[She gives Amy the flowers.]

SHARON: Colin would never forgive me if I didn't make sure you got these. I know he would give anything to be here.

[Amy looks sad as they hug.]

SHARON: Good luck.

["Nightingale" by Norah Jones begins playing.]

[Ephram walks in.]


[Amy sighs.]

EPHRAM: [cont'd.] Amy? What's wrong?

AMY: He's not coming back.

EPHRAM: You don't know that. He could come out of it! He probably will.

[Amy turns her head and we see a tear stream down her face.]

AMY: He's gone.

EPHRAM: Amy? Amy?!

[Amy just looks at the flowers. Ephram runs out of the room and finds the Abbotts.]

EPHRAM: Dr. Abbott! Dr. Abbott, you have to come back here now!

DR. ABBOTT: What is it?

EPHRAM: It's Amy! C'mon!

[Dr. and Mayor Abbott get up from the seats and run backstage. Amy is leaned up against the wall.]

ROSE: Amy?

DR. ABBOTT: Amy, honey? Sweetheart, can you hear me?

[Dr. Abbott picks Amy up.]

DR. ABBOTT: [cont'd.] We're going home. We're going home, sweetheart. Sweetheart?

[The Abbotts exit. Ephram shakes his head at his father.]


[Cut to Magilla's house. Dr. Brown rings the doorbell. Jenny doesn't look happy when she sees him.]

JENNY: I can't talk to you.

DR. BROWN: Look, it's just for a minute.

JENNY: You saw what happened last time, I'm sorry.

DR. BROWN: I'm not here to tell you how to raise your kids. I need your help, please.

JENNY: [quietly] Come around to the sun door, don't knock.

[He makes his way around.]

DR. BROWN: Mrs. Foster, did you pull your son out of school because of what happened the other day?

JENNY: No no no. My husband and I have been thinking about sending him to a boys school anyway, over in Cloverton.

DR. BROWN: I know about your son's condition.

JENNY: How could you?

DR. BROWN: I won't. I'm ethically bound not to disclose your son's medical history to anyone. But I wanna help you, as a doctor.

JENNY: We've been to doctors, don't you understand? All we wanna do is is to put this behind us.

DR. BROWN: Stuart won't be able to put it behind him. Maybe that's not such a bad thing. These kids grow up to be very special people. They've got a lifetime of empathy inside of them by the time they turn 10 and, that's a tremendous gift. But you cannot put him in a box and try...

JENNY: Please just go.

DR. BROWN: Stuart's not the reason I came here. But I would like to ask you to do one thing for me, for my daughter.

[Cut to two cars. Delia hops out of one, downtrodden, while an equally downtrodden Magilla hops out of the other. They make their way toward each other. Delia has her penguin hat in one hand.]

DELIA: I brought you the hat you like. Take it.