ROXANNE: We didn't mean for it to happen. It just did. It sounds so terrible and cruel when I describe it. Marty's not the kind of man to steal another man's wife. He loved his brother. He still does. Daniel was my husband but he was absent. And while he was in Boston delivering his umpteenth such and such memorial lecture, Marty was here. Watering begonias in the yard. We were just two friends who needed each other. We didn't choose to fall in love. Anymore than Daniel chose to go insane. I left him, Dr. Brown. I left my husband for his brother and it destroyed him.

DR. BROWN: Well. There goes one kidney.

ROXANNE: Maybe if I go and talk to him.

DR. BROWN: I doubt it would work, Roxanne. But if you do, bring some bear spray.

[Cut to Ephram's room. Amy is sitting on the floor looking at the grateful books.]

EPHRAM: You know, I had no idea how much work she put into these things.

AMY: These books are beautiful. You'll always have them. That part of her.

EPHRAM: The stuff I did looks terrible.

AMY: No, it doesn't. It looks like you put a lot of effort into them.

EPHRAM: I don't even know why I'm bothering this year. If you're not grateful for anything, what are you supposed to put? Grateful my mom died or grateful 'cause we lost our house in New York. Or moved to this town where I don't know anybody so my crazy father could...

AMY: I've got it. Let's make an ungrateful book, I could put Colin, the accident, the Harts telling me he could recover better without me, my brother... You know, Ephram. This year it felt like I wasn't in control of anything and well, even though things aren't the way I want them to be, I'm still grateful for some things.

EPHRAM: You're gonna have to stop doing that.

AMY: Doing what?

EPHRAM: Saying things that make me want to kiss you.

AMY: You too.

[Ephram and Amy move in and kiss. Delia comes barging in.]

DELIA: Ephram! We need to get more cranberries.

EPHRAM: Oh, OK. Why?

DELIA: The old ones turned black.

EPHRAM: Can it wait?

DELIA: We've gotta go right now. They were already running out at the stand when we were there.

EPHRAM: It's Thanksgiving. They're not gonna run out of cranberries.

AMY: She's right, actually. Every year there's a run on cranberries. At Thanksgiving meal time, you could trade a pack for a new stereo.

EPHRAM: [to Delia] Where's your coat?

[Delia runs off. Ephram stares at Amy, unsure.]


[Open on the kitchen. Nina and Sam are there helping Dr. Brown.]

DR. BROWN: Now which way do I slice this thing?

[Ephram coughs.]

DR. BROWN: Oh, thank God. The master of this grand plan is here. I can rest easy.

NINA: Careful, Andy. There are no small cooks. Only large kitchen fires.

DR. BROWN: Good point. You seem unusually chipper, Ephram?

EPHRAM: Oh, that's what I'm like. It's a great holiday.

[The doorbell rings.]

DR. BROWN: Must be Elijah.

EPHRAM: That's a different holiday, Dad.

DELIA: [off-screen] I'll get it!

NINA: [to Ephram] Thank you for letting us join you today.

EPHRAM: Oh, the more the merrier.

NINA: That's what your dad said.

EPHRAM: Great minds think alike.