DR. BROWN: Let's get these home before they melt.

DELIA: Dad? Is something wrong with me?

DR. BROWN: Nothing is wrong with you, sweetheart. There is nothing wrong with you.


[Open on County High. Ephram playing a piece on the piano in the theater. Amy walks in and he quickly stops and tries to hide his music book.]

AMY: Why didn't you tell me?


AMY: Your father turned them down.


AMY: The Harts asked him if he could do the surgery.

EPHRAM: Whoa whoa whoa whoa. W-Why wouldn't my dad wanna operate?

AMY: You tell me.

EPHRAM: No, it's impossible. I mean my dad's a jerk but, he's never turned anyone down before, my dad's never met long odds he didn't like.

AMY: Well, he didn't like Colin's.

EPHRAM: You sure you got this right?

AMY: The Harts told me.

EPHRAM: Because the guy I know would give his left nut to save a guy in a coma and, you know, be the town hero.

AMY: Are you sure he didn't tell you anything about this?

EPHRAM: Why would I lie to you, Amy? You're the only person I care about in this whole stupid town. Look, I didn't know. I swear.

[Cut to Dr. Abbott's practice. He enters and starts giving orders to Louise.]

DR. ABBOTT: There's still too many chairs in the waiting room, Louise. I said ten chairs and I meant it.

[He hands her his scarf.]

DR. ABBOTT: We need to redo the color coding on the patient files by Friday at the latest. And ah, get a copy of the seating chart for the recital, we don't want any surprises like last year, oh and ah, get me some coffee, will you?

[He walks into his office and closes the door. Louise works up a bit of courage.]

LOUISE: Good morning, Doctor Abbott!

[He quickly opens his door, amazed.]

DR. ABBOTT: Good morning, Louise. Was there something...

LOUISE: When you say "we", do you mean "we" or do you mean "me"?

DR. ABBOTT: I'm sorry?

LOUISE: "We" need to redo the color coding. Do you mean "we" or "me"?

DR. ABBOTT: Well... "you", I suppose.

LOUISE: Then, I'd appreciate it if you'd say "could you please have the folders redone by Friday, Louise?" And further more, I was not hired to make coffee. So... if I choose to do so, it will be on a case by case, personal favor basis. Is that understood?

DR. ABBOTT: Yes, Louise.

LOUISE: You're the one who told me my lack of assertiveness was limiting my career potential.

DR. ABBOTT: Oh, now I only...

LOUISE: So I signed up with Dr. Trott.

[He realizes. She hands his scarf back.]

LOUISE: You can hang your own scarf.

[She looks pleased with herself and walks back to the counter.]

DR. ABBOTT: Oh, no.

[He rushes outside to Dr. Trott's "office".]

DR. ABBOTT: [banging on the door] DR. TROTT! DOCTOR TROTT! DR. TROTT!