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    The modern irrigation of the pressure one of the pluspopulaireetiscertainly sought after the subjects naturally amongcesoffertsparCINADCO, the center for the agriculturalCo-operationdedéveloppementinternationale of the ministry for therural development of etdud' ofagriculture of Israel under the aegis ofMASHAV. Thissubjectétait doncprojeté and applied in each one of thelanguagesdetravailcinq of the international training courses duringyears dethecinqdernières.

    While this popularity can be comprehensible for paysen ofdevelopmentin manner in Latin America and much of the basin enAsy andtheMediterranean of country, it is thus less in the AfricancountriesSecondaries-Saharan of casdes where the customers aresituésdans by innovation àl of socio-economicenvironment very tiltedstage ' or with the investment.Perhaps this intensepour of interestwhich the irrigation of the pressure could beexplained close will havethe mythiquedu the "Israel to make the toflower of desert" or with theLED of reputation ' Israel in the production of theequipment of thepoint and the sadiffusion. In consequence, this étonnanteréclame ofpopularityrather more research. Abraham Edery, laformation ofdirectorof with CINADCO, launchings a contour to evaluate thetherelevance àmoyen limit of such courses.

    Short-term evaluation

    The short-term part of monitoring and form of evaluation andcolisdeplanning and the execution of the training courses.Aprèschaquemodulates, a simple form of evaluation is the distributedparticipants of bythe etcomplété. The results are computerized,holding the fact of ofthis of account of a monitoring on the lineduring the courslui-même. With the theend of the course that anotherquestionnaire is final evaluation of called"the of distribuéa," whoseresults constitute the formation of lesrésultatsimmediate. They arehabituellementattachés with the finalreport/ratio of the course.

    Long-term evaluation

    Contour was carried out in a sector where the irrigationsuperficielleone(open the flooding, channels and the use of the petitsbarragesd' to irrigate thekitchen gardens and the orchards) were in desofyears hundreds of servicepour. The impact of this naturellementdeformation type could be betterevaluated in Africa where the revenudefermier and ofinvestment potential are thus very low and oùl' ofirrigation pressurized of latechnology is perceived as desétant"salut-technologies "and a good prolongation of beyondthe average dufermier.

    Courses of the irrigation were offered a long timeparDivisionsanglaisesand Spanish of CINADCO. The decision to offerletheirrigation courstraitant of the pressure to the customersdulanguefrançaise in Africawas makes in 1993. It was afterdesdiscussions of beaucoupde about therelevance of thistypenaturellement. Principal arguments of Undes in the favourwasl'argument that "the arrêtepas one progress" in général.D' elsewhere,they are countries where the Israeli of lesfabricants venddéjà ofthe andactuates the advertising film the projetsagricoles queceux onebased on the depression of ofirrigation of systems.

    The Division of French language of CINADCO seemed, therefore,oneprélèvementparfait it rectified as a majority of the its paysqueofcustomer are situéesen Western central Africa and, some with thetheabundance of the eauet the majority on the edges dudésert of willtheSahara with desproblèmes of the transformation endésert.


    The questionnaires of the Four-twenty-furnace 2000aux were presentedFebruarytrainees which had followed courses on the andlaprolongationof irrigation in 1996, 1997 and 1998. In July 26 had the turned overétéaccomplisand, which accounts for 31% of the total.

    The countries cover Western Africa, but also Haiti, leCambodge andMadagascar.

    The guarantees of 31% constitute the positive points completion,enparticulier byholding the account of the service of mailfaibleousporadic, of the highmobility of the personnel in Africa andthe despaysdans ofdevelopment of process as a whole.

    Eleven questions had been subjected to the old points avecunebalancesof participants from 0 to 10. The étaitfacultative twelfthquestion.81% of the guarantees indicated that the engénéralaccountsirrigation for 70% their trades, deprived or like personnel.In paidwhich concernel ' irrigation of the pressure, 46% the irrigation 50%of actuellementl guarantorsemploy ' pressures or more theirs time.

    In the past the enquis of the utility of the course compared with the theirmétiersactuels, the result were these 76% of all the marks of havemarquédes of guarantees between 5 and 10, to show of this great course of theutilitédu in fact. Once necessary to answer the question is long-term effect of reliéeàthe course during 3 years to come, lespointswas even higher. 96% gave to the marks hautque the 5 (average of 7,42 out of of10), showing with their élevéesliées of hopes with the professional aspectof the course for their trade of future.

    Until the feelings of the guarantees about the statutededelorprofessional of improvement compared with the pars,auxsupervisorssubordinates the etaux ones, with the results showedthat 92%a judged that the increased leurstatut hadbeen (average7.35/10) because duleurparticipation with the thecourse. Moreover, 65%of the guarantees aindiqué that the quelor turned over hadbeen(average 7.08/10) enraisonclairement improved of their assistanceofthe course.

    Question number 7 related to the line desubjectsaccording on the leurimportance. All the subjects marked plusde 6 the andthe three "laplupart of the significant subjects" étaient' hydraulicsapplied, "" of the relations of Ground-Factory-Water," and "desthetechnic of irrigation."

    Four subjects were evaluated like the meilleureofGround-Factory-Water of comparable:"relations, "" prolongation," "parégouttement"and the "planification of irrigation of the networks del' irrigation." The woulddeserve of sujetsqui an insurance plusdétaillée "desréseaux of irrigation ofplanning," were etdesappliqués the hydraulic "par "the"ofGround-Factory-Water of relations."

    The general level of the satisfaction of the course was byunevingtaineexprimé of 8.30 on the points 10 means by lesquelsderépondantsgave of 96% a score of 5 or more. With the siles dequestion the guarantees were inliaison equipment with defabricants LED Israeli ' of the irrigation, 7out of 26 answered dansl' et13 affirmative negatively, 6 which it indicatedthey would like quesoit (aredisponiblespar most frequently indicated to companies delesnoms the author.)

    Perhaps the more êtretrouvées expressions of seizing of bidondans the freepart of the opinion where the opinions of étaientdes of cautionsdeliveredrequested in date as of the these "more étroitementl' eux"(conjoint, with the friends, the tocolleagues, etc.....) on leschangements perceived euxsuivant to them stayin Israel and since leurretour.

    Here a part extracted:

    A colleague: "the participation during Israel grandepartiecontributed inside in the attachment in Mr. F.' S for the favoriserl ' irrigationpressurized in its country. Moreover, "known as the colleague," Mr. technological Fgained much of knowledge and it aajouté with the itspersonality."

    A colleague: "became plusspecific towardssescollègues and and more tolerant."

    A head of division, service of planning, agriculture of delde ministry ', roughly one of its subordinates: "the coursa the améliorésonlevel of the responsibility and management for sonfiles.Parconséquent, we supported it to be the degrand head a projetdehydraulics [ in Guinea ]. This project that it al' accomplibeaucoupdevotion and success."

    Opinion of the guarantees:

    "on my return of Israel I was triomphantement greeted by the mafamille, myliked those and by almost all the village. I am never a wire lepremier myvillage to have placed the foot on the holy laterre of the promisedground. For one month of entirety I take to the racontéà my friends and familywhat which I learned and what I saw in the care of catches of Israel.La of Noël Iwas invited by our àtémoigner of preacher, before the gathering of the allwhich I saw the enIsrael."

    "my colleagues say that my professional capacity estconsidérablementimproved, since I acquired the deconnaissance much irrigation. They alsosay that I am devenuplus justified in my work, and more réclamentégalement of pragmatic.They than I underestimate their way of workingand of leurapproche to the resolution of the problems, which can the negative one of unechose of seemas but which reassures me because I know that the inleursyeux one it is not whole negative."

    "the course first of was very appreciated by my wife and the pleasure of amisquihad of hearing all about the saintset sites the Israelis of love and couragethe to have about their ground."

    "my colleagues with the ministry are thus applied parexpertisej' acquired in my field (physical planning), celaque the ilsm ' calls ' an expert now.'"

    "on my return I presented at a report/ratio course aumysupérieursavec the assistance of the slides photographed in lesupérieursont of Israel.My very applied and seeks the nowto demeilleuremanière applies a system of irrigation per sector dedansnotre of drainage."

    "my family says that since my return, my behavior is entierwithpeineSenegalese (perhaps it is Israeli), for example, I help the nowoutside in the kitchen and with the travauxdomestiquesceux ones, I which arriveduring meetings per hour, etrécriminedésordre of I and inaccuracypublic like the commandeinconsidérée.Contraire, in Israel, even on the thepeople dudemandezd of road ' to give the right in the way with the gestethetypical of the slicha of main(le)."

    "in general, those around me noted that I am devenuunIsraélien. Radio of Whenthe or the news of the emission deTVConcernant Israel, I make the eachone to listen, and when I meparle with the known desIsraéliens like-' custom.' "

    Finally here some general observations as expressed near


    "the course was very well organized. The safety of hospitality étaitremarquable.The of the participants was guaranteed. However, the durationof the course was shorts little of compared with the courssemblables the ofFrance, Germany and the United States."

    "the course was very interesting and satisfactory. However the theparticipants of faitque receive a certificate at the end of the marks of ofthe of etpas of course of a diploma it difficult to obtain the hasdûpermettre position the application of the studied techniques, which iscrucialepour countries under development of such asours."

    "Toda Raba [ thank you ] for knowledge you communicated leàmoi, loveyou of I the people of Israel - Jews of the world. "ofmikolde deHalev of lahitraot of lakhem of modim of Anakhnou" [ us vousremercionsavec all the ourheart, let us examine you again ], jet' likes, "medaberd ' ani, quetsat" of ivrit [ I speak Hebrew, ]. Paixsur Israel."

    "I was enthusiastic to walk in the footboards of happy Jésus.Jeseraito apply the all that I learned how enIsrael in Haïtiafin to improve the theirrigation and the agricultureici."

    "the course is very significant but more attention haveêtredonnéeavec the subjects of the protection of the andplants of fertigation."

    "the enriched course very, but I wishes that systems of ofthed' Israéliensenseignent of the irrigation by drainage in our countries, with the equipment thecorrectly adapted."

    "this course enriched very, in particular the ofhim of deprolongation depièce what contributed considerably to monvieprofessionnelle, since Iwork with the local farmers."

    "the course was good. It enabled us to regenerate the champd' inthe notreconnaissance, and the contact with leréalitéisraélienne was veryconstructive."