Date: 13th October 2002
Place: Detroit, Michigan
Arena: Auburn Hills

A curtain of blood rolls slowly down the screen, forming itself around four bold, straight-edged letters…


Saliva's 'Superstar' blares into life as scenes of EWCL bedlam flash across the scene, bathed in blood red, black and gold.


…Cages… Tables… Ladders… Barbed Wire… Chairs… Cells… Gore…


…Outcat...... Cerevisi .......DEICIDE.....Danger Driver ........Lapidator....... The Xtreme ............Doomsday ........Deadly by Design… .... GoldDigger.....…The Ficler...


...Universal Title… EWCL Title… PrimeTime Title… Extreme Title… Tag Titles…


…Exile… Chris Christ ..........Drake Laps… Jerry Campbell......Johnathan Cable .......New Evolution .........Sean Corvik .....Scott Monroe ......MacBeth......Nick Dangerous ....Aaron Gold.....Cerberus........The Punisher.


…Fireworks explode about the arena, lighting up the enormous stage set to present wrestling's premier event this week…

…EWCL Insurgence is on the air…


Dean Thornton: WELCOME!! Welcome to Insurgcence!! Welcome back. And Welcome back to The Royal Family...The New Royal Family to be specific.

Neil Down: No, no, no, no, no welcome back Jezebelle!

DT: So Jezebelle is the first name that you think of when you hear the New Royal Family? Not Corvik or Monroe or Exile or MacBeth or even Roadblock?

ND: Nope, it's Jezebelle. You know she and I almost went on a date before.

DT: Really?

ND: Yes, I only had to wait till Hell Freezed over, thats all.


ND: Hey!!

(At that moment "Just one fix" from Ministry starts to play and green fog and lights can be seen at the entranceway. A few moments later we see Jezebelle appearing from behind the curtains. She is wearing a black sheer robe, black bikini top, black thong, and black heels).

ND: Holy Cow!! Look at her!! And what is she doing here already???

(Jezebelle walks to ringside and once she reached it she moves over to the announce table).

ND: ...uh........uhm......uh......

(The security guy helps Jezebelle up on the table so that she's standing in front of Neil Down. The crowd is hooting and hollering at her until she bends down towards Neil and asks).

Jezebelle: How do you like my new outfit?

(She doesn't wait for an answer before getting off the table and leaving with a smirk on her face).

ND: ......uh.........uhm...............*BANG*

(And Neil Down has officially fainted).

DT: DOWN!!!.....DOWN!!!.......Snap out of it!!!

(But there's no movement in Neil Down).

DT: Hmm, better try this then!!

(slap-ouch).. just had the most crazy daydream I have ever had!!

DT: Really.

ND: Yes Jezebelle came out in a sexy outfit and she climbed on my table.

DT: Really.

ND: Yes, and she looked great.

DT: I know.


DT: Yes, I know. It's my table too you know.

ND: ........

DT: Ok, folks anyway. The EWCL is back and after last week it looks like we went back in time again. The Royal Family is back again and everything else that has been happening over the last few weeks seems to be forgotten. Nobody talks about The Executive anymore, nobody discusses the Christ vs. Dangerous feud. Its all Family that they talk about. And after last week it is already the Family that is starting to rule the EWCL. Exile is the new Universal Champion and Mystic and Johnathan Cable found out that The New Evolution is gonna be the first victims of the Family.

ND: Yeah dammit. Christ had that match won, he really had it won I tell you!!!

DT: I know.

ND: Damn referee. Otherwise Christ would still be the champ and the Family would be just a little stable that tried to make an impact.

DT: But thats not the case. Fact is that Exile is the new champ and that he is gonna defend his title tonight against "The" Nick Dangerous. Gonna be a tough battle there, its a challenge for the newborn champion.

ND: Agh, its only Canadian that he has to beat.

DT: Then another big match of the evening is the one between EWCL champion Drake Laps and Scott Monroe. Monroe makes his EWCL debut here tonight and he's facing the Highflying Miracle.

ND: That one is gonna be huge.

DT: Before that we are gonna see Blade taking on Stephen Jackson, a tagmatch between Aaron Gold and Joey Gold aka The Blood Brothers versus Cerberus and Xavier Byrne. We are gonna see a grudge match between Mystic and MacBeth. And for starters we have a fourway match for the #1 contenderspot for the Prime Time Title.

(At that moment "Chop Suey" plays and we see Coby Belton walk down the aisle wearing a Strait Hate t-shirt, Cazzo wrestling tights, and a Nick Dangerous bandana. He steps through the ropes and takes the mic.)

Coby Belton: I'm about to do Papa Cazzo a favor. He wanted me to destroy Jay Masters! So I invited him to join us tonight. This will be Jay Master's last match and it starts... Now! Jay get out here! And I want "Dreamer" to play thruought this match, and when i'm done with this little whore, i'm commin after your title, Jerry!

("Dreamer" by Ozzy Osbourne begins to play as Jay Masters walks out to wrestle his farewell match.)

(Coby baseball slides through the ropes and knocks Jay Masters off his feet. I wish they would turn the damn music off so I could hear the action... Coby throws Jay into the ring steps and kicks him in the face. Jay's taking a rest as Coby journeys around the ring. The Sodaboy just picked up a chair. He folds it up and gets back into the ring. Jay does the same. Coby prepares to hit Jay with the chair but trips over his own foot and hits his chin on the chair! Jay crawls over to make the cover... 1..2..3! Jay Masters has won!)

(Jay celebrates raising his fists to the sky. Coby gets up and orders a mic.)

Coby Belton: YOU UNGRATEFUL SON OF A WHORE! Stop! Cut the damn music...

(Ozzy is cut off.)

Coby Belton: Yeah, you won, I bet you're proud of yourself... I'm not letting you get off that easy... Rematch! Hit the music!

Winner: Jay Masters.

("Dreamer" begins where it left off and the match starts.)

Coby attacks Jay smacking him around a bit. Coby throws Jay into the ropes and hits him with a strong lariat! Jays struggling to catch his breath from that one... Coby picks up Jay and it looks like hes setting him up for his finisher; The Sodapop. Hes taking his time and... Jay rolls him up! 1...2...3! Hes done it again!

(Jay gets up to his feet and celebrates. Coby gets up to his feet displeased and annoyed.)

Coby Belton: No! Don't you dare, Jay. You're not leaving this arena until I beat you!

Winner: Jay Masters.

The match is on! AndCoby swings his fist at Jay... Jay ducks! superkick! Jay just knocked out Coby with a super kick! He makes the cover... 1..2..3!

(Jay looks down at Coby talking trash with a smile on his face.)

Coby Belton is gaining consciousness and doesn't look very happy... He starts to throw a tantrum.

Winner: Jay Masters.

Coby Belton: You bitch! I want another-

(Jay picks up the chair and hits Coby over the head with it. Jay pins Coby with the foot on the chest... 1..2..3. Jay Masters watches Coby get to his knees telling Jay to just bring it.)

Winner: Jay Masters.

(Jay hits Coby with the chair in head again drawing blood this time.)

Coby is bleeding and Jay picks up Cobys legs. Jay turns Coby over into a boston crab. Coby taps out after a struggle..

Winner: Jay Masters.

Jay is leaving the ring, I think hes tired of beating Coby. Coby stand up and looks around at all the fans throwing trash at him. Some ones comming down the aisle! Its..... Peter Pan?! Pete gets in the ring, drop kicks Coby! Peter pins Coby... 1..2..3!

Winner: Peter Pan.

(The fans turn their direction towards a section of the crowd. Chris Outcast hops over the wall and slides into the ring. Chris picks up the chair and beats Coby down non-stop.)

This must be Chris Outcast's farewell! The Sodaboys getting pounded...

DT: This is bad. Why isn't Nick Dangerous coming out to help Belton?

ND: Canadian eh.

(We then go backstage and we see the John Pilchards office. On the door it says "Commissioner" as Pilchard is the commissioner of the EWCL. Pilchard is sitting at his desk and reading some files. Then there is a knock on the door.....Pilchard calls "Come in", but nothing happens as nobody enters the office. A couple of seconds later there is another knock on the door. Pilchard shakes his head and he gets up from his seat and he walks over to the door and opens it.

After opening the door he sees four men standing in the corridors. It are Sean Corvik, MacBeth, Exile and Scott Monroe. Before Pilchard can say a word, Corvik pushes his back into his office and says "We need to talk to you Commisioner Pilchard).

(Scene fades out).

The Punisher vs. "Thuglife" Shaun Marquez vs. Sean Campbell vs. Sean Orion

DT: Now that they carried Belton out of the ring we can finally start with our first real match of the evening. Its a fourway for the #1 Contenderspot for the Prime Time Title. The title that Jerry Campbell got in his possesion right now.

ND: Now wouldn't it be something if Sean Campbell would win that titleshot right now. Then we would see two cousins fight eachother.

DT: Well we have seen it all already so cousins fighting eachother wouldn't be that crazy.

ND: It was only a matter of speaking Thornton.

DT: Sure.

ND: So who do you think is gonna win?

DT: You asking me? Well....hmm...Punisher got the experience on his side.....Orion is almost perfect.....Campbell is new and agressive and Thuglife got streetssmarts.

ND: I don't think you answered my question.

DT: I don't have a clue Down. Anyone can win this thing.

(At that moment Freedom Fighter by Creed starts to blare over the PA system and The Punisher comes walking out. The All American Hero greets some of the fans on his way down to ringside. He reaches the ring and climbs in).

(One Mic by Nas starts to play and "Thuglife" Shaun Marquez comes walking out from the back. The 23 year old from Queens Bridge, New York makes his way down the aisle to ringside. The fans stare at him, but don't really give him a big reaction).

(Apossibly by The Apex Theory starts to play and "Rising Star" Sean Campbell comes out. The fans start to cheer him on a bit as he makes his introduction. He makes his way to ringside and slides in the ring).

(The lights dim out........... As "One Armed Scissor" by At the Drive In comes tearing through the arena a huge explosion lights up the entrance way. "The Pinnacle of Perfection" Sean Orion bounces on the spot a couple of times before emerging from the smoke wearing a pair of white shorts with gold trim, white knee and elbow pads, white boots and white towel hanging over his neck. He slicks back his wet blond hair and looks over to both sides of the crowd before beginning his walk down to the ring. He walks to the ring ignoring everyone around him and slides into the ring. Once into the ring he throws his white towel to the ring keeper before bouncing off the ropes a couple of times and bouncing a few more times on the spot).

Ding ding ding.

DT: The bell has rung and we are underway. Punisher goes right for Thuglife and the Sean's also go right after eachother. Campbell and Orion tie up and Orion gets a knee to the midsection. He then grabs Campbell and he shoves him into a corner. Orion arrogantly walks over to Campbell, but The Rising Star counters by kicking Orion into the gut and going to the torope and ooooooh performing a corkscrew moonsault and takes Orion to the mat with that move!!! Campbell going for the cover, ....1..............................................2............but Orion kicks out of it. That could have been a real fast finish there.

ND: While Campbell works on Orion it are Punisher and Thuglife who are trading out punches back and forth. Punisher connects with a big right hand, but Thuglife counters with one of his own right away. Thuglife then throws Punisher into the ropes and when he comes off Thuglife does a beautiful spinebuster!!! Punisher is down and Thuglife jumps on top off him and starts to hand out fist after fist. He then pull Punisher to his feet and sends him into the ropes again. But this time Punisher comes off with a high flying clothesline!!!

DT: He almost took Thuglife's head off with that move, unbelievable!!! Punisher goes for the cover and hooks the leg, ....1............................................2...........but Thuglife with a kickout. He's been living on the street for years, he knows how it is to be beaten on the ground and to fight back. He won't give up that easily. Punisher grabs Thuglife and the American Hero hands out a couple of shots to the midsection. He then throws Thuglife into a corner.

ND: But before Punisher can charge in after, he gets stopped by Sean Campbell. Campbell turns him around and ....DDT's Punisher to the mat!!!...The Rising Star raises his hands in the air, but at that moment Thuglife comes running out of that corner and ......HE SPEARS SEAN CAMPBELL TO THE MAT!!!....WOOWWWWWW!!!!.......Thuglife in control now, but ooooooooohhhh Orion waistlocks Thuglife and ......GERMAN SUPLEXES HIM!!

DT: Orion into the ropes and he comes off and does a jumping knee drop on Thuglife's head. Orion then goes to the corner and climbs to the toprope. He wants to leap off, but just at that moment it is The Punisher who gets up and he pulls on the ropes....and this causes Orion to lose his balance!!........AND ORION FALLS CROTCHFIRST ONTO THE TOPTURNBUCKLE!!!!....That must look familiar to Sean Campbell. Punisher now goes over to the corner and he starts to climb it..

ND: Punisher gets on top aswell and he grabs Orion and ....Punisher signals for his finisher...THE INSTANT DAMNATION!!.....But nooooooo!!!....Sean Campbell climbs up behind Punisher and .....REVERSE HURRICANRANA OFF THE TOPROPE! !!!....WHAT A MOVE BY CAMPBELL ON PUNISHER!!!.....Did you see that?!?! Unbelievable!!!...Campbell turns Punisher around and goes for the cover.....1.......................................2..........but Punisher kicks out of it.

DT: In the meantime Orion moved back on that toprope now and he still wants to leap off it on Thuglife.......Orion jumps off ......BUT OOOOOOOOHH.......THUGLIFE SAW IT COMING AND HE GOT TO HIS FEET AND HE DROPKICKED ORION RIGHT IN THE UPPERBODY IN MID AIR!!!.....Orion goes down and Thuglife now going for the cover, .........1...............................................2...........but Orion with the kickout. Oh man this is an exciting match to start off with here.

ND: Spot wrestling huh.

DT: What?

ND: Nevermind.

DT: Campbell picked up Punisher by the head and Thuglife did the same to Orion. Campbell whips Punisher and at the same moment Thuglife does the same to Orion. ....Orion and Punisher both get whipped to the center of the ring and it is Orion who leapfrogs over Punisher and after he gets back on his feet....HE SUPERKICKS SEAN CAMPBELL RIGHT IN THE FACE!!.....Campbell down!!!......Punisher was taken by the moment and Thuglife runs in on him and he takes the former Universal Champion to the mat with an armdrag takedown!!

ND: Thuglife brings Punisher to his feet and he holds on to Punishers head and then starts to climb the toprope....Thuglife is definately going for a toprope tornado DDT now!! And if he pulls it off then it all could be over!!! ....Thuglife reaches the top now. He still has Punisher by the head.....Thuglife goes for the TORNADO DDT.....BUT PUNISHER REVERSES IT INTO ....HIS AMERICAN POWER (A BRAINBUSTER)....And Thuglife's head crashes hard into the canvas.

DT: Punisher then rolls himself on top off Thuglife and goes for the cover, ......1....................................................2..............but then its Sean Orion who comes in and he breaks the count. Orion continues to kick Punisher to the head.....Orion does this several times now!!! He is not stopping!!! Oh my Goddd!! Look at the aggression!!!....Orion finally stops using his big boot and he then picks up Punisher and he sends him into the ropes. But Punisher holds on to the ropes!!! ....Orion notices it and he runs in on Punisher and ....HE CLOTHESLINES PUNISHER OVER THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!!

ND: Good God!!!!........Punisher is layed out on the concrete floor!! And Sean Orion now climbs the topturnbuckle. He gets on top and ......FLYING FIST DROP OFF THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE ON PUNISHER!!! ..Thats some dangerous move there by Orion!!!.....Orion could have broke his hand there, but then again who would buy it if someone breaks his hand. Anyway, Orion on top off Punisher and he is furiously handing out punches. Have mercy. Orion now gets up and from under the ring he grabs a steelchair. What is he going to do with that?

DT: Meanwhile in the ring both Campbell and Thuglife crawled back to their feet again. The two lock up and Campbell gets the advantage as he gets Thuglife in a side headlock and throws him into the ropes. Thuglife comes off and Campbell with a belly to belly suplex!!!.....Campbell for the cover, but Thuglife manages to kick out in time. Campbell picks Thuglife up again and after handing out a few chops to the chest, he sends Thuglife into the ropes again. This time Thuglife comes off and Campbell nails him with a spinning heelkick!!

DT: But back to the outside....Orion got a hold of a steelchair....He now waits till Punisher gets back to his feet again. ....Punisher slowly gets up and he then turns around towards Orion. ...Orion swings the chair, but ooooohhh at that moment Punisher big boots the steelchair right into Orions face!!!.....And Orion goes down to the concrete!!!.....Holy Shit!!!!.....Punisher now grabs the chair himself and he places it on top off Orions head. Punisher then climbs onto the apron and .......BIG LEGDROP OFF THE APRON ONTO THE CHAIR!!!!

ND: And Orion is probly out of it now!!! What a move by The Punisher!!...But Punisher continues to work on Orion, showing him to have some respect for an EWCL veteran.....While thats going on we see that Campbell is trying to go for another cover....He covers Thuglife, but he kicks out after two. Campbell then picks up Thuglife and he sends him into the ropes. ....Thuglife comes off and ....FRANKENSTEINER ON CAMPBELL!!!

DT: Holy GEEZUS!!!...Great move by Thuglife.....But he's also exhausted from this match, so that is why Thuglife takes his time. After a couple of seconds he picks up Campbell and he irish whips him, but Campbell reverses the whip and sends Thuglife into the ropes.....Campbell wants to backdrop Thuglife, but the Marquez reads the move and ...he kicks Campbell into the face!!! He then turns Campbell around and .....NC-17...!!!! Thats it!!! Thats his submission finisher!!!....The referee goes to check on Campbell...He lifts his hand up for the first time and falls down again.

ND: He does it for a second time.....and the arm goes down for a second time.......The referee then lifts Campbells arm up for the third time and .....IT FALLS DOWN AGAIN!!!...AND THUGLIFE WINS THIS MATCH!!!.....Campbell looks to be unconscious now and Punisher is still way to busy with Sean Orion on the outside!!! But that doesn't matter to Thuglife at all. He's da man right now!! And he is gonna face Prime Time Champion Jerry "Five Star" Campbell. He managed to beat one Campbell, but can he do it again?

DT: Time will tell, Down. Time will tell.

Winner: "Thuglife" Shaun Marquez

(We then see the parking lot where Nick just arrives in a black stretch limo, Nick is wearing an "I heart Exile" T-shirt as he is accompanied by Erica and Peter Tiger, Bill Carty approaches Nick.)

Bill Carty: Nick, can I get a word from you on your title match tonight.

(Nick just walks past Carty as he shrugs his shoulders, the scene fades.)


(We come back from the commercials and the camera fades in slowly to the backstage area. Mystic makes his way through the numerous paths and corridors until suddenly coming to a halt. Standing before him is the woman that has quickly become known in the E.W.C.L. as Racheal Michelle Everhart. Wearing a pair of blue jeans and a green camoflauge shirt. She stares at him for a moment before begining to speak).

Racheal ~ So your him huh? Half of the tag team champions, a memember of the New Evolution, I suppose you think that you and your little band of evolutionary defects think that their going to stop the Family. Let me just warn you now spellbinder, the best thing you can do is to walk away. If you don't, Monroe will hurt you. He will hurt you bad. I'm sure you know he's become obssessed with sticking his blade into that worthless gut of yours, he knows you look down on him, he knows you consider him to be nothing more than a piece of trash.

Mystic ~ Get out of my way.

Racheal ~ Or what? Or your gonna hurt me like you think your gonna do to Scott? Drop that title on the ground and save yourself alot of pain Mystic, because if you don't, pain is going to be the only thing you know for a long, long time.

(Racheal walks slowly over to him and reaches for the strap, he slaps her hand away and she scowls at him).

Racheal ~ You son of a bitch, you hit me.

(Suddenly Mystic stops moving, his head leans back slowly as a shimmer of light twinkles. Scott Monroe stands behind Mystic, but to his throat he holds a long curved blade. Monroe leans in close to him and begins to run the blade over Mystics chin, cutting small bits of hair from his face).

Monroe ~ If you ever touch her again, all the pleas in the world from anyone and everyone won't keep me from taking this knife and peeling your skin off. You feel that cold steel? You feel that blade, how sharp it is against your throat? Your a disgrace to the very belt which you hold and I won't stand by and watch you do it anymore. Last week was the begining of a long road for you Mystic. Your New Evolution won't withstand the first assault that the Family brings, pack it up, give us the gold and go home. Otherwise, you'd better keep your neck clean, because I'll be coming back to slide this blade gently across your throat.

(Racheal steps forward slowly and spits on Mystic who simply stands there, angered but unable to do anything. As she steps past him, Monroe slowly drags the blade gently across the bottom of Mystics chin. Mystic spins quickly but the two have already disappeared, as if they faded into the very shadows themselves).

(Fade to black).

Mystic vs. MacBeth

DT: It's time for our next match. Mystic taking on MacBeth. And there's alot of heat between these two guys. It all started weeks ago when Mystic attacked MacBeth and hit him with a Cynergy Blast through a mirror. The week after that Mystic even beat up Jezebelle. But now the table have turned somehow. Now MacBeth is part of the new Royal Family and Mystic can only get help from his New Evolution partners.

ND: Yes, this is gonna be intresting.

(Outshined by Soundgarden starts to play and Mystic appears on the top off the ramp. He walks to the ring and uses the ringsteps to enter it).

(Guitar riffs echo throughout the arena. Just as Kurt Cobain's voice starts with "I will never bother you", the arena lights shut comepletely off).

"I will never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you "

"Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good"

"I won't move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
Always knew it would come to this"

"Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to fail"


(The CazzoTron lights up and orange and blue lights begin to flicker throughout the arena...).

"Can you feel it as
an old shadow emerges from the blackness
a man once thought gone forever
lost to the abyss of memory.
the wanderer steps forth to once again
show the world why the violence is significant
to his horrific visions of the truth of reality
the man with the love and need for the blood
to be spilt from his own flesh
returns once more...
return to his nightmare
you're in his world...
bring the violence...


(A shaft of blue light shoots up from the entranceway as a figure can be seen standing in the middle of it. It slowly fades off, leaving MacBeth standing bathed in a blue spotlight. Jezebelle and Asharachal step out from behind the curtain and follow MacBeth down to the ring. The camera zooms in on Alexander Glory's sledgehammer in Jezebelle's hands).

ND: Oh man, I'd like to be that hammer. Just look how Jezebelle is holding it.


(MacBeth enters the ring with Jez and Ash right behind him. Ash holds Jez on his shoulder and she holds the sledgehammer high for all to see as Mac stands in front of them and strikes the pose of the crucifix. MacBeth then asks for a mic and starts to talk).

MacBeth: Mystic, you've questioned my backbone or as you said, lack thereof. Which you know, is pretty fucking amazing coming from such a spineless little twit like yourself. Hiding behind a damn mirror. And oh, the Cynergy kick (wiggling fingers), that's a fucking devastating move. I said that you're going to experience a fraction of what Monroe and then Corvik are going to do you tonight. So why don't you show me that you've got something other than your mom's pussy between your legs; why don't you put your sack where your mouth is. Let's make this make this a Stairway to Hell match! I got the approval from Commissioner Pilchard, so come on boy.

(Mystic nodds his head and the match is on).

DT: A singapore cane is hung up above the ring and on the outside we see the ladder that they can use to grab the singapore cane. However you still have to pin the opponent to win.

Ding ding ding.

DT: Mystic and MacBeth don't take the time to circle eachother or to stare eachother down. They go right at it. Fists are thrown back and forth. MacBeth gets the upperhand as he starts to hammer down on Mystic. MacBeth follows that up with a kick to the gut and he throws Mystic into the ropes. Mystic comes off and MacBeth lifts him up and flapjacks him hard to the mat. MacBeth picks Mystic up by the head and he throws him into the corner. Mystic goes in backfirst and MacBeth moves in and he climbs on the bottom rope and starts to hand out punch after punch to Mystic's forehead.

ND: ...1.....2.....3....4......5.....6.....7.......8.......9.......10.....MacBeth steps off the ropes and Mystic is stunned and he falls facefirst to the mat.....MacBeth raises his hands, but the crowd boos him loudly. MacBeth then starts to climb the topturnbuckle. He climbs to the top and he dives off for a guillotine legdrop.......but OOOOOOHHHH....Mystic rolls out of the way in time!!! This is the moment for Mystic to get back into the match....Mystic kicks MacBeth to the back of the head a few times. He then grabs MacBeth and throws him into the ropes. MacBeth comes off and .....tilt-o-wirl-backbreaker by Mystic!!

DT: Mystic now pulls MacBeth up again and this time it is his turn to send MacBeth into the corner. MacBeth flies in backfirst and Mystic charges in after and ....shoulderblock into MacBeth!!! And Mystic backs that up with a couple more shoulderblocks into the midsection. Mystic then grabs MacBeth by the arm and whips him into the ropes. MacBeth comes off and Mystic goes for neckbreaker, but MacBeth counters by poking Mystic into the eye!! Oooooh cheap shot there!!!...Not fair!!!

ND: MacBeth grabs Mystic by the head and .....HE THROWS MYSTIC TO THE OUTSIDE!!!.........Mystic lands backfirst on the concrete near the spanish announcetable. MacBeth then waits till Mystic is slowly getting back up again and he then bounces into the ropes, comes off them and ......OOOOOHHHHHH....SUICIDE DIVE FROM MACBETH OVER THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE.....BUT MYSTIC DUCKS AND MACBETH FLIES OVER HIM AND HE TAKES OUT PACO!!!!

DT: And the crowd goes HOLY SHIT!!!......What a dive there!! And Paco is knocked out, you can scrape him up from the ground I think. .....Mystic is getting up to his feet and he moves over to the ladder. He takes it and he shoves it into the ring. Mystic then slides into the ring and he places the ladder straight up in a corner. Mystic rolls to the outside and he picks up MacBeth and drags him back to the ring and rolls him back in. Mystic is back in too and he then grabs MacBeth by the legs and .....SLINGSHOTS MACBETH AND HE GOES FACEFIRST INTO THE LADDER!!!

ND: MacBeth falls backfirst to the mat and Mystic into the ropes and comes off for an elbow drop on him. Mystic for the cover, ......1..................................................2........but MacBeth with a kickout. Mystic moves back up and he goes over to the ladder and he takes it and places it on the mat. He then goes back over to MacBeth and pulls him to his feet. But MacBeth with a mulekick lowblow!!! OOOOOOHHH....MacBeth then quickly irish whips Mystic into the ropes and when he comes off he does a drop toe hold and Mystic lands face first onto the ladder!!

DT: MacBeth picks Mystic up and he drags him over to the corner and he places him in that corner in a tree of woe position. MacBeth then takes the ladder and he places it right in front of Mystics face. MacBeth starts to grin and .....WHAMMMMMM.....OOOH MY GODDD....HE DROPKICKED THE LADDER TO MYSTICS FACE!!! Did you see that?!? That was amazing!!! MacBeth shoves the ladder to the other side of the ring and he drags Mystic out of the corner. He then pulls Mystic up to his feet and at that moment we see that Jezebelle slides something into the ring.

ND: Ooh she's hot!!


ND: Yeah, but she's hot!!

DT: MacBeth grabs the knife and waves it in Mystic's direction, but then the referee gets rid of it before MacBeth can hurt Mystic with it. Thank God there are referees.

ND: Except last week when Christ lost to Exile.

DT: Mystic took advantage of the moment and he kicks MacBeth into the midsection and .....SWINGING NECKBREAKER!!!......And MacBeth down to the mat.....But Mystic is also layed out. After about 8 seconds it is Mystic who is the first one to get back to his feet again. He gets up and he takes the ladder and he sets it up in the center of the ring. He has it set up and Mystic starts to climb the ladder. He gets up a couple of steps, but before he can reach the top MacBeth got back on his feet again.

ND: MacBeth climbs up the ladder aswell and he grabs Mystic from behind and .......BACKDROP SUPLEX OFF THE LADDER!!!.....OOOOH GODD!!!!!.........Mystic landed hard on his back and MacBeth is now getting up. He gets up and now he starts to climb the ladder. He is halfway there, when Mystic moves back up again. Mystic starts to climb the ladder aswell on the other side. He catches up with MacBeth and the two start to trade fists right there!!!...MacBeth hits Mystic with a hard one, but Mystic returns the favour and does the same to MacBeth.

DT: But the ladder is starting to shake now....the ladder can't take it much longer as MacBeth and Mystic are handing out forehands!!.....Mystic hits MacBeth with a right hand and ......THE LADDER LOST ALL BALANCE AND IT FALLS TO THE SIDE AND BOTH MYSTIC AND MACBETH FALL TO THE CANVAS!!!...OOOOOH MYYYYYYY GODDDDDDDD!!!!!.......Both MacBeth and Mystic are out now....Whats gonna happen now?.......

ND: Its Jezebelle!!!....Jezebelle slides into the ring and she sets up the ladder. She then starts to climb the ladder and while both wrestlers are still out she reaches the top and grabs the singapore cane. She takes it and climbs back down the ladder again. The referee tries to ban her from the ring, but before he can do that Jezebelle is able to lay the singapore cane near MacBeths body. Jezebelle then leaves the ring and we see that both Mystic and MacBeth are starting to get back up again. MacBeth is back on his knees and he grabs the singapore cane and moves over to Mystic.


ND: The ref is checking on both wrestlers, but after about 8 seconds it is MacBeth who's the first to get back up again. Mystic is also back up. MacBeth goes for Mystic, but Mystic kicks him into the midsection and backdrops him to the mat again. Mystic then slowly picks up MacBeth.

(But then we see that Sean Corvik comes running to the ring. He reaches the ring and grabs a steelchair).

DT: What's he doing here???

ND: Jezebelle is now distracting the ref!!!!.....Mystic grabs MacBeth and irish whips him, but MacBeth reverses the whip and Mystic goes into the ropes. And ooooooohhh JUST WHEN MYSTIC HITS THE ROPES, CORVIK HITS MYSTIC IN THE BACK OF THE KNEE WITH THE HARD PART OF THE CHAIR!!!.....And Mystic goes down!!!.....MacBeth picks up Mystic and .......DEICIDE......IT IS OVER!!!......MacBeth goes for the cover and. ............1...........................................2...............................................3...HE WINS!!! Nobody gets up from DEICIDE!!

DT: But MacBeth needed the help of Corvik to get this win.

ND: Yeah well its a stable, they help eachother you know.

(We now see that Jezebelle slides into the ring and she goes over to Mystic and stands split-legged above Mystic's head).


(But Neil Down stops in mid-sentence as Jezebelle starts peeing on the defeated Mystic. Everyone is utterly disgusted in the arena).


ND: JEZ WHY????? WHY??????

(MacBeth and Jezebelle laugh as they head to the back).

(The camera the does a close up of Mystics face. And we see a big grin on Mystics face. Then as the camera pulls back Mystics body begins shaking with laughter).

DT: Ok, Mystic seemed to have enjoyed that.

ND: Yeah well he still looked up at Jezebelle's....



Winner: MacBeth

The Blood Brothers vs. Cerberus/Xavier Byrne

DT: Ok, during the break the janitor cleaned up the ring. And let me tell you, that was necessarry.

ND: Uhuh.

DT: We are gonna get fined for that.

ND: Uhuh.

DT: Don't know what positive can come out of that.

ND: I think it will boost up the ratings.


DT: On to our next match. A tagmatch between the Blood Brothers Aaron and Joey Gold, taking on Cerberus and Xavier Byrne from the Ministry of Total Justice. The Gold brothers show last week that they are a good tagteam. We haven't really seen Cerberus and Byrne in action together that much. But still this promises to be an intresting tagmatch.

ND: Yes as the winner of this match will most definately get a match with Mystic and Cable for the tagtitles.

(Dragula by Rob Zombie plays and Aaron and Joey Gold come walking out. The Blood Brothers don't really get cheered on, since they joined the New Evolution. They reach the ring and slide in and get ready for their match).

(Fuel by Metallica starts to play and Cerberus and Xavier Byrne come out together. Cerberus is wearing a a dark purple robe with fire on it. The Armageddon and the former Eleven walk down the aisle to ringside and after they reached the ring, they slide in).

DT: It's good to see that we got some nice tagteams again in the EWCL.

ND: I know.

DT: It's gonna be Aaron Gold and Cerberus who are gonna start this match off. The more experienced members of the teams are beginning.

Ding ding ding.

ND: Aaron and Cerberus start to circle eachother and after about 5 seconds they lock up. Cerberus waistlocks Aaron, but Aaron reacts with a big elbow to Cerberus his head and The Armageddon lets go. The two then lock up for a second time and this time it is Aaron who waistlocks Cerberus. Cerberus also goes for an elbow, but Aaron ducks it and german suplexes Cerberus to the mat!!....Aaron sends Cerberus into the ropes and when he comes off he does an overhead belly to belly suplex!!!

DT: Aaron looks good. He now picks up Cerberus and he whips him into a corner. Aaron follows in hot pursuit and he wants to splash on Cerberus, but The King of the Battle Royal moves out of the way in time and Aaron only hits turnbuckle!! Cerberus tags in Xavier and he then lifts Aaron on his shoulders. Aaron on top off Cerberus his shoulders now and Xavier climbed on the topturnbuckle. AND....XAVIER JUMPS OFF THE TOPROPE AND HE MISSILE DROPKICKS AARON GOLD OFF OF CERBERUS HIS SHOULDERS!!!

ND: TERRIFIC!!! That Gold Boy is a bastard anyway!!! .....Aaron is knocked out cold and Xavier hooks the leg and goes for the cover, ............................1....................................................2.....................but Aaron is able to kick out. Xavier pulls him to his feet and he hands out some chops to the chest. He then whips Aaron into the ropes and takes him to the mat with a roundhouse kick. Xavier picks Aaron up and throws him into the ropes again. But this time Aaron comes off and he ducks the forearm and ....HE GRABS XAVIER AND SUPLEXES HIM TO THE MAT!!!...

DT: Aaron to his corner and he tags in Joey Gold. Joey quickly gets in and he comes off the ropes and does a summersault and lands on Xavier. He then goes for the cover, ......1....................................................2...........but Byrne kicks out of it. Joey Gold grabs Xavier and after nailing him some uppercuts, he sends him into the ropes. Xavier comes off and Joey Gold hits him with a running dropkick!!!.....Joey Gold looking strong and he goes to the toprope. He gets to the top and .....450 SPLASH ON XAVIER!!!

ND: This could be it already!!!.....Joey hooks the leg now, .....1............................................2.....................but another kickout by Xavier. Its not over yet. Joey shakes his head and he then picks up Xavier and sends him into the ropes.....But Xavier jumps on top off the topturnbuckle and uses it as a springboard and then does a spinning heelkick of it and hits Joey Gold with it!!! EXCELLENT MOVE!!!.....Xavier rolls to his corner and he tags in Cerberus. ..Cerberus comes in and he picks up Joey Gold and he clotheslines him to the mat....Aaron comes charging in on Cerberus, but The Armageddon also takes him out with a clothesline!!

DT: Cerberus drags Aaron near a corner and .....SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT BY CERBERUS!!!......Cerberus then picks up Joey Gold and sends him into the ropes....Joey comes off and Cerberus with a karate kick!! But Joey grabs a hold of the leg.....but Cerberus counters with an ENZIGURI!!!........Joey goes down and Cerberus for the cover, ......1.........................................2................kickout!!!......Cerberus grabs Joey Gold by the head, but .....JOEY COUNTERS WITH KNOCKING DA FILLINGS!!!...He first did a jawbreaker and he followed that up with a spinning heelkick!!

ND: Right in the kisser!!! Cerberus stumbled backwards and Joey now tags in Aaron. Aaron moves in on Cerberus and ....GOLD RING!!!....A swinging neckbreaker on Cerberus....Aaron now for the cover, ....but Cerberus kicks out in time. In the background we then see that Joey Gold is exposing the topturnbuckle in his corner. He takes the top off and the steel is exposed now. What the hell is he up to now?? Aaron takes Cerberus by the arm now and he irish whips him into the direction of that corner, but when Cerberus goes in that corner, he jumps on the toprope and ...HE DOES A MOONSAULT AND LANDS ON AARON!!!

DT: Cerberus hooks the leg, ....1.......................................2......................but a kickout by Aaron. Cerberus drags Aaron over to his corner and he tags in Xavier. Xavier comes in and together with Cerberus he throws Aaron into the ropes. Aaron comes off and they double backdrop him to the canvas. Cerberus goes back to his corner and Xavier works on Aaron with some kicks and stomps to the head. Xavier then bends over to picks up Aaron, but at that moment Aaron lifts his leg up and kicks Xavier right between the legs. Thats gotta hurt!!!....Cerberus is furious now, but the ref makes him go back to his corner again. At that moment Joey Gold comes in the ring and he and Aaron pick up Xavier and they double suplex him to the mat!!!

ND: Aaron and Joey now continue to double teaming on Xavier Byrne. Cerberus then comes in the ring to break it up. The referee tries to stop Cerberus, but at that moment Joey Gold leapfrogs over the referee and he DOES THE FLOATOVER ON CERBERUS!!!!.... Joey then lifts Cerberus up, sends him into the ropes ....and when he comes off he grabs Cerberus and ....HE FLAPJACKS CERBERUS AND HE LANDS FACEFIRST ON THAT EXPOSED TURNBUCKLE!!! AND CERBERUS GOES DOWN!!!

DT: Meanwhile Aaron Gold lifted up Xavier to go for his CAREER ENDING GOLDDIGGER!!...But Xavier blocked it and backdropped Aaron to the mat. Xavier goes to the toprope right away and he wants to go for his RAGNA ROCK SPEAR FROM THE TOPROPE.....Aaron gets up to his feet and just when Xavier wants to dive off, it is Joey Gold who jumps on the topturnbuckle and ..... GOLDENRANA OFF THE TOPROPE ON XAVIER!!!

ND: Aaron quickly goes to the other corner, climbs to the top and ........GOLDRUSH ON XAVIER TO FOLLOW THAT GOLDEN RANA UP!!!..BLOOD BROTHERS FINISHING MOVE!!!......Aaron for the cover and. ......1.........................................................2......................................................3.....THEY WIN!!! THE BLOOD BROTHERS ARE STILL UNDEFEATED!!!


Winner: The Blood Brothers

(We come back from the commercials and Fire in the Head by The Tea Party plays on the PA system as Nick Dangerous confidently makes his way to the ring while being followed by Erica.)

DT: Well look who it is, Nick Dangerous.

ND: NOW he'll give us a word on the Universal title match he has tonight.

DT: It looks that way, he seems to be in a particularly good mood tonight.

ND: Who wouldn't be? With that Erica woman with him.

DT: Lay off this one Neil, I'm more than sure she's taken too.

ND: Sure, people look at her and see the former bride of Nick Dangerous, but you know what I see?

DT: *sigh* What.

ND: Fresh meat for the Neil Down express.

DT: Damnit Neil!


ND: Ouch.

(Nick grabs a mic and begins to speak, but is interupted by the sound of fans booing.)

Nick: Fine, boo me, it's not a matter to me right now.

(Nick stops for a second and glances around at the booing fans.)

Nick: It's funny, you know? Right now you boo me, but later tonight you will be cheering me like there is no tomorrow, you will remember this night for the rest of your lives, the biggest moment in EWCL history, forget the brawl in a mall, screw falling off balconies, it's time for new memories, and I am dedicating myself to making some of those memories, it's time to show fans that EWCL is still gonna set the standard for wrestling, rather than hanging on to recycled EWCL moments. I want to rule the main event, I have to be the one people think of when they think of EWCL, there is no better option. Who do we want to represent us? Exile? Sean Corvik? Anyone out of the royal family is a poor choice.

(The crowd still boo's the sight of Nick Dangerous, Nick hands the mic to Erica.)

Erica: What the hell is the matter with you people!? Do you know who this is? This is Nick Dangerous! "The" Nick Dangerous, he is the future of this company and you all know it, Exile has had his moments, Corvik had his, everybody in the Royal Family has shined bright...A looooong time ago, but it happened none the less. You two faced fans have to come into realization, Nick tonight is going to make the biggest impact on the EWCL today, he will do what nobody thought he could do, win the Universal title by beating the overrated Exile.

(Erica hands Nick the mic.)

Nick: There you go, a second opinion, not convinced yet? Then go ahead, be stupid, but who else are you gonna cheer for? Exile? Now why the hell would ANYBODY do that? What has Exile done lately that makes him any better than I am? He beat Christ with the help of the Royal Family, he put Christ out of commision, with help, anything he does will be done with help, if he beats me tonight, it'll will be done, with help. I've always followed the rule that actions speak louder than words, and from the actions Exile has made, I am not slightly impressed. What has he done that I should fear? Tipped a cow? I'm not at all nervous about tonight. So boo me all you want, it doesn't phase me a single bit, because I KNOW that by the end of tonight, I will be all you think about for a damn long time, I'm out.

(Nick leaves with Erica as Fire in the Head plays once again on the PA system, the crowd not responding with anything right now, the scene fades to a commercial break.)

Blade vs. Stephen Jackson - #1 Contender EWCL Title

DT: It's time for our next match. And this next match is for the number one contenderspot for the EWCL Title. Blade defeated Drake Laps last week, but that was in a non-title match. Stephen Jackson also fought his way up the ladder and tonight these two wrestlers will decide who is gonna be the number one contender for the EWCL title.

ND: Another promising match, like every match tonight.

DT: You are absolutely right about that one Down.

ND: I know, don't I rule.

DT: Don't take it too far now.

ND: ...

DT: Blade is in a somewhat difficult position as his brother Exile has formed the New Royal Family. Not sure what Blade thinks of that, and not sure what Blade thinks of Exiles actions thus far.

ND: I know.

(Out of nowhere, a voice screams out, "I FEEL SO GOOD, I FEEL SO NUMB, YEAH!!" and Rob Zombie's "Feel So Numb" blasts throughout the arena. Simultaneously, the lights quickly blacken out, and several strobe lights go off around the entranceway. Fog also begins to fill the entranceway, and the crowd roars loudly as Blade walks out down the aisle with purpose. He is dressed in his normal attire of black pants and boots, with a black trench coat).

(Finally So Much Pain by Ja Rule featuring 2Pac blares over the Pa system and "The Perfect Storm" Stephen Jackson comes out. He stands on the top of the ramp for a moment and then starts to walk to the ring. He reaches ringside and uses the ringsteps to enter it).

Ding ding ding.

DT: Blade and Stephen Jackson circle eachother for a few moments until they tie up. Jackson manages to levarage Blade into the ropes as the two go along the ropes. Blade ends up in the advantage. He slowly gives a clean break, or so it seems. Blade then goes for a quick right hand but Jackson ducks it and gets off of the ropes. Both men stare eachother down then. The two lock up again, but this time, Jackson gets in an armdrag. The two lock up again and Jackson gets another armdrag, but this time holds onto the armbar. Blade then forces Jackson back to the corner and chops Jackson.

ND: Jackson chops him back and the two are now trading punches. Blade grabs a side headlock but Jackson quickly shoots him into the ropes. When Blade comes off Jackson grabs him and does a tilt-o-wirl powerslam!!.. Impressive move by Jackson. Jackson picks Blade up and he sets him up for a snap suplex and he executes it. Jackson then bounes into the ropes and he plants his elbow on Blade!! Three good offensive moves by Jackson. It looks mighty good for him here. Jackson now picks up Blade and he sends him into the corner.

DT: Blade flies in hard backfirst and Jackson runs in after, but oooooohh Blade lifts his leg up and Jackson flies facefirst into the big boot. It hit him right into the face. Jackson staggers backwards and Blade goes to the toprope and .....FLYING FOREARM OFF THE TOPROPE!!! And Jackson is layed out on the mat now. Blade needs some time to get back to his feet, but after he did he goes over to Jackson and grabs his ankle..!! And Blade hooks in an anklelock!!!...But Jackson reaches for the ropes right away. He got a hold of the ropes and the referee makes Blade break the submission hold.

ND: Blade lets go, but instead he picks up Jackson and he sends him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and Blade grabs him and does a SIDEWALK SLAM!!....Blade then goes for the first cover of this match, ......1........................................2.................but Jackson with a kickout. Blade drags Jackson to the ropes and he places Jacksons head under the bottom rope. Blade then puts his boot on the ropes and he starts to choke Jackson like that. The referee makes the count till 5 and he then makes Blade stop that chokehold.

DT: While Jackson is trying to catch some air, it is Blade who already picks him up and he atomic drops him and Jackson goes into the ropes. He comes off and Blade clotheslines him to the back of the head and Jackson goes down to the mat!!! Blade rolls Jackson on his back and goes for the cover, ......1......................................................2.......................but Jackson kicks out. Blade waits till Jackson is back on his feet and he then sends him into the ropes, but Jackson comes off and he counters with a hurricanrana!!!....He holds it and goes for the cover right away, .....1........................................2...................but Blade with a kickout there.

ND: Jackson and Blade both back on their feet and Jackson hands out a right hand. Blade is a bit stunned from that shot and Jackson takes advantage of the situation and he irish whips Blade into the ropes. Blade comes off and Jackson with a flying backelbow and the big guy goes down to the canvas. And now Jackson hooks in an anklelock!!! Now it is his turn!! Is he able to keep it on??....Blade tries to reach for the ropes, but they are too far away. Blade then tries to roll on his back.,..he tries and yes he manages to do it. Blade moved on his back and he moves up and swings his arm and hits Jackson to the side of the head.

DT: Jackson finally lets go of that anklelock. But not before he has kicked Blade into the knee two times. Everyone knows it, everyone knows that Blade's knees aren't 100% and they probly never will be. Blade is up and he limps a bit in the ring. Jackson then rushes in on him and he sweeps the leg and Blade goes down to the canvas again. Blade slowly gets back up, and at the same time Jackson moved into the ropes. He comes off, but .....OOOOH BLADE COUNTERS WITH A BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!!! Jackson did not see that one coming at all. That was a shocker there!!

ND: Blade is still in some pain and thats why he rolls to the ropes and uses them to get back up. He then checks on his left knee and after that he moves over to Jackson. He picks him up and chops him several times to the chest. He then throws Jackson in a corner. Blade moves in and he starts a series of kicks to Jacksons body!! He continues to do so till Jackson falls down to the mat in a seated position. Blade follows that up with placing his boot to Jacksons throat!!

DT: Blade really loves to choke his opponents like that. He just loves that. Blade now lets go and he drags Jackson to his feet and he lifts him on the topturnbuckle. Blade starts to climb up, but when he reaches the top Jackson hits him with a right hand. Blade almost looses his balance, but he actually does lose his balance when Jackson connects with another hard shot to the head. Blade falls to the canvas and Jackson with a crossbody on Blade!!! OOOOOOOH YESSS!!!!!...... Jackson hooks the leg, .......1...............................................................2..........................but a kickout by Blade.

ND: That was a close call there. Real close. Jackson now picks up Blade and he hits him with some shots to the head. Jackson then drags Blade over to the corner and he shoves him into it. Blade goes in backfirst and Jackson charges in and hammers down on Blade some more. Jackson then grabs Blade by the head and he moves Blade over to the opposite corner. Jackson then starts to climb the topturnbuckle and he pulls Blade up with him...Whats he gonna do now!!!???!?!? The Perfect Storm then signals for his LANDFALL finishing move!!!

(But just at that moment the pa system comes on and the following words can be heard: "MIKEY, BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU"......)

DT: What the hell? That was Exile's voice!! What does he want?!?.....

ND: But look at Blade!!! He seems to be going insane now!!! Look at the anger in his body right now!!! This is the wrong moment for Jackson I think to do this!!!....Jackson wants to set Blade up for his LANDFALL, but Blade counters and he starts to ramm his fist into Jacksons midsection and forehead. Jackson lets go off Blade and Blade hands out another shot before he grabs Jackson by the tights. He grabs him and .....SUPERPLEX!!!.....He superplexed Jackson to the mat!!!....And Blade moves up right away and ....HE GRABS JACKSON BY THE ANKLE AND HOOKS IN AN ANKLELOCK!!!..

DT: And Jackson is screaming it out from the pain!! He wants to reach for the ropes, but Blade got it hooked in the middle of the ring....Whats Jackson gonna do? He can't stand the pain right now!! And Blade inflicts even more pain now!!! And thats it......JACKSON TAPPED OUT!!!....And Blade wins the match!!! ....But BLADE HOLDS ON TO THE ANKLELOCK!!...That message from Exile drove him insane!!! Somebody make him stop!!!

(A couple of referees run to the ring and they try to stop Blade. Finally they manage to stop him, but the damage has already been done).

DT: Oh man.

(After the match is over the CazzoTron comes on and the following spoken-words can be heard).

Your two faced abusin
Mindless confusion
I feel I'm breathing my first breathe

ND: Oh God no!! When does this ever stop?


Winner: Blade

(We come back from the commercials and the camera shows a door with "The Royal Family" printed on the front, the camera zooms on the door slowly as we see a hand quickly knock on the door. Sean Corvik is seen opening the door to see nobody in sight. We then see Nick Dangerous run out from a corner of a hallway with a hockey stick, giving a huge slapshot to the leg of Sean Corvik, knocking him to the floor. Erica runs up and checks up on Dangerous.)

Nick: Shit, that's not Macbeth.

Erica: It isn't Jezzebelle either.

Nick: Do you think this sends a good enough pre match message to Exile.

Erica: Sure, it isn't Jezzebelle, but it'll do.

(Nick rolls his eyes as the two leave the downed Sean Corvik, the scene fades.)

Drake Laps(c) vs. Scott Monroe - Non-title

DT: What a match we are gonna see now. EWCL Champion Drake Laps is gonna have to defend his honour, the EWCL and well his life in a battle with Scott Monroe. Monroe, part of The New Royal Family, is making his debut here tonight. But he's not just some rookie. He was an Icon Champion in the IWF and everyone knows that he got trained by Alexander Glory. The great Alexander Glory.

ND: Yeah, but he's no Drake Laps.

DT: Still its gonna be one tough battle for Laps. One real tough battle. Everyone who steps into the ring with a Family member is gonna have a hard time, I tell you that.

(The lights go out in the arena as "Wake Up" by Rage Against The Machine hits the jampacked place...A sudden spotlight comes out of nowhere as Drake Laps is standing in the entrance way with Kelly Laps standing proud next to him...Laps raises his arms as fireworks shoot out of the metal stage...Shades of red and white go out of the ground as Drake Laps and Kelly Laps walk forward towards the ring...Laps jumps to the ropes as he holds the ropes for Kelly...Drake Laps jumps over the rope entering the ring...He turns to the camera and poses as Kelly is in front of him crouching...The crowd goes crazy as Drake Laps sits on the top rope, escorting Kelly outside of the ring).

(Trusted by Sevendust starts to blare over the pa system as Scott Monroe makes his way out. The crowd starts to boo him right from the start. Monroe smirks and he slowly walks to ringside. He reaches it and he uses the ringsteps to enter the ring).

Ding ding ding.

DT: You can see that Laps is a bit intimiated by Monroe. This is an opponent like Laps had never before. This is all new for Laps. But on the other hand, Laps has faced alot of bad guys and alot of skilled wrestlers. If anyone can beat Monroe, then it is Drake Laps. ......Laps and Monroe now start to circle eachother. After about 6 seconds they tie up. But it is Monroe who gets a knee to the midsection. Monroe then grabs Laps by the arm and he sends him into a corner. Laps goes in backfirst and Monroe charges in on him and ....HITS LAPS HARD IN THE FACE WITH A STIFF ROUNDHOUSE KICK!!

ND: Oh my God!!! That was so stiff!!!....Monroe drags Laps out of the corner and he grabs him by the arm and does a short-arm clothesline!!!...Laps goes down and Monroe taunts him a bit. Monroe picks up Laps and he sends him into the ropes......Laps comes off and he slides through Monroe's legs...Laps gets up behind Monroe and he jumps on top off Monroe's shoulders!!!....Laps goes for a victory roll, but oooooh Monroe counters right away with an ELECTRIC CHAIR!!! And Laps lands hard on his back!!

DT: Monroe pulls Laps to his feet and after handing some shots to the head, he lifts Laps up and executes a northern lights suplex....The ref counts, .....1...........................................2.....................but Laps with a kickout. Monroe waits till Laps is back on one knee and he then does a roundhouse kick and he hits Laps right in the face!!!...Ooooh Goddd!!!!...He hit him hard there!!!......Monroe grabs Laps and he irish whips him, Laps comes off the ropes and Monroe wants to leapfrog over Laps, but oooooh Laps counters and he catches Monroe out of the out and does a reverse atomic drop!!

ND: Monroe stumbles backwards and Laps charges in on him, jumps on him and does a headscissors takedown!!! Great move by the Highflying Miracle!!! Laps grabs Monroe, but Monroe counters with a rake to the eye right away. He then grabs Laps and pushes him into a corner. Monroe comes charging in right after, but .....OOOOOOOHH LAPS BACKDROPS MONROE AND HE FLIES OVER THE TOPTURNBUCKLE TO THE OUTSIDE!!! WHAT A NASTY FALL!!!.....Monroe could have broke every bone in his body there!!

DT: That really could have been bad!! But he knows how to break a fall I guess. Laps now comes off the ropes, towards the opposite ropes and .....HE JUMPS ON THE TOPROPES, USES THEM AS A SPRINGBOARD AND THEN DOES A PLANCHA ON TOP OFF MONROE!!! WOW!!!!.......A suicidal dive by Laps there. That was amazing!! Laps now gets back to his feet again and he slowly picks up Monroe. He drags him over to the spanish announce table. Laps lays Monroe onto the table and Laps then goes back to the apron and climbs it. Laps hesitates for a moment, but he then jumps off the apron and......LAPS WITH A FROGSPLASH OFF THE APRON ON MONROE AND THEY GO THROUGH THE TABLE!!!

ND: CRAZY!!!!.....And both men are out right now!!! ....That also took alot out of Laps!!! ...Now after about 15 seconds it is Laps who's the first to get back up again. He is on his feet and he drags Monroe to his feet and to the ring. He rolls Monroe back in and follows right after. The EWCL champion hooks the leg for the cover, ................1..........................................................2..........................but Monroe kicks out!!! Laps cannot believe it!!! How did Monroe do that!!!!????!!! Laps shakes his head in disbelief.

DT: Laps finally concentrates back on his opponent and he picks him up and executes a backbreaker. He then drags Monroe over to the corner and starts to climb the corner himself. Laps makes it to the top and he signals for the LAPIDATOR!!......LAPS DIVES OFF FOR HIS LAPIDATOR, ......BUT MONROE MOVES OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!.......And Laps is rolling around now in the ring from the pain. Monroe now slowly moves back to his feet and he stomps down on his opponent.

ND: Monroe pulls Laps up and he does a jumping sidekick and Laps lands backfirst into a corner....Monroe moves in and nails Laps into the forehead several times. He then grabs Laps by the arm and whips him hard into the opposite corner....Laps goes in backfirst and comes out hard and falls to the mat. Monroe lifts him up and he puts him in a tree of woe position in the corner. Laps is hanging there helplessly and Monroe starts a combo kick to his body!!! Monroe drags Laps to the center of the ring and he goes for the cover, ....1..........................................2...............but Laps kicks out.

DT: Monroe pulls Laps up by the head and he does some more kicks to Laps his body. Monroe then irish whips Laps into the ropes. Monroe goes to backdrop Laps, but Laps saw it coming and he grabs Monroe by the head and DDT's him to the canvas!!!....Laps for the pin, ......1.....................................................2..............................but somehow Monroe kicks out of it!!! Laps seems to be dead tired now, but he goes on. And the fans are cheering him on. They are cheering their favorite wrestler on like no tomorrow!!!...And I think its helping him. Laps is back up now.

ND: Laps grabs Monroe by the head and he throws him headfirst over the toprope to the outside!! For a second time in this match Monroe lands hard on the concrete. Laps then starts to climb the topturnbuckle. He reaches the top and he then dives off for a crossbody on Monroe....BUT OOOOOOOOHHHHH......MONROE COUNTERS BY DROPKICKING LAPS OUT OF MIDAIR!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!.......And Laps is totally knocked out now!!! Did you see that!!! Oh God!!!...Laps is out and Monroe is on his feet and he picks up Laps and rolls him back into the ring again.

DT: Laps is back in the ring and Monroe climbs the apron. Monroe on the apron and he grabs the ropes....and....jumps over the ropes and does a senton bomb on Laps!!!....Ok, this has got to be it now!!!!.....Monroe for the cover, ....1..............................................2.......................but a kickout by Laps. Monroe now lifts up Laps and he places him on the topturnbuckle!!....Monroe climbs on after and he then grabs Laps by the tights to execute a superplex. Monroe tries but Laps blocks it....and Laps counters with a headbutt, followed up with a right hand to the face. Laps then lifts Monroe up and ....FRONT FACE SUPLEX OFF THE TOPROPE!!!

ND: And both men go down to the mat!!! Good God!!! What a match, these guys are taking eachother to the limit here!!! Monroe and Laps both get back to their feet and it is Laps who seems to have the most energy left. And Laps goes into the ropes, comes off and ...HE GOES FOR A HURRICANRANA!!!.....BUT NOOOOO MONROE BLOCKS IT AND TURNS IT INTO A POWERBOMB!!!...AND HE POWERBOMBS LAPS TO THE MAT!!!......MONROE THEN PICKS UP LAPS AND ..........DEICIDE!!!!.........IT IS OVER!!!......Monroe hooks the leg for the cover and. .................1..............................................2............................................3....Scott Monroe wins on his debut.

DT: That was a tough match!!

(Monroe kneels over the prone body of Drake Laps, staring down at him, Monroe raises his hand to his eye and slowly wipes a tear away. Grabbing him by the hair he lifts him slowly and begins to drag him towards the edge of the ring. Laying Laps out prone with his head sticking beneath the bottom rope, Monroe then turns slowly and reaches beneath the ring. Monroe raises his left hand into the air, blood slowly trickling down from his knuckles and running down over his palm and wrist. Strapped upon his hand, tearing the flesh from his knuckles, is a strange device. Brass knuckles wrapped in barbed wire. Monroe holds his left hand aloft for a moment as the crowd screams in fear. Walking toward Laps slowly, Monroe strikes him in the face, slicing him open, then pulls him down to the arena floor. Laps lays there in a crumbled heap as Monroe points slowly towards the entrance ramp. A spotlight slowly burst from on high, as if guided by the light of heaven itself. The arena goes dark as a large metal crucifix slowly lowers down onto the stage. Monroe wraps his hand in Laps hair and begins to drag him up the stage. The fans howl with rage and fright as Monroe throws Laps down before the makeshift altar. Suddenly Monroe begins to pummel away at Laps, blood being released from him, Monroe in a fit of rage or in a pyschotic breaking, seemingly having snapped. Suddenly Monroe rises from his knees and stands above Laps, his arms outstreched before the crucifix in his mock crucifixtion pose. Suddenly Blade burst from the back, striking Monroe in the back of the head and knocking him down the entrance ramp. Monroe goes rolling down as Blade kneels down to Laps, trying to lift him. Without warning, MacBeth, Exile and Corvik burst from the back, the three on one being to much for Blade to handle. Blade falls to the ground near Laps as Monroe rises slowly. Walking back up the ramp, Monroe nods to MacBeth, who quickly restrains Blade. Corvik and Monroe then go about lifting Laps from the ground, stringing him upon the cross, barbed wire cutting into his wrist. Jezebelle and Racheal slowly appear from either side as the camera zooms in on Exile, who has gotten into Blades face).

Exile ~ Aww...little brother don't cry. It'll all be over in a second.

(As Exile turns his back a guitar begins to float through the arena. Hands on the bible by Local H fills the arena with it's haunting rifts as Corvik and Monroe finish. Monroe steps back as MacBeth throws Blade to the ground. Before he can rise Ashrachal quickly replaces MacBeth in restraining him. The four members of the Royal Family stand before Drake Laps, heads held high, no remorse, no pity, no quarter. Suddenly Monroe steps forward and drives his fist into the midsection of Laps. Laps stirs for a moment but it's obvious that he's still very much out of it. Monroe begins to speak as the camera zooms in on them).

Monroe ~ For crimes commited against the Royal Family, for your belief that you are a God, for you heresy against us, I shall cast you into the flames. Drake Laps, you have commited these sins knowingly and willingly. Do you have anything to say for yourself?

(Laps stirs for a moment, life suddenly coming to his eyes. He tries to free himself from the cross, only to find that the flesh rips from the bone when he struggles. His screams echo through the arena and blend into the haunting song as Monroe steps forward. Getting inches from Laps face, Monroe sneers and then continues).

Monroe ~ Drake Laps, you made a comment in one of your promos, you said that my God was sneaking up on me, waiting to give me the Last Lap at every turn. That, dear Laps, is heresy. For your crimes, I myself shall cast you into the fires. As you crash down realize that you brought this upon yourself with your selfish words and actions. That by your own admition you believed that you were a God, and by my own admition I put the entire federation on call to let them know that anyone..ANYONE...claiming that they were a God or Lord over any of us would feel my pain. Now you not only get to feel my pain Drake Laps, but you get to enjoy your own pain as well.

(Monroe turns slowly and looks to the rest of the Family. Blade struggles beneath Asharcal but is unable to break free, Suddenly Monroe extends his hand to MacBeth, who reaches inside of his long trench coat and brings forth a knife. The same knife that Scott Monroe held to Mystics throat earlier in the evening, and now, it would seem another tool used in this sick version of a trial. Drake Laps screams as Monroe steps slowly behind him. A snap is heard and the crucifix begins to waiver, Monroe then steps forward and places his hands upon the cross. With a violent thrust he shoves the cross over, off the side of the stage and down ten feet to the hard concrete below. A sickening sound is heard, one that cannot be easily described. The Royal Family stands tall, staring out over the awe struck arena. Officials and medical personal rush quickly down as the Family sneers out at the arena, showing their disgust for them and for their fallen God, Drake Laps).

So hands on the bible
Scared like a child
God holds you liable
For what you've done
Stare down your idols
A pretty baby never to be born

You can't pretend that you don't know the reasons
For the repent that you saw

Hands on the bible...

(The scene quickly breaks away).


Winner: Scott Monroe

Exile(c) vs. "The" Nick Dangerous - Universal Title

DT: Its time. Its really time now. New Universal Champion Exile is gonna defend his title for the first time. And he has to defend it against "The" Nick Dangerous. Dangerous the Canadian Superstar who had a titleshot against Chris Christ a couple of weeks ago, but back then he didn't have it. Maybe tonight he does have it and will win this precious title for the first time in his career.

ND: But never underestimate Exile and the Royal Family. Exile got so many cards up his sleeve that he's almost like a magician. Exile probly already thought of 25 ways to win this match. He probly has a scenario for every situation. And every scenario has the same outcome, namely that he stays the Universal Champion.

DT: Damn that sounded good Down.

ND: Uh, thank you.

(Fuck it by Seether starts to play and Exile appears from behind the curtains. He got the Universal Title strapped around his waist and together with Roadblock he walks to ringside. The two make it to the ring and Exile hands the Universal title over to Jay Blue and then gets into the ring).

(Fire in the head by The Tea Party begins to play and "The" Nick Dangerous comes out. He and Erica start to walk to ringside. Once they reach it, Erica stays on the outside while Dangerous uses the ringsteps to enter the ring).

Ding ding ding.

DT: The match starts and Exile and Dangerous are going at it right away. Exile charges in on Dangerous and the two start to trade shots back and forth. They go into the ropes and fight their way all around the ring. They end up in a corner and Exile gets the upperhand as he throws a series of 6 shots to Dangerous his forehead. That were really 6 fast shots to the head. Exile then grabs Dangerous by the arm and irish whips him out of the corner, but Dangerous reverses the whip and Exile flies backfirst into the opposite corner!!

ND: Dangerous follows in hot pursuit and he splashes on top off Exile!! Dangerous back to the mat and he pulls Exile out of the corner and he sends him into the ropes. Exile comes off and Dangerous lifts him up and.....SPINNING SAMOAN DROP!!!.... One of Dangerous his trademark moves!! Dangerous goes for the cover, but Exile is fast with kicking out of it. Dangerous picks Exile up and he sends him into the ropes for a second time. And this time he grabs Exile and does an overhead belly to belly suplex!! Oh yes, great move!!!...Dangerous for another cover attempt, but again Exile kicks out.

DT: Dangerous picks Exile up and he whips him, but Exile reverses the whip and sends Dangerous into the ropes. Dangerous comes off and Exile grabs, him waistlocks him and ...executes a FULL NELSON SLAM!!!.....Exile gets up and he drags Dangerous over to the corner and he then starts to ramm Dangerous his head into the bottom turnbuckle!!....1............2..........3...........4..............5....Exile then moves up to the middle turnbuckle....1............2................3.............4..............5...and finally Exile moves up to the topturnbuckle ....1.............2..............3............4.................5...

ND: And Dangerous is really stunned right now!! He staggers backwards and then falls to the mat facefirst!! Exile picks up Dangerous and he pushes him into a corner. Exile then quickly drives a shoulder into Dangerous. He does this two more times before whipping him into the opposite corner. Exile then charges in, but Dangerous moves and Exile goes into the corner shoulderfirst. Dangerous then takes Exile down with an armdrag and hooks in an armbar. Dangerous now stretches out the arm and is driving knees into it. He then hooks the armbar back in.

DT: But Exile is still not giving up. And Exile gets back up to his feet. This time he throws Dangerous into the ropes, but Dangerous tackles him down with a shouldertackle!! Dangerous hits the ropes again and Exile ducks down to allow Dangerous to go over. When Dangerous rebounds off the ropes, Exile catches him with a kick to the gut!! He then sets Dangerous up and ...BRAINBUSTER!!!!....Exile picks Dangerous up and bodyslamms him to the mat.

ND: Exile then hits the ropes and does a forearm elbow smash on Dangerous. He does this three more times and Exile then goes for the cover, ......1..............................................2............but Dangerous with a kickout. Exile then picks up Dangerous and he grabs him by the head and he throws him between the middle and toprope to the outside. Dangerous lands on the concrete and Exile goes to the outside aswell. He picks up Dangerous and he whips him into the security guardrail!! Dangerous goes in backfirst and he hits it hard!! Exile comes charging in, but ooooohhhh Dangerous quickly climbs on the guardrail and ....JUMPS OFF AND SPEARS EXILE TO THE CONCRETE!!

DT: Exile is out and Dangerous goes over to the ring and he climbs the apron. He then climbs up even higher as he climbs to the topturnbuckle. What on earth is Dangerous gonna do right now???....Dangerous looks down and sees that Exile is still out.....Dangerous then screams it out and .....HE DIVES OFF THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE AND DOES A FLYING HEADBUTT ON EXILE!!!...THATS INSANE, THATS REALLY INSANE!!!!...A FLYING HEADBUTT TO OUTSIDE!!! THATS JUST PLAYING WITH YOUR LIFE!!

ND: Yup, Dangerous got a deathwish..Canadian eh...

DT: Both Dangerous and Exile are knocked out now. Noone is moving right now. This doesn't look good, doesn't look good at all. I think someone has to check on them, something serious could have happend. .....But wait.....I think I see movement!!..... Yes, after about 25 seconds it is Dangerous who is slowly moving back up again. He gets up and he picks up Exile and he rolls him back into the ring again. Dangerous rolls in too and he goes for the cover on Exile, ........1......................................................2.................WE HAVE A NEW .......NOOOOOO.....EXILE KICKS OUT!!!

ND: And Dangerous now moves over to the ropes. He uses them to get up and he then waits till Exile gets back up. Exile is taking his time. Exile finally gets to his feet and Dangerous moves in on him and grabs him from behind, but ooooohh Exile with a mulekick!! Dangerous is stunned for a moment and Exile into the ropes, comes off and clotheslines Dangerous hard to the canvas!!! Exile then starts to climb the toprope...He goes to the top and .......HE MOONSAULTS OFF THE TOPROPE AND HITS DANGEROUS!!! And Exile goes for the cover, .......1................................................2..............................KICKOUT!!!

DT: Exile takes Dangerous by arm and he sends him into the ropes. Dangerous comes off and Exile grabs him and ....POWERSLAMS HIM TO THE CANVAS!!!!....Exile for the cover, but again Dangerous kicks out of it!!!....The Canadian Superstar is not giving up!! Exile picks Dangerous up by the head once again and he sends him into the ropes. Dangerous comes off and Exile goes for a DDT, ...but Dangerous moves out of it and he turns Exile around and ....BACKSLIDE!!!......1...............................................2..............but Exile with a kickout!!

ND: Dangerous and Exile now both back up again. They lock up and Dangerous with an elbow and he follows that up with a kick to the gut. He lifts up Exile and ...TIGER DRIVER....And the pin, .......1...............................................2.......................KICKOUT!!!....Dangerous goes to the second rope now. He climbs on and ....ELBOW DROP FROM THE SECOND ROPE!!!....Again he goes for the cover, ......1..........................................2..........................but Exile is not a quitter either!! And this match is gonna continue!!! Not over yet, not by far!!

DT: Dangerous waistlocks Exile and he german suplex him to the canvas. Dangerous holds on to the hold and repeats it!! He german suplex Exile for a second time. Dangerous then grabs Exile for a third time and he executes a third german suplex on his opponent. Dangerous then picks Exile up and takes him by the arm. Dangerous whips Exile into the ropes,.....the Universal Champion comes off and oooh he counters with a Lou Thesz press on Dangerous!! And Exile lands on top off Dangerous and starts to hand out a series of shots to the head!!

ND: Exile hooks in a Texas Cloverleaf and Dangerous is in pain. But he refuses to give up. After about 20 seconds in the hold, Dangerous pushes up but can't force Exile off. But Dangerous then manages to throw Exile off balance!! This breaks the hold. Dangerous gets up first and he hits Exile with a clothesline!! He then goes to pick Exile up but this is a setup because Exile reacts and goes for his OUTCAST....BUT DANGEROUS SLIPS OUT OF IT!!!....But Exile moves in and....DDT'S DANGEROUS TO THE MAT!!!

DT: Exile quickly covers, ......1...........................................2....but Dangerous with a kickout. Exile picks Dangerous up and he sends him into the ropes, but Dangerous reverses it. Exile comes off and ...Dangerous hooks in a sleeper hold, but Exile quickly counters with a jawbreaker!! Both men are tired now, but they still keep going. Exile grabs Dangerous and he throws him to the outside again!! He does this for a second time!!! ....Exile goes to the outside and he grabs Dangerous and he whips him into the steel ringsteps and ....BAMMMM....Dangerous goes into them hard!! Exile stomps down on Dangerous before he rolls him back in the ring again.

ND: Exile gets back in aswell and he picks up Dangerous and ....HE WANTS TO GO FOR HIS OUTCAST!!!!.....But oooooohh....Dangerous quickly moves out of it!!!...He turns Exile around and .....DANGEROUS HOOKS EXILE IN THE DARKEST HOUR!!!,.......HOLY SHIT!!!......Now thats some nerve!!! ...And Exile is struggling to break free!!!! ....Exile can't seem to get out of it!!!...He's struggling and .....WHAT!!!! ..Exile grabbed the referee by the collar now!!!..He grabbed the referee and he pulls him towards him and the referee crashes into Dangerous!!!

DT: Ooh myyyy Godd!!! And Dangerous has to let go off the Darkest Hour!!! ......Dangerous is a bit stunned from that crash with the referee.....Exile charges in on him, kicks him into the gut and .......OUTCAST!!!.......And Dangerous is layed out!!!....Exile goes for the cover and. ...............1........................................................2...............................................3.....EXILE WINS AND HE IS STILL THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!!!

ND: Damnit, Exile is still champion, but Nick looks pissed.

DT: Exile is laughing at the win waving around his title belt, Nick is down on the mat, he looks in shock, I don't think he can believe he lost!

ND: Nick is slamming his fist to the mat, as Exile continues the laughter, Nick gets up and attacks Exile! Nick is delivering right hands to Exile! Exile is cornered at the post, Nick is giving kicks to the midsection, stomping the hell out of Exile, Nick turns around, leaving Exile down on his ass, Nick picks up the Universal title and gazes at it, realizing he lost.

DT: Don't look now, here comes the Royal Family, Nick is in the ring alone, signalling to Erica to run out through the crowd as the other members of the Royal Family are slowly strutting to the ring, Nick prepares to use the Universal title as a weapon. The Family hesitate to enter the ring as Nick talks trash, but Exile recovers and delivers a low blow to Nick Dangerous! Scott Monroe, Macbeth, Jezzebelle and Sean Corvik slide in the ring and they all proceed to attack Nick Dangerous, the floored Nick Dangerous taking shot after shot from these five individuals...

(The PA system plays Freedom Fighter by Creed, as we see Punisher come out armed with a baseball bat.)


DT: Punisher is running to the ring with a baseball bat in hand as Nick manages to roll out of the ring, Punisher slides into the ring and nails Scott Monroe, delivers a shot to Macbeth, Macbeth and Monroe are down, but Corvik manages to connect Insanity's Embrace right to the jaw of Punisher, Punisher is out, he just got a mouth full of boot in his face. Scott Monroe and Macbeth recover and join Sean and Exile in beating Punisher with everything they have, this is a disgrace, Punisher is a legend, he doesn't deserve this!

ND: Scott Monroe and Macbeth walk away and roll out of the ring to dig what seems to be a gasoline tank and a pack of matches from the apron? Macbeth runs in the ring and picks Punisher up to give him a fireman's carry DDT. Scott Monroe begins pouring gasoline all over Punisher, We can see gasoline all over his back side. Monroe hands Macbeth the matches as Exile starts to pick up Punisher, but Nick Dangerous has slid back in the ring with a hockey stick and nailed Macbeth in the stomach before he can light the match, Nick Dangerous is defending a former Legion mate! But Scott Monroe saves Macbeth with a jumping side kick into the turnbuckle, Nick drops the hockey stick, only to be picked up by Sean Corvik! This cannot be good. Sean sizes Nick up, and delivers one hell of a shot to the head of Nick Dangerous, that hockey stick just broke on Nick's head! Nick falls flat on his face. Exile continues to hold Punisher as Macbeth is ordered to get up and finish the job on Punisher! OH MY GOD! MACBETH HAS LIT THE MATCH AND HAS SET PUNISHER ON FIRE!....Now Exile has given Punisher the Outcast while Punisher is on fire! The royal family leaves the ring as EWCL officials rush to the scene and extinguish the flame before Punisher burns to crisp.

DT: Damnit, what a bunch of bastards, I hope they get what they deserve next week.

Winner: Exile

(End of show).

© 2002 EWCL.