to ask me something.

EPHRAM: I do. [a beat, fumbling] Um, I was wondering if you... If you were gonna do the reading for Mr. Donnelly's class at lunch. I mean, I heard he might be throwing a pop quiz. Just wanted to warn ya.

AMY: I'm prepared. But thank you.

[Amy's done at her locker so she leaves.]

AMY: [cont'd.] See you later.

[Ephram waves goodbye. Behind Ephram, is a guy with spiked hair and wearing all black named Wendell at his locker and working on his Palm Pilot. He startles Ephram by speaking.]

WENDELL: You could always get calf implants. There's a doctor down in Denver who, evidently, works miracles on men with chicken legs.

[Wendell points down at Ephram's legs and then outstretches his hand, wanting to be shaken.]

WENDELL: [cont'd.] Wendell.

[Ephram glances at the hand and back at Wendell but doesn't shake Wendell's hand.]

WENDELL: [cont'd.] This is the part where you shake my hand.

[Ephram turns away, trying to ignore Wendell.]

WENDELL: [cont'd.] If you want to get your picture up in her locker, you're going about it all wrong, dude. The whole school knows that Amy worships at the shrine of coma boy every weekend. If you want to break her of the habit, you're gonna need help.

EPHRAM: And not yours.

[Ephram walks away but Wendell follows.]

WENDELL: I provide a service. One you might find infinitely beneficial in your doomed albeit noble romantic pursuits.

EPHRAM: What are you talking about?

WENDELL: You'll see, Brown. I'm just finishing your dossier. Give me some time to work out the finer details and I'll call you with a plan.

[Cut to the Brown Family Clinic. Dr. Brown is finishing up with a patient named Walter Cunningham.]

DR. BROWN: Everything is treatable but the blood pressure concerns me.

WALTER: Don't you worry about that. It'll drop the second I'm out of here.