DR. ABBOTT: Go on Jensen, go home to your corn nuts! The slough trout's officially closed. All of ya, hit the bricks! I'm sorry, Rose, I can't. [to the last of the guests] And a Happy New Year.

EDNA: [to Irv] I think he found that stick.

[Dr. Abbott sits down to eat.]

ROSE: Oh, Harold.

DR. ABBOTT: More pie?

[Cut to the Browns. Dr. Brown and Ephram are cleaning up a huge mess.]

DR. BROWN: They offered to stay and help, what were we thinking?

EPHRAM: It was nice having them here. Or it would've been if...

DR. BROWN: I really admire what you did by the way.

EPHRAM: What? Make a Thanksgiving meal so disastrous, my little sister had a meltdown?

DR. BROWN: I think in her heart, Delia really believed that it was gonna be the same.

EPHRAM: I told her it would be the same. Instead I made everything worse.

DR. BROWN: Welcome to *my* world. And you didn't make things worse, Ephram. I have to believe you made things better by trying to do something to let her know you love her.

EPHRAM: I wanted it to be the same too.

DR. BROWN: I know. We'll just have to create new traditions. Why don't you go see if your sister wants to come downstairs?

[He goes.]

[Cut to the main street. A man hangs a Christmas wreath from a pole.]

[Cut to the Brown Clinic. Edna is decorating a tree. Daniel walks in.]

EDNA: Are you looking for Dr. Brown? Or a shower, maybe?

[Dr. Brown walks out of an examination room.]

DR. BROWN: [surprised] Daniel.

DANIEL: I'll give it to him.

DR. BROWN: Are you sure?

DANIEL: Yes. I'm sure.

[Daniel walks out. Dr. Brown looks at a surprised Edna.]

[Cut to the Abbotts. Ephram knocks on the door. Dr. Abbott opens.]

DR. ABBOTT: Ephram, come in.

EPHRAM: Happy Thanksgiving, Dr. Abbott.

DR. ABBOTT: And to you as well. I assume you're here for Amy.

EPHRAM: Yes, sir.

DR. ABBOTT: I'm afraid she's gone off to Denver with her mother.

[Ephram is taken back.]

EPHRAM: Oh. Oh, could you give her this for me?

DR. ABBOTT: Absolutely.

EPHRAM: Tell her I made it.

DR. ABBOTT: I certainly will. Have a good weekend.

[Ephram leaves and Amy walks out. She was hiding in the other room. He hands her the gift.]

AMY: Dad, I don't know what to do. Let's just say there's a person in your life who you were in love with. And then something happened and he was gone for a while. And then you met another person and you started to have feelings for him? Is it possible that you could have feelings for two people at the same time?

DR. ABBOTT: Very. What's not possible is to be true to two people at once. Ephram has feelings of his own.

AMY: I don't wanna hurt him.

DR. ABBOTT: Don't toy with him.

AMY: I'm not.

DR. ABBOTT: Amy, I know this year has been incredibly difficult for you and I know Ephram's been a friend when you've really needed one. You care for him as possibly more than a friend. But if you don't intend to pursue those feelings, and I don't believe you do, you have to let him go.