[Ephram gives a smirk.]

BRENDA: [to the girls] OK, let's get out of here before the hockey players come in.

[Amy comes over.]

AMY: Hello... why have you kept this top secret?

EPHRAM: What are you talking about? I told you I played.

AMY: Not like this. How long have you studied?

EPHRAM: Probably about as long as you've danced. You're pretty amazing yourself.

AMY: Ephram... what are you doing tonight? My friend Kayla's having a birthday party. Do you wanna go?

EPHRAM: Why? Do you need somebody to play 'happy birthday'?

AMY: Come on, you'll be my guest.

EPHRAM: I don't know. Me. Your friends. Lit candles in the same room.

AMY: You don't know them, Ephram. And they don't know you... yet. Give 'em a chance, at worst, you get some free cake and an evening with me.

EPHRAM: Yeah, O-OK. Sure. Yeah I-I'll go.

AMY: Cool.

[Cut to Mama Joy's. Dr. Abbott places a large box of files in front of Dr. Brown who's eating.]

DR. BROWN: What's this?

DR. ABBOTT: Your new patient's files. I only thought it was appropriate you should have them, since I'll no longer be attending her. You'll wanna keep a close watch on Nina's potassium levels. They run a little low. And she should've had her tonsils removed years ago.

DR. BROWN: Thank you, Doctor.

[Dr. Abbott just does a slight nod but remains standing.]

DR. BROWN: Aren't you gonna sit?

DR. ABBOTT: I'll be taking my food to go. I've had my fill of afternoons in this greasy spoon with its even greasier patrons.

[Nina walks down an aisle with a coffee pot.]

NINA: More coffee, Gary?

[Gary doesn't look up at Nina and instead places his hand over his cup. Nina carries on.]

NINA: You all done, Martha?

[Martha ignores Nina.]

NINA: [to everyone] OK, everybody. What's going on? Yesterday you were treating me like George Bailey at the end of It's a Wonderful Life, and today I'm the monkey from Outbreak.

GARY: She's fifty-five, Nina.

PATRON: Fifty-five? Who's fifty-five?

MARTHA: The woman that Nina's having the baby for. She came into the drugstore last night.

PATRON: Fifty-five. That's just wrong.

MARTHA: If God wanted fifty-five year old women to have babies, he would've given us lifetime warranties on our "you know what's".

NINA: Look. She's really...

[Dr. Brown interrupts and gets up.]

DR. BROWN: Can we smile when we hear that a 75 year old man just became a father for the first time? Why is that?

NINA: I've got this one, Andy.

DR. BROWN: If biology allows a man to become a father until the day he dies, why should a woman have to give up that dream at the age of forty-five?

MARTHA: But she's fifty-five. It's...

GARY: It's not natural, Doc.

DR. BROWN: Well, who's to say what's natural? All species adapt. Female dogs have been known to nurse baby kittens. Is that natural?

PATRON: That's gotta be a New York City dog. Out here, a dog knows he's a dog.

[They start laughing.]