Date: 6th October 2002
Place: New York, New York City
Arena: Nassau Colisseum

A curtain of blood rolls slowly down the screen, forming itself around four bold, straight-edged letters…


Saliva's 'Superstar' blares into life as scenes of EWCL bedlam flash across the scene, bathed in blood red, black and gold.


…Cages… Tables… Ladders… Barbed Wire… Chairs… Cells… Gore…


…Cerevisi ....... ...Danger Driver ........Lapidator....... The Xtreme ............Doomsday ........Deadly by Design… .... GoldDigger.....…The Ficler...


...Universal Title… EWCL Title… PrimeTime Title… Extreme Title… Tag Titles…


…Chris Christ… Drake Laps… Jerry Campbell......Johnathan Cable .......New Evolution .........Ex-Terminator......Nick Dangerous ....Aaron Gold.....Cerberus........The Punisher.


…Fireworks explode about the arena, lighting up the enormous stage set to present wrestling's premier event this week…

…EWCL Insurgence is on the air…


(Before we go to our commentators the CazzoTron comes on and the following is shown).

A blackness envelops the entire scene as no light would dare attempt to be born in such a place of unrelenting darkness and torment. Nothingness consumes all and the entropy is deafening without making a sound. No sound except for a deep and heavy breathing; a breathing almost surgical in its precision, almost mechanical in its uncanny rhythm.

"We've danced this little dance many times before, and yet, none of us have learnt the steps. We've been adrift in this sea of harshness and unreality for so long we cannot rightly remember who we are any longer. Colorful names have replaced the names we were given at birth and have grown to take on a life of their own; the lives we now live out. Innocence and paradise have both been lost to each and every one of us who decided to lace up a pair of boots and step into that ring. We've become larger than life, super-heroes to let the fans live their lives vicariously through. And yet, none of us have found any bit of happiness. We've all been ignorant to that which begat happiness and as they say, ignorance is bliss."

"I've never found a moment of happiness in my life. Before or after losing the paradise of ignorance, I was never happy. I came close once, but it was snatched from me, leaving a gaping hole torn in my soul. I've been an old shadow that has reached out from the past many a time before, and it's time to step forth from the shadows once more. The time has never been more right to let the darkness spew me forth, like the unwanted child so cruelly aborted in an alley with some drain-o and a toilet plunger handle. Unhappiness will be felt across the EWCL as the wayward son comes home once more. A fetish born of violence, that begat violence, and died in violence will rise from the ashes, a proverbial phoenix reborn in the most violent of ways."

"Homecomings usually are a happy time, but this is neither the time nor place for happiness. Welcome home, prodigal son, welcome to hell. I've come back. And I'm not happy. And none of you will be happy either. The albatross of my past failures and your weighs heavily around my neck as I sail on, never nearing my goal of happiness, only to sail back into the EWCL like an ancient sea mariner. You all know me and you rightly and justifiably fear me. I look into your souls and pass judgment because I am as God. And I am a wrathful and vengeful God. Welcome home, prodigal son, return to the nightmare."

A slight crackle to the voice and a deep, hacking cough ring out before the emptiness swallows the scene and shoves it deep down into its gullet once more.

~~ eHyeH. Know it. Learn it. Fear it for it will be your undoing. ~~

(Fade out).

Dean Thornton: WELCOME!! WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!! Welcome back to Insurgence!!! Its the week after HAVOC II and we got a great show lined up for you!! What was that Down?

Neil Down: Excuse me?

DT: What?

(Neil Down whispers).

ND: Remember what I told you.

DT: ..oh yeah......What do you think "Back to back Holy Shit Award Winner" Neil Down?

ND: Hah, that sounds way better. Yes, I am doing great. Your Commentator of the year feels excellent. Thanks for the appreciation folks and I must say that this second award gets the chicks even more crazy to go to bed with me.


ND: Hey, you don't slap an award winner!!!


DT: Just stop me!!

ND: *cough* jealous *cough*.

DT: What did you say?

ND: Nothing!

DT: ...uhuh......But before this turns into something ugly, lets start off with tonights show. We got a great main event for you. We have Universal Champion Chris Christ taking on Exile!

ND: That bastard Exile!! Its unbelievable what he did last week!! I just cannot believe it.

DT: Ok, let us take a look at that one more time.

JP: Dangerous climbs up the ladder now. The ladder that goes up to the top cage. Dangerous slowly climbs up....step by step he gets higher and higher.......When he climbed up a few steps more he looks down and he sees that Christ is getting back to his feet again!!! He cannot believe that Christ is getting back up again!! He gave Christ the Danger Driver, how is it possible that he gets up from that.....Christ is back on his feet and Dangerous is still shaking his head.....Dangerous then turns around so he faces Christ......DANGEROUS THEN JUMPS OFF THE LADDER AND GOES FOR A DOUBLE AXE-HANDLE SMASH.........BUT CHRIST COUNTERS AND ........CEREVISI AND HE HITS DANGEROUS RIGHT IN THE HEAD WITH HIS SUPERKICK FINISHER!!!

ND: And Dangerous goes down to the mat and he is knocked out for sure!!!.....Dangerous is out and Christ starts to climb the ladder....He gets higher and higher and he makes it to the top now!! He reached the top off the ladder and he enters the third cage now......Christ looks down to the second cage and he sees that Dangerous is still layed out...........CHRIST STANDS IN THE CENTER OF THE TOP CAGE AND HE JUMPS UP AND ........HE GOT THE UNIVERSAL TITLE!!!....HE GRABBED THE TITLE AND HE IS STILL THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!!! WHAT A GREAT WIN FOR HIM HERE!! HE SHOWED THE WORLD AND NICK DANGEROUS THAT HE IS STILL THE MAN IN THE EWCL!!!

JP: Yes, he is the man allright!!! He truly is!!

ND: Oh God, I get tears in my eyes right now. What a win for Christ. This has to be one of his greatest life in his career. Just has to be. Look at him standing there in that cage with that Universal Title belt in his hands. What a sight!! What a beautiful sight!!

(Chris Christ stands victorious in the cage when the CazzoTron all of a sudden springs to life and the darkenend figure from last venom stands again).

Voice: Salvation is here...

(The Cazzotron lights up and the figure is bathed in a bright light white revealing the face of Road Block).


(Christ is talking to the ref when the a figure drops to the top of the cage. Chris looks up and sees the figure becoking him to come forward).


(Christ starts climbing up the cage and Exile waits for him to meet him).


(Christ tries to spear Exile off the cage but Exile ducks and Christ stops right at the edge of the cage and turns to face Christ).



JP: Exile has got the Universal title AND a microphone.

Exile: Ohhh no no no, you arent done yet...ya see I came here for a reason. THIS REASON!

(Exile holds up the Universal title).

Exile: Do me a favor Christ, when you drag yourself off the floor pull that name plaque off this title and have it all ready for me by Sunday. Because at Insurengence its going to be me and you for the title, the glory, and future of the EWCL.

(Exile tosses down the title to Christ's fallen body and holds his hand up in the air as the fans go nuts for the returning superstar).

ND: Holy shit what an ending of this night!! Christ wins in a great match and then Exile returns and f*&ks it up like that!! It is unbelievable!!


DT: So there you have it, Exile has returned and he will face Christ tonight. Thats if Christ is going to be able to make it to ringside.

ND: Yes, he's been in the hospital all week suffering from that cowardly attack.

DT: Thats our main event, but thats not all we have for you tonight. We also got Drake Laps taking on Blade, two former friends now in the ring together. We gonna see the debut of the Gold Boyz tagteam as they face Romeo Stone and Dez Burnett. Furthermore we are gonna see Nick Dangerous vs. Stephen Jackson, Jerry Campbell against Sean Orion, The Punisher vs. Belton, Sean Campbell vs. Mystic.

ND: And for starters we have a singles match between two newcomers.

"Thuglife" Shaun Marquez vs. Conrad Slade

DT: Two newcomers to the EWCL. What can we say about them?

ND: Not much really, just that Shaun Marquez is a boy from the streets. So you better watch your wallet Thornton. You never know when he steals it from you.

DT: Common Down!! Stop that stereotype thing.

ND: Hey, don't say I didn't warn you!!

DT: You are so bad, Down. Anyway, we have Thuglife taking on Conrad Slade, two new faces. This match will show us what these guys got, right now they can prove that they are EWCL material.

(One Mic by Nas starts to play and "Thuglife" Shaun Marquez comes walking out from the back. The 23 year old from Queens Bridge, New York makes his way down the aisle to ringside. The fans stare at him, but don't really give him a big reaction yet).

(But then all of a sudden we see Conrad Slade running down the aisle already. His music hasn't even started yet).

DT: Whats he doing already? Doesn't he know when it is his time to come out?

ND: He probly always comes early, hahaha...Get it?....Get it???

DT: Shut up Down!!

ND: ...

DT: Conrad Slade catches up with Thuglife,.....BUT OOOOOOHHHH THUGLIFE SAW HIM COMING AND ....HE SUPERKICKED SLADE RIGHT IN THE FACE!!! AND SLADE GOES DOWN TO THE CONCRETE!!! ....What a move by Thuglife there!! Great way to start his EWCL career I must say.....Slade is layed out cold and Thuglife is kicking and stomping his opponent right now....He kicks him in the head numerous times and he then picks him up. Thuglife with a big right hand to Slade's face and Slade is stunned. Thuglife grabs Slade by the head and he then climbs on the security guardrail....What is he gonna do now?!?!

ND: ...WOW....TORNADO DDT OFF THE SECURITY GUARDRAIL!!!......Thuglife is on fire allright!!.....Slade crashed into the concrete hard....Nice tornado DDT by Shaun Marquez. And the crowd starts to cheer him on....they seem to be cheering for Thuglife. I must say that he won the crowd over pretty fast. Thuglife now picks up Slade and he drags him over to the ring. Officially this match hasn't even started yet. Thuglife reaches the ring and he ramms Slade's head into the apron 5 times...He then drags Slade over to the ringpost and ...WHAMMMMM!!!....He slamms Slade's head into it!!

DT: Thuglife repeats this two times and he then rolls Slade into the ring. Thuglife slides in aswell and he goes for the cover, .....1..................................................2............................but Slade kicks out of it!! .....Thuglife gets back up and he stomps down on Slade some more. He then moves his way over to the corner and starts to climb the toprope. Shaun gets on the topturnbuckle and ....HE DIVES OFF THE TOPROPE....BUT SLADE GOT TO HIS FEET AND HE CATCHES THUGLIFE OUT OF THE AIR AND TURNS IT INTO A FALLAWAY SLAM!!!...

ND: Nice counter by Conrad Slade.....But Slade is in too much pain to go for the cover right away. Now after about 5 seconds Slade rolls himself on top off Thuglife and goes for the count, ....1....................................................2.......................but a kickout by Shaun Marquez. Slade picks Thuglife up by the head and after smashing him in the head, he sends him into the ropes. Thuglife comes off and Slade with a clothesline that sends Marquez to the mat......Slade quickly picks his opponent up and he whips him into a corner....

DT: Thuglife flies in hard backfirst and the powerhouse comes charging in right after!!! .....Slade runs in, but Thuglife jumps up on the toprope and Slade goes chestfirst into the turnbuckles!! Oh yes!!!......Slade stumbles backwards out of the corner and ...Thuglife leaps off the toprope and ....MISSILE DROPKICK!!!.....He took Slade down again!!! ...Thuglife goes for the cover, ....1...........................................................2................but noooo, another kickout by Slade!!.......Thuglife picks Slade up and he drags him back to the corner....He then starts to slamm his head into the topturnbuckle...

ND: Thuglife does this a couple of times and he then lets go. He follows that up with whipping Slade into the ropes and when he comes off he takes him to the mat with an armbar!! ....Thuglife lifts Slade to his feet and he sends him into the ropes again...But this time Slade ducks the forearm, and he stops behind Thuglife and grabs him by the arm and hooks in a hammerlock!! ....But Thuglife counters with an elbow to the head!!! Slade refuses to let go, but Thuglife with another elbow!! AND HE REVERSES IT!!!..Thuglife reversed the hammerlock and he now got Slade in that position!!

DT: Thuglife then makes a signal with his free hand and he then turns Slade into ....into....Is he gonna do a reverse DDT?......Or.........NOOO!!! HE HOOKED IN HIS NC-17 SUBMISSION MOVE!!!....THATS HIS DRAGON SLEEPER!!!....The referee checks on Slade and it looks like Slade is out of it....The referee lifts Slade's arm up ......and it goes down.....he lifts his arm up again......and it falls down again....The referee lifts Slade's arm up for a third time and ....IT IS OVER!!!....THUGLIFE HAS WON THIS MATCH!! Nicely done by the EWCL rookie.

ND: So, do you still have your wallet Thornton?

DT: Yes, ofcourse I still have my wallet.

(Neil Down then takes a wallet out of his pocket and places it on the table).

ND: Hmm, then who's wallet did I steal???



Winner: "Thuglife" Shaun Marquez

(We come back from the commercials and the CazzoTron comes on again and shows the following).

The view is one of darkness. A bitter reminder of what happens when the world closes its eyes and lets itself fall into that abyss known as sleep. A sound breaks the eerie silence, a low click, followed by another, louder click. Instantly a flame rises from nothing, tearing through the darkness like a razor across pale skin. The flame is driven into such an intense form that it stands tall and proud, like a pillar. The pillar suddenly begins to move through the air, stopping for a moment and burning as a symbol. Suddenly another noise escapes the silence, a crackle, followed by a smoke which slowly drifts forward, wafting through the air, filling it with the thick stench of cancer, the cancer riding the pale horse of death. The pillar disappears almost as quickly as it appeared, back into the nothing from whence it came. Breathing makes it's way into the scene, slow and deep, hard and long. It continues rhythmically, only to be interupted for a short moment, with the release of more smoke into the air. Without reason or warning, eyes suddenly break through the darkness, as if they were watching and waiting for their very own cue. The eyes continue to stare forward, peering, unblinking, cold and emotionless, until a voice finally joins them.

"Seated upon the throne of kings, yet deceit is all that your bring. You stare down hard and try to believe the propaganda machine that works in your favor. Yet in truth there is fear in your eyes, fear on your skin, fear on on your breath, you savor every last minute you have in the light, feeling it's warm glow, enjoying the treatment. The kings shall fall before the pawns that were so unjustly thrown into the darkness, the ones that were destroyed and passed on, believed to be finish, believed to be passe. Yet the throne of kings on which they sit shall only prove a comfortable seat, for a throne of bone is where we rest and were we plot our recourse. Your gold shall soon be stripped, slowly, like the very flesh from your muscle and bone. Once that is done it shall be worn with pride and dignity, it shall be shown the respect that it deserves, even more important, the gold shall be given to worthy contenders. Take your final breath, for the sun is slowly setting. Yet I must ask, can you cast me a spell?"

The familiar voice cackles to itself for a moment, obviously amused by it's own twisted words. The eyes continue to stare for long moments, then pull back into the forboding darkness, the darkness that engulfs completely, entirely, eternally. Smoke slowly makes it's way forward once more, filling the scene, providing the stench, setting the scene.

(Fade to black).

"Rising Star" Sean Campbell vs. Mystic

DT: Now what was that? We have seen two of those messages things already tonight? What does it mean? Whats gonna happen??

ND: Don't know. All I know is that I am an Award Winning Commentator and that I rule. Need more info? I think not.

DT: Ok is time to see another reasonably newcomer right now....I'm talking about Sean Campbell. He has been in the EWCL before but only had like one match before he left again. Now he has his second match and we'll see if he stays longer this time.

ND: He has to fight Mystic and it looks that Mystic is starting to get in better shape again. He has been slacking for a while, but now it actually appears that he is back on track again.

DT: Yes, and with the New Evolution growing and getting stronger it looks like there's even a good future for Mystic.

(Apossibly by The Apex Theory starts to play and "Rising Star" Sean Campbell comes out. The fans start to cheer him on a bit as he makes his introduction. He makes his way to ringside and slides in the ring).

(Outshined by Soundgarden starts to play and Mystic appears on the top off the ramp. He walks to the ring and uses the ringsteps to enter it).

Ding ding ding.

DT: The two circle eachother for a moment until they lock up. It is Mystic who comes in with a knee to the midsection. He then quickly sends Campbell into the ropes and when he comes off Mystic with a titl-o-wirl backbreaker. Mystic grabs Campbell by the head and he hooks in a side headlock....Mystic trying to slow the math down already, thats pretty early I must say. But Sean Campbell gets back on his feet again....Mystic throws him into the ropes and Campbell gets off and he slides through Mystics legs....He gets up behind Mystic and when he turns around, he kicks the tagchampion into the gut and DDT's him to the canvas!

ND: Sean Campbell to the topturnbuckle and .......CORKSCREW INTO AN ELBOW DROP!!! And he hit Mystic hard with that elbow drop!! Now thats one dangerous move there.......Campbell hooks the leg and he goes for the cover, ....1...............................................2....but Mystic manages to kick out of it in time. Campbell grabs him by the head and he sends him into the ropes......Campbell goes to backdrop his opponent, but Mystic read the move and he kicks Sean hard into the face!!! Campbell staggers backwards and Mystic with a standing dropkick and The Rising Star falls down to the mat!! Haha, you see I won the Award for sentences like that.

DT: Yeah right.........Mystic grabs Sean Campbell and after chopping him to the chest he sends him into the ropes......But Campbell comes off with a SPINNING HEELKICK AND NAILS MYSTIC IN THE FACE WITH IT!!!......Mystic to the mat and Campbell picks him up by the head and ...he throws Mystic over the toprope to the outside!!!...Wow, ........Mystic landed on the concrete!! He'll feel that in the morning!! ......In the ring we see that Sean Campbell runs towards the ropes and ....HE JUMPS ON THE TOPROPE AND ....SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY ON MYSTIC!!!

ND: Excellent move by Sean Campbell!! He landed on top off Mystic!!!!......Both men are hurt from that move, but it is Campbell who is the first one to get to his feet. He gets up and he picks up Mystic and punches him in the face a couple of times...He then wants to throw him back in the ring, but Mystic counters with a kick to the gut and he irish whips Sean Campbell into the steelringsteps!! And Campbell goes right into them backfirst!!!.......Mystic walks over to Campbell and he grabs him by the head and ramms it into the ringsteps. He then picks Campbell up and he bodyslamms him on top off the steel ringsteps!!

DT: That must really hurt Campbells back. Mystic now climbs on the apron and he looks down at Campbell for a second....Mystic then leaps off and ....GUILLOTINE LEGDROP ON SEAN CAMPBELL!!!!.......Wow, what a move by the New Evolution member!!! Great move!!! .....Campbell is out cold and Mystic now rolls him back in the ring. Mystic climbs back in and he goes for the cover, .....1..............................................2........................kickout by Campbell. Mystic lifts Campbell to his feet and he sends him into the ropes, .....Campbell comes off and he sees that Mystic goes for the backdrop and he counters and does a sunset flip for the cover!!, ...........1..................................................2...................but Mystic with a kickout!!

ND: Campbell and Mystic both back on their feet again and it is Campbell who comes in with a right hand.....he nailed Mystic with that and Mystic goes into the ropes. He comes off and Campbell with an impressive overhead belly to belly suplex!!!......Campbell for the cover, but Mystic kicks out after two. Campbell lifts his opponent to his feet and he slaps him into the face. He then throws Mystic into the ropes and when he comes off he backdrops Mystic to the canvas. Finally a backdrop that worked out. Mystic flew high in the air and landed hard on his back. Campbell stomps on Mystic and he then points to the corner.

DT: Campbell walks up to the corner and starts to climb the topturnbuckles now. He stands on top and he faces the crowd......and .....CAMPBELL MOONSAULTS AND HITS MYSTIC!!!.......Campbell for the cover, .....1...................................................2................................but nooooo, Mystic with a foot on the ropes!!! He broke the count and he's still in this match!!!....Campbell shakes his head and he goes to the toprope once again. He faces the crowd again and wants to go for another moonsault, but oooooohhhh at that moment it is Mystic who gets back to his feet and he bounces into the ropes and CAMPBELL LOSES HIS BALANCE AND HE FALLS CROTCHFIRST ON THE TOPTURNBUCKLE!!

ND: He'll probly even enjoy that.

DT: Mystic climbs the topturnbuckle aswell now and he lifts up Sean Campbell and .....BACKDROP SUPLEX OFF THE TOPROPE!!!....What a move by Mystic!!!......Mystic rolls himself on top off Sean Campbell and goes for the cover and. .....1..........................................................2...........................and Mystic places his legs on the toprope for extra leverage .............................3.....................MYSTIC WINS!!! BUT HE CHEATED!! HE USED THE ROPES!!! AND THE REFEREE DIDN'T SEE IT!!

ND: Way to go referee!! Nice way to spoil Sean Campbells record!!


Winner: Mystic

(We come back from the commercials and the camera cuts to the parking lot where Michelle Heart stands waiting impatiently. She is tapping her foot with her arms folded to protect her from the cold night air. Suddenly two headlights come into view from around the corner and she runs to greet the car. She swings open the door and looks inside the limo).

Michelle: Chris, i've been so worried. I....

(Michelle is cut off and steps back from the limo. From it emerges Exile. He gets out and towers above Michelle and gets right in her face.)

Exile: You didn't have to worry about a thing I was always going to show. I take it your love thing hasn't showed yet? Shame I really wanted to beat him senseless for that title.

(Exile then turns and walks off into the arena carrying his gym bag over his shoulder).

(Scene fades out).

The Punisher vs. Belton

ND: Dammit, there's still no sign of Chris Christ!! Is he still in the hospital? Is he not gonna show up here? Even I don't have the answers to those questions.

DT: You just have to wait and see Down, just wait and see.

ND: But patience isn't my middle name.

DT: Right now it is time to see the return of The Punisher. Last week he returned on Havoc II and did his thing and gave Cazzo the Gavel.

ND: True. He is gonna bring Justice by to the EWCL again. So we'll see how thats gonna work out. He started with Cazzo and now he is gonna take on Belton. Belton who tricked Cazzo and Nick Dangerous into signing his adoption papers.

DT: Nice parents.

ND: I wouldn't mind having Cazzo as a dad. He's the kind of dad who would take you to the stripclub.

DT: Yeah and he would be the kind of dad that would kick the shit out of you in the ring.

ND: Hmm, yeah that too.

DT: So now its The Punisher and Soda Boy Belton.

(Freedom Fighter by Creed starts to blare over the PA system and The Punisher comes walking out. The All American Hero greets some of the fans on his way down to ringside. He reaches the ring and climbs in).

("You want a Soda?" can be heard and it is followed by the opening tunes off "Chop Suey". "Soda Boy" Belton walks out and he starts to make his way down the ramp to ringside. On his way he hands out soda cans as always. He reaches the ring and he slides in).

DIng ding ding.

DT: Belton wants to offer Punisher a soda can, but Punisher charges in on him right away and ...BIG BOOTS Belton to the mat!!! That will show him!!...Belton out already and Punisher places his foot on Beltons throat and starts to choke him. The referee makes the count till 5, ...1.....2....3.....4.....5.....and Punisher lets go. He picks Belton up from the mat and after nailing him in the head with some viscious right hands, he throws him into the ropes. Belton comes off the ropes and Punisher with a clothesline that sends Belton to the mat.

ND: Punisher picks Belton up and irish whips him again, but this time Belton reverses the whip and Punisher goes into the ropes. He comes off and ..oooooh shoulderblock on Belton and Soda Boy goes down again!!!....But Belton hops up again and he quickly kicks Punisher into the stomache and rolls him up for a small package, .....1..................................................2.............but Punisher kicks out of it!!...Belton almost had a sneaky win there. The Soda Boy now takes Punisher and he throws him into a corner....Punisher goes in backfirst and Belton charges in right after.

DT: Belton runs in and he splashes on top off Punisher!! Oooooh what a splash!!.....He then grabs Punisher by the arm and he whips him into the opposite corner!! ....Punisher goes in again backfirst and Belton follows in hot pursuit.....But this time Punisher counters by sticking his elbow out!!! And Belton runs right into that elbow!!!.......Belton is stunned and he staggers backwards.....Punisher climbs to the second rope and ....FLYING FOREARM TO BELTON!!!....And Belton goes down to the mat!!!!!! Punisher for the cover, ......1.........................................................2...................but Belton with a kickout. Punisher back up again and he stomps Belton to the left knee.

ND: Punisher then picks Belton up, but the Soda Boy with a rake to the eye. And he follows that up with going into the ropes and he comes off for a clothesline!! But that clothesline doesn't take Punisher to the mat!!! Punisher stumbles, but he didn't go down!!!.....Belton into the ropes for a second time, he comes off again and ....another clothesline!!....But Punisher is still standing!!! Amazing!!!........Belton then wants to go into the ropes for a third time, but he stops and ....HE LOWBLOWS PUNISHER AND KICKS HIM RIGHT BETWEEN THE LEGS!!!! WHAT A MOVE!!!

DT: Punisher falls down to his knees and Belton into the ropes now and he comes off and he dropkicks Punisher to the head and the big guy goes down!! Belton hooks the leg and goes for the cover, ......1.............................................................2....................................kickout. Belton thought he had the win there. Belton back to his feet again and he picks up Punisher and he sends him into the ropes....Punisher comes off and Belton for a headscissors takedown!!! Nice!!.....Punisher goes down and Belton with a series of shots to the head.....

ND: Belton really aggressive here as he is delivering punch after punch to Punishers head. Belton then lifts Punisher up and he irish whips him and throws Punisher into the ropes. Punisher comes off and Belton for a roundhouse kick, but Punisher grabs the leg and ...he sweeps the other leg and Belton goes down to the mat!! Punisher into the ropes, comes off and does a big legdrop on Belton......Punisher for the cover, .....1.................................................2...............but Belton kicks out. Punisher gets up and he lifts Belton up and he lifts him up and executes an atomic drop...

DT: Belton moves into the ropes and when he bounces off, Punisher grabs him and delivers a german suplex. Punisher for the pin, but Belton kicks out of it again. Punisher grabs Belton and he throws him into the ropes, but this time Belton holds on to the ropes.....Punisher charges in, but Belton counters and he charges in on Punisher aswell and ...HE SPEARS THE PUNISHER DOWN TO THE CANVAS!!!...I didn't know that Belton could do that!!

ND: Belton picks Punisher up and he wants to lift him up to powerbomb him. But he can't do it!!! Belton picks Punisher up for a second time, but again he can't do it!!!...Belton lets go off Punisher and he slides to the outside. Belton takes one of his "Onion flavoured Soda's" and he opens it and drinks it. He then checks his muscles and rolls back into the ring again. He grabs Punisher by the throat and he wants to chokeslam The Punisher!!!...BUT THE PUNISHER BLOCKS IT AND HE KICKS BELTON INTO THE MIDSECTION!!!....Punisher then sends Belton into the ropes and when he comes off he POWERSLAMS BELTON TO THE MAT!!!

DT: Big powerslam by The Punisher. Punisher now picks up Belton and ....he sets him up for his finisher and .......THE GAVEL!!!....Yes thats it and its over now!!!.......Punisher hooks the leg and the referee goes for the cover, .........1...........................................................2........................................................3..........................THE PUNISHER WINS ON HIS COMEBACK NIGHT!!! Good win for Punisher here as he shows he can still do it.

Winner: The Punisher

(Our scene cuts backstage where we see Jerry Campbell walking down a long hall, grabbing his wrists and cracking his neck, but being sure to balance his newly won Prime Time title nicely on his right shoulder. In the background are the exits to the parking lot. He walks until the silence is broken by a female voice).


Jerry takes a turn to the girl and chuckles a bit. As his head is turned a familiar face takes a corner. EWCL newcomer, and Jerry's cousin...SEAN CAMPBELL! Sean is looking the other way and bumps into Jerry. They both break their concentration and begin to stare at each other. They haven't seen each other in person since NGW, which closed about a month ago. They were in a fight last time they saw each other. The silence grows thick as the two just stare at each other. Sean pushes Jerry to the side to begin walking. Jerry pushes Sean back. Sean turns his head for another stare down. Then...simultaneously they both give out the classic Campbell "cheer."

Sean and Jerry: MMM!

The two then hug each other, smiling, before going into conversation.

Sean: Jesus Crust, it's been awhile since I've seen you, cuz.

Jerry: Been a while? Like, more than a while. A month and a half kind of while!

Sean: Totally. Now that we're finally together again, we can put some class into EWCL. Campbell style, bitches!

Jerry: I didn't even know you were coming. I already started putting some class into this place by winning the Prime Time title. If I had known you were coming, I would have waited for you so we could do it together. But check out this sweet title!

Sean: *slaps the title* That is a sweet ASS sweet title, dude.

Jerry: Sure is. So what's been up with you? Where have you been?

Sean: Independant circuit, my friend. Still keeping my undefeated streak alive. How 'bout you?

Jerry: Pepsi.

Sean: What?

Jerry: OHHH! Did you ask what I've been up to? I thought you asked what my favorite soda was!

Sean: Ohhh. Totally. Dude, who're you fighting tonight?

Jerry: Sean Orion, I think. Some chump that thinks he's good enough to fight me. Non title though. Are you wrestling tonight?

Sean: Already have. Some no good low carder who thinks he can match up to "The Rising Star".

Jerry: Really? Hmmph, I must have missed it. Wonder why? Probably because I just got here. Anyways Sean-O! I'm about to start my match, come by my locker room after, we'll play duck duck goose or something. And there's a party at the good ol' Campbell mansion tonight after the show, you can hitch a ride on my jet. Be there or be *Jerry makes a square with his fingers* square!

The two then part ways and the scene fades to a commercial break.

"The Rising Star" high fives his cousin, then does some sort of goofy handshake before parting ways.


(We come back from the commercials and the scene goes to outside the arena where a black limo pulls up. The registration reads "Orion 1". As the door opens the first person out is Mike wearing a pair of black slacks and white shirt. He walks to the boot taking the bags out of the car before Sean departs from the car wearing a tailored black Armani suit, black sunglasses and blond hair pulled back into a ponytail).

(Mike walks over towards Sean's side).

Sean: Can you smell it?

Mike: Yeah a kind of stench?

Sean: That's the one.

Mike: Burst sewage pipe or something?

Sean: Yeah I guess that's one way to describe this city. It's that horrible raw stench of scum, that's what it is.

(Sean and Mike walk past the camera laughing).

(Scene fades out).

Jerry Campbell(c) vs. Sean Orion - Non-Title

DT: It looks like Sean Orion doesn't need much preparation.

ND: Well he's the Pinnacle of Perfection. He doesn't need all of that.

DT: Everybody needs a decent preparation.

ND: But not Sean Orion.

DT: If he wants do defeat Jerry Campbell, then I tell you that he will need a good preparation.

(The lights dim out........... As "One Armed Scissor" by At the Drive In comes tearing through the arena a huge explosion lights up the entrance way. "The Pinnacle of Perfection" Sean Orion bounces on the spot a couple of times before emerging from the smoke wearing a pair of white shorts with gold trim, white knee and elbow pads, white boots and white towel hanging over his neck. He slicks back his wet blond hair and looks over to both sides of the crowd before beginning his walk down to the ring. He walks to the ring ignoring everyone around him and slides into the ring. Once into the ring he throws his white towel to the ring keeper before bouncing off the ropes a couple of times and bouncing a few more times on the spot).

(Country grammar by Nelly starts to play and Jerry "Five Star" Campbell comes out. Jerry got the Prime Time Title around his waist and he walks down the aisle to ringside. He hands the title over to Jay Blue and he then slides in the ring).

Ding ding ding.

DT: Jerry Campbell walks over to Sean Orion and reaches out his hand. Orion stares at the hand for a second and chuckles. He then spits at Jerry's hand and charges in on Campbell and takes him to the mat with a lariat!! Orion grabs Campbell by the hair and he drags him over to the corner. Common referee!! He should see that Orion is grabbing the hair there!! Orion grabs Campbells head and he wants to ramm it into the topturnbuckle, but Campbell blocks it and he grabs Orions head and ramms it into the topturnbuckle himself...1.....2.....3.....4.......5.......6........7..........8........9...........10.....

ND: Campbell lifts Orion on the topturnbuckle and climbs on after. Campbell grabs Orion by the tights and wants to suplerplex him, but now Orion blocks it and he uppercuts Campbell and ...CAMPBELL FALLS BACKWARDS TO THE MAT!!!......Orion then jumps off the toprope and ....KNEEDROP ON CAMPBELL!!!....He hit that big knee on the Prime Time Champion!! Orion now back up and he kicks Campbell to the head. He then lifts Campbell up and he scoopslams him back to the mat again!! Orion raises his hands in the air and while the crowd boos him on, he goes back to the topturnbuckle.

DT: Orion on top and he jumps off for a fistdrop off the toprope, .....but Campbell moved out of the way and Orion hits the mat!!!.....Campbell moves back up and he grabs Orion and ......PILEDRIVER!!!......Orions head goes straight into the canvas!! This could be it already!!!....Campbell for the cover, .....1..............................................2......................but Orion kicks out of it. Campbell goes for another cover, but again he only gets a two count. Campbell now drags Orion to his feet and he whips him into the ropes. Orion holds on to the ropes, and when Campbell comes in, it is Orion who backdrops Campbell over the toprope to the outside!!

ND: Campbell layed out on his back and Orion climbs to the outside aswell. He picks up Campbell and he whips him backfirst into the guardrail. Campbell goes in hard and Orion charges in after and ...HE CLOTHESLINES CAMPBELL INTO THE CROWD!!!....Orion climbs on the guardrail and he does not hesitate and he jumps off for a double axe handle smash, but ..ooooh Campbell lifts his left leg up and it hits Orion right in the face!! Orion goes down and the fans help Campbell to get back to his feet again. Campbell is back up and he picks up Orion and he throws him back to ringside. Campbell climbs over the guardrail and he takes Orion and he throws him shoulderfirst into the ringpost!!

DT: Campbell then lifts Orion up and does a shoulderbreaker right there on the outside!! Unbelievable!! Campbell follows that up with rolling Orion back in the ring. Campbell gets on the apron and then he climbs the topturnbuckle. He gets on top and he jumps off for an elbow drop on Orion and he hits it!!....Campbell hooks the leg and he goes for the cover, ......1..............................................2................kickout by Orion. Campbell shakes his head and he then turns Orion around and he hooks in a sharpshooter submission move!! But Orion is trying to reach the ropes now!!

ND: Yes, Orion is going for the ropes.....He reaches out but he is still too far away....He drags him and Campbell closer to the ropes and Orion reaches again and this time he got a hold of the ropes!! Orion got the ropes and the referee makes Campbell break the move. Campbell lets go and he grabs Orion, but oooooh Orion with a lowblow and Campbell goes down!! Orion gets booed again, but the Pinnacle Of Perfection doesn't seem to care about it at all. Orion goes to the toprope and he dives off and ...THIS TIME HE HITS THE FISTDROP OFF THE TOPROPE!!!....Orion for the cover, ......1.................................................2.................but Campbell with a kickout there!!...Orion starts to swear at the referee right now and he drags him over to a corner!!

DT: Wait!!! We now see Sean Orions training partner Mike running down to the ring!!! He runs to ringside and ......from under the ring he grabs a steelchair. Mike then climbs on the apron. Sean Orion is still distracting the referee now as he is still holding him in the opposite corner. Mike is on the apron with that chair and he waits till Jerry Campbell gets back to his feet. Campbell finally gets to his feet and he turns towards Mike.....BUT OOOOOOHHH CAMPBELL SOMEHOW SAW IT COMING AND HE COUNTERS AND DROPKICKS THE STEELCHAIR AND THE CHAIR FLIES INTO MIKE'S FACE!!

ND: And Mike flies off the apron to the concrete!! He's knocked out!!! ...Campbell turns around and Sean Orion charges in on him and clotheslines him to the mat!!!....Orion then picks up Campbell and he sets him up for his TRASHCOMPACTER!!!.....BUT CAMPBELL MOVES OUT OF IT, KICKS ORION INTO THE GUT AND ......THE FICLER!! THATS IT!!!........Campbell hit it and he goes for the cover and. ..........1....................................................2....................................................3...........Jerry "Five Star" Campbell wins the match. The Prime Time Champion has done it!!

DT: It wasn't a title match, but Jerry Campbell still showed that he really wants to hold on to that Prime Time Title. He's proud of that title and wants to keep it for a while.

ND: You can say that again.

Winner: Jerry Campbell

(Once again we see Michelle waiting outside in the parking lot. All alone she stands until a hand touches her on the shoulder. She swings around to be greeted by the face of EWCL champion Drake Laps. The fans inside go nuts at the sight of Drake).

Laps: No sign yet?

Michelle: Nothing at all. Not even a phone call.

Laps: Lets go inside Michelle. Its freezing out here and its not helping nobody.

(Michelle hesitantly follows Laps inside the building but can't resist turning her head to the entrance one last time).


(We come back from the commercials and Johnathan Cable is seen walking backstage (towards the camera). A large hulking man will appear out of nowhere behind Cable and nearly take his head off with a chair. A woman's voice begins laughing hysterically and then comes skipping into view. it is Jezebelle).

"I said homecomings usually are a happy time. But this isn't the time nor place for happiness."

(A man steps around the corner. The camera pans up from his black combat boots to his ragged leather shorts. Still up past the black waistcoast and across the bare chest with all it's scars in plain view. The camera settles on the twisted smirk of the man known only as MacBeth. He steps over to the body of Cable and kneels down).

"Cable, my dear old Cable. A name that symbolizes a link. A Link back to that worthless little shit Mystic. You are my link to Mystic. And his to me right now. And I'm going to fucking cut you off."

(MacBeth stands up and motions to the large man to grab the bag around the corner. Jezebelle grabs the hot coffee dispenser off a nearby table and dumps it on Cable. The large man returns and pulls the table into the middle of the hallway).

(MacBeth grabs the bag and dumps the contents on the table.... thumbtacks, glass shards and bits of broken flourescent bulbs. Jezebelle grabs a bottle of Zippo fluid from Mac's waistcoat as he does the same. They hose the table down with the fluid. Mac throws his bottle down, grabs a Zippo from his pocket and sets the table on fire).

"Asharachal... do the honors."

(Ash, the large man, scoops up Cable and flips him onto his shoulders. He quickly spins around and TKO Facebuster's Cable thru the flaming table. Pieces of glass are imbedded in Cable's body as the skin begins to blister as the EWCL medics and refs arrive and try to put out Cable. MacBeth and company turn and walk off, smirking the entire way).

"Welcome home, prodigal son, return to the nightmare."

(Scene fades out).

"The" Nick Dangerous vs. "The Perfect Storm" Stephen Jackson


ND: Common take it easy!!

DT: Take it easy?? Take it easy?? Do you remember the chaos that MacBeth caused the last time he was here?!?! Do you remember that? Well I think he's back for more of that!!!

ND: Oh shit!!

DT: My thoughts exactly!

ND: I wouldn't want to be his first victim then.

DT: I know what you mean. Well lets hope for the two wrestlers that have to fight right now that they are safe from MacBeth. It is time for "The" Nick Dangerous and "The Perfect Storm" Stephen Jackson. Dangerous was in the Main Event last week at Havoc II. But as you can see, things can change fast and Dangerous is not the Universal Champion, but instead he's in the midcard now and has to face Stephen Jackson. But he shouldn't underestimate Stephen Jackson. The Perfect Storm was in the opening match last week at Havoc II, but he showed what he got and didn't get fired.

ND: So Dangerous and Jackson right now right here.

(Fire in the head by The Tea Party starts to play and "The" Nick Dangerous comes walking out from the back. The crowd boos the Canadian as he walks to ringside. Dangerous reaches the ring and slides in).

(Finally So Much Pain by Ja Rule featuring 2Pac blares over the Pa system and "The Perfect Storm" Stephen Jackson comes out. He stands on the top of the ramp for a moment and then starts to walk to the ring. He reaches ringside and uses the ringsteps to enter it).

Ding ding ding.

DT: Dangerous and Jackson stare at eachother and then start to circle eachother for a few seconds. Finally they lock up and Dangerous knees Jackson in the gut. Dangerous follows that up with punching Jackson in the face and he whips him in the corner. Dangerous charges in right after and he splashes on top off Jackson!! Dangeorus then hands out a few hard chops to the chest and the crowd reacts with ooooooohs whille he does that. Dangerous whips Jackson in the opposite corner, and Jackson flies in backfirst. Dangerous follows in again, but Jackson moves out of the way and Dangerous flies into the corner.

ND: Dangerous went in chestfirst and Jackson grabs him from behind and delivers a german suplex on him. Jackson holds on to the german suplex hold and he executes it for a second time. Jackson finally lets go and he picks up Dangerous and he sends him into the ropes. When Dangerous comes off, Jackson with a tilt-o-wirl powerslam!! The Perfect Storm for the cover, .....1............................................................2........................but The Canadian Superstar kicks out of it. Jacksok then picks up Dangerous and slams him back into the mat. He follows that up with an elbow drop.

DT: Jackson picks Dangerous up and he peppers him a series of shots to the midsection and head. Jackson lifts Dangerous up and he snap suplexes him to the mat!! ...Jackson for another cover attempt, but again he only gets a two count. Jackson gets up and he lifts Dangerous up and he delivers a vertical suplex!! Jackson goes into the ropes and he comes off for an elbow drop, but ooooh Dangerous moves out of the way and he then rolls out of the ring. Dangerous rolled out of the ring and he is giving himself some time now to recover. Smart thinking of the former EWCL champion.

ND: It looks like Dangerous took something out of his pants, and noooo I don't mean Nick Jr.. Dangerous grabbed a pair off brassknuckles and he put them on. At that moment Jackson climbed to the outside and he runs in on Dangerous. But Dangerous counters and he nails Jackson in the face with those brassknuckles!! Dangerous gets rid of the evidence and he then continues to kick down on Jackson. With furious kicks he goes to work on Jackson. He looks like a little bit of rain now and not like a Perfect Storm.

DT: Dangerous picks Jackson up and he rolls him back into the ring again. Dangerous follows in and he goes to the second rope and does a legdrop on his opponent. Dangerous then goes for the cover, ......1.............................................................2................but Stephen Jackson with a kickout. But you can really say that Dangerous is back in the advantage again. He picks up Jackson and sends him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and Dangerous takes Jackson down with a roundhouse kick!! Again Dangerous picks up Jackson and whips him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and he ducks the forearm. He goes into the opposite ropes and he comes off wit a flying forearm and Dangerous goes down to the mat!!

ND: Jackson rolls Dangerous up to get the win, but Dangerous manages to kick out in time. Jackson and Dangerous both back on their feet and they circle eachother and lock up once again. Dangerous shoves Jackson in a corner and rushes in, but Jackson catches Dangerous with a right hand. Dangerous staggers backwards and Jackson with a hurricanrana!!!....Jackson holds on to the legs and the cover, ........1...............................................................2.........................but Dangerous kicks out.

DT: Jackson slaps Dangerous in the face a couple of times, but that only made Dangerous more angry. Dangerous and Jackson then start to roll around the ring, trading punches back and forth. The referee tries to seperate them and bring some order back, but its not working. Dangerous and Jackson back on their feet, but the brawling is still going on. Dangerous now got Jackson in a corner and he hits him with a big right hand.....But Jackson returns with a right hand of his own!!.....Jackson then with an elbow to the face and Dangerous is stunned for a moment!!

ND: Jackson takes advantage of that moment and he moves into the ropes, comes off and grabs Dangerous by the back off the head and ....FLYING BULLDOG!!.....Jackson for the cover, ......1.......................................................2..............................but Dangerous kicks out again!!! The former champion is not letting go here. He must be real disappointed after last week. Jackson picks Dangerous up, but oooooh lowblow by Dangerous!!! Jackson goes down to the mat and Dangerous with a quick elbow drop!!

DT: Dangerous drags Jackson to his feet and he lifts him on the topturnbuckle. Dangerous starts to climb it aswell and he lifts Jackson up for a superplex!!!...But JACKSON BLOCKS IT!!...DANGEROUS TRIES AGAIN...BUT JACKSON BLOCKS IT FOR A SECOND TIME!!...HE THEN KICKS DANGEROUS IN THE GUT AND ...HE TURNS HIM AROUND IN A PILEDRIVE POSITION AND .....LANDFALL!!!....TOPROPE PILEDRIVER!!!....The neck!! I hope he never damaged Dangerous his neck there!!!......Jackson now hooks the leg for the cover and. .........1..................................................................2..................................................3.....The Perfect Storm Stephen Jackson has won!!

ND: And Dangerous loses again.

DT: But a great win for Stephen Jackson.


Winner: Stephen Jackson

(We come back from the commercials and the scene slowly fades into a dark room backstage. A small flicker of light escapes behind the visage of a woman. With her back to the camera, she stands there while in the background the faint cords of Number one crush by Garbage begin to play. Long black and blonde hair sways from side to side as she slowly moves through her routine, turning around to face the camera. The lyrics ring through the air as she hypnotizes the crowd with her movements).

I would die for you
I would kill for you
I will steal for you
I'd do time for you
I would wait for you
I'd make room for you
I'd sail ships for you
To be close to you
To be a part of you
'Cause I believe in you
I believe in you
I would die for you

(As the song continues she suddenly steps forward, the strobe light still flashing behind her, creating a vision of her on the wall behind. She slowly raises her arms in a mock crucifix and stares directly into the camera. No hint of fear, no sign of explanation. Her thin lips slowly part, slowly she begins to speak).

Woman ~ You will feel his pain, you will taste his torment. You will watch as he falls before him, as the crystal shard is shattered. The spell will be broken, the ability drained. There will be no magic tonight, there will be only a bittersweat truth behind a heart full of sorrow. There will be a penalty for pain and hatred of logic. More important than all of that, he will be here.

(The song slowly begins to fade away and then repeat itself, the sound of moans echo behind her as she stares forward, the message having been delievered. Another pawn moved into place).

I would die for you.

(Fade to black).

Joey Gold/Aaron Gold vs. Romeo Stone/Dez Burnett

ND: I tell you if all this freaky stuff that we are seeing tonight has anything to do with Matty Midget, then I am quitting my job. Award winning commentator or not, if its Matty Midget, then I am out of here.

DT: Common Down, take it easy.

ND: Take it easy? Take it friggin easy? How can I?

DT: Just do it, man, grow up!!

ND: ...

DT: Right now it is time for our only tagmatch of the evening. The Gold Boyz, Joey and Aaron Gold are joining forces and they have to face Romeo Stone and Dez Burnett.

ND: Now I wonder whats the outcome of this match is gonna be like. (he says in a sarcistic way).

(Gold by Spandau Ballet plays and Aaron and Joey Gold come walking out. They have this entrance music especially for their tagteam. Aaron and Joey don't really get cheered on, since they joined the New Evolution. The Gold Boyz reach the ring and slide in and get ready for their match).

(Firestarter by The Prodigy starts to play and Dez Burnett and Romeo Stone come walking out. They don't really get a big pop from the crowd. However the two are accompanied by JJ Malone. All three walk to ringside and Stone and Burnett enter the ring).

Ding ding ding.

DT: Its gonna be Aaron Gold and Romeo Stone who are gonna start this tagmatch. Aaron and Stone circle eachother for a couple of seconds before they tie up. Aaron lets go and there's a clean break. The two circle eachother again and they lock up for a second time. Aaron gets Stone in a side headlock and the two go into the ropes. Aaron lets go off Stone and he goes into the opposite ropes. Stone comes off and Aaron with a belly to belly suplex on Stone!! Aaron taunts Stone a bit and he even walks over to Burnett and slaps him in the face!!....Burnett wants to enter the ring, but the referee stops him and makes him go back to his corner!

ND: Meanwhile Aaron picked up Stone and he tagged in his brother Joey. Aaron sends Stone into the ropes and when he comes off he does a drop toe hold.....Stone to the mat and Joey Gold dives off the toprope for a 450 splash on top off Stone!!! OOOOH MYYYY GODDDD!!!!........They must have done this like a zillion times back home at the Gold mansion. Joey turns Stone on his back and he goes for the cover, ......1......................................2...............but a kickout by Stone. Joey Gold picks up Stone and he sends him into the ropes....Stone comes off and he ducks the forearm, comes off the opposite ropes and he clotheslines Joey to the mat!!

DT: Aaron comes in but Stone rushes in on him and also clotheslines him to the mat!!....Stone focusses back on Joey and he grabs him and lifts him up for a fallaway slam....But Aaron comes in and he dropkicks them and Joey lands on top off Stone!!! The referee for the count, .......1...................................................2...............but Stone kicks out. Aaron goes back to his corner and Joey picks up Stone. He sends him into the ropes and ...RUNNING DROPKICK BY JOEY GOLD!!!.....Romeo Stone really needs a tag here!! .... Joey Gold goes back to his corner and at the same time Stone is crawling back over to his corner.

ND: But Aaron comes in and he grabs Stone by the legs and he pulls him back to the center of the ring. Strong tagteamwork by the Gold Boyz. Aaron picks up Stone and he waistlocks him and goes for a german suplex, but Stone reverses the waistlock and he backdrop suplexes Aaron. Stone then rolls to his corner and he tags in Dez Burnett. Burnett comes in and he goes for Aaron. He picks him up and he sends him into the ropes and back bodydrops him to the mat!!...He then sends him into the ropes for a second time and this time he grabs Aaron and executes a gutwrench DDT!!

DT: Burnett for the cover, ....1..................................................2................but Joey Gold comes in and he breaks the count. Burnett tries not get destracted and he picks up Aaron. He throws Aaron into the ropes, but when he comes off Aaron kicks him in the midsection and ....GOLD RING!!!..Swinging neckbreaker!!!....Burnett goes down and Aaron tags in Joey. Aaron and Joey pick up Burnett and they send him into the ropes....Burnett comes off and Joey and Aaron flapjack him and drop Burnett facefirst into the ropes!!! OOOOOH THAT WAS A NASTY FALL INTO THE ROPES!!!...

ND: Joey takes Burnett and he drags him out of the ropes. He then lifts him up and pokes Burnett in the eyes. Burnett is blind for a moment and Joey climbs to the topturnbuckle and ......THE FLOATOVER!!!....Excellent move by Joey Gold!!!....Burnett went down and Joey for the cover, .....1.........................................................................2...................but Romeo Stone comes in and this time he breaks the count. Aaron Gold then also enters the ring and he charges in on Stone and he knocks him to the mat!!!

DT: Aaron picks up Stone, sets him up and .........CAREER ENDING GOLDDIGGER ON ROMEO STONE!!!......And Romeo Stone is layed out!!!! Stone is layed out in the ring and Aaron rolls him to the outside now and Stone falls to the concrete floor!!!....Joey Gold now waits till Burnett gets back to his feet.....Joey then moves in and .....THE STRIP!!!....Thats his finisher!!!....And Joey can finish this right now!!......Joey goes for the cover, .......1.............................................................................2.........but Joey lifts Burnett his shoulder up!! Why did he do that?? Why didn't he end it?

ND: Joey Gold shakes his head saying that this thing isn't over yet. He tags in Aaron and the Gold Boyz then lift Burnett on the topturnbuckle. Burnett is on the topturnbuckle now and Joey Gold climbs to the toprope aswell. While he does that Aaron Gold climbs another corner. Joey punches Burnett in the face one time and .....HURRICANRANA OFF THE TOPROPE ON BURNETT!!!.....WHAT A MOVE!!! ....AND ....OOOOOH .....GOLD RUSH FROM AARON GOLD ON TOP OF THAT!!!.....Aaron Gold with his frogsplash and he hit Burnett!!!.....Aaron for the cover and. .........1............................................................2..................................................................3....The Gold Boyz win their first tagmatch!!!

DT: That looked pretty good. Good teamwork by the Gold Boyz.

ND: Seems like the biggest threat for the current tagchampions comes from within their own stable.

DT: Yes, pretty intresting.

(After the match is over fireworks explodes. And we hear the following spoken words).

Lost some years
Lost some days
Thats OK
I piss on whats in my way


(Neil Downs screaming gets interrupted as we go backstage).

Winners: Joey Gold/Aaron Gold

(We cut to the inside of Drake Laps' locker room. Drake is standing behind a couch where Michelle and Kelly Laps sit. The talking cannot be heard and a knock on the door interupts the conversation. Laps opens the door and a stage hand is standing their..with the Universal title in his hands).

Stage Hand: Erm..Mr. Laps I just got this off some guy from the hospital he said Chris said give it to Michelle along with this.

(The stage hand hands him a video tape).

Stage hand: He said she'd know what to do.

Laps: Thanks kid.

(Laps closes the door and turns around to see Michelle and Kelly looking at him. The silence in the room is awkward as the scene fades out).

DT: What does this mean Down?

ND: I hope it doesn't mean what I think it does.


(We come back from the commercials and the camera fades slowly into the backstage area).

(Mystic is walking through the hall headed towards the dressing room that he shares with Jonathan Cable. As he rounds the corner he feels eyes instantly fall upon him. As he continues to move through he realizes that the eyes come from the penetrating stare of someone seated upon a stack of production boxes. As Mystic goes to move past him, the man rises slowly and pushes the hair from infront of his face. Scott Monroe stands there, eyes locked upon Mystics, peering into his very soul. Placing a hand upon Mystics shoulder, Monroe leans close and begins to speak to the curious EWCL tag team champion).

Monroe ~ Do you know what Deicide means? It means to kill your own God, but more specifically refers to the Christian God. Yet Deicide can be used in many terms as a way to destroy many things. In a way the goverment plays God over its citizens, so Deicide would be in order to destroy it. In a way that mother nature can cause havoc and wreak entire lives, while mother nature is a force, so, in a sense, is God. Therefore Deicide would technically apply in that situation.

(Monroe steps back for a moment, his eyes still locked upon those of Mystics).

Monroe ~ However there is another place where Deicide can applied. It is in the world of wrestling, because here there is a pedistol that everyone in this buisness wishes to stand upon. It is the top of the mountain, a tower, a castle, a dream that everyone who has ever stepped through the ropes has held dear to them at one point or another. You see my dear Mystic, that nirvana is where you stand, that castle is as a champion. Therefore Deicide can be applied to this situation, because to hold a championship is to proclaim oneself God over the others in the arena in which they compete. It is to believe that you truly are the best that there is. It is to believe that your life holds more value, that your skills are far superior, that you are indeed to superior to all others.

(Monroe turns around slowly, breaking eye contact with Mystic).

Monroe ~ I hate people who believe that they are superior to me.

(Suddenly MacBeth steps from the darkness and blast Mystic in the back of the head. As Mystic stumbles forward MacBeth drives him to the ground with vicious rights and lefts. Monroe kneels over Mystic as MacBeth stands above him. Slowly Monroe leans down, close enough to Mystics face so that he can smell the stench of his breath. Then Monroe whispers in a faint tone to him).

Monroe ~ The New Evolution may be Gods, but I am the one who will lead to their Deicide.

(With that Monroe winks at Mystic as MacBeth kicks him in the head. Monroe then rises slowly, the two men simply disappearing, almost as if they had faded into the darkness around them).

(Fade to Black).

Drake Laps(c) vs. Blade - Non-Title

DT: Holy Geezus!!! First we saw MacBeth destroy Johnathan Cable and now we see MacBeth and Scott Monroe do the same thing to Mystic. What do these two guys want? Why are they here??

ND: Beats me Thornton, beats me.

DT: I guess we just have to wait and see. Time will tell I suppose. As for right now it is time for a non-title match. A non-title match between EWCL champion Drake Laps and his former friend Blade.

ND: This is gonna be intresting. Although the title is not on the line, it is still fascinating to see these two guys fight it out.

DT: And it is the classic fight between speed and power.

(The lights go out in the arena as "Wake Up" by Rage Against The Machine hits the jampacked place...A sudden spotlight comes out of nowhere as Drake Laps is standing in the entrance way with Kelly Laps standing proud next to him...Laps raises his arms as fireworks shoot out of the metal stage...Shades of red and white go out of the ground as Drake Laps and Kelly Laps walk forward towards the ring...Laps jumps to the ropes as he holds the ropes for Kelly...Drake Laps jumps over the rope entering the ring...He turns to the camera and poses as Kelly is in front of him crouching...The crowd goes crazy as Drake Laps sits on the top rope, escorting Kelly outside of the ring).

(Out of nowhere, a voice screams out, "I FEEL SO GOOD, I FEEL SO NUMB, YEAH!!" and Rob Zombie's "Feel So Numb" blasts throughout the arena. Simultaneously, the lights quickly blacken out, and several strobe lights go off around the entranceway. Fog also begins to fill the entranceway, and the crowd roars loudly as Blade walks out down the aisle with purpose. He is dressed in his normal attire of black pants and boots, with a black trench coat).

Ding ding ding.

DT: The match is on and Blade and Laps stand still in the ring, staring eachother down. The referee tells them that the match has started, but there isn't much movement in both wrestlers. But then both men lock up. Blade shoves Laps in a corner and he moves in with an elbow!! Blade in control now as he starts to ramm his fist into Laps his forehead......1....2....3...4....5...Five fast shots to the head by Blade. Laps will probly have a splitting headache tomorrow. Blade grabs Laps by the arm and oooooh he does a short clothesline!!! ...Laps goes down and Blade drags him under the bottom ropes.

ND: Blade then places his boot on the ropes and the ropes are choking Laps. Laps is grasping for air and the referee is making the count. He counts till five, but Blade holds on to it longer. The referee tries to make Blade stop, and a few seconds later Blade lets go off that chokehold. Laps uses the ropes to get to his feet, but Blade doesn't give him any recovery time. Blade picks Laps up from behind and ...FULL NELSON SLAM!!!...Blade goes for the early cover, but Laps kicks out of it in time!!!.....Blade grabs Laps and after another shot to the head he sends him into the ropes.

DT: But Laps jumped on the toprope and he does a summersault off the ropes and takes Blade down to the mat with it!!! Laps wit a tip up to get to his feet and he pulls the big guy up to his feet and uppercuts him. Laps follows that up with body slamming Blade to the mat and he then comes off the ropes for a splash on top off Blade!!! Laps hooks the leg for the cover, .......1.......................................................2.....................but a kickout by Blade. Laps drags Blade to his feet once again and he throws him in a corner. Laps then charges in, does a cartwheel and connects Blade in the face with an elbow!!! WOWWW!! Great stuff!

ND: Laps climbs on the bottom rope now and he starts to plant his fist into Blade's forehead!!!...But Blade reacts to that right away and he lifts Laps up and executes a reverse atomic drop!!!......Laps staggers backwards and Blade moves in ....OOOOOOOH.....takes Laps to the mat with a huge BIG BOOT!!!.....Blade bounces into the ropes, comes off for a fist drop on Laps!! He then goes for the cover, ......1...............................................................2................................but Laps with anohter kickout.

DT: Blade waits till Laps is back up and he then chops him to the chest 4 times. Blade lifts Laps up into a powerbomb position, but ooooooooohhh......while Laps is high in the air, he thumbs Blade in the eyes and ....HE TURNS THAT POWERBOMB INTO A HURRICANRANA!!!.....DID YOU SEE THAT!!??!?!?!? Excellent!!!....Thats why he won the award for best Highflyer!!!.....Laps now quickly to the topturnbuckle and ....SHOOTING STAR PRESS ON BLADE!!!......Laps in a zone as he now hooks the leg, .....1.........................................................2.................but Blade with a kickout.

ND: This match can go either way here. Laps has the upperhand right now and he picks up Blade and he drags him over to the corner now and lifts him on the ropes. But ooooooh Blade with a kick to Laps his head and he follows that up with a SWINGING NECKBREAKER OFF THE SECOND ROPE!!!! Laps is out of it now!!!....Blade lifts Laps up and he sends him into the ropes....and when Laps comes off he grabs him and executes a sidewalk slam. Blade for the cover, .....1....................................................................2..............................but Laps with a kickout. Blade pulls Laps to his feet and he pummels him around a bit and bodyslams him to the canvas once more.

DT: Blade then grabs Laps and hooks in a crossface!!!.....But Laps is fast and he grabs the ropes right away. The referee makes Blade break it and this time Blade lets go immediately. Blade pulls Laps to his feet and he pushes him in the corner. Blade then lifts Laps on the topturnbuckle and climbs on after. Blade grabs a hold of Laps and ....SUPERPLEX!!!....And Laps hits the mat hard!!!.....Blade for the cover, .....1...............................................................2...but a kickout. Blade shakes his head in disbelief and he kicks Laps to the head. He then grabs him by the head and sends him into the ropes.

ND: Laps comes off and he leapfrogs over Blade, lands on his feet behind Blade and he then lifts Blade on his shoulders and ....ELECTRIC CHAIR!!!.....Blade lands hard on backfirst on the mat. Laps goes into the ropes and he comes off and does a summersault and lands on Blade. Laps for the pin, but Blade with a kickout after two. Laps back up and he starts to kick Blade to the head several times. He does this like 10 times and he then moves to the corner.

DT: Laps to the toprope and he climbs on the topturnbuckle. He gets on top and he looks down at Blade.... Laps then makes the signal and .....THE LAPIDATOR!!!.....BUT BLADE ROLLED OUT OF THE WAY IN TIME!!!....OOOOOHH!!! And Laps in trouble now I suppose!!!......But Blade is not getting up yet aswell..... It is Drake Laps who's the first one to get back to his feet. And Laps goes to the toprope again. He slowly climbs up to the top, but at that moment Blade gets to his feet. He was only acting!! He was playing possum on Laps!!!....Blade is up and Laps tries to react with a MISSILE DROPKICK OFF THE TOPROPE!!!.....BUT OOOOOOOH BLADE CATCHES THE ANKLE OUT OF THE AIR AND HE HOOKS IN AN ANKLELOCK ON DRAKE LAPS!!!

ND: And whats Laps gonna do? Is he gonna tap out of it or not? Last week we saw Belton tap out of this anklelock. Blade is hooking it on stronger, but Laps is trying to reach for the ropes....Laps crawls over towards the ropes.......He crawls even closer now and tries to reach it, he's almost there now!!!....BUT JUST WHEN LAPS WANTS TO GRAB THE ROPES, BLADE DRAGS HIM TO THE CENTER OF THE RING!!! AND.....AND.....LAPS TAPPS OUT!!!.....Blade wins this match!!! But Laps keep the EWCL title since this was a non-title match!!

DT: Maybe Blade earned himself a title match with this win. You never know.


Winner: Blade

Chris Christ(c) vs. Exile - Universal Title

DT: It is time. It is time for our Main Event. But the question is if we are gonna see a main event or not. Sofar we haven't seen Chris Christ arrive yet. As far as we know he is still in the hospital.

ND: He looked pretty beat up. I've visited him a couple of times. Ok, he wouldn't let me in, but I could tell that he was hurt badly. That match last week against Nick Dangerous and the Exile attack sure did its damage.

DT: But what about Exile. Exile is back as a wrestler in the EWCL. But he is also still the Commisioner in the IWF. Is that possible? What does this mean? Is this another way to invade the EWCL or what is this?

ND: I think Exile is only thinking of his own. He doesn't care about Iceman.

DT: You think?

ND: Yes, I think Exile is real cold.

DT: Cold?

ND: Yes, cold from screwing the Iceman!...Haha. get it....get is??

DT: ...uhuh...

ND: But anyway Exile was always hard to understand Down. He has a twisted mind.

DT: Haven't we all, haven't we all.

ND: I got a dirty mind, I wouldn't call it twisted.

DT: But lets get this thing started and lets see if Christ is gonna show or not.

(Fuck it by Seether starts to play and Exile appears from behind the curtains. Exile stands on the ramp and Roadblock comes out aswell and he is carrying a sign that says "EWCL = Exile Wins Christ Loses". Exile and Roadblock walk to the ring while the crowd boos them loudly. They reach the ring and Exile uses the ringsteps to enter it. He goes to his corner and waits for Chris Christ).

DT: Now I wonder whats gonna happen next.

(Got you by the Balls blasts over the arena P.A system and the crowd go nuts. The music continues to play but there is no sign of Christ. Exile stands in the ring with a faint smirk on his face. The music starts one more time but Chris does not emerge. Suddenly there is some movement from the curtains and from the back emerges Michelle Heart. She has the Universal title in her hand and a mic in the other.)

Michelle: Exile, it looks like you finally got what you wanted. You have regained the Universal title by forfeit.


Michelle: Chris is laying in a hospital bed wanting to get out of it just to beat the living hell out of you!! But he can't. And why? Because you threw him off two damm cages!! This is not the end of the the battle though Exile. Chris has a little something for you before you get your hands on this title.

(Michelle looks up at the Cazzotron as it flickers to life. On it is the sorrow stricken face of Chris Christ. The crowd go nuts as the video tape rolls.)

Christ: I've not got much to say to you Exile. You're the best in the business. You showed the world your lack of remorse by throwing me from those cells. You may have ended my career. The old Christ bad luck with the dreaded ribs. Danny succumbed to it and it looks like I may have to too.

(The crowd boo and a Chris Christ chant starts up around the arena.)

Christ: To think my last ever act in the EWCL may be falling from those cells! And you get the pleasure of saying that you did it. Well congratulations Exile. You might be the new Universal champion in just a few minutes. But before Michelle give you your prize, how about a little promise? A promise that if one day I do come back and you are the Universal champion you will give me a shot at what I deserve? A shot at the title I have held for the same amount of time as the great Sean Corvik?

(The crowd goes silent and waits Exiles answer. Exile stands in the ring play acting like he's thinking of something. He then takes a mic and brings it to his lips.)

ND: He's just gotta say yes. Its the right thing to do.

Exile: N.....O!!!!!

ND: What a bastard!!

DT: Down!!

ND: Well he is!!

(The fans boo immensly at Exile and he just laughs it off.)

Christ: I sort of had the feeling you'd say no. So I thought to myself I shouldn't really lose the title in the first place.)

(Exiles face looks confused. Michelle starts her way down to the ring with the Universal title.)

DT: What did Christ mean he'll never lose it?

ND: I wonder if Michelle is going to take his place.

DT: *sigh*

(Michelle finally reaches the ring and Exile comes to the ropes and leans over to her. Exile then goes to take the title but Michelle steps back and swings her arm around and slaps Exile in the face. Exile steps back in shock before lunging over and grabbing Michelle by the hair. He even starts to pull her up by it and the crowd start to go nuts.)

DT: Why are the fans cheering? He is assaulting a lady

ND: Maybe her nipple popped out?


DT: THAT'S WHY THEY'RE CHEERING! IT'S CHRIS CHRIST HES IN THE RING. HE HAS COME THROUGH THE CROWD AND HE IS IN THE RING NOW!! His head is bandaged as are his ribs. And he is walking with a little limp.

ND: Christ has come to defend his title at only 50% fit, what a champion!!

DT: Exile has no idea that Christ is behind him and he continues to pull Michelle up before he yanks the title from her and lets her drop. He holds the title up to the crowd who boo like crazy. He then turns around to see Christ standing there.

ND: Look at his eyes! They are nearly as big as my...

DT: Down!!

ND: Lets get this match started!!!

Ding ding ding.

DT: Christ and Exile start trading punches, with Exile getting the better of the two. Exile then winds up for a left jab, but Christ ducks it and catches Exile with a boot to the midsection. Christ follows that up with some left jabs of his own and a hard right hand to the jaw. Christ then irish whips Exile into the ropes and when he comes off Christ goes for his CEREVISI SUPERKICK ALREADY!!...He wants to end this quick!!!....But Exile ducked it and grabbed a hold off Christ his leg!!!...But Christ counters with an ENZIGUIRI!!...

ND: Exile goes down and Christ starts to stomp Exile to the back of the head. And hear the crowd go, they are cheering Christ on big time. Christ picks Exile up from the mat and he throws him into the corner......Exile goes in backfirst and Christ comes charging in now, but ....oooohhh Exile moves out of the way in time and Christ flies shoulderfirst into the steel ringpost!! He flew through the second and toprope into that ringpost!!!....Not good for the shoulder!!!....Exile then pulls Christ out of the corner and he turns him and shoves him backfirst into the corner!!

DT: Exile then starts to kick Christ into those ribs....into those hurt and bruised ribs.........Exile with a series of kicks until Christ falls down to the mat.....Exile continues to use his foot on Christ until he has enough of it. Exile then pulls Christ to his feet and he arrogantly smacks him in the face. He then irish whips Christ into the ropes. Christ comes off and Exile with a clothesline and the Universal Champion goes to the canvas. Exile into the ropes and comes off for a kneedrop on Christ. The former Universal Champion gets up and he works on Christ his ribs some more. He's kicking the crap out of Christ his ribs!!

ND: I can't believe it!!! Why the ribs? Why always the ribs??? Exile now drags Christ to his feet and he throws him into the ropes, but Christ holds on to them, trying to catch some air. But he wasn't aware of Exile who comes charging in right after and he clotheslines Christ over the toprope to the outside!! OOOOh Godddd noooooo!!!!!......Christ on the concrete floor now, this is not good. Not good at all. Exile on the outside aswell now and he grabs Christ and smacks him in the face once more. Exile then irish whips Christ into the steel ringsteps and Christ flies in shoulderfirst!!!

DT: Exile then comes over and picks up a part of the metal stairs. He is going to slam them on top off Christ!!! BUT OOOOOHHHH CHRIST WITH A LOWBLOW!!!....This causes Exile to drop the stairs and they fall on top of his head. With the lower part of the metal steps exposed, Christ takes Exile and he lifts him up and .....HE PILEDRIVES EXILE ON TOP OFF THE STEPS!!! The crowd is really going nuts now!!!.....As they cheer Christ on, he picks up Exile, but somehow Exile counters and he drops Christ crotchfirst onto the guardrail!!!

ND: Exile then nails Christ with a clothesline that sends Christ into the crowd!! Exile climbs over the guardrail aswell now and he picks up Christ and bodyslamms him back to the concrete. Exile then straddles Christ and gives him five punches to the head. Exile then takes Christ back to the guardrail and lays him up against it!! Exile goes for another clothesline, but this time Christ dips his shoulder and backdrops Exile over the guardrail to ringside!!! Christ then slowly climbs back to ringside too. He grabs Exile and hands out some shots to the head. Christ then whips Exile into the apron and Exile flies in backfirst. Christ moves in and he rolls Exile back in the ring again.

DT: Christ gets back in and he goes for the cover, ....1.....................................................2.........but Exile kicks out. Christ picks Exile up and he sends him into the ropes.....Exile comes off and Christ with a roundhouse kick and Exile to the mat. Christ then follows that up with a spinning legdrop and it hits Exile right in the head. Christ for another cover, .....1.........................................................2.................................but Exile kicks out of it again. Christ checks his ribs now, but then he does decide to go to the toprope. He climbs on the topturnbuckle and ......TOPROPE ELBOW DROP ON EXILE!!!....What a move by Christ!! Its unbelievable that he did that move!! The guy belongs in the hospital, but now we see him do all of this!! This is remarkable!!

ND: He's The Messiah!! ...He's the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.

DT: I think that was someone else, Down.

ND: You sure?

DT: Yes, I'm pretty sure.

ND: ....oh....

DT: Christ now is back to his feet and ...HE GETS READY FOR THE CEREVISI!!!....He gets ready for it again!!! The second time he goes for it in this match!!!.....As Exile comes to his feet, Christ goes for the CEREVISI, but Exile ducks it and gets in a belly to belly suplex!!! OOOOH MY GODDDD!!!! What a counter by Exile!!! Exile is still recovering from the elbow, and it takes him some time to go for the cover. He finally rolls himself on top off Christ and goes for the cover, ........1............................................................2.................but a kickout by Christ. Exile then drags Christ over to the corner and he slamms Christ his leg into the ringpost!!! Exile also gets in a right hand to Christ his face for good measure!!!

ND: Exile pulls Christ back to his feet and he whips into a corner and nails him with a clothesline while Christ came out of the corner!!! Exile then irish whips Christ again and Christ flies into the corner hard!!! Exile moves over and he lifts Christ on the topturnbuckle. Exile climbs on aswell and he grabs Christ and .....BRAINBUSTER OFF THE TOPROPE!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!....NOOOOO, PLEASE NOOOOO!!! DON"T DO THAT TO MY CHRIST!!!.........Exile then rolls himself on top off Christ and goes for the cover, ........1.....................................................................2............................but yessssss....Christ kicked out of it!!!

DT: Exile then picks Christ up and he throws him into the ropes. Christ comes off and Exile hits hit with a boot to the head. Christ goes down and Exile puts his hand to his ear and he then goes into the ropes and does a legdrop on top off Christ!!!....Exile goes for the cover, ....1.......................................................2......................................but Christ kicks out. Exile couldn't have thought that he really would win the title with that move, now could he? Exile now picks up Christ and he drags him over to the corner and he starts to ramm Christ his head into the topturnbuckle, ....1.....2......3.....4......5......6......7.....8.......9........10.....And Christ his forehead is busted open now, we can see the blood flowing from under those bandages. That doesn't look good for Christ.


DT: Christ should have had the win already here. He would have had it for sure, if the referee wouldn't have been out. Christ is still covering Exile and now we see that the referee is getting back up again. He sees that Christ is covering Exile and he starts the count, .........1.............................................................2.......................but Exile kicks out!!! OHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDDDDD!!!!! This is nuts!!! Christ can't believe it!! He can't believe it at all. He goes over to the referee and he wants an explanation!!!...

ND: The ref says that he was knocked out. Christ shakes his head once more and he then turns towards Exile. He picks up Exile and he sets him up for a suplex....but Exile reverses it and lands on his feet behind Christ.....He then turns Christ around, kicks him in the gut and .....THE OUTCAST!!!....NOOOOOOOO!!!! And Christ is out!!!



DT: 2!!!!!


DT: 3!!!!!!




DT: Here comes Blade to celebrate with his brother! The ref is handing Exile the belt! What a sight! And Look at this….Exile is extending his hand to Chris Christ! The fans are loving this now folks! These men have a new respect for each other after his battle. Exile is holding up Chris Christ's hand and celebrating in the ring. Truly a wonderful….OH MY GOD! EXILE JUST HIT CHRIST WITH ANOTHER OUTCAST!!!


DT: Even Blade stopped in his tracks on the ramp. Holy lord…Exile is crouched down and beating this living piss out of Chris Christ! THIS IS SICK! SOMEONE NEEDS TO STOP HIM!!! EXILE IS SCREAMING AT HIM!!


DT: Now the official is trying to pull off Exile. Thank God. The official seems to have subdued Exile but listen to this crowd, they are…OUTCAST ON THE OFFICIAL!!!! EXILE IS BACK TO BEATING CHRIST! CHRIST IS A BLOODIEST MESS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING! EXILES FACE TELLS THE WHOLE STORY HERE!!


DT: Blade seems to be calling out to his brother, I think Exile just now noticed that he was there. Exile is screaming for him to get out of there! Blade in the ring now…not the safest place to be.

ND: If anyone can reach Exile its his brother.

DT: Lets hope so. Blade is calling Exile over, but Exile is shoving him away! Exile still isn't listening and Blade looks like hes not going to take much more of this either! Blade trying to grab Exile but OH MY EXILE FLIPPED HIM OVER THE ROPE! Blade lands on his feet!! But hes had his fill of his brother's attitude, hes waving him off! Blade is heading back to the back!


DT: Christ is in really bad shape now…Exile stares at his brother leaving and he walks over and picks up his newly won Universal title, a title hes already disgraced after his actions so far.

ND: That sick bastard doesn't deserve that title.

DT: Exile walking over to Christ now. NO! LET IT END!! Exile is picking up Christ by the throat! He's shoving him into the turnbuckle and just choking the life out of him!! He's screaming in Christ's face! CAN WE GET A CAMERA OVER THERE?! CAN WE HERE WHAT HES SAYING?!

(A brave cameraman caustiously gets closer to the action and zooms in on Exile and Christ's faces).


DT: I don't even think Christ is conscious right now! I don't think he can even BREATHE!!

ND: Ive never seen anything this sick

(The lights go out in the arena with a single spotlight set in the center of the ring. Christ's fallen body is hurled into the spotlight followed by Exile standing over him, holding the championship belt and a microphone).

Exile: Here lies Chris Christ. He lived a pathetic existence and will forever be known as the person who brought about the end of the EWCL. He has tainted the legacies of Sean Corvik, Alexander Glory, Cazzo, Rage, Saphio and many others. He has ruined what we all gave so much for. And now…now its over. Now the EWCL is going to die. Now the end that I promised two months ago is coming to phase. NOW ITS TIME TO RIGHT ALL OF THE WRONGS THAT HAVE BEEN DONE!!! NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE TRUE WARRIORS TO STEP FORWARD AND DRIVE THE FINAL STAKE INTO THE HEART OF THE EWCL!!! NOW IT IS TIME!!!!!!

(A second spotlight comes on showing Macbeth standing by Exile. Another spotlight comes on as Scott Monroe becomes bathed in the white light. A fourth spotlight shines in the ring illuminating Sean Corvik).


(Macbeth, Monroe, and Corvik pick up Christ's limp body and begin pummeling it with fists. Macbeth shoves Christ over to Monroe who hits a devastating Deicide! Corvik locks the fallen Christ in darkest hour as the blood flows down his unconscious face. Exile walks to the center of the ring and lays down the universal championship. Macbeth walks over with a container of gasoline and pours it on the EWCL Universal title. Exile lights a match).


(Exile throws the match at the belt which immediately ignites. Corvik releases the hold on Christ and Macbeth and Monroe throw Christ by the belt. The spotlights in the ring go out one by one until the entire arena is darkened with the only the original spotlight on the Universal title in flames and the fallen Chris Christ lying beside it).

Winner: Exile

(End of show).

© 2002 EWCL.