DR. BROWN: Who is it?

NINA: Sarah, the baby's mother.

DR. BROWN: I'll be right there.

[Dr. Brown walks over to the window and watches Sarah get out of her car. Her back is to him but when she turns around he notices that she looks about in her fifties. Nina helps her with her bags. Ephram walks up behind his father and looks too.]

EPHRAM: Who's the old lady?

[Dr. Brown doesn't say anything so Ephram walks away. Dr. Brown just stares at the scene in front of him.]

[Fade to blackout.]


[Open on the Browns' laundry room. Ephram is washing his sheets. Dr. Brown walks in.]

DR. BROWN: Doing a lot of laundry these days.

EPHRAM: You wanna charge me?

DR. BROWN: I was once a happy sack of hormones myself.

[A phone rings in the background.]

EPHRAM: Gross. Find another sack to share with.

[Dr. Brown walks out and Ephram continues his laundry. Delia enters with the phone.]

DELIA: Ephram, your friend Wendell's on the phone.

EPHRAM: He's not my friend. He's a freak.

DELIA: Said he was your friend.

EPHRAM: Yeah, well, don't be so gullible.

[Ephram takes the phone.]

EPHRAM: Hello?

WENDELL: [on the phone] Meet me on the third floor at lunch. Take stairway D to the chem lab.

[Wendell hangs up.]

EPHRAM: [to Delia] We're getting caller ID.

DELIA: You should be happy you made a friend.

EPHRAM: What's that supposed to mean?

DELIA: It's not easy. Everybody in my class has known each other since the nineties.

EPHRAM: Look, Delia, you wanna make a friend? The first step, don't look so needy.

DELIA: Is it these pants?

EPHRAM: Come on, it's not that bad. All you need to do is look busy.

[Ephram rummages through some boxes.]

EPHRAM: Trust me. If you look like you don't need a friend, you'll make one in a flash.

[Ephram hands Delia a yo-yo.]

[Cut to the Brown Family Clinic. Dr. Brown is weighing Nina.]

DR. BROWN: Do you wanna round this off to the nearest hundred?

NINA: I'll hurt you.

DR. BROWN: It's actually not that bad... for a linebacker.

[Dr. Brown ushers Nina to the examining table.]

NINA: Do you want me to take my shirt off?

DR. BROWN: Ah... no, I'll just go under it.

[Dr. Brown places the stethoscope under Nina's shirt to listen to the baby's heartbeat.]

NINA: Aren't you gonna say something?

DR. BROWN: About?

NINA: Sarah. I could tell you were frazzled last night and I was too when I first met her.

DR. BROWN: Well, she is a little...