Everwood- Transcript- "A Thanksgiving Tale"
[Open on a hazy sort of view in the forest. A man, who's name we'll later find out to be Daniel Maxwell, walks through it. Music that sounds like a song from the movie Titanic starts to play, very soothing. Eventually a car comes up with the headlights on, shining light on Daniel and then the light goes off him.]

NARRATOR: Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there lived a man who was hardly a man. He had forgotten the way voices sound so long had he been exiled. Exiled to a cold dark puddle at the center of the forest. It's been so many years now this legend is kept only by the faithful.

[The person who was driving turns off the car and gets a package out of the car. The person drops it off and then drives off. Daniel stays off, blending in with the shadows.]

NARRATOR: [cont'd.] As for this man...

[Cut to Daniel's house made of wood in the middle of the forest. Lights are on. We see that he has many books, especially old ones like the classics. It's the simple life.]

NARRATOR: [cont'd.] ...you could say he is still living. But you could also say that he's been erased from humankind.

[We see Daniel looking through the package he got. There's some more books. When he gets to the turkey, he looks at it strangely and sets it down.]

[Smash cut to the Brown kitchen. Ephram and Delia are eating their cereal for breakfast. Dr. Brown sets down the turkey he got and looks at it. Apparently, it is too big.]

DR. BROWN: Well, I'll be darn. Nobody told me you had to take measurements. I guess there's no reason why we can't carve the turkey first and then cook it. Would that be strange?

EPHRAM: [getting up] All right.

[Dr. Brown goes on talking to himself, seemingly not listening to Ephram. Dr. Brown does some show-y thing with his hands.]

DR. BROWN: It would still taste the same. Probably better in fact because if you had both sides...


[Dr. Brown shuts up.]

EPHRAM: [cont'd.] Give it up!

DELIA: Mom had a turkey that was too big once.

DR. BROWN: She did? What did she do?

[Delia does something with her hands. Off camera, we can hear Ephram opening and closing the refrigerator.]

DELIA: She put it to the size of the foil and pushed it in.

EPHRAM: [pouring himself some orange juice] She said, "once it was garnished, no one would know."

[Dr. Brown takes a sip of his coffee. Delia has gotten up and brings back a book.]

DELIA: It's all in here. [to Ephram] Do you remember how Mom made the stuffing with the apricots?

EPHRAM: Yeah. [pointing to something in the book] And look, there are those biscuits with the cheese in them. Remember that?

DELIA: [to her dad] Can we make Thanksgiving like Mom's?

DR. BROWN: Well, you know, sweetheart, your mom was really into these things and she had been doing it so long...

DELIA: [excited] Look! There's the cinnamon rhubarb pie!

[Dr. Brown looks like he just thought of something. He walks over to get the phone.]

DR. BROWN: You know what, you guys? I have a brilliant idea.

[Dr. Brown dials a number. Behind him, Ephram and Delia look curious about what he is gonna do.]

DR. BROWN: [on the phone] Yeah, hey Art? Andy Brown. Listen, I'm under the impression that Mama Joy's does Thanksgiving dinners that you can pick up? You do? Great!

[Dr. Brown takes the phone away from his ear and nods enthusiastically to his kids. Delia turns to Ephram and they share a look that says that they aren't so thrilled that their Thanksgiving won't be as special as it has been in the past.]

DR. BROWN: [on the phone] Uhhhhh, good question. I don't know. How many pounds would you recommend? Twelve pounds, OK.



[Open on Dr. Abbott exiting his office. He looks at the Thanksgiving shoppers and shakes his head. He walks to his car, next to which is Dr. Brown's car. Dr. Brown is by his car.]

DR. ABBOTT: Morning, Brown.