EPHRAM: That says "singing English nanny."

DR. BROWN: Never mind. I'll see you guys later. Remember, save me a piece of that meatloaf.

[Dr. Brown leaves the house.]

EPHRAM: Without a doubt.

[Ephram looks back at Delia.]

EPHRAM: I'll order pizza.

DELIA: Half cheese, half pepperoni.

[Ephram jumps up to get the phone.]

[Cut to the Dudley house. Dr. Brown knocks on the door.]

DR. BROWN: Mrs. Dudley, I presume.

MRS. DUDLEY: Evening, Doctor. I see you found the place all right.

DR. BROWN: It took me a little longer than I thought. Just out of curiosity, how long is Forest Lane?

MRS. DUDLEY: Fifteen miles.

[Dr. Brown chuckles.]

DR. BROWN: Where I come from, that's a turnpike.

MRS. DUDLEY: I was just about to put on some coffee, if you'd like a cup.

DR. BROWN: No, thanks.

[Dr. Brown walks into the house and closes the door. There are 5 children in the room.]

DR. BROWN: So, which one's the patient?

MRS. DUDLEY: You don't charge, right?

DR. BROWN: That's right.

MRS. DUDLEY: All of 'em.



[The movie is on. Dr. Brown comes home late. He turns off the TV and goes over to a sleeping Delia on the couch. Dr. Brown picks up Delia and brings her into her room and puts her to bed. Delia wakes up just as Dr. Brown is going to put the covers over her.]

DELIA: Hey, Dad.

DR. BROWN: Hey, kiddo. How was the movie?

DELIA: I tried not to watch it. Honest. But, it called out to me.

DR. BROWN: I bet.

DELIA: I don't get scared. I even watched the part where the girl gets turned into a blueberry. Which you and I both know isn't very possible. Is it?

DR. BROWN: There was one reported case in Norway in the late '60s. But I wouldn't worry too much about it. Go back to sleep.

[Dr. Brown leans over and kisses Delia on the forehead, and leaves her to go to sleep.]

[Cut to Ephram's room. Ephram is listening to his headset and reading a book. Dr. Brown is standing in the doorway.]

DR. BROWN: I'm back.

EPHRAM: Sound the trumpets.

[Ephram doesn't look up and turns the page in his book.]

DR. BROWN: I know it took longer than expected.

EPHRAM: I hadn't really noticed.

[Ephram looks over at Dr. Brown.]

EPHRAM: The door.

[Dr. Brown gets the hint and closes Ephram's bedroom door.]

[Cut to the kitchen where Dr. Brown picks up the un-eaten meatloaf on the counter and throws it away and sees the pizza that Ephram and Delia ordered with one slice in the box, leftover. Dr. Brown picks the piece up to start eating when the door slowly opens from the wind. Dr. Brown walks outside and sees the glider swaying gently in the breeze. No one is sitting in it until he walks around and Julia is now sitting on the glider. Dr. Brown sits on the glider beside her and sighs.]