DR. BROWN: That would be a good start.

[Various people giggle.]

MALE: This is not New York City, Doctor, nor is it California.

DR. ABBOTT: Well, what Dr. Brown means to say...

DR. BROWN: [interrupting] ...what I mean to say is that one in ten kids will have sex before the age of 13. One in four of those kids will get a sexually transmitted disease. Like it or not, our children are having sex. Now, we can either teach them how to be safe about it so they don't die or we can stay in our cocoons, wax poetic about the good old days and pretend it isn't happening.

MALE: Good. Then I say we go on. What's next?

DR. BROWN: Are you serious?

ROSE: We don't have the authority or the funding to change the current program, Dr. Brown. I'm sorry.

DR. ABBOTT: That's alright, we appreciate you taking this...

DR. BROWN: ...well then don't change it. In response to the epidemic, offer a privately funded assembly given by the two doctors of this community. We'll teach them a few basic preventative measures and answer any questions they might have.


ROSE: An assembly. I like it.


ROSE: The Super would have to approve, and the Principal. And I'm sure they'd get you to separate the boys and the girls.

DR. BROWN: That's fine. I'll take the girls, and your hubby here can take the boys.

DR. ABBOTT: Excuse me, do I have any say in this?

ROSE: And we'll issue a memo saying that any parents who don't want their children attending can keep them out of school.

DR. ABBOTT: Don't humor me, Rose!

[She bangs the gavel.]

ROSE: Next docket.

[The doctors begin to leave.]

DR. BROWN: Cool wife. She ever let you play with the gavel?

[Cut to a County High hallway. Amy, Kayla, and Page are walking down the hall. Amy looks preoccupied. Ephram is approaching from the other end.]

KAYLA: Did you see how Brett totally annihilated Beth Crowner yesterday? She tried to give him a pine cone?

[They pass each other. Amy stares at Ephram, hoping to get a response, but he completely ignores her. She stares back at him.]

[Cut to Everwood Elementary. Delia approaches Magilla, who is playing thumb war with another boy.]

MAGILLA: OK. [joins in with Bud] One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war!

DELIA: Hi, Magilla.

BUD: [to Magilla] Stop. You're not allowed to move your wrist.

MAGILLA: Shut up, I'm not!

DELIA: Can I play next?

MAGILLA: No way!

DELIA: Why not?

MAGILLA: I'm not playing with some stupid girl. It's the thumb war championship game!


MAGILLA: So you probably suck your thumb.

DELIA: I do not!

MAGILLA: Get lost, Penguin.

DELIA: I thought you liked penguins.

MAGILLA: I never said that! Take a hike.

BUD: Yeah, take a hike!

[Delia looks sad and goes to sit by herself.]