You chase your brother/sister around the house with a broom yelling, "In the name of the moon, I shall right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you!" when he/she does something to annoy you... (But...he's so annoying! O.o;;)

You create your own Sailor Moon phrase, such as "Meatballhead Magic!" (I guess I am obsessed...^^)

Your throat starts to hurt from singing too many Sailor Moon songs. (It's just a sore throat! I swear!)

You FINALLY learn how to make an odango after three days of trying. (Hehe...I'm a good girl, I am!)

You get blue eye contacts. (I only got them because they're pretty! It had nothing at all to do with Sailor Moon...swear!)

You search the web for Japanese language and traipse around yelling, "Konnichiwa!" or, "Ja ne!" or, "Ohayoh gozaimasu!" or, "Sayohnara!" or...okay I'll shutup now...

Your favorite colors are suddenly pink and white. (They've always been my favorite colors! I swear! ^_~)

You paint a crescent moon on your cat's forehead, whose name is coincidentally Luna. (**Sweatdrop** ~Hides in a corner~)

You dress your little sister up like Chibi-usa and dye her hair pink, then you say to everyone that she's your daughter... (Ooh! Tina...come here! ^_~)

You're suddenly known as the laziest person in town. (Good thing I was known as that BEFORE I started watching Sailor Moon!)

You're purposefully late to all of your classes, and get bad grades. (**Sweatdrop** You never know; maybe I'm just dumb! ~Giggles~)

You and your boyfriend are going to a formal party, and the only thing you can think about is, "Oh, goody! He gets to dress like Tuxedo Kamen!" (Really! It's not true! I wasn't thinking that! Hmph! How would YOU know? You're not a mind reader...uh...are you? ~Runs~)

When you hear thunder outside, you bolt to your feet at the dinner table yelling, "Jupiter Thunder Crash!"(Well, I was OUTSIDE at the time...)

You go to the jewelry store threatening that if they don't give you the "Silver Crystal" you'll use your moon sceptre on them. (Whew! ~Wipes sweat off her head~ Haven't done that yet! ~Smiles evilly~ I'll, ummm...be right back!)

Every time a new store opens, you accuse them of being the Negaverse, and run quickly to the bathroom to change into your Sailor Moon clothes. (~Glances around~ What? What?! It wasn't me! I swear!))

When you think no one's looking, you sit down in front of your fireplace and try calling the spirits. (Hey, we don't have a fireplace! ~Glances at the stove~ Ummm...~scratches head~ I'll, uh, be right back! ^_~ ...Two seconds later... "WHAT? Dad, I swear, I WAS NOT the one who burned the house down!")

You imagine that your cat's talking to you when she's around. (But, my cat really does talk!)

You name your computer Ami (*Sweatdrop*... *Eh, heh, heh, heh*)

You're looking for a date, but you're only interested in guys with black hair who wear a cape and carry roses with them everywhere. (THOSE kinds are always the hottest...~Sigh~)

You yell, "Moon Crystal Power!" daily and run to the mirror to see if you've transformed yet. (I -- uh -- only do that because... Uh... I'm trying to scare, uh...the negaverse away! Oh -- ooops! I, uh...mean... **sweatdrop** 'Bye!)

You decide you want to be a Sailor Senshi when you grow up. (Well, it's not like I think it's really going to happen.... ~Smiles secretively~)

Your boyfriend thinks you like Tuxedo Kamen more than him, and he's right. (Wait! Momaru! I mean, Michael! I didn't really call you Momaru! You heard wrong! I DON'T LIKE TUXEDO KAMEN MORE THAN YOU! I really don't! ~Turns around after he leaves~ Oh well...I still have Momaru!)

You move to Japan, hoping to find the Sailor Senshi, or at least Luna. (Really! I wasn't expecting to find them! But I did see a black cat that looked like Luna...)

You suddenly become exhausted, and wonder if it's the Negaverse draining your energy (~Cries~ They were! They really were! ^_~)

You take your house key off of your chain and raise it above your head yelling, "Crystal Key, take me home!" and it works! (Well, it didn't work, but I think it will next time! ~Runs off to use her key~)

You celebrate the Sailor Senshi's birthdays. (Well, duh! They're like my best friends! ^_~)

You plan to name your daughter Chibi-usa. (~Thinks for a while~ Wow! Thanks! That's a great idea!)

Submitted YKYWTMSMW's

"You get a gum wrapper, copy down the japanese kanji on it, stick a peice of gum to the silver side, and leap around

tacking it to peoples foreheads shouting '...TAISAN!'"

"Last Halloween, you were Sailormoon.

This halloween, you were Sailormoon.

Next Halloween... you're going to be...

let me guess.........


Submitted by:Vanessa(?) Sorry, I only know your e-mail addy! ^_^

.... You buy hair growth pills just to grow your hair long enough to do Usagi's Odango
.... You go out into a thunderstorm constantly shouting, "Jupiter Thunder Crash" in hopes to summon the planet Jupiter and electrocute someone from the Negaverse.
.... You like to believe your a princess brought from another planet in a bubble, destined to save the earth, like Sailor Moon
.... You move to Japan into Usagi's neighborhood in hopes to meet her....
.... You buy three cats and dye their fur to correspond to the guardian cats'
.... You cant say anything but "Chibi Chibi!" when someone talks to you
Submitted by: Jenny

Thank you all who've submitted YKYWTMSMW jokes!
That's all for now! E-mail me if you have ideas for new YKYWTMSMW jokes!

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