
News! WHAT FUCKING NEWS! the only kinda news i can give you is this...i got the site working. WHO READS THIS SHIT ANYWAY...look i made it pink

Mew! im home! Guestbook dont work so dont click it..if you dont belive me i dont give a shit...i got pic's up..enjoy...nevermind the pic dont work..katie shit will be up one day i just been so fucking give a shit

Hello..I got pics up...i think they work..and the guestbook works... click on it i swear it works...oh yea katie got her "e-mail" posted on the main of check it out ..pretty cool
(note: hello that was last mounth so its not their anymore)

I got katie to put up her little thats up..Uh i tried sending my self music files from my lap top but i just have not master the skill yet so im working on it..So pretty soon i'll have some 30 sec. that schould be pretty cool

After a few fights im back..We diddent pratice because of some problems but everything is worked out ..A friend of mine has a band they are looking for a drummer they live in FL the web site is Oh yea i got a new Guitar its an Epiphone-Special Gibson model its aiight i enjoy it alot Katie got a new bass..Yamaha..Mars running a sale so we both got new stuff...hehe

Wow, Running out of room..uh yea i gotta take my Guitar in and get the bridge lower..never trust mars music they dont know what the fuck they are doing..Anyways..Pratice this weekend...i hope