DR. BROWN: ...entirely appropriate. And as for Delia having a mind of her own, just whose mind is she supposed to have?

MISS VIOLET: I think you misunderstood my point.

DR. BROWN: No, I don't think that I did.

MISS VIOLET: Delia, perhaps you should step outside while your father and I...

[Delia gets up to leave but her father pulls her back.]

DR. BROWN: No, no, no, she got to be here for the bad part. I want her to hear what I'm about to say. Now, my daughter's been through a very traumatic year and she's come through the other side of it remarkably well. I'd like to take more credit for that, but I can't. She's the product of a mother who taught her about strength, courage and independence from an early age. My job is to make sure she doesn't forget those lessons. Now, she will sit wherever you tell her to sit. But as long as she's polite about it, she can ask all the questions she wants. And I'd get used to those baseball caps.

[Delia smiles.]

DR. BROWN: [cont'd.] And as for you and me? You can keep calling me in here. But next time, my daughter better have really done something wrong or you are going to have one rowdy father on your hands.

[Miss Violet is getting angry.]

MISS VIOLET: This meeting is over, Doctor!

DR. BROWN: Yes, it surely is. Come on, Delia.

DELIA: See you tomorrow, Miss Violet.

[Dr. Brown and Delia leave.]

[Cut to the Brown house at night. Delia comes racing in excitedly.]

EPHRAM: Where have you two been?

DR. BROWN: You wanna tell him? Or should I?

DELIA: [excited] We went horse shopping. There's a ranch just off the highway that breeds horses. Dad took me there. We just looked at them.

EPHRAM: Finally making good on that bribe, huh?

[Dr. Brown notices the food.]

DR. BROWN: Did you cook dinner?

EPHRAM: Well, I figured we should have meatloaf flavored meatloaf for a change.

DR. BROWN: How's the hand doing?

[He examines Ephram's hand.]

DR. BROWN: I'll tell you what. I'll stay away from recipes that involve three or more ingredients if you stay away from first aid kits.

EPHRAM: It's a deal. Now go on, sit down. Dinner's ready.

[They sit down to enjoy their meal.]

NARRATOR: The first fall thaw that Andy Brown and his family ever knew passed through Everwood later that night. Taking with it, our last bit of warm autumn air. But not our warmth of spirit. That was in the people of Everwood. And in our hearts, some broken, some mending, and some, for the moment, complete.

[The camera pans around revealing Julia sitting at the table with Dr. Brown, Ephram, and Delia. Fade to black.]

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