[Ephram walks out leaving an emotionally battered Dr. Brown in the kitchen.]


[Cut to images of the majestic mountains followed by a lake. The camera cuts then pans down to a view of the festival from above. The Brown family arrives at the festival. Ephram turns around to face Delia.]

EPHRAM: Now, what'd we talk about in the car?

DELIA: For the next three hours, I don't know you.


[Edna and Irv notice Dr. Brown and head his way.]

EDNA: Doctor doodle doo.

DR. BROWN: Hey, Edna.

EDNA: You remember my main squeeze Irv?

DR. BROWN: Sure. Good to see you, Irv.

IRV: Hello, Doctor. Hello there, Delia.

DELIA: Hey, Mr. Irv.

[A town resident approaches Dr. Brown]

THURMAN: Doc Brown. Doc Brown, I'm Thurman Revere from Glenn Oaks Drive.

[Dr. Brown shakes Thurman's hand.]

DR. BROWN: Oh, hi, Thurman. How are ya?

THURMAN: Now listen, I have a-a cyst just above my backside.

DR. BROWN: Well, Thurman, actually I'm here with my family and I'd-I'd prefer...

THURMAN: [cutting him off] ...Just a quick look see, I mean, it'll only take a second.

DR. BROWN: Well, Thurman, you know I'd-I'd...

EDNA: Go ahead, Doc, we'll take care of the munchkin for a bit.

DR. BROWN: Well, all right.

[Thurman proceeds to show his cyst right away but Dr. Brown ushers him away.]

DR. BROWN: No, not here.

[Cut to Ephram walking through some crowds looking for Amy. He spots her and heads for her.]


AMY: Hey, there you are.

[She is standing next to a large ice sculpture of a man wearing a felt hat. The statue is slowly melting.]

AMY: [introducing them] Ephram Brown, the melting man. Melting man, Ephram Brown.

EPHRAM: He's awfully quiet.

AMY: He's not having the best day. I think it might be his last.

EPHRAM: Everyone just... watches him melt?

AMY: Oh no, it's a contest. You bet when the hat's gonna hit the ground. Mr. Lawrence over there has won three years in a row.

EPHRAM: Oh, I think it's safe to say we have a few hours yet.

AMY: Here's the deal. My dad agreed that I could hang with you today under one condition.

EPHRAM: Yeah? What's that?

[Bright comes over to the pair.]

BRIGHT: How goes it.. Bone-lick?

[Ephram looks pissed.]

AMY: HE has to hang with us.

EPHRAM: No offense, Amy, but he's really my least favorite thing about you.

BRIGHT: Yeah? Well, you're really my least favorite thing about you.

EPHRAM: Dude, you've really gotta work on the insults.

[Bright ignores him and puts his arms around them to usher them around.]