Date: 2nd February 2003
Place: Madrid, Spain
Arena: Madrid Arena

(Exile runs up to Gargantuflem who is tying up his boots).

Exile: Hey big man…

Gargantuflem: What the hell do you want?

Exile: whoa whoa slow down there big fella…I was just looking for your gal.

(G-flem grabs Exile by the neck)


Exile: Well you're not making it easy for me to talk now are you? How about we remove the hand.

(Gflem stares at Exile before removing his hand from Exiles neck)

Exile: Thanks…geez awfully antsy aren't we?

Gargantuflem: Where is Nicole?

Exile: Look…I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news…but shes being held against her will.


Exile: They people holding her are really sick man…shes not safe…

Gargantuflem: WHO HAS HER?!

Exile: Well…I do

(Exile cracks a sick grin)

Exile: I brought some pictures for you to enjoy though…

(Exile tosses Gflem a manilla folder but he just stares at Exile his face shaking with anger)

Exile: Go ahead…take a look.

(Gflem finally breaks the stare and picks up the folder. He opens them and flips through the pictures his face showing deeper anger with each photo)

Gargantuflem: GIVE…HER…BACK…NOW!!!!!!!

Exile: Temper temper. You can have her back…no harm done to her…yet.

Gargantuflem: YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!

Exile: Yeah I know, don't flatter me. Now if you want that sweet Nicole of yours back…all you have to do is one favor…just one little favor


Exile: oh pipe down will ya? Sound like a broken record. You have the bitch back….

Gargantuflem: DON'T CALL HER THAT!!!

Exile: Nicole then. You can have her back…but you have to do something for me. Do we understand each other?

(Gargantuflem stares at Exile before lowering his head in defeat)

Gargantuflem: Fine…what do I have to do?

Exile: I figured you'd see things my way.

(Fade out)

We then get a special " EWCL DOES EUROPE" videoclip. It shows alot of European cities and monuments together with highlights of the recent happenings in the EWCL. We see The Royal Family, The Rebellion Project, The New Breed, The Coalition and wrestlers like G-Flem and Stephen Jackson. The CazzoTron then fades out and we go to our commentators).

Dean Thornton: Welcome! Welcome all to Insurgence right here from Madrid, Spain!! Ain't it great to be in Europe? The start of our European Tour.

Neil Down: Yes, I gotta say that I love Europe. Are we gonna go to Amsterdam too? Because I wanna see those prostitutes in the windows there...


ND: And legally smoke a joint.


DT: Take it easy Neil. As for that I am not sure wether or not we are going to Amsterdam soon. As of now the schedule is not 100% clear yet. The staff has been slacking a bit with that.

ND: Yeah damn Cazzo.


ND: Hey, why did you slap me for that?

DT: You know what happend to Cazzo. You know what Exile did to him. You know that he pulled the plug on him a few weeks ago.

ND: Yes, but we never seen anything after that. We never really saw what happend to Cazzo. That brings me to another point Dean. Who is that HE person you are reffering to all the time? You really really have to tell me now.

DT: No, I don't. I don't have to tell you anything. Let me just say that when the time is right, you will find out together with the rest of the wrestling world.

ND: Dammit!! I demand to know who HE is!!

DT: *laughs* You have nothing to demand. Just wait and see and be patient.

ND: Shit!

DT: As for now there are other important things to talk about. Last week we had the Beware The Whispers PPV and it was a big succes. We had an incredible Main Event match between Scott Monroe and Nick Dangerous. Already a Match of the Year candidate in my eyes. Scott and Nick gave everything they had, but in the end it was Monroe who won and regained his Universal Title. He's still the champion.

ND: But another great thing we saw last week was the rise of two new fractions. Two new teams that want to take on The New Royal Family and The Rebellion Project. We now have The New Breed and The Coalition!!...We got ourselves a real stable war going on.

DT: You can say that allright. And it looks like the ones that aren't in a stable yet, that they have a serious problem.

ND: Oh yeah for sure. And you can't count out that the current stables are gonna recrute the so-called free agents.

DT: Yes, thats a possibility you can't rule out. But as you said last week gave us The New Breed and The Coalition. The New Breed is the team of Johnathan Cable, Aaron Gold and Prime Time Champion "The Virus" Marco. These three already made an impact. Cable and Gold not only stole the tagtitles, but also challenged the reigning tagchampion Sean Corvik and Exile. And that match is happening tonight.

ND:Thats gonna be something.

DT: And ofcourse Marco has been Prime Time Champion for a couple of weeks now. So also props for that. But then again Marco has the very difficult task to fight Scott Monroe tonight. Thats gonna be one tough battle for him.

ND: And what about The Coalition. What a dreamteam that is. We have Drake Laps, Blade and " The Messiah" Chris Christ. Now thats what I call a team. They are great.

DT: Yes those are definately great names Neil. So all in all we have 4 fractions in the EWCL right now that are all very talented.

ND: You know what we want!! We want Survivor Series or WarGames or 4 teams corner matches. Thats what this calls for!! Ooh yes!!

DT: You never know Neil. You never know.

ND: Right on.

DT: The Main Event of the evening tonight will see The Coalition against The Rebellion Project. Besides that we have the already mentioned matches between The Family and The New Breed. But we also have a #1 contender match for the EWCL Title between G-Flem and Stephen Jackson. And to start off we have Coy Belton taking on a new guy that we have spotted before though.

Coby Belton vs. Shawn Carter

ND: Yes it is Shawn Carter. Another wrestler that made the step from the IWF to the EWCL. Yes, to quote the band Queen, "Another one bites the dust".

DT: Yes another big name of the IWF that left and decided to join the EWCL. But let me state here again that we wish the IWF lots of success in the future. We all here of the EWCL are 100% that the IWF stays on top and at the good level as they always were.

ND: Yeah, yeah enough sucking up Dean.


DT: Ok, time for our first match. Belton and Carter. Belton defeated "Trent" two weeks ago, but last week he lost again. As for Shawn Carter .He makes his debut, but we did see him a couple of weeks ago when he and Big Mac Smack attacked Sean Campbell.

ND: And I heard that Carter and Sean Campbell can't really stand eachother. So that could be the reason why Sean Campbell didn't even make the trip to Spain.

DT: Could be.

("You want a soda?" can be heard followed by the opening riffs of System of a Downs Chop Suey. "Soda Boy" Coby Belton appears on the top off the ramp and starts to make his way to ringside. He reaches the ring and slides in).

DT: It's good to hear that Belton still has his share of fans that support him.

(Still fly by Big Tymers plays and a few seconds later Shawn Carter and Big Mac Smack come walking out. The crowd gives him a mixed since some know him from the IWF and for others its the first time that they see him. Carter and Big Mac Smack make it to the ring and Shawn Carter enters the ring and gets ready).


DT: The match has officially started now and Shawn Carter and Coby Belton start to circle eachother for a couple of seconds. After 5 seconds they tie up and Belton gets Carter in a side headlock. He throws Carter into the ropes and Carter comes off and Belton with a dropkick that hits Carter right in the face. Carter went down and Belton comes off the ropes and hits an elbow drop on his opponent. Belton for the quick cover now.



KICKOUT......It's not gonna be over this fast. Oh no. Not with Shawn Carter. Belton now picks up Carter and hands out an European Uppercut.

ND: Yeah, thats the move to do in Europe. Belton with another European Uppercut and he then irish whips Carter again, but this time Carter reverses the whip and sends Belton into the ropes himself. Belton comes off and Carter catches him and does a belly to belly suplex!!! Carter lifts Belton up from the mat and he nails him now with a couple of backhand chops to the chest. And the crowd is into it and shouts out "woooooooh" everytime Carter chops Belton. Carter follows that up with sending Belton inton the corner.

DT: Belton goes in, but he jumps on the topturnbuckle.....AND HE GOES FOR A MOONSAULT CROSSBODY.......BUT OOOOOOH.....Carter saw it coming and he moved out of the way and Belton hits the mat!! Carter moves in and places Belton on his back now and .....HOOKS IN A FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK!!....And he has it hooked in good now!!....Belton stomping his fist to the mat from the pain righ now. The referee is checking if he wants to tap out, but Belton shakes his head. He does not want to tap out. Carter tries to inflict more pain, but Belton is trying to reach for the ropes.....He slowly is crawling over to the ropes....He gets closer and .....and.....he grabs a hold of them. Belton got the ropes and the referee makes Carter break the submission.

ND: Belton uses the ropes to get to his feet, but when immediately after he got up Carter comes in and sweeps his left leg and Belton goes down. Carter picks Belton up, waistlocks him and ......FULL NELSON SLAM!!!....Big move by Carter.....He hooks Beltons leg for the pin now.



KICKOUT........Belton saved himself and stayed in this match. You can say what you want about this kid, but he has determination and spirit. I don't want to say it, but its probly something that he learnt from Nick Dangerous.

DT: Probably yeah. Because Belton of course won Nick Dangerous his "Tough Enough" program. Well at least something similar to Tough Enough. But back to the match now. Carter grabs Belton and brings him to his feet. Carter with some punches to the head and he then throws Belton into the ropes....Belton comes off and ....OOOOOHH HEADSCISSORS TAKEDOWN BY BELTON!!.....He came with that move out of nowhere!! Nicely done by Belton. The Soda Boy fought himself back into this match again. He gets up now and does some kicks to the upperbody of Shawn Carter. He then picks him up and delivers a backbreaker.

ND:Belton brings Carter to his feet, hits him in the face with a big right hand and Belton then bounces back and goes into the ropes.....Belton comes off the ropes and .....OOOOOHHH....CARTER COUNTES AND CATCHES HIM WITH A SIT-OUT POWERBOMB!....HOLY SHIT!!!........And the cover attempt.




DT: So close. So close there!! Carter almost had the win there!!....Carter grabs Belton by the head and after kicking him into the midsection, he throws him into the ropes. Belton comes off and Carter takes him and delivers a spinebuster. And he fastly follows that up with a kneedrop to the face. Carter gets up and with another kneedrop. Carter picks his opponent up and chops him to the chest a couple of times again. Beltons chest almost turned red about now. Man, he'll feel that in the morning for sure. Carter now grabs Belton, but Belton counters with some hands of his own. He goes into the ropes and comes off.....but oooooh Carter takes him and flapjacks him and Belton goes facefirst to the mat!!!

ND: Cartermoves over to Belton now and takes him and he wants to irish whip him into the corner.....but Belton reverses the whip and sends Carter into the corner......Carter goes in the corner, but he manages to stop before he hits the turnbuckles!!!....HE TURNS AROUND AND CHARGES INTO BELTON ......AND.....YAKUZA KICK!!!....HOLY CRAP!!!..HOLY CRAP!!!!..Thats what Belton gets from beating Trent two weeks ago, haha! BELTON WENT DOWN SO UNBELIEVABLY HARD FROM THAT ONE!!! Carter picks Belton up now and ......TIDAL WAVE!!!.....He lifted Belton up in a military press and spinned him in the air and dropped him in the X-factor!! Man, what a move!!

DT: And Carter now going for the cover.




And he has the win. Shawn Carter wins on his debut here in the EWCL. Good victory for him.


Winner: Shawn Carter

(We come back from the commercials and a camera comes up to a locker room and steps inside. We see Strait Hate, sitting alone, hunched over with his back to the camera. The camera gets right up close to Strait, peering over his shoulder like a teacher would in class. We see Strait writing on a pad of paper, and this is what it says).

Strait's Hit List

Drake Laps
Scott Monroe
New Breed
Chris Christ

These are the men who try to destroy my bretheren and myself. Too long I have sat idly by, and watched from afar. They spat in my face and degrade what I stand for. Those actions I WILL NOT stand for. We have fallen from lofty heights, made our mistakes, but now ready to repair the wounds and move on. THIS IS NESSISARY!

(Strait drops then pen and paper and gets up. He goes to his bag and grabs a bowie knife. Strait gently slices the top of his left wrist. The blood flows out from under his skin. He dabs his right middle and pointer fingers in the blood, sops it up, and wipes the blood just under his eyes, as a form of war paint.... weve seen this before. Strait turns back to the camera with grim determination and blood on his face as we fade out).

ND: He plans on doing what to all those guys???

DT: Who knows??

Stephen Jackson vs. G-Flem - #1 Contender EWCL Title

DT: Our next match is a special one. We have two wrestlers who are gonna fight here and there's something at stake in this match. And thats the number one contendership for the EWCL title. As I can remember Jackson was already close to the EWCL title a few times. However he hasn't won a title yet in the EWCL.

ND: He stole a couple though.

DT: Yeah but I don't count them right now. Then on the other hand G-Flem is a former Prime Time Champion. But it looks now that he is aiming for something higher and thats the EWCL Title. We'll see who gets the win here and gets a chance to fight Blade.

(What makes me by Phillys Most Wanted begins to play over the pa system and Stephen Jackson comes walking out. The crowd boos him lightly. The Perfect Storm makes it to the ring and slides in).

(Prodigal son by Kid Rock blares over the pa system and Gargantuflem comes walking out from the back. G-Flem raises his hands in the air and the crowd starts to cheer).

(G-Flem starts walking down the aisle but he then sees some kid in the audience who's holding up a sign. The sign says "STOP THE SPAMMING". G-Flem then takes the sign out of the kids hands and rips it in two. After doing that the crowd cheers him on even louder. G-Flem makes it to the ring and gets in).


DT: We have begun and Jackson and G-Flem lock up. G-Glem gets Jackson in a side headlock, but Jackson counters with an elbow and it goes right into G-Flems stomache. The big guy lets go of the headlock and the two lock up for a second time. This time it is Jackson who knees his opponent in the guts. He then hands out two shots to the head and throws G-Flem into the ropes. G-Glem comes off and Jackson moves in on him with a flying shouldertackle. But the big guy doesn't go down.....He is staggering on his feet though, but thats it. Jackson bounces himself into the ropes again....Comes off for another shouldertackle....

ND: He hit G-Flem good with that one but the monster stays on his feet. G-Flem stumbling even more now though.....Jackson then quickly goes to the corner and climbs to the top. He stands on the topturnbuckle and.........MISSILE DROPKICK ON G-FLEM AND HE GOES DOWN TO THE MAT!!!....Jackson managed to get him on the mat!! Oh man!!!...And Jackson now quickly going for the cover, he hooks the leg and the referee starts the count.



KICKOUT........That was pretty close.

DT:Jackson feeling confident now and he picks up G-Flem and irish whips him into the ropes. G-Flem comes off and Jackson goes for a powerslam ....BUT OOOOOOHHH G-FLEM IS TOO HEAVY FOR HIM AND JACKSON FALLS DOWN TO THE MAT AND G-FLEM FALLS ON TOP OFF HIM!!...Nice splash there!! Wasn't suppose to be like that, but the big guy weighs a little too much for Jackson to lift. Maybe he got a bit too confident there. Thats something that can happen in this sport. G-Flem climbs to his feet now and he lifts Jackson up and irish whips him into a corner. Jackson flies in hard backfirst. G-Flem charges in on him and ...BIG BODY SPLASH ON JACKSON!!

ND: Oh man he almost squashed Jackson there in that corner!! G-Flem drags Jackson out of the corner now and he sends him into the ropes again. Jackson comes off and G-Flem with a big lariat and The Perfect Stom goes hard down to the canvas. G-Flem comes off the ropes and for a legdrop....but Jackson moves out of the way in time and G-Flem only hits the mat.....Who would have thought that Jackson could move out of that one. But it saved him though. Jackson is near the ropes now, taking a breather. He turns around ....and....oooooooh.....G-Flem storms in on him and ...CLOTHESLINES JACKSON OVER THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!!

DT: Jackson goes down to the concrete and G-Flem now steps over the toprope to the apron and then jumps to the floor. He walks over to Jackson and picks him up. He grabs Jackson by the arm and sends him face first into a steel ringpost. G-Flem moves over to him and grabs Jacksons head and ramms it into the ringpost 2 times. BAMMMMMM!!!...BAMMMM!!!!.....Good God!!!....And Jackson busted open right now!!! G-Flem rammed him pretty hard into that ringpost. Real hard!!!....G-Flem lifts Jackson up now and ...suplexes him to the concrete floor!!

ND: That must have hurt his back severely. Just has to!!! ....G-Flem is talking to the crowd a bit and asks if he can have a beer. Yeah thats the spirit. There then appears a serious look on his face as he apparently thinks of his Nicole and that this is not the time nor the place to make jokes about beer. He then moves over to Jackson and goes to pick him up. But oooooh lowblow by Jackson!!!....And Jackson gets to his feet now and he drags G-Flem over to the security guardrail and WHAMMMMMM....ramms his head into it hard!!!..

DT: Jackson then takes G-Flem and sends him backfirst into the apron. Jackson walks over to him and rolls the big guy back into the ring again. Jackson climbs on the apron and goes over to the corner and climbs the topturnbuckle. He gets to the top and ....LEAPS OFF THE TOPROPE FOR AN ELBOW DROP ON G-FLEM .....AND HE HITS IT!!!....Great dive by Jackson......And he goes for the cover.



THR......KICKOUT......It's not over yet!!!....G-Flem could get out of that elbow drop. It was close, but not the end.

ND: And Jackson now back in control again so it seems. He grabs G-Flem and hands out some shots to the head and midsection. He then irish whips him into the ropes. G-Flem comes off and Jackson dropkicks him to the knee. G-Flem goes down to one knee and Jackson comes off the ropes agian and does a flying clothesline and that takes G-Flem down to the canvas. Jackson gets up and he goes towards the corner again. He climbs to the topturnbuckle and he waits on top till G-Flem gets back on his feet again. G-Flem stands up now, ....he faces Jackson ....and.....JACKSON JUMPS OFF THE TOPROPE FOR A HURRICANRANA ON G-FLEM!!!

DT: BUT OOOOOOOH G-FLEM REVERSES IT AND TURNS THE HURRICANRANA INTO .....THE HANGOVER!!!!......Thats a powerbomb into a facebuster!!! GREAT!!! Jackson down and G-Flem shouts it out and slowly goes to pick up his opponent. He brings Jackson to his feet and sends him into the ropes....Jackson comes off and G-Flem grabs him by the throat and ...STALLING CHOKESLAM!!!....This could be the end for Jackson...G-Flem for the cover.




ND: G-Flem picks up Jackson and he throws him into the ropes....But Jackson comes off and kicks G-Flem in the midsection and he then rolls him up for a small package pin!!




DT: Almost there!!!............Jackson brings G-Flem to his feet now and he whips him into the ropes......G-Flem comes off and Jackson leaps up and jumps on G-Flem shoulders for a hurricanrana....But for a second time G-Flem blocks it and he lifts Jackson up and ....TURNS IT INTO THE GARGANTUAN DRIVER!!!....OH JEEZUS!!!......And G-Flem now going for the cover. He hooks the leg and the ref comes to make the count.




ND: IT'S OVER!! And G-Flem wins and he earns himself a titleshot against Blade!!

DT: A great win for G-Flem and also a great effort for Jackson.

Winner: G-Flem

(We go backstage and we are in the Lockerroom of The Virus as he watches Scott Monroes Final promo for the match up. Marco is busy lacing up his boots and clearing his mind for the match he has with him. Beside Marco is the Prime Time Title. He places it on his left shoulder and turns around and speaks to the camera)/

Marco: Oh Scott Monroe you have let me down alot when I heard the words Less Threating Faction, thus you have taken the role of Mr confidence, thus I dont need to do anything cause its just Marco.

(Marco shakes his head and looks to the floor).

Marco: You still need to learn that you' re the big dog in this federation and hell everyone wants to try and beat you and take that title. Hell I admit i wasn' t at a Universal standard, and tonights match is non title, meaning its all about wrestling and the clock is ticking till we meet in the ring.

(He looks at the clock on the wall).

Marco: Time is slowly going to stop tonight as the Virus clashed with Monroe and turns his world upside down, you won' t just finish me off in a flash. I will fight till i stop breathing, so be ready Scott, cause war is upon you.


(We come back from the commercials and open seeing Drake Laps walking into the building. He has his equipment bag draped over his shoulder and a jacket on. A few moments later a large figure appears behind him......all of a sudden a wire is around Drakes throat. Actually it is barb wire and Laps is being choked by Strait Hate. You can see the blood flow from Drakes throat as he struggles).

Strait: Good Lapsy, struggle more... the more you move, the more the razor sharp barbs dig into your throat. You see, I dont care if you die right here and now Lapsy. You decived me and stabbed me and everyone else in the back with your actions. Your a failure and you always will be nothing more then a shadow of your former self. Where are your buddies to help you?? Where are the people by your side like we were?? They are NOWHERE. You slip into an unconcious state right now, and it makes me stronger. You think your smart, yet now you are here with me, at the edge of life itself. I will make you pay for your insolance.....mark my words, you will reget the day you crossed me, friend.

(Strait lets go as Laps falls to the ground bleedingfrom the throat unconcious).

(Fade out).

Sean Corvik/Exile(c) vs. The New Breed (Cable/Gold) - Tagtitles

DT: We are back once again and right now its time for a tagmatch. And not just a tagmatch. The tagtitles are on stake in this upcoming one. Corvik and Exile have to defend their titles against The New Breed. Cable and Aaron Gold already got the titles in their possession since they stole them. But well Corvik and Exile are still the legal champions.

ND: We will see after this match who will walk out with the titlebelts. Lets get this match started.

(The arena goes black and the first rifts of the New Breed by Fear Factory blast over the PA. Green spotlights twist and turn around the arena as strobes go off around the curtain. The fans go nuts as Aaron Gold and Johnathan Cable step out through the curtain with the Tag Titles on their shoulders. They look at each other for a moment, and then out across the crowd. The stage explodes in green firebombs as Jessica comes running down the ramp, followed by the New Breed).

(Sympathy for the devil by The Rolling Stones begins to play and Exile appears on the top off the ramp. The crowd begins to boo him loudly. Exile smirks and makes his way down the aisle to ringside. He reaches the ring and enters it and stares at Cable and Gold and his tagtitle. He then asks for a microphone).

Exile: And now ladies and gentlemen ..let me introduce to you my tag team know him as a legend already in the making...but i call him my friend, of course i also call him the UNIVERSAL CHAMPION...SCOTT MONROE!!!!!!!!

(Darkness suddenly engulfs the arena. A piano slowly plays throughout as The Cross by Samael begins. A single word then flashes onto the Cazzo (or Family) tron).


(The word errupts into flames and burns away almost as quickly as it appears. As it does a guitar tears through the P.A. system. The music comes together in a frightening hymn of terror and the macbre. The symbol of Scott Monroe flashes onto the ~Tron, a gothic cross wreathed in flames. Racheal steps through the curtain and drops to her knees, sitting back upon her heels. She slowly extends her arms and the darkness breaks, behind her however Scott Monroe has appeared. Wearing a black cloak with the hood pulled forth over his head. Racheal leans back and wraps her arms around his legs, like a snake coiled around a tree. Monroe brings his left hand down and runs it through her hair, then throws his head back. The hood falls back revealing his black and silver eyes. He stares into the nothing above as he slowly raises his arms. He stands in a mock crucifixition for a moment, then his balled fist slowly open. His mouth becomes agap in a silent scream as his body begins to convulse. His hands return to their balled posistion, and Monroe reaches down and lifts Racheal from the ground. The two then slowly make their way towards the ring).

DT: Monroe!! Whats Monroe doing here!!?!?!? Sean Corvik is suppose to be competing together with Exile against The New Breed!! Whats this kind of rubbish!!

ND: Well Dean. It's the Demolition factor clause remember. Coz initinally Corvik and MacBeth won the tagtitles, but then after Corvik and Exile defended them and now it looks like Exile and Monroe are gonna defend them. Its nuts but I think allowed with that clause they have.

DT: You are right about one thing. IT'S NUTS!!

ND: Well thank you.

DT: And Cable is not liking this. He's not liking it at all. He's going over to the referee now, wanting to know if this is allowed what the Family is doing. Cable seems to be furious and Gold now is trying to calm him down a bit. Gold and Cable go back to their corner and its gonna be Gold who will start for the New Breed.


ND: Gold starting off for The New Breed and Exile starting for The Family. Gold and Exile circle eachother for a couple of seconds and Gold then storms in on Exile. But Exile sidesteps him and Gold catches air. Gold turns around and charges in on Exile again, but again Exile sidesteps him and Gold goes into the corner.....Exile raises his right hand in the air and he chuckles. But he is unaware of Gold charging back into him again....And Gold lifts Exile up from behind and delivers a back suplex!!!...Oh yeah!!....And Gold bringing Exile back to his feet again and throwing him into the ropes and when he comes he backdrops Exile to the mat!!

DT: Gold pumps himself up and he picks up Exile from the mat and hands out several chops to the chest. He then throws Exile into the ropes and when he comes off he takes Exile out with a spinning heelkick!!!....Man Exile hit the mat hard after that one. Gold moves over to Exile now....but look at Exile. He's sitting on his knees now and he's begging Gold. He's begging him not to hurt him....What the hell is that/!?!? Gold only stares at Exile......But at that moment Scott Monroe enters the ring and runs in on Gold and ....FLYING BULLDOG ON GOLD!!!

ND: Man what a cheap shot by The Family. And Exile gets up on his feet again and he chuckles some more. Cable wants to enter the ring, but the referee makes him go back to his corner. Monroe and Exile take advantage of that and work on Gold with stomps and kicks. Monroe then goes back to his corner and Exile grabs Gold and whips him into the ropes. Gold comes off and Exile with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Exile then lifts Gold to his feet and kicks him into the midsection. Exile then holds on to Golds head and goes over to tag in Monroe.

DT: Monroe comes in and he takes Gold and throws him into the ropes....Gold comes off and Monroe hits him with a spinkick!!!...Monroe then takes Gold and irish whips him and Gold goes into a corner!!! He goes in backfirst and Monroe does his usual routine and he charges in on Gold, does a flip and hits Gold in the corner with a roundhouse kick to the head!! Great move!!!.....Real great move!!......

(And thats the moment that we see that "The Virus" Marco appears on the top of the ramp. Marco just stands there and he watches the match from that position).

ND: Monroe now drags Gold out of the corner and he whips him into the opposite corner. Gold goes in backfirst again and Monroe comes charging in again.....but this time Gold manages to move out of the corner in time and Monroe crashes into the corner himself.....Gold then takes Monroe and ....GOLD RING...SWINGING NECKBREAKER!!!......Monroe down to the mat and Gold trying to go for the tag on Cable.....Gold goes over to his corner, but at that moment Exile enters the ring and he wants to stop Gold!! He waistlocks Gold, but oooooh Gold with an elbow and frees himself and he tags in Cable!!!!...

DT: Cable comes in and the crowd goes wild!!! ..Cable in the ring now and he ..CLOTHESLINES EXILE TO THE MAT.....AND HE THEN CLOTHESLINES MONROE TO THE MAT ASWELL!!!.....Cable then picks up Exile and throws him into the ropes...Exile comes off and Cable hits him with a big powerslam!!!.....Cable then picks up Monroe and also whips him into the ropes. Monroe comes off and Cable also powerslams Monroe!!! And he's going for the cover on Monroe.




ND: A late kickout by the Universal Champion. Cable now picks up Monroe and he lifts him up and delivers an armbreaker. He then brings Monroe to his feet again and throws him into the ropes once more. Monroe comes off and he ducks the forearm of Cable. He comes off the opposite ropes....but Cable counters with a leg lariat!!! And Monroe goes down again!!!...Cable moves over to Monroe and wants to pick him up, but ooooh Monroe with a lowblow!!!!...

DT: And Cable goes down to one knee. Monroe gets up, goes into the ropes, comes off and ....SHINING WIZZARD!!...HOLY SHIT!!!....And Cable is knocked out cold now!!!.....Monroe follows that up with a couple of kicks to the head and he then goes over to his corner and tags in Exile. Exile takes Cable and bodyslams him to the mat.....Exile goes to the corne and he climbs to the toprope. He faces the crowd and .....MOONSAULT.....BUT CABLE LIFTS HIS KNEES UP AND EXILE LANDS ON THE KNEES!!!...A Christ injury!! Bad for the ribs!!!....And Cable rolls to his corner and tags in Gold.

ND: Gold comes in and picks up Exile and hands out some punches. He then throws him into the ropes...Exile comes off and Gold kicks him into the midsection and then suplexes Exile. Gold then throws Exile into the ropes agai....Exile comes off and he slides through Golds legs and gets up behind him and ....does a Russian Legsweep!!!..Exile then brings Gold to his feet and ....comes off the ropes and ....ROCKER DROPPER!!! And the cover.




DT: A kickout by Gold and Exile now goes back to his corner agian. He tags in Monroe and the champion moves in and he picks Gold up from the mat and does a snappmare right away followed by a hard stiff kick to the back. Monroe brings Gold to his knees again and hits him with a trademark roundhouse kick!!! Monroe then picks up Gold and he throws him over the toprope to the outside!!!....Monroe then bounces himself into the ropes, and comes off and ....DIVES OVER THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE AND LANDS ON GOLD!!! OOOH MAN!!

ND: Truely amazing stuff from the Universal Champion!!!... Monroe and Gold both on the outside now and it is Monroe who is the first to get back up agian. Monroe climbs on the apron and he then climbs to the topturnbuckle again. Whats he gonna do now??? .....MONROE ON TOP AND ....HE LEAPS TO THE OUTSIDE FOR A CROSSBODY....BUT GOLD COUNTERS AND DROPKICKS MONROE OUT OF THE AIR!!!!....What a shot there!!!....And now after about 8 seconds it is Gold who is the first one to get back up. He takes Monroe and rolls him back into the ring again. Gold gets in and goes for the cover.




DT: Gold shakes his head and he then tags in Cable. Cable comes in and he brings Monroe to his feet and delivers an atomic drop. Monroe goes into the ropes and when he comes off Cable grabs him and delivers a german suplex!!!....And Cable holds on to it and he executes a second german suplex!!!......Cable then lifts Monroe up again and wants to suplex him....but Monroe lands on his feet behind Cable.....and now he lifts Cable up and ....BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX!!!!.....And Monroe gets up to his feet and he picks up Cable and throws him into a corner!!! But Cable comes out of the corner and ...HE SPEARS MONROE TO THE MAT!!!...

ND: And he goes for the cover.




DT: Cable gets back up now and he picks up Monroe......but ooooh Monroe with a kick to the midsection and .....HEAVENS GATES!!!.....TWO CHAIN EVENFLOW DDT"S!!!! And Cable goes down to the mat and stays on the mat!!!....And Monroe now raises his hands in the air and while the crowd boos he goes over to Exile and tags him in.

ND: Exile comes in and he and Monroe pick up Cable and throw him into the ropes. Cable comes off and Exile and Monroe both want to double backdrop Cable.....But Cable sees it coming and counters and .....DOUBLE DDT'S EXILE AND MONROE TO THE CANVAS!!!..OOOOOH MAN AMAZING!!!!.....Monroe and Exile are both layed out now and Cable goes over to his corner and tags in Gold. Gold comes in and he goes to the topturnbuckle. He climbs up and ......GOLDRUSH ON EXILE!!!...He hit it on Exile!!!..And we see Cable going over to the other corner and.....he climbs to the top aswell now and .....HE HITS A FIVE STAR FROGSPLASH ON MONROE!!!

DT: Good God!! The New Breed cleaning house!!! Exile and Monroe out from those frogsplashes. And Gold now picks up Exile and brings him to a corner and lifts him on top off a corner. Cable comes in and he starts to climb the topturnbuckle aswell. He gets to the top and he grabs Exile!!! OOOH MY GOD!! HE WANTS TO CHOKESLAM EXILE OFF THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!!! IS HE GONNA DO IT!!!! ND: BUT WAIT!! WAIT!!! LOOK AT THAT!!!

(G-Flem comes running out from the back. He first clotheslines Marco to the back off the head and Marco falls off the ramp a number of feet down below).

DT: HOLY SHIT!!!.....And G-Flem now runs to the ring....He grabs a steelchair.....and slides into the ring and first takes out the referee with a forearm!!....He moves on and .....WHAMMMMMM ....HE TAKES GOLD OUT WITH THE CHAIR!!!...G-FLEM THEN GOES OVER TO CABLE!!! AND ...BAMMMMMM!!!...HE ALSO WHACKS CABLE IN THE HEAD WITH THE STEELCHAIR!!!....AND CABLE FALLS OFF THE CORNER TO THE MAT!!! AND EXILE IS EXTREMELY LUCKY!!!

ND: And G-Flem now waits till Exile climbs off the toprope and he then threatens him slightly with the chair.

(At that moment the referee regains his consciousness and he calls for the bell and makes this match a NO-CONTEST).

Exile: Well gosh...doesnt that suck? Oh and Gflem, good work. Ill even tell you where Nicole is...she's just sitting in my office, she's a bit hog tied but i think she likes it like that.

(G-Flem charges Exile but Scott Monroe grabs him and give him a Deicide).

Exile: AWWW! Well im sure she can wait till after you wake up...!

(Just then we see that Sean Corvik and Jezebelle come walking to the ring. They reach the ring and enter it and Corvik greets his Family members Exile and Monroe. Jezebelle goes over to the referee and she's argueing with him about the end result of this match and why he called it a no-contest).

DT: What are they doing now?

(Exile and Monroe pick up Cable now and Exile now pulls up Cable's mask for a moment).


DT: Oh my God!! These bastards!! First they do this switch that Cable can't get his hands on Corvik. They then had manipulated G-Flem that he interfered in the match, then they DEICIDE G-Flem and finally Corvik does this to Cable. This is just insane!! What a bunch of bastards!! PLEASE GET SOME HELP FOR CABLE HERE!!!


Winner: No contest

(We catch an angle of Monroe and Racheal walking towards their locker room. From virtually out of nowhere, Strait runs up and clubs Monroe in the back of the kneecap, then Racheal in the face as she turns around to the commotion. Racheal goes down in a heap with Monroe already down on his stomach. Strait takes the lead pipe and wraps it around Monroe's throat in a camel clutch position).

Strait: I know what your thinking. You writhe in pain and gasp for air saying to yourself, "why mee!!" You think you can destroy the bond of the Rebellion Project with your wrestling moves, and a 3 count? We havent begun yet, for your information. You see last week was a learning experience of sorts, we were nieve, but not anymore. I dont care about your title or your Family, cuz they are not here now Scott. Are you passing out?? I'm so sorry, heh. Nick will come back, with the rest of us, temporary setback. Oh and you see your slut right there, knocked out? Well thats what happens when you play with boys who play too rough, she is a part of the weaker sex, so for her to try and compete is rediculous. But she is cute, I bet she'd like some of me, huh Scott?? Damn, hes out too.

(Strait gets up with a grin on his blood laden face and squats next to the sleeping Racheal, and kisses her on the cheek).

Strait: Sorry my dear, but I needed to make my point, no hard feelings. Just do your thing outside the ring, inside there isnt your place, I hope you understand, wench. Tah-tah....hahahahaha.......

(Fade out).

Scott Monroe(c) vs. "The Virus" Marco(c) - Non-Title

DT: Hello folks. Once again we are back and man what a tagmatch did we just see. That was amazing, wasn't it. Well at least I thought so. And right now we are gonna see the second part of The Family agains The New Breed. We are suppose to see Scott Monroe against Marco. But well since Monroe replaced Corvik in the tagmatch I have no clue who is gonna fight here for the Family. It could be anyone. Hell it could even be Racheal Everhart.

ND: Yeah women!!! Women rule!!! Even the Spanish girls do!!

DT: Hmm ok. Anyway, this upcoming match is a non-title match so noone can lose their title in this one. Lets get the entrances.

(Fight song by Marilyn Manson begins to play and "The Virus" Marco comes walking out. He makes it to the ring while the crowd is cheering him. He looks still a bit hurt from that fall of the ramp only minutes before. He slides in the ring and prepares for his match).

DT: Ok, who's it gonna be?

(Vanity or Perfection by Dimmu Borgir begins to blare over the pa system and out comes Sean Corvik!!!.. He is escorted by Jezebelle. And the two walk out to loud boos. Corvik and Jez reach the ring and Corvik enters it).

DT: So it is Corvik. The Family just switched the matches. What an outrage. Unbelievable. It is really time for "HE".

ND: You know that that sentence is really bad english, because it should be. "It is really time for "HIM".


DT: So its gonna be Corvik taking on Marco now.

ND: And we see that Aaron Gold and Johnathan Cable are standing on the top of the ramp now. It is clear that Cable is hurt and injured after that fireball from Corvik. But Cable is a fighter, he's not a quitter and knows how to fight the pain. So he stands there on the ramp to support his teammate Marco. Thats what it is all about.

DT: Wise words Neil.


DT: The bell has rung and the two wrestlers start to cirle eachother. After about 6 seconds they tie up and Marco gets Corvik in a side headlock. He pushes Corvik into the ropes and when he comes off Marco leapfrogs over him. Corvik then comes off the opposite ropes and this time Marco goes flat on the mat and Corvik steps over him. But the experienced Corvik stops right away and ...places an elbow drop to the back off Marco's head!! Thats the difference of almost been an EWCL Grand Slammer an being the Prime Time Champion!!

ND: Corvik pulls Marco to his feet and chops him to the chest three times. He then whips him into the ropes and when Marco comes off he does a forward rolling leg scissors takedown!!! Nice work by Corvik. Corvik gets to his feet and pulls Marco up and drags him over to the corner. He takes Marco by the head and starts to ramm Marco's head into the topturnbuckle. ...1....2....3.......4......5.......6.........7..........8............9............10.....Corvik lets go off Marco's head and turns him around and he then drags him out of the corner.

DT: Corvik whips Marco into the ropes and when Marco comes out he goes for a hiptoss, but Marco lands on his feet. AND COUNTERS WITH A FAST CLOTHESLINE TO TAKE CORVIK TO THE MAT!!!...Marco lifts Corvik up and executes a snapsuplex!!!......Marco follows that up with a legdrop to the head. And Marco going for the cover.



KICKOUT.....Corvik kicked out of that attempt there. Marco brings Corvik to his feet and he whips him into the ropes. But Corvik holds on to the ropes...

ND: Marco sees it and he charges in on Corvik .....BUT OOOOOOOHHHHH.....CORVIK COUNTERS AND HE BACKDROPS MARCO OVER THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!!...And he lands backfirst on the concrete floor!! Marco in pain and this gives Corvik a little bit of time. Marco now slowly starts to get back up agian. He is on his feet and he climbs onto the apron. He stands on the apron and Corvik comes in and ...HE SHOULDERBLOCKS MARCO OFF THE APRON AGAIN!!!..And Marco goes down to the concrete again!!!

DT: But Marco climbs back to his feet again. He gets back on the apron......and Corvik comes in again and nails Marco with a right hand. And Corvik then grabs Marco by the tights and wants to suplex Marco into the ring....BUT MARCO BLOCKS IT .....AND.....HE SUPLEXES CORVIK.........TO THE OUTSIDE!!!!.....Corvik layed out on the concrete now. And Marco jumps off the apron and he picks up Corvik and rolls him back in the ring again. Marco joins in aswell and he picks Corvik up and sets him up for a piledriver and executes it!!!.....And the cover.




ND: Marco picks Corvik up by the head now and whips him into the ropes....Corvik comes off and Marco leapfrogs over him again....but this time Corvik anticipates to it and catches Marco out of the air and delivers a spinebuster!!! And Corvik now hooks in a standing figure four leglock. Corvik got it hooked in and Marco is in severe pain and trying to grab the ropes......The referee is checking on Marco, but he refuses to tap out. He doesn't need to as he is close to the ropes now...He reaches out and yess, he gets the ropes and the referee makes Corvik break it.

DT: Corvik then picks up Marco by the head and hands out some shots to the head. He then sends Marco into the ropes but when he comes off Marco takes Corvik to the canvas with a flying forearm!!!...And now it is Marco who gets to his feet. He pulls up Corvik and Marco irish whips Corvik into the ropes .....Corvik comes off, he ducks the forearm...comes off the opposite ropes and ....he takes Marco to the mat with a double axe handle smash!!....And Corvik now turns Marco on his chest and ...HE HOOKS IN A BOSTON CRAB!!!.....And this is really hurting Marco's back here!! ....

ND: The referee checks on Marco, but he shakes noo......And he's trying to grab the ropes......Marco crawls closer to the ropes now and he can almost grab them.....The referee then checks on Corvik....And just at that moment Marco reaches the ropes!!!..

DT: But look at Jezebelle!!!....Jez stands on the outside there and .....SHE SLAPS MARCO IN THE FACE!!!!...AND MARCO HAS TO LET GO OFF THE ROPES!!!...AND CORVIK DRAGS MARCO TO THE CENTER OF THE RING NOW IN THAT BOSTON CRAB!!!....AND THE REF NEVER SAW A THING!! And there's no way that Marco can get out of that Boston Crab now!!!...But look!!!

ND: Cable and Gold now storm to the ring. Gold runs over to Jezebelle and shoves her to the ground and then climbs on the apron. The referee goes over to him and tries to make Gold leave ringside!!!....But Cable sneaks into the ring on the other side!!! He gets in the ring and .....HE LOW DROPKICKS CORVIK RIGHT INTO THE FACE!!!!....AND CORVIK GOES DOWN AND MARCO IS OUT OF THE BOSTON CRAB!!

(At that moment we see that Exile and Scott Monroe come running down the aisle to the ring. Gold and Cable see them coming and all four start to brawl on the outside).

DT: Back in the ring Marco got back on his feet and he picks up Corvik and he lifts him up and powerbombs him to the mat!!!...And the cover.



KICKOUT.......Corvik is still in this match.

ND: Marco picks Corvik up from the mat now and he irish whips him into the ropes.....Corvik comes off and he ducks the forearm...comes off the opposite ropes and .....INSANITY'S EMBRACE!!!......Marco down after that superkick!!!....Corvik brings Marco to his feet and ....HE HOOKS IN THE DARKEST HOUR!!!.....The ref checks Marco and raises his arm one time....and it goes down.....He raises it for a second time....and it goes down .....He raises it for a third time and ......IT GOES DOWN!!..AND IT'S OVER!! AND SEAN CORVIK WINS THIS MATCH!!!

DT: But it's not over on the outside!! Monroe, Exile, Gold and Cable are still fighting it out!! And it is Cable now who knocks Exile to the ground and he goes to the ring and slides in!!! And he charges in on Corvik and .....KNOCKS HIM TO THE GROUND WITH A CLOTHESLINE!!!.....AND CABLE NOW PICKS UP CORVIK AND HE HOOKS HIM IN THE DARKEST HOUR!!!..........OOOOOH MYYYYYY GODDDD!!!!!

ND: And he's taking Corvik out with his own Darkest Hour!! Unbelievable!!!!.....And Cable now lets go off Corvik and Corvik falls down to the mat!!! He's knocked out!! Thats a payback from that fireball!!!......Cable now rolls out of the ring, together with Marco and Aaon Gold joins them!!!

(And the New Breed leaves through the crowd while the crowd cheers them on and Monroe and Exile are checking on Corvik in the ring).


Winner: Sean Corvik

(We come back from the commercials and go backstage We see John Cable, Marco, and Aaron Gold, the second coming of the Legion, in the cafeteria, getting some food. We see Strait in the background holding something in each hand with a grin).

Strait: Hey bitches.

(The three men turn to see Hate, almost laughing, seeing the 3 on 1 odds).

Cable: Well well, old friend. Whats in your hand?

Strait: This.

(Strait hold out his arms and points them at Cable and Gold. projectiles shoot out and stick to Cable and Gold, sending 7,500 watts through the superstars knockin them out).

Strait: Well Marco, looks like its just me and you. You may have screwed my brother out of his title, but you wont screw me, Limey.

(Marco charges Strait and runs into a boot to the gut).

DT: OHHH clubbing forearms by Hate, he just shattered a plate over his head.

(Strait rolls Marco on the table. Strait climbs on top of the table and picks up Marco).

DT: OHHH no!! Not this again!!

ND: HOLY SHIT! Marco is decimated by the same move he used on Christ 2 weeks ago, its a scoop slam into a tombstone, what was it called?

DT: He calls it Demise of Sanity, just nasty. It seems like Strait has snapped this week.

(Strait pulls himself from the rubble of the broken table and stands over Marco).

Strait: Next time you fuck with my family, you wont live through the fuckin night.

(Strait looks in the camera and says. "And take a look at what else happend earlier tonight").

(In a locker room, Chris Christ is stretching, getting ready for the main event. Chris bends down to do toe touches.... the second he comes up.....).


DT: Wow, Strait just speared Christ into the lockers!! He is now on top of Chris pummeling him! Hard shots to the face!! He now grabs Chris by the hair.

Strait: You thought it was over?? No way pantywaste. You dare comprimise the integrity of me and my brothers with your EWCL stablemates? Go be Cazzo's pawn, but youll get no respect from me, nor will I ever let up. You havent seen the last of me, see you in the ring, cupcake. Heh.

(Strait stands up and walks off as we fade out).

(We come back from the commercials and we see Drake Laps emerge from his dressing room, squirting a bottle of water over his head and preparing to fight the ones he shoved away, the Rebellion Project sans Thorn. He cocks his head to the side and the upper end of the hall and turns back to see Sean Corvik and Jezebelle as if they appeared out of thin air. Jez is very demure and cocksure, emitting a certain degree of arrogance. Sean is calm yet like they say, it could be the calm before the storm. He stands face-to-face with the man. Laps quirks his brow and Sean folds his arms, shaking his head.)

Laps: What? What do you want?

(Corvik shakes his head again and looks down, Jez running her nails across the nape of his neck).

Corvik: How could you possibly speak of sin, Laps? How could you even bother telling me what is right and what is wrong? When that cunt of a girlfriend of yours was kidnapped by MacBeth. When we threatened to kill your child to bring about your fear? And how you all piss and moan telling us we're so far "over the line." But I'll tell you this. You did something to the Rebellion Project that a Family member would never do and that is betray and turn his back on one of his own. And to turn his back on them, no less, to team with Blade, who has always been a loser in this industry and in life, not to mention the man shacking with Kelly when you're not around.

(Jez girlishly prances around Laps and kisses him on the cheek.).

Corvik: And what do you have to show for it? A bandage on your neck there thanks to Strait Hate earlier tonight. Now they're all out for your neck and who do you have? Someone you can't even trust? You committed the sin that no one should commit. You served the Judas in this protrayal, Laps. The difference between he and you being that he got to watch on as the man he turned his back on died from blood loss after stakes were driven in his limbs and left to rot in the midday sun. You, however, have no one backing you and will surely fall to all this. You've a stupid look on your face. Speak.

Laps: Exactly what I do is none of your business, Corvik. You think you have all the answers? You don't.

Corvik: Oh my dear Laps, how wrong you are. You see I know as well as you that you'll never be anything. You can't realize your own capabilities so you suffer by the hand of another's. Where's the competitive spirit? Oh that's right, it left when you stabbed the people who were protecting you in the back. Just so again you could get your chance at glory which is surely going to be squandered by the time this night is through.

Laps: I have a match, shut up and let me pass.

(Laps violently pushes past Sean with his shoulder as he proceeds down the hall. Jez leans against the wall and Sean stares at the leaving man with pure hatred in his eyes. He balls his fists and clenches his teeth as he starts toward Laps. Drake continues to walk down the hall and walks past a door to a locker room. Nick Dangerous comes out of the room with a hockey stick in hand. Nick holds the weapon in his left hand and turns Laps around with his right. Drake immediately turns around and swings a right hand at the face of Nick Dangerous and Nick turns the other direction, falling forward a bit while holding on to his mouth where he got hit. Nick's eyes suddenly turn from a look of concern to a look of frustration as he wraps both hands around the hockey stick and slaps it across the face of Drake Laps. Drake is then knocked on the floor as Nick looks on with a still angered look on his face.)

Nick: Just like old times, hey Lapsy!? Good luck on the match...Or, good luck getting to the ring with a broken leg.

(Nick then places the hockey stick on a horizontal across Laps' right leg as Laps lays face first on the floor. Nick places the hockey stick on the back of his leg and while he bends over and holds it down, he makes a small forceful jump and lands his legs on opposite sides of the hockey stick, causing the stick to break in two. Nick stands up and looks on as Drake Laps screams in pain. )

Nick: Ah yes....Just like old times indeed. As the Rebellion Project says...NOBODY touches the Family except the Rebellion Project, and since you've decided to leave us, looks like you are NOT in the Rebellion Project, so stay the hell out of our business!!

(Nick decides to walk away, his entire face turning red as he shakes and yells. As he turns around to leave he sees Sean Corvik with his arms crossed, just smirking at Nick Dangerous.)

Nick: What...Why the hell are you laughing....

(Sean bows his head and shakes it, Jezebelle sauntering to his side and holding on to his arm with a pouty look on her face, sticking out her lip.)

Corvik: I just found that humorous.

Nick: It's not like me kicking Laps' ass is something you haven't seen before.

(Sean scratches his ragged goatee in deep thought.)

Corvik: No, was just amusing to see you protect me like that. I guess you knew I was tired after my match and didn't feel like expending anymore energy.

Nick: Yeah, you rest up, I'm sure Marco was the biggest challenge of your life...But trust me, you'll get another turn to get your ass kicked by me some other time...But until then why don't you go run your little programs with Stephen Jackson, or Marco, or whoever the hell else we can put you against to degrade the legacy of Sean Corvik, just so you can get some practice for a REAL challenge in the future. Don't think I'm letting you off the hook just yet.

Corvik: Don't be too loose with your words, you owe me.

Nick: I owe you nothing but a good hockey stick to the head. That ought to smarten you up.

Corvik: Come now. Had I not provoked Laps you would have had no reason to make him look like a bigger fool than he usually is and then you and the Project wouldn't have a guarantee at a handicapped match and more or less take the night off.

Nick: You think it'd be any different if Drake Laps were walking? We already know Chris Christ is going to manage to frog splash into nothingness, he's out of the picture, and Drake Laps is burned out, he has already spent last month losing to the same person, time and time again, I don't fear Blade, I beat him before, and if I can beat Blade, I sure as hell can beat Laps...But this was just much more fun than proving it in the ring.

Corvik: Please. You think you're all that tough by taking Laps out? You're all wrong. You have to do it like this. Sean snatches the hockey stick from Dangerous and walks over to Laps' body. Laps tries to get up but Sean drives the stick into his back. Holding the stick up in his left hand he places the stick in between Laps' legs so his right shin is pressing harshly against the left. Sean furthermore uses his own leg to hook Laps' and bridges back, holding Laps in a modified headlock, a modified version of his Errata Stigmata. Nick walks around Corvik, and stands at his head, looking down on Corvik keeping the hold on Drake Laps.

Nick: How sad...Is this how you plan on taking back your oh so precious legacy and climbing back to the top of the ladder? By taking advantage of a man I have already warmed up for you? Tisk tisk Sean Corvik, tisk tisk...

Corvik: No, Nick...I did it because that is what I intended on doing before you came. Tell me you're not the least bit amused by this.

Nick: I'm not gonna go off and lie to you, sitting back and watching the demise of Drake Laps, and his career for that matter, has been one of the most entertaining things I have seen in a while. But what does that mean to say, I beat you to it? I mean, you WERE going to do it before I came here, but you DIDN'T, much like it just might be, when we see the Universal title around MY waist, not yours, leaving you to say you INTENDED on doing it earlier, but I'd have beat you to it. In conclusion, you better pick up the pace Corvik, because the newer talent has already risen up, and you have fallen behind.

Corvik: You can stand there and justify your failure all you want. Laps has been dealt with. Go, fight your meaningless match and rehab your body. You may need to be 100% in case something...bad...happened.

Nick: You know what, fine. I'll leave you, I'll leave you here alone with Drake Laps, I'll leave you alone with your god damn ego, let you think you're still the best, not because I'm afraid of you, but unlike you, I have a main event match and I am needed in the ring, not here dealing with you. I'll deal with you another time, you washed up waste of space.. Sean steps forward and watches Nick leave for his match. He smirks.

Corvik: Dear's not about fear. It's never about fear. Just understanding...isn't that right Drake?

(Sean looks down to see he is standing on top of Drake's unconscious, bleeding body.)

Corvik: Oh, there you are.

(Sean extends his hand to Jezebelle who takes it. They walk off leaving the crime scene.)

(Fade out).

The Rebellion Project vs. The Coalition

(We see Blade on his way to the ring when a voice behind him rings out).

Strait: Hey Blade.

(Blade turns around and before he can react, BOOM!! The BLADE of a Nick Dangerous hockey stick is firmly implanted in Lemke's ballsack).

DT: OWWW thats gotta hurt! Blade is on his knees and....WOW, he connected with a stiff kick to the back of the head, Blade is floored!!

ND: I think Strait has snapped after a dreadful Pay Per View from the Rebellion Project!

Strait: So..... you lay there, in pain, yet with the EWCL title proudly wrapped around your waist. You and Laps have killed off any importance that title once had, you make me sick, hell the only good thing Exile has done was burn your home down. You destroy that belts integrity just as the Rebellion Project will destroy your little band of nothings in the ring in a few minutes.... so collect yourself, and get out there, heh.

DT: Oh my God!! Did you see what they did to Drake Laps and Blade? Thats unbelievable! Thats just insane!! I have no words for that!! Nick Dangerous and Sean Corvik crippled Drake Laps and I don't think that Laps is gonna be able to compete here in the Main Event. And Strait Hate almost took out the entire roster backstage!!!

ND: Thats a big blow for The Coalition. Now it looks like Chris Christ and Blade have to do it on their own. So they turned it into a handicap match. Three against two.

(Fire in the head by The Tea Party begins to play and "The" Nick Dangerous comes walking out from the back. He is joined by Strait Hate, Chazz Mendel and Thorn. All four Rebellion Project member get booed while they make their way to ringside. They reach the ring and three wrestlers climb into the ring and Thorn stays on the outside).

(Across the nation from The Union Underground blares over the speakers and Chris Christ and Blade from The Coalition come out from the back. The crowd goes wild as they see the two wrestlers. They walk to the ring and Christ shakes hands with some of the fans. The two reach the ring and stare at their opponents).

DT: So it's clear. Drake Laps won't be part of this match!! It's a sin!

ND: I know it sucks, but there's not much you can do against The Family and The Project like that.

DT: Ok, to get to this match. Its a regular type of match, so the first fall counts.


DT: It's gonna be Chazz Mendel and Blade who are gonna start off here. The two stand in the center of the ring and they circle eachother for a couple of seconds. The two wrestlers lock up and it is Blade who lifts Chazz up and he slams him to the mat. Chazz quickly gets up from the mat and he charges in on Blade....but Blade counters and takes him down with an armdrag takedown!!.....Blade picks Chazz up from the mat and he throws him into the ropes. Chazz comes off and Blade catches him and DDT's him to the canvas!!

ND: Blade looks strong in the beginning of the match. He pulls Chazz to his feet and irish whips him but Chazz reverses the whip and sends Blade into the ropes!!..But Blade holds on to the ropes.....Chazz sees it and follows in hot pursuit. He charges in on Blade, but.....oooooh Blade counters and he backdrops Chazz over the toprope!! ....BUT CHAZZ LANDS WITH HIS FEET ON THE APRON!!!.....AND HE THEN JUMPS OFF THE APRON........AND....USES THE TOPROPE AS A SPRNGBOARD AND DROPKICKS BLADE DOWN TO THE MAT!!!

DT: Excellently done by Chazz!! See, damn, now we still never got to see a match up between Chazz Mendel and Drake Laps. Probably the best two highflyers in the EWCL as of now. Chazz gets to his feet now and he does a standing moonsault on Blade. He hooks the leg for the cover.



Blade kicks out and Chazz stomps down on him and he then tags in his partner Nick Dangerous. Dangerous comes in and he picks up Blade and hands out some shots to the head. He then irish whips Blade into the ropes and when he comes off he clotheslines him to the mat!!

ND: Dangerous then takes Blade up again and sends him into a corner.....Blade goes in backfirst and Dangerous runs in right after.......BUT OOOOH BLADE LIFTS HIS BOOT UP AND DANGEROUS GOES RIGHT INTO THE TEST BOOT!!!.....Dangerous stumbles backwards and Blade catches him and ....reverse atomic drops Dangerous and follows that up with a clothesline to take Nick to the canvas!!!....And Blade goes over to his corner and he now tags in Christ. Christ comes in and he hypes up the crowd some more!!! He charges in on Dangerous, picks him up and starts a series of punches to his head!!! Dangerous staggers backwards into the ropes and Christ comes in and he clotheslines Dangerous over the ropes to the outside!!

DT: Dangerous is layed out on the concrete now and Christ grabs a hold of the ropes and ...HE SLINGSHOTS HIMSELF OVER THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE AND LANDS ON DANGEROUS!!!!.....OOOH GOD!!!!....And Christ is now pounding on Dangerous with hard right ones!!!.....He then brings him to his feet and rolls Dangerous back into the ring again. Christ gets in aswell and he goes for the cover.




ND: Dangerous holds on here. Christ gets up on his feet again and he goes over to the nearest corner. He climbs to the top and ....OOOOH STRAIT HATE RUNS OVER THE APRON TO THE CORNER AND HE PUSHES CHRIST OFF THE TOPROPE AND CHRIST FALLS DOWN TO THE MAT!!!.....UNFAIR!! BOOOOOO!!! UNFAIR!!!!....And Nick Dangerous now slowly gets to his feet. He gets up and moves over to Christ. He pulls him to his feet and slap him in the face. He then lifts him up and executes a front face suplex!!! Dangerous then smiles and goes over to his corner and tags in Strait Hate!!!

DT: Hate comes in and goes over to Christ and starts to stomp him down with viscious hard kicks!!! He then picks Christ up from the mat and bounces himself into the ropes....He comes off and ...POWER LARIAT and it almost takes Christ his head off!!! Strait quickly drags Christ to his feet again and he throws him into the ropes and when he comes off he does an overhead belly to belly suplex!!! And Strait for the cover.




ND: Come on Christ!! Hang in there!!! And Strait now picks Christ up again and he irish whips him....but this time Christ reverses the whip and sends Strait into the ropes....Strait comes off and Christ with a spinning heelkick!!! Great!! yeah!!! Strait went down to the mat and Christ now going to the corner once agian. He climbs to the toprope and ....HE LEAPS OFF FOR A GUILLOTINE LEGDROP ON STRAIT!!! OOH YES!!!....What a move by Christ!!!....And he now goes for the pin. He hooks the leg.




DT: Again unfair!!! And Blade now also wants to come into the ring, but the referee stops him and puts alot of effort in it to make Blade go back to his corner. So while the referee is doing that we see that Dangerous, Chazz Mendel and Strait Hate are kicking down Christ. They then pick Christ up and throw him in a corner. Christ goes in backfirst and Strait Hate charges in and ...SPLASHES ON TOP OFF CHRIST!!!.....CHAZZ MENDEL THEN COMES CHARGING IN AND ....HE JUMPS ON CHRIST AND DOES A MONKEY FLIP AND CHRIST LANDS BACKFIRST ON THE MAT!!!

ND: The Project then drags Christ back to the corner and place him in a tree of woe position!!!....AND NICK DANGEROUS CHARGES IN ON CHRIST NOW AND ....DOES A BASEBALL SLIDE RIGHT INTO CHRIST HIS FACE!!!.....HOLY SHIT!!!....Come on you stupid referee!!!....The referee turns around now, but the damage has already been done. Dangerous and Chazz gone back to their corner and Christ is layed out cold. Strait Hate drags Christ out of that corner and lays Christ in the center of the ring. And Strait going for the cover.




DT: He sure is The Messiah!!!...But Strait stays focussed. He gets to his feet and he picks up Christ and sends him into the ropes....Christ comes off and Strait catches him and powerslams him to the mat!!!.....God!!! What an impact!!!.....And Strait now even going to the topturnbuckle!!!......Strait makes it to the top.....he faces the crowd ......and......MOONSAULT ON CHRIST!!!.......AND HE HIT IT!!!....HOW MUCH MORE CAN CHRIST TAKE HERE!!!! IT IS UNBELIEVABLE!!! And Strait going for another cover.




ND: A very late kickout I might add!!!......Strait Hate shakes his head now and he picks up Christ and he throws him into the ropes......But Christ holds on to the ropes......Strait comes charging in now....BUT.....CHRIST COMES IN .......AND........CEREVISI!!!......CEREVISI!!! YEAH BABY!!!!.....HE TOOK OUT STRAIT HATE WITH A CEREVISI!!!.....Strait Hate went down, but Christ is also layed out in the ring!! This match took his tole on him!!! He had to go through too much!!! Come on Christ!!! Get up!!! .....Strait is still layed out on the mat and now it is Christ who slowly is starting to get up.....He drags himself over to Strait and goes for the cover.....




DT: WOW!!! Strait escaped!!! ......And Christ now slowly goes over to his corner and he tags in Blade.....Blade comes in and he picks up Strait. He throws him into the ropes and cathes him and ....SIDEWALK SLAM!!!....That's some strength there!!!.....And Blade for the cover.




ND: Another kickout by Strait Hate. He really needs a tag now. Blade picks up Strait from the mat now and waistlocks him.....but ooooh Strait with a mulekick!!!....And he reverses the waistlock and .....DOWN!!!!......HOLY SHIT!!! HOW DID HE PULL THAT MOVE ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!....Blade goes down to the mat and Strait to his corner and tags in Chazz Mendel!!!...Chazz waits till Blade gets to his feet and ....HE THEN LEAPS OFF THE APRON AGAIN, USES TOPROPE AS A SPRINGBOARD AND DOES A FLYING FOREARM AND TAKES BLADE TO THE MAT!!!

DT: Chazz drags Blade up to his feet now and throws him into the ropes......Blade comes off and .....SIDEWALK SLAM!!!....YES!!!...Another counter by Blade!!! Amazing!!....And Blade now drags Chazz over to the ropes and places him under the bottom rope. Blade then places his boot on the bottom rope and starts to choke the life out of Chazz that way!!!.....Strait and Dangerous are shouting at the referee to make it stop, but the referee continues his count till five. The referee then makes Blade break the choke. Blade lets go and he drags Chazz to the center of the ring and he then hooks in an anklelock!!! Thats Blade's famous anklelock submission!!!

ND: He got it hooked in right now!!!...But Nick Dangerous enters the ring now and he comes off the ropes and ....he knocks Blade down to the mat with an axe handle smash!!!....Blade falls down to the mat and Chazz rolls him up for a cover.




DT: And Chazz now tags in Dangerous. Nick picks up Blade and irish whips him into the ropes.....Blade comes off and Dangerous catches him and does his ...SPINNING SAMOAN DROP!!!........And Dangerous going for the cover.




ND: Close!!!.....But Blade kicked out and now Dangerous pulls Blade to his feet again!!! He chops him to the chest and throws him into the ropes. Blade comes off and Dangerous with a high knee and Blade falls down again. Dangerous pulls Blade up agian and he sends him into the ropes....He comes off and Nick with another high knee!!!....Blade goes down again and Dangerous now into the ropes and he comes off for an elbow drop!!!....But Blade rolls out of the way in time!!!....AND HE GRABS DANGEROUS AND HOOKS IN AN ANKLELOCK!!! IS THIS IT?!?!?

DT: Dangerous is in real pain now and it looks like he is close to tapping out!!! ....The referee checks on him and he is almost gonna break here!!!....BUT THEN STRAIT HATE AND CHAZZ MENDEL ENTER THE RING!!!......AND THEY BOTH GO INTO THE ROPES AND DOUBE KICK BLADE IN THE FACE!!!....OH MY GOD!!!!....AND NOW ALSO CHRIST ENTERS THE RING!!!..The referee tries to stop him, but he shoves him aside......but Strait Hate was waiting for him and ....HE KICKS CHRIST IN THE MIDSECTION ....AND....HATEBOMB!!!!....OOOH MAN!!!

ND: And meanwhile Chazz Mendel climbed to the toprope!! He's on top now and ......THE FATED CIRCLE!!!....HE HIT HIS FINISHER SHOOTING STAR PRESS ON BLADE!!!.....And Nick Dangerous now uses his last energy and he lays his arm on Blade for the cover.





ND: Shit...shit....shit!!

DT: The Project has defeated two members of The Coalition after taking Laps out backstage. And now Dangerous, Chazz, Strait and Thorn can celebrate. They all gather in the ring now.

(Nick Dangerous, Strait Hate, Thorn, and Chazz Mendel stand center ring. Nick Dangerous has a mic).

Nick: So it seems like the Royal Family is just about untouchable doesn't it…that nothing anyone does is going to be able to be able to faze them…well lets just see about that.

(Nick passes the mic to Strait Hate).

Strait Hate: Last week I asked for help to bring down the Royal Family, to destroy Exile. And someone heard my call, someone who may be able to change the tides on Exile's little power trip. Someone who's given that man more hell than anyone in his entire life. Its someone we have all heard so much about, but have never seen.

(Strait hands the mic to Thorn).

Thorn: Exile, lets just say you're not the only who can deal with people's families. You wanna threaten people…well lets see the shoe on the other foot this time.

Chazz: Ladies and Gentlemen…The Rebellion Project proudly gives you….THOMAS SPARTA, ALSO KNOWN AS CHRIS AND MICHEAL LEMKE'S STEPDAD!!!!!!!!

(The crowd is deadly quiet as a man with brown hair and a medium build walks out to the ring. He waves to the crowd and grins like an idiot. Strait Hate holds the ropes open for him as Tom climbs inside).

Strait: Welcome to the EWCL Tom!

Tom: Well I guess its good to be here.

Nick: So you are Chris Lemke's stepdad huh?

Tom: Yeah, I guess that's proof that even losers can achieve SOME success, even if it is as a professional wrestler…he is a loser, right guys?

(Tom holds his hand up for a high five to Thorn).

Thorn: Put your damn hand down. We aren't your friends, frankly you disgust all of us. The only reason you are even here is because of your relationship with Exile.

Tom: Exile…what a crock of shit. All that kid did was cry, he was a fucking baby the whole time.

(Blade, who was layed out after the three count is able to get back on his feet again and he stares in disbelief what his stepdad is doing in the ring).


Tom: Hey there Micheal…I just came down to see my boys…


Nick: We know exactly what we are doing Blade, so stay the hell out of it.


(Sympathy for the Devil hits and Exile appears at the top of the rampway staring past everyone into his stepfather's eyes).

Tom: H-hey Chris…

(Blade rolls out of the ring and rushes over in front of Exile).

Blade: Chris you have to settle down…listen to me

(Exile grabs Blade by the shirt and throws him down on the ground. In one step he charges the ring as the Rebellion Project drop their mics in preperation for Exile).


(Exile slides into the ring and Nick charges him but Exile dodges his punch and nails him with an Outcast. Exile springs back up staring only as his former abuser the screams of Tom calling him weak and beating him within an inch of his life overtaking his entire mind and body. Chazz Mendel rushes Exile but Exile back body drops him out of the ring. Thorn tries to grab Exile by the arm and spins Exile to face him but Exile keeps spinning and wraps himself around Thorn's waist and hits a german suplex).


(Strait Hate steps in front of Exile but Exile just pushes him backwards and Strait goes to push him back and Exile grabs his arms and hits another Outcast on Hate).

Tom: Chris…look…you gotta realize…

(Exile stands back up and stares at his Stepfather, the man who tortured him and turned him into who he is today. Exile grabs him by the throat with both hands and begins to choke the life out of him).

Exile: Sh..shut up…

(Exile's grip gets tighter and tighter around Tom's throat as his face gets dark shade of red).

Exile: fuck you…fuck you….whos weak now…WHOS WEAK NOW?!!!!!

(Exile drops to his knees forcing all of his strength on the neck of Tom Sparta, crushing the very life out of him. Tom's face turns a light shade of blue as his eyes start to glaze over).

Exile: die…you goddamn mother fucker…its time you die…

(Nick Dangerous looks up and sees his fallen comrades and the scene unfolding in front of him. He slides out of the ring and reaches under pulling out a hockey stick. He slides back into the ring and drills Exile in the back with the hockey stick but Exile doesn't relinquish his grip on Tom's neck. Nick holds the stick over his head and slams it as hard as he can on Exile's back causing the stick to break in two. Exile releases his hold and falls to the mat. Tom's lifeless body falls to the ring beside him. Strait Hate and Thorn join Nick Dangerous in taking their boots to Exile's body.

A team of paramedics rush to the ring to check on Tom Sparta as Chazz Mendel slides back into the ring and pulls out a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket. The Rebellion Project pick up the fallen Exile and Chazz locks the handcuffs onto him and the ring ropes. Exile slumps over as the Rebellion Project continues their assault. The paramedics on the other side of the ring rush to check on Tom but as they get their his body begins to convulse).


(The other paramedic grabs medical tools as they begin to try to save Tom. The Rebellion Project ignore the other ring activity as they take turns kicking Exile in the head and torturing his chained body. Tom's body stops convulsing and the paramedics being to administer CPR to him for several minutes before taking his pulse).

Paramedic: We've lost him.

(The Rebellion Project stops their assault as they turn to the paramedics).

Nick Dangerous: What?

Paramedic: Heart attack…he's gone.

(Exile bloodied head looks up to hear the paramedics words. He smiles a sick grin, blood dripping from his mouth).

Exile: heh…heh heh heh…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Strait Hate: YOU SICK FUCK!!!!

(The Rebellion Project turn back to Exile and his sick laughter and being to kick him in the head to stop his maniacal laughter).


(Nick Dangerous picks up a piece of his hockey stick and strikes it across Exile's face but Exile just turns back to him with a huge gash on the side of his face, blood pouring out).


(The Rebellion Project just stare at Exile blood staining the ring with his hands cuffed to the ring unable to stop laughing. They just shake their heads and leave the ring except for Nick Dangerous who crouches down by Exile and stares into his eyes. Nick clenches the remains of his hockey stick and brings it across Exile's face again and again and again but Exile just cant stop laughing, haunting the entire arena. Nick drops the hockey stick and kicks Exile in the chest before leaving the ring with the rest of the Rebellion Project. The paramedics place a sheet over Tom Sparta's body. The crowd completely silent, no one moving the only sound Exile's sadistic laughter…filling everyone's ears with a sound they will never forget).


Winner: The Rebellion Project


© 2002 EWCL.