Yes, that is in fact my home, at least it was for five days at last years Reading Festival. Notice Charlie's wonderful *theify will* skills, i.e THE BIG FUCKING SIGN! Welcome to the Bollocks people,     and enjoy a journey that enters into the deepest darkest depths of my extremeley warped mind ;)
<- The Blue bubble tent of wonder! (mine!)
Uh oh, Ex-Boyfriend in dazed wander  -> 
Stuff to do while you visit me....
Site News:-
Me! Yup, Crap about myself!
12/8/01 - Ok, so Charlie's site of wonder is up and running, bit shite at the moment, but I'm working on it! Goddammit people!!
Well, I guess i should congratulate you for getting this far down (not greatly far, i admit)  into my web-page-siite-type-thing, as  most people would've turned away in disgust by now *She's so crap at making pages!*...No!! Don't Go! Stay a bit longer, and figure out about the whole EvilBadger thing, if i can think of why it arrived in my head in the first place... Oh well, Come in, Come Browse, and take the piss out of me ............
The Evil *currently* Blonde Badger Web-Shite
<- That's how many people I've confused!
           Not too many though *sobs*
Those Damn Evil Badgers?!
Pictures of stuff (some stolen from WT)
General News Happening around me!
Music, Gig's and other shit!