AMY: Colin and Bright used to torment me for hours by stealing my Grover doll and hiding him. And then one day Colin refused to give me the doll back unless I kissed him first. Colin that is, not Grover, who I've kissed many many times. So I closed my eyes, Colin closed his. We both leaned forward... and I kicked him right in the nuts. Colin that is, not Grover who didn't have nuts. At least none that I was aware of. Anyway, Colin screamed and doubled over. My parents raced, rushed straight into the room and when they asked what happened, Colin wouldn't tell them what happened. All he would say was that Grover did it. And suddenly, somehow, I had developed my first crush. On Colin, that is. Not Grover.

[Ephram starts to get uncomfortable.]

AMY: [cont'd.] Look, I know we haven't talked about this since that trip to Denver, so...

EPHRAM: You want me to ask my dad to help Colin?

AMY: If you could just talk to him. I mean, I know there's probably nothing he can do but...

EPHRAM: Yeah, sure, Amy. I'll ask him. No problem.

AMY: Thank you.

[Ephram still looks uncomfortable and gives a reluctant smile.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown walking along the stalls.]

BRENDA: Yoo-hoo, Doctor Brown. Care to try for a wish?

[She's running a wishing booth.]

DR. BROWN: Anything for my premiere patient.

BRENDA: Oh, such a doll, Doctor. Now all you do is drop a quarter in the tank. If it lands in one of those shot glasses, then you get your wish. It costs fifty cents, not counting the twenty five cents in the tank, of course, and all the money goes to benefit the girls dance troupe that I teach, the Everwood Swans. We have a recital coming up this fall.

[Dr. Brown drops a quarter in the tank and bends down to watch it drop. Through the glass, he notices Julia standing in the background, watching him. Dr. Brown gets up and smiles, then heads for Julia and kisses her. Brenda just stares at Dr. Brown.]

DR. BROWN: You know it's funny?


DR. BROWN: I didn't get the coin in the glass but I still got my wish.

JULIA: You're lucky that way.

[A brief silence ensues.]

JULIA: [cont'd.] Aren't you gonna tell me why I'm here?

DR. BROWN: I wanted to see you. To know that you're more than just a memory. And to tell you that I kept my promise. You didn't keep yours. You promised me you'd be here... in Everwood. But, you're not.

JULIA: I've got bad news for you, Andy, you're gonna be fine.

DR. BROWN: Fine is not great.

JULIA: You've had enough of "Great". It isn't all it's cracked up to be. Fine is real. Now come on... say it.

DR. BROWN: Say what?

JULIA: Goodbye. That's why you wanted to see me, isn't it? To say goodbye.

DR. BROWN: No, no. Not to you. Just to... to this!

JULIA: I understand.

DR. BROWN: You do?

JULIA: Besides, I was never the reason.

DR. BROWN: I don't get it.

JULIA: "He" was, Andy. You came here so you could know "him".

DR. BROWN: Know "who"?

[The camera stops on Dr. Brown's face as he snaps out of it and realizes that half the town is watching his performance including his embarrassed children as well as the Abbott children, Dr. Abbott, Edna, and Irv. Delia walks up to him downtrodden.]

DELIA: Let's go home, Dad.

[They make their way through the crowd.]


[Cut to the black vehicle pulling up outside their house. The Browns remain inside, looking sad.]

DR. BROWN: So... what did everyone think of the festival?