MAGILLA: It's about sex! Do you even know what that is?


LYRICS: You breathe internally / what's going on in me, that's where I'm at

[Magilla and Delia begin dancing after Magilla closes the door.]

LYRICS: There must be few who think they can handle me / I'm not some trophy wife to be / You'll only get me if you play me right / Tonight / You gotta show me

[Magilla grabs a case from the shelf.]

DELIA: What's that?

MAGILLA: Make up. It's my mom's.

DELIA: You stole it?

LYRICS: You've gotta treat me right to play me right / all night

[Delia and Magilla start putting on the make up and continue dancing.]

LYRICS: Everywhere that you play / every move that you make / on me / don't get me wrong I'm really into you / but if you take the wrong approach with me

[Magilla's mother, Jenny Foster, walks in and is not impressed by the fact that her son is wearing makeup.]

JENNY: Delia, I think it's time for you to go home now.

[She turns off the music and Delia and Magilla just stare at each other.]

[Cut to the Brown kitchen and dining room. Dr. Brown is on the phone with the Harts. Ephram walks in and listens to the conversation intently.]

DR. BROWN: OK. No, I understand. No, no, there's really no need to explain. No no no of course not. Alright, we'll talk again soon.

[He hangs up.]

EPHRAM: Who was that?

DR. BROWN: Oh, just work stuff.

EPHRAM: About Colin Hart?

DR. BROWN: Matter of fact, it was.

[Ephram has the fridge door open.]

EPHRAM: What did they say?

DR. BROWN: Who? Oh, they decided not to pursue the surgical option.

EPHRAM: What!?

DR. BROWN: Well, you can hardly blame them. I mean, it's a tough decision to make.

EPHRAM: Wait. So that's just it?

DR. BROWN: Nothing's just "it". Colin's status is constantly evolving. Who knows? Tomorrow, next week, next month, could be a whole new ball game.

EPHRAM: So you're just gonna let it lie.

DR. BROWN: Well, there's no point in forcing the issue.

EPHRAM: That's a new thing right? This whole laissez faire, country doctor bit.

DR. BROWN: Well, doctors don't have all the answers, Ephram.

EPHRAM: They don't?

DR. BROWN: No. Sometimes parents have the answers too. Hey, when you're done letting the cold air out of the fridge, set the table, will ya?

[Ephram just stares at him then closes the door and storms out.]


[Open on County High. Amy approaches Ephram in the hallway. He's writing down some music. "Angels Fall" by Rebecca Lord is playing in the background.]

AMY: Hey, Ephram.

EPHRAM: Um, my dad told me last night. I'm sorry.

AMY: I shouldn't have got my hopes up.

EPHRAM: You know, every once in a while, back in New York, people would say no to my dad... at first.

AMY: Then what happened?