About Lord of the Rings:    Fellowship of the ring
Some Actors Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom, Sean Astin, Christopher Lee and Liv Tyler

Brief Summery/review by J-14 magazine Welcome to the pre-historic time a mythical place called Middle-Earth, where Hobbits, Wizzards, elves and witches live. Here, a hobbit named Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) comes into possession of a magic Ring, which gives him the power of invisibility. But too bad the Ring can't help Frodo hide from the evil Lord Sauron, who's on a misson to get the Ring back for himself. Frodo and his hobbit plas Merry, Pippen and Sam set off on one adventurous journey after another to destroy the Ring before Sauron and his minion, the Witch-king (well actually he's a wizzard, goes to show how much they know.) catch up to them. But evil may be lurking closer than they think.
Must see reason We can't seem to get enough of fantasy flicks this season! Good thing Lord of the rings is only the first in a series of three movies based on the fantsy sci-fi books by J.R.R Tolkien,  and also Elijah and Orlando are really hott! hehe

The storyline (my version)
            warning: The Rest Of This Page Has Spoilers

                            60 years after the Prologue

      It all starts out in the Shire, It is Bilbo Baggins Eleventy-First birthday, and his Nephew Frodo's Thirty-Third birthday. At the party Bilbo announces the he is leaving and then vanishes using the magical Ring. He origanlly planned to leave the Ring to Frodo, his favorite newphew, but its powers started to take controll of him and he didnt want to give it up. Gandalf then makes Bilbo leave it to Frodo. He then sets out for Rivendell, to go live with the Elves. When Frodo runs in he is astonished the Bilbo actually left, Gandalf then gives the box of thing to Frodo that Bilbo left for him. Gandalf later discovers that the Ring Frodo has is not one of the 17 Rings given to elves, men and darves, but the One Ring forged by Sauron. Sauron is gaining strength and to be fully recovered he needs the Ring.
      Frodo is then instructed to take the Ring to the Councel of Elrond, and he must kep the Ring safe and secret. Little did they know that Frodo's good friends Sam was listening to thier conversation, and since the Ring has to stay secret GAndalf decides to make Sam acompany Frodo on his journey.
      They soon run into Merry and Pippen who also come with them. He is then plagued by the Black Riders or Ring Wraiths as some call them. But is saved by taking a platform raft across the lake, as of Ring Wraiths cannot go into water.
      They then head out to the Prancing pony where they are spose to meet Gandalf only Gandalf is not there. The Ring Wraiths soon come to The Prancing Pony to kill Frodo and get the Ring. But in Bree the hobbits meet Strider, who seems like a villian at first until he stands up and tells them, "Not all that wonder are lost, and reveals himself as Aragorn, the Lost King of Men."  He then goes with the hobbits and protects them. Until ring Wraiths attack at night and wound Frodo.
      Frodo then must go to Rivendell to get Elven Medication or else he will die. They then find Arwen, elven princess daughter of Elrond, who takes Frodo on her horse to Rivendell where he is treated and tehn better. When he awakes he is reunited with the hobbits, Aragorn, and Gandalf. He also sees Bilbo!
      Later, at the Councel, the decide that the Ring must be destroyed. They try different methods of trying to destroy it, but nothing works. The then realize that the only way they can destroy it is to take it to Mordor and through it into the fires of Mt. Doom, where it was created. While everyone is arguing on whos gonna take it, Frodo gets sick of them all arguing and volunteers to take it himself. Every one is suprised since Frodo has already gone through so much with the awful Ring.
      Frodo is joined by Sam, Pippen, Merry, Gandalf and Aragorn, along with the elf Legolas, the dwarf Gimli, and the human Boromir. They travel to the mines of Moria where they fight off a cave troll, orcs and eventually a balrog. "What an evil fortune," Gandalf falters, " and I am already weary." Saving the fellowship, Gandalf s dragged from the bridge to his doom crying, "fly, you fools fly!"
     The fellowship does as Gandalf says and leaves the mines of Moria. The company then reaches Lothlorien, an enchanted forest, an is succored by the Elven Queen Galdriel (Arwens grandmother). At their next stop Boromir attacks Frodo, demanding the Ring as a weapon against Sauron. Orcs then come followed by Urka-hai. They kill of some, but then the orcs take merry and Pippen hostage (thinking one of them must be Frodo), and Boromir is killed by Urka-Hai.
      Frodo who was frightened by Boromir decides to take the Ring to Mt. Doom by himself, but Sam follows him and catches up with him just as Frodo starts to paddle off in the canoe. Sam then joins Frodo and they set of to Mordor together. When the others realize that Frodo and Sam are missing, they realize what had happened and decied to not follow them, but the go and rescue Merry and Pippen. This is where the movie/story ends and the Two Towers picks up.