Site Updates

7.14.07 Added a few things here and there. I'm not going to tell you what so that you have to look for them :) Bwahaha. Also, if you are trying to contact me, I will be away on holiday until July 20. If you send me e-mail, I will get back to you as soon as I return. Thanks.

6.26.07 Updated the Filmography with upcoming and rumored projects. Added "Soundtrack Performer" section to Filmography. New Links on link page. Fixed script errors. Added a new fanmail address for the UK.

5.12.07 Corrected typographical errors and misinformation based on visitor request. Fixed some coding mistakes. Please continue to tell me if you come across any mistakes. This site is only as good as the people who visit. :) Have a great day.

3.9.07 Added a new Look-Alike submitted by Melissa. :) Missing the names of to contributors, please check that page to see if it might be you. :)

3.4.07 Changes to the links and affiliates pages. "The Man Beneath the Kilt" site has merged with Eccentricity Online, for those of you who do not check or get the memo. :)

2.19.07 Changes to the Fanatic Quiz. New rewards at the end. Some script changes to make it a little more user-friendly. If you've ever taken it, you might want to again if you want the new prize.

2.17.07 Just basically did routine maintenance...fixed typos and code/script errors. Still looking for affiliates. If you are interested, e-mail me or fill out the form on the Affiliates page. Otherwise, feel free to contact me if there are any problems. I emptied my mailbox today, completing everything that had been brought to my attention. If you have contacted me and your request has not been responded to, please re-send. I try to check through my spam box regularly, but it does have a reputation for being a bit overzealous.

1.11.2007 Added some links. Got some of the KISS EWAN section back up and running. EM4L is looking for affiliates. If you are interested, e-mail me.

EMWG MEMBERS: I have new buttons for your site if you are interested. I will be sending an e-mail sometime this weekend.

1.9.2007 This is EM4L's first day back as it's new and improved self! Faithful visitors rejoice! Thank you all for your patience with my 2 year hiatus.

What has been changed, what is gone, and what is still here? I removed the TV Listings section, the Games, the Sound and Video section, the Greeting Cards (which never quite worked properly), and the Articles. Also, you may notice that the application opportunity to win an award from EM4L is gone. It is just too hard to keep up with all of the applications which come into my mailbox, most of which don't even have a web address in them, so congratulations to those of you who won in the past. I'm sorry that there will be no more winners at this point in time. Please understand that these things may not be gone forever, but only until further notice.

You may notice that the Kiss Ewan page is quite different (and unfortulately temporarily absent). This was not my intent, but my computer went crazy and when I was deleting webpages that were still in my file manager but not being used (from EM4L's early days), it got a little excited and deleted my whole Kiss Ewan subdirectory. So I have to rebuild it from scratch. It will grow as time allows.

All of the other sites have been updated for their cosmetic appearance and their content should be up-to-date. I moved the photo galleries to Photobucket and the message boards to ProBoards to try to eliminate spammers. When using the message boards, please be courteous to eachother. Please report violators to me and their account with ProBoards will be blocked from the EM4L boards. There are more instructions waiting for you if you follow the link.

If you have EVER submitted an application to the EMWG, please check that page to see if your name has been added to the members list. I added all of the applications that I had (which contained valid URL's) and I deleted all of the pages/members who's websites were no longer functional. If you have been removed or I missed you somehow, just fill out another application and I will fix it.

The links page is no longer Free-For-All to avoid spam and innappropriate posting. If you want me to link your Ewan site, first check to make sure that it isn't already there, then send me your URL and an (optional) banner no bigger than 100 x 35. Non-Ewan sites are also welcome to do this.

For those of you wanting to link TO EM4L, new banners are available in 3 different sizes to fit your individual needs. I am also willing to affiliate with whoever wants to.

The guestbook has been cleaned out. Again, I wanted to clean out the spam.

Everything that has been waiting on my To-Do list or in my mailbox has been done, so if you sent something that hasn't been dealt with, I missed it and please re-send.

If you have EVER taken the Ewan Fanatic Quiz, you may want to re-take it. The questions have not changed, but the graphics for your personal use have. You may like the new ones better.

Again, if you have ever submitted something to me and you DO NOT see it anywhere on the site, please re-send it.

Other than that, enjoy the new design and updated content!

~Kelli Michelle