Date: 9th February 2003
Place: Rome, Italy
Arena: Olympic Stadium

(Before the introduction of the show we see that Exile is walking through the hallways just wandering around with a distant look on his face. He walks by several of the RFTV superstars before coming to one locker room. Inside the locker room is RFTV's newest signee's Shawn Carter and his manager Big Mac Smack. Carter is lacing up his boots when Exile walks over to him. Big Mac stares at Exile with a look of worry on his face but Carter remains unaware).

Big Mac: Uh…Shawn?

Carter: Look, I needed a running commentary of how tie my damn shoes then I would've asked for one. Got it? Good. Now shut up I'm trying to focus for my match.

(Big Mac keeps his eyes glued to Exile's but is frantically hitting Carter on the shoulder).

Big Mac: CARTER!


(Carter finally turns to see Exile with an expressionless face staring intently at him).

Carter: Hey! HEY! What the hell are you looking at, homo? Hunh? Get your kicks watching people dress? Hunh?

(Exile's eyes focus a bit more on his surroundings and his face breaks into a scowl).

Carter: What's the matter ya fruit? Scared to talk to the Crippler?

Big Mac: Carter…

Carter: Shut up fat ass. SPEAK MAN! SPEAK!

Big Mac: That's Exile, Carter

(Carter's expression quickly changes and his eyes get big as he realizes who the stranger is, but as a moment too late. Exile reaches out quickly and grasps the throat of Shawn Carter and slams his head into the locker door leaving a huge dent. Exile slams his head again into the door and again and again the sound echoing through the room as blood begins to trickle down the side of Carter's face as Exile holds him to his face and looks into his glazed over eyes. He drops Carter to the ground walks out of the locker room. Big Mac huddles over Carter trying to revive him and make sure hes okay as Exile doesn't even look back).

Exile: Welcome to RFTV.

(Scene fades out)

(Scene fades in).

(Exile is sitting in his office with his eyes closed. He is surrounded by darkness and silence. The only thing that is able to control his feelings right now. But at the same time the turmoil in his mind is creating a boiling anger that is ready to boil over. Exile has his hands on his desk but more importantly is a file under his desk that reads "HE". Exile opens the folder and opens his eyes to see read what is inside. A smile creeps over his face and he picks up the phone and dials a phone number).

Exile: Get in here now…no, I don't care what you are doing at this moment. Get into my office now or I'll make sure the only places you will be able to go will have to be wheel chair accessible…good, then I'll count to ten and you will be standing in front of me.










(The door swings open and lights pours across the office. Bo Lucas, EWCL/RFTV financial supervisor is standing there with sweat on his forehead and panting heavily).

Exile: 23…24….


Exile: Shut up and listen, get the attorney's on the phone, I want something done immediately.

(Sympathy of the Devil hits and Exile walks out to the ring to his usual chorus of asshole chants and thrown popcorn bags and empty coke cups. Exile is still in his civvies wearing a nice black suit and has two manilla folders with him. Exile steps through the ropes and asks for a microphone. Once he receives the microphone he tries to start talking but the crowd wont be quiet long enough for him to speak).

Exile: Are you done? Really? Cause, believe it or not, things have to run on MY schedule and not yours. So keep on booing, but you'll be doing it from your car when I decide to cancel the rest of the show.

(The crowd quiets down after Exile's threat and Exile cracks a small smile).

Exile: Good. Now how about we pretend that we can be intelligent people and shut up and listen. Basically this has nothing to do with any single one of you here. It has to do with Nick Dangerous, Sean Campbell, Gargantuflem, Sean Corvik, it has to deal with everyone who works in the pyro booths, and controls the lights and sounds, the cameramen and the ring crew. So if you aren't included in that group that includes people who get their checks signed by me then please shut up and so the concerned parties may listen.

(Exile looks around at the completely quiet crowd, waiting to hear what the announcement is).

Exile: When I was wrestling for the IWF I came here one night and claimed that I would destroy the EWCL. That being said, I won my match against Macbeth at the IWF/EWCL interfed pay per view and coincidently left the IWF to come back here, but when I came back I brought some reinforcements to help me make good on my grandiose promise. I believe you know those people as Macbeth, Sean Corvik, and Scott Monroe, them, along with help from Rachael Everheart and Jezebelle, we were able to take control of the EWCL and send its name into flames. We still now have complete control over every aspect of this federation and its not something I plan on giving up any time soon. But see then I had this little incident with my stepfather last week and its kinda shook me up in the way that I realized how far I have come away from my goal. I let the power and control get to me and corrupt me just like everyone else that has been where I am now. Cazzo tried to bankrupt the company and ruin everyone but himself, yet he screwed up and that little punk Rick O' Conner came back to stop him. Saphio tried to do it but of course he screwed up and ended up getting his ass run over. Gosh, I wonder how THAT one happened. Lets just say Glory took the blame for a lot of people on that day.

(Exile paces around the ring).

Exile: But anyway, so after this whole Tom dying thing, it really forces me to start reevaluate everything in my life, that's when I came to see that Scott and Sean were right, we came to destroy the EWCL and ended up only putting something new in its place. Something different but still as corrupt and barren as the EWCL. Then the other thing is this mysterious "He" that is planning on coming back. Mysterious, my ass. But regardless, I'm not planning on letting "him" come back and screw up everything that I've, that we as a Family, have worked so hard for. Therefore, I placed a few calls tonight and wrapped up all the loose ends. And in these two folders here I have the EWCL and the RFTV. I have all the licenses, all the contracts, everything that makes them work. Am I going to destroy them? No. They are just pieces of paper and paper that can be replaced, but what happens when those papers are taken care of legally? Well I guess I just found that out, a couple well placed phone calls, a few long winded conversations and guess what kids? You better start sending out your resumes because as of the RFTV's upcoming Pay Per View Hero…there will be nothing left to come back to. And to our mysterious friend? Make your appearance but it will all be in vain. I have complete control since Cazzo took the dirt nap and theres not a damn thing anyone can do about it. I've had a good career, so has Sean Corvik, we are ready to go and Scott Monroe will tear up any federation he wants to, travel the world, do anything he wants with his lovely lady by his side.

(Exile holds up the manila folders to the crowd).

Exile: The ride is over everyone. I made my promise, and now I kept it. The Royal Family wins, the EWCL is dead.

(Exile drops the mic and Sympathy for the Devil hits. Exile walks back through the ropes and to the back).

Dean Thornton: Uh...hmmm....well I guess I have to say good evening now to all of you viewers.

Neil Down: Yeah, I think so.

DT: Not really amusing and promising what we have just seen. Apparently The Royal Family are really gonna destroy the EWCL.

ND: They can destroy what and who they want, but they can never destroy the EWCL.

DT: I can tell you one thing though. We really need "HE"!

ND: Aghhh!! You just gotta tell me who HE is!! It's driving me insane!!

DT: Sorry, I still can't. Have patience. Only two more weeks to wait.

ND: So you think that HE can stop all of this rubbish with the Family?

DT: Oh yes, definately. But hey hmmm, why are you wearing a Gladiator outfit?

ND: You only noticed that now??? ....I got a memo that the commentators were suppose to wear a Gladiator outfit. Since we are in Rome and all.



DT: Yes!!....Hahaha....Got you this time!!

ND: Dammit. Now I am stuck in this outfit all night.

DT: Hey there are worse things.

ND: Yeah, but just imagine that I could score all of a sudden with a girl from the crowd or with Jezebelle or so. Then I couldn't even take off my outfit fast enough.

DT: I doubt you have to worry about it that you are gonna score. PERIOD!! HAHAAA

ND: Thats not funny!!

DT: Now back to the show. I am gonna be optimistic here tonight. So welcome to Insurgence folks. We have a great show for you today. Tonight we are gonna see Shawn Carter taking on Stephen Jackson, a returning John Daniels against Sean Campbell. Plus a cage submission match between Johnahtan Cable and Chazz Mendel. Thats gonna rock the house. Furthermore G-Flem taking on Aaron Gold.

ND: And next to that we have a great intresting threeway match between Sean Corvik, Blade and Marco.

DT: But the match I really want to see is the one with Exile and Nick Dangerous. Can Exile really destroy us all or is Dangerous gonna try and stop him?

ND: Yeah, thats one of the questions of the day.

DT: And finally the in our grand finale, we have...

(At that moment the Cazzotron turns on, cameras change to scene).

ND: What the hell is this now? More of Exile or what?

(Cue bridge scene. A car with Illinois plates pulls up on the side of a bridge. Lights shine down over the bridge, as three masked men wearing black suits jump out of the car. The trunk door pops open, and the three walk over to the back of the car. They look down into the trunk. One grabs a championship belt, the other two hoist out a duffel bag, then put it down onto the pavement. The two stand on the side of the bag, and the one with the belt looks down over the bag.)

Open the bag for me.

(The other two kneel down on the pavement. The third stands over the bag looking down into it. The contents of the bag are unknown.)

Did you think you had a chance in defeating us? Did you really think you could end us? Well, guess what happened now. We were tired of watching you run around. Just wathcing you and your idiot buddies trying to stop us was stupid. But now, your group ends. One by one, we will take you all out. And we start with you.

(He grabs a silver 9mm from his belt holster. He looks down over the bag and aims the gun down at it.)

6 bullets. No blanks. You think we're gonna play around? Fuck that. When you get to Hell, Lucifer will take good care of you, even though you don't even deserve it. And say hi to Glory for me.


One of you look for blood. The other one, get the blocks from the trunk.

(One of the two gets up and walks over to the car. He grabs two concrete blocks and throws it into the bag. One then zips up the bag, while the other walks back over to the car grabbing three rolls of duct tape. The one with the belt grabs two rolls, then tosses one to the third man. The three then start wrapping the bag heavily with duct tape. Then, the two hoist the bag up onto their shoulders.)

You know what to do now. Throw it over the bridge.

(The two stand there, and then throw the bag over the side of the bridge. As that happens, the one with the belt runs over, grabs an Uzi from another holster, and starts spraying an entire clip into the bag. The bag eventually crashes a long way down into the water below.)

C'Mon, let's get the fuck out of here. Make sure there's nothing left. No traces. Hurry up, cops are coming soon.

(The three hurry up, check there is nothing around, then dash toward the car. The one with the belt shuts the trunk lid, and all three hurry into the car. The car starts up, and speeds away into the darkness of the night. The Cazzotron shuts off and the cameras change back to the announcers.)

DT: What the hell was that?

ND: Who were those guys? Who or what was in that bag!!! What the hell!!!

DT: This show just gets worse and worse every week!!! Now this again!! We have to sent someone over to that bridge and find out who that was!

ND: HELLO!!! We are in Europe remember!! That didn't really look like Europe to me!! I don;t think we can just go out the building and search for a bridge.

DT: Hmm, you are probly right about that one. But still something needs to be done about this.

ND: I know, I know. And I am sure that people who saw this footage are already working on it.

DT: Yeah, probly good old Frank Styles from the FBI.

ND: Oh yeah then we know we are in good hands. hehe.

DT: So now what? We go on with the show?

Shawn Carter vs. Stephen Jackson

DT: Our first match of the evening is a match between Shawn Carter and Stephen Jackson. Carter made his debut last week and he easily beat Coby Belton. Stephen Jackson on the other hand has been looking good lately, but everytime he lost his match in the end. That must be real frustrating for him.

ND: Well he got an advantage right now.

DT: Hows that?

ND: Because Exile beat the crap out of Carter before the show. Remember that we saw that only minutes ago.

DT: I know. And even though that footage was probably from a couple of hours ago, Shawn Carter will probly still feel that attack.

ND: Lets get this show started for real now.

(Still Fly by Big Tymers starts to play and Shawn Carter and Big Mac Smack come walking out from the back. The crowd gives them a mixed reaction as they make their way to the ring. Carter and BMS reach ringside and Carter slides in while Big Mac Smack stays on the outside).

DT: He seems to be looking fine after that attack.

(What makes me by Philly's Most Wanted plays and "The Perfect Storm" Stephen Jackson appears on the top off the ramp. Again the crowd with a mixed reaction here. Jackson starts to walk down the aisle to ringside. He reaches the ring and uses the ringsteps to enter it).


DT: The referee has explained the rules and now the match has begun. Jackson and Carter circle eachother for a few seconds before the tie up. Carter gets Jackson in a hammerlock and twists his arm around his back. But Jackson reverses it and now twistes Carters arm around his back. After a few seconds he lets go and he grabs Carter by the arm and throws him into the ropes. Carter comes off and Jackson leapfrogs over Carter. Carter goes into the opposite ropes and comes off and Jackson lays down on the mat so Carter has to step over him. Shawn then comes off the ropes again and Jackson grabs him and takes him to the mat with an armdrag takedown!!

ND: Nice start here. Jackson pulls Carter to his feet now and irish whips him into the ropes. Carter comes off and Jackson catches him and does a tilt-o-wirl powerslam!!! Another good move by The Perfect Storm. Jackson lifts Carter to his feet and hands out a couple of chops to the chest. He then irish whips Carter once again, but this time he reverses it and Jackson goes into the ropes himself. Jackson comes off the ropes and Carter with a belly to belly suplex!!! Oh yes!!! Carter takes Jackson and ....delivers a double arm rib breaker!!! Carter brings Jackson to his feet again and he follows that up with a couple of backhand chops to Jacksons chest!!

DT: Jacksons chest is turning red from those shots there. Carter now with a kick to the midsection and he then turns Jackson around and grabs him and ....FULL NELSON SLAM!!! And Carter going for the first cover of the match right now. He hooks the leg and the referee makes the count,




ND: Not even close for Carter. Jackson still has enough energy to kick out of that one. Carter pulls Jackson up and he lifts him up and body slams him to the mat again. Carter then moves over to the corner and starts to climb to the toprope. He gets to the top, but at that moment Jackson also gets back up on his feet again. He runs to the corner quickly and climbs it aswell and ....HE GRABS CARTER AND ...WANTS TO SUPERPLEX HIM!!....BUT NOO....CARTER BLOCKS IT AND .....HE PUNCHES JACKSON IN THE HEAD AND .....REVERSES AND EXECUTES A FRONT FACE SUPLEX OFF THE TOPROPE ON JACKSON!!!....HOLY SHIT!!!

DT: That absolutely wasn't Jacksons plan at all!! He though he outsmarted Carter, but that wasn't the case at all. Carter now lays his arm on Jacksons body and goes for another cover here,




ND: Another kickout by Jackson. Carter shakes his head and can't believe it. He now pulls Jackson to his feet agian and throws him into the ropes.....Jackson comes off and ....OH MAN!!..HE COUNTERS WITH A HURRICANRANA!!!....What a counter so close after that front face suplex off the toprope!!!.....Carter down, but Jackson is also still out on the mat......He now crawls over to the ropes and uses them to get back on his feet again. Jackson gets up and he goes over to Carter and does an elbow drop on him. After that he lifts Carter up and drags him over to the nearest corner. Jackson climbs the toprope, still holds on to Carter and .....TORNADO DDT OFF THE TOPROPE!!!...HOLY SHIT!!!

DT: What a move by Jackson .....and Carter is layed out on the mat right now.......The Perfect Storm going for the pin. Is this the victory for him?




ND: Noooo!! Kickout by Shawn Carter. He's not giving up that fast!!! Jackson pulls up Carter and irish whips him, but Carter reverses the whip and sends Jackson into the ropes....Jackson comes off and Carter catches him and .......HE HOOKS JACKSON IN A SLEEPER HOLD!!!......He got it hooked in the center of the ring right now!!!......Jackson is struggling now and ....and.....he moves over to the ropes fast now and ......HE REACHES THE ROPES.....AND CARTER FLIES OVER THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!!....OOOH MAN!!!....Now that was a smart move by Jackson!!!..And The Perfect Storm now is taking a couple of breaths in the ring. He surely needs them after that sleeper hold. He then rolls himself out of the ring and goes over to Carter. He picks Carter up and rolls him back into the ring again. Jackson also back in now and he goes for the cover.




DT: Thats not it for Jackson. He brings Carter to his feet, hands out a few shots to the head and Jackson then goes into the ropes. He comes off and .....OOOOH CARTER CATCHES JACKSON AND ..SIT-OUT POWERBOMB!!!.....How did he do that!!!.....And the pin!!!.....




ND: Jackson kicked out!!! HE KICKED OUT OF IT!!!...So close!!.......And Carter now back in control again of this match so it seems. He picks Jackson up and hands out a shot to the head. He then sends Jackson into the ropes and when he comes off he does a spinebuster!!!...Jackson goes down and Carter gets back on his feet again and he follows it up with a kneedrop. Carter then for the cover.




DT: Carter grabs Jackson by the arm and he irish whips him into a corner......And Jackson goes in hard backfirst!!! Oooh man!!!......Jackson goes hard into those turnbuckles and ...CARTER NOW COMES IN .....AND GOES FOR HIS YAKUZA KICK!!!......BUT ........JACKSON MOVES OUT OF THE WAY IN THE FINAL MOMENT AND CARTER YAKUZA KICKS THE CORNER!!! .........AND JACKSON NOW MOVES UP BEHIND CARTER ...AND....GERMAN SUPLEXES HIM TO THE MAT!!!....And Jackson now rapidly pulls Carter to his feet and drags him over to the ropes. He climbs to the toprope and he then drags Carter up aswell. What on earth is Jackson gonna do here now?

ND: I have no idea. Although...this looks like something we haven't seen in a while......Jackson takes Carter and .........LANDFALL....OOOOOH MY GOD!!!!!......JACKSON WITH A TOPROPE PILEDRIVER ON CARTER HERE!!!....AND THIS JUST HAS TO BE THE END FOR SHAWN CARTER!!!.....Jackson goes for the cover and the ref makes the count.




DT: He did it!! Stephen Jackson has stopped his losing streak and stopped Shawn Carters winning streak!! Jackson is back in the game again and he showed us all!!!

Winner: Stephen Jackson

(A dark room, a slow shaft of light breaks through, it falls upon his bare back. Betrayed by the light the scarification crucifix stands out like nothing before. The mangled flesh creates a tattered and torn vision of the universe through the eyes of an Angel, through the eyes of the Angel. Scott Monroe kneels, facing the darkness. Bent over, he is either deep in prayer or thought, which cannot be determined. Slowly his body rises, straightening itself as he comes to rest upon his heels. Slowly his arms extends, showing the world the masses of scars and tattoos that adorn his body, the artwork of his life. Monroe throws his head back, long black and silver hair falls down around his neck, flowing down his back. For a moment there is stillness, then Monroe lowers his arms).

Monroe ~ I have seen everything that there is to see. I have seen my life, I have seen my death. I have lived through tragedy and pain, I have seen this world come bow before and then back away again. Last week I was assaulted, the victim of an attack that was both violent and wrong, for I had done nothing to deserve Strait Hates ire. I was innocent last week, yet I was forced forward. Strait Hate wished for my attention, to draw attention to the Rebellion Project, well he has done just that. Now I shall dismantle the soul of the Rebellion Project, his life rest in my hands. These hands that I have seen staind with crimson before, these hands that have opened the wounds upon many a body. Strait Hate..I shall repay your debt. I shall lead you to where I dwell, where nothing that you believe is real and the world itself is nothing but a false land built upon a false ideology. Because this is what you deserve. Retribution will indeed be mine.

(Monroe bows low and then puts his hands upon his thighs, pushing himself from the ground. Turning slowly Monroe reveals himself to the world. Tattoos and mangled flesh adorn his chest. Monroe stares into the camera revealing a cold intense gleam in his silver eyes).

Monroe ~ The coalition have guided Chris Christ as well into this war. He has come upon the Family and intends to destroy us. However he too shall face salvation and redemption at my hands. Blade, Drake Laps, should either of them attempt to save him, then I shall be forced to turn to them and destroy everything that they know. And I can and will force them down. You see, through my power and strength, through my will to control and dominate the E.W.C.L. Universal championship, I can withstand the power of all others. I stand before you now nothing more than a man who has taken the steps needed to remove himself from the mortal boundries of other men. There is nothing left for those who stand against me, nothing left for them to find. I shall destroy them of I shall control them. They may decide.

(With that Monroe motions with his hand, darkness slowly creeps back over the room. Before all falls into the void the focus becomes Monroes eyes. Cold, silver basins of intelligence and strength. Yet they betray a will to destroy everything that comes before. A will unlike anything that has ever been known or shall be again).

The end is near.


(We come back from the commercials).

(Crucify Yourself By Fozzy hits the arena, and Aaron Gold walks out to the ring, the crowd giving him a good pop. He is dressed in his street gear, and when he reaches the ring, he slides in and asks for a microphone, which he is given).

Aaron: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here today to introduce to you the fourth member of the New Breed. A man full off potential, full of Raw talent. A man that has faced some of the best and won, the man that a while back defeated Nick Dangerous. Ladies and gentlemen, the latest addition to the New Breed.....Stephen Jackson.

(What makes me by Phillys Most Wanted hits and Stephen Jackson walks out, wearing one of the black New breed shirts, he reaches the ring and slides in, before walking up to Gold. The two then simply raise their arms in the air, before New Breed by Fear Factory hits the PA and they leave)

John Daniels vs. Sean Campbell

DT: So The New Breed is expanding for sure!! Jackson has joined The New Breed. It just gets better and better.

ND: Oh yeah.

DT: But now it is time for our second match people. Time to see the return of John Daniels. He's back and his first opponent is gonna be "The Rising Star" Sean Campbell. Daniels and Campbell, two former IWF wrestlers. Now standing face to face, eye to eye. But it seems that both wrestlers got other things on their mind. Daniels is too busy with trying not to be depressed and with Blaise and with Scott Monroe. While Sean Campbell is too busy with his stalker Maria.

ND: If she would stalk me I would have this Gladiator suit out in record time.


DT: Did I say that you look ridiculous in that suit?

ND: No, you didn't.

DT: Well then I just did.

ND: Dammit!

(Song for the deaf by Queens of The Stone Age plays and John Daniels comes walking out. The Original Sin member comes out and makes his way to the ring. He reaches ringside and slides in and prepares for his match).

(Can't believe by Staind blares over the speakers and Sean Campbell appears from behind the curtains. We see that Tim Riddle accompanies Sean Campbell to the ring. For the first time this evening the crowd really begins to cheer for a wrestler as "The Rising Star" makes his way down the aisle to the ring. He gets to the ring and rolls in and stares at Daniels).


DT: They start off and Campbell and Daniels lock up. But it is Daniels with a knee to the gut. He follows that up with kicking Campbell into the midsection and throwing him into the ropes. Campbell comes but he gets clotheslines by Daniels. Daniels picks up the highflyer from the mat and he throws him into the ropes for a second time. Campbell comes off again, and for a second time Daniels takes his opponent to the mat, this time with a flying shouldertackle. Daniels gets to his feet and he starts to stomp down on Campbells left shoulder. He does this a couple of times and then he pulls Sean to his feet and smacks him to the head. Daniels sends Campbell into the corner and he follows in hot pursuit.

ND: Campbell went in backfirst and Daniels charged in and splashes on top off Campbell!! OUCH!!!...Man that was a squash!! I hope for Campbell that he can recover from this. Daniels still in the corner and he starts to punch Campbell to the forehead, ...1....2.....3.....4.....5......6......7......8......9......10....Daniels moves out of the corner now and Campbell comes stumbling out and he falls face first to the canvas......Daniels now picks Campbell up from the mat and he sets him up for a piledriver. He lifts Campbell up, but Sean blocks it.....Daniels tries a second time, but again Campbell blocks it and he counters and backdrops Daniels to the mat!!

DT: Campbell picks Daniels up now and sends him into the ropes. JD comes off and Campbell with a ...SPINNING HEEL KICK!!!...And it hits Daniels so hard that he lands near the ropes and falls to the outside!!!.....Sean Campbell bounces into the ropes,.....AND CHARGES TO THE ROPES AND ....SUICIDE DIVE THROUGH THE SECOND AND TOPROPE AND HE TAKES DOWN DANIELS TO THE CONCRETE!!!.....Oooh yes!! What a dive by The Rising Star!!!.....And Sean Campbell now gets back on his feet agian and he climbs onto the apron. And he even climbs the topturnbuckle now!! He got something planned right here!!...Daniels is layed out on the floor and Campbell now ....CORKSCREW ELBOW DROP OFF THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE ON DANIELS!!!..

ND: OH GOD!!!.....OH SHIT!!..OH MAN!!!....Did you see that!!...And the crowd is now chanting "RISING STAR' "RISING STAR". They are cheering Sean Campbell on immensely now. Just like us they loved that move there. Sean Campbell now is getting back up again and he goes over to Daniels and rolls him back into the ring again. Campbell also gets back in and he hooks the leg for the cover now,




DT: Campbell back up and he brings Daniels to his feet and he chops him to the chest and then sends him into the ropes. Daniels comes off and Campbell with a back bodydrop and JD to the mat.....Sean Campbell really fired up here....He points to the corner and the crowd is loving it. Campbell takes his time and he goes to the corner. He climbs to the top and .........HE DIVES OFF THE TOPROPE FOR AN ELBOW DROP.....BUT DANIELS ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY AND CAMPBELL HITS THE MAT!!!.....This is exactly what Daniels needed right now!! This is that little something that he can use to get back in this match again. Campbell is in pain after that fall and Daniels now gets back up and he lifts Campbell up and ...THIS TIME HE EXECUTES THAT PILEDRIVER!!

ND: Daniels gets up and he places goes into the ropes and comes off and does a legdrop on Campbell. He then gets back up and he places his knee to Campbells throat here. Oooh thats gonna be some bruise!! The referee is counting and after the 5 count he is making Daniels break that choke. But Daniels is holding on to it and is not letting go. The ref tries to stop Daniels and after 10 seconds JD finally lets go off the choke. But the damage has already been done now. Campbell is also unconscious after that choke and Daniels now decides to go to the corner. He climbs to the top and .....SENTON BOMB ON CAMPBELL!!..And the cover.




DT: Yeah, Campbell hangs in there. Daniels picks up Campbell by the head and kicks him to the stomache. He then irish whips him into the ropes and when Campbell comes off Daniels takes him out with a lariat. And Daniels picks his opponent up again. And this time he sends Campbell into the corner and follows in right after....Campbell goes in, but when he goes into the corner he places his hands on the ropes and jumps up and since Daniels followed in, Campbell landso n his feet behind Daniels. Sean turns Daniels around and .....SPINKICKS HIM and Daniels goes backfirst into the corner!!!.....And Campbell now takes a few steps back and he then charges in on Daniels and jumps on him!!!

ND: But ooooh Daniels catches him out of the air and ...turns it into a reverse atomic drop!!! And follows that up with a clothesline that sends Campbell to the mat hard!!!....Daniels now lifts up Campbell again and ......POWERBOMBS HIM!!...OH GOD WHAT A POWERBOMB!!!....Daniels for the cover,




DT: It is not over yet here as Campbell kicks out and Daniels has to see what next to do. He now brings Campbell up to his feet and decides to throw him into the ropes. Campbell comes off and ....HE COUNTERS WITH A FLYING HEADSCISSORS!!....He takes down Daniels and Campbell comes off the ropes for another one of his elbow drops. And follows that up with hooking the leg for the cover,




ND: Campbell shakes his head and he then drags Daniels to his feet and irish whips him, but Daniels reverses the whip and sends Campbell into the ropes. Campbell comes off and Daniels catches him and ....OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!!!.....Wooooow!!! Some power!!....And Daniels now picks up Campbell and....HE SETS HIM UP FOR ANOTHER POWERBOMB!!!...HE LIFTS CAMPBELL UP....BUT SEAN BLOCKS IT!!...JUST LIKE HE BLOCKED THAT PILEDRIVER EARLIER IN THIS MATCH......DANIELS TRIES AGAIN...BUT ANOTHER BLOCK!!!....AND CAMPBELL NOW FOR THE BACKDROP.....BUT OOOOOOH LOOK AT THAT!!!...





ND: John Daniels wins this match on his return.

DT: Sean Campbell was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. But a good match between these two wrestlers.


Winner: John Daniels

(We come back from the commercials and we see that Aaron Gold and Jessica are making their way through the hallways when Racheal steps out before them. They stop dead in their tracks as Racheal extends her arms in the sign of the mock crucifixition. Gold immedietly spins around to find no one there. As he does Jessica steps back grabbing his arm. Scott Monroe stalks from the darkness and stands before them, barring elongated canines. Gold spins around in time to catch a stiff kick to his stomach. Monroe grabs Gold by the head and throws him into the wall, then kneels down, placing his knee upon his throat).

Monroe ~ You wish to continue this Gold? You think you could defeat the Family? You believe you could ever, ever defeat me? Look at me Gold, I am your God. I Lord over this federation, the strength, the will and the glory all rest upon my shoulders. Your New Breed are nothing more than lambs to the slaughter.

(With that Monroe rises slowly and steps back. Gold tries to rise to his feet and comes to one knee. Monroe takes one last step back and then leaps forward, stepping off of Golds knee and spinning through the air, kicking him in the back of the head with his shinning wizard roundhouse. Gold falls to the ground as Jessica screams and goes to his fallen body. Monroe simply turns, he and Racheal disappearing once again into the darkness).

(Fade out).

Johnathan Cable vs. Chazz Mendel - Submission cage match

DT: Man, Aaron Gold just got beaten to pulp by Scott Monroe. This is insane. Where does this all end? Thats what I would like to know.

ND: Hey, you are constantly talking about "HE" who is gonna stop all of this.

DT: Yeah, but that doesn't mean that The New Breed and The Coalition need a fair chance here.

ND: I guess you are right about that.

DT: But right now it is time for our next match. Johnathan Cable of The New Breed against Chazz Mendel of The Rebellion Project. And its a cage submission match. Whats it gonna be like Neil?

ND: Don't know Dean. Its gonna be intresting to see. We saw that these two fought eachother before in a submission match and back then it was Mendel who got the win.

DT: True. But this is different. The Project said they weren't gonna interfere and The New Breed also isn't gonna do that.

ND: Well not that Aaron Gold would be capable of doing that right now, after that attack from Monroe.

DT: I know.

(Suddenly, Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden hits on the P.A. system, and the lights go out. On the screen, a massive bonfire burns into the night. Firebombs explode over and over again on the stage, and from the smoke, there stands Johnathan Cable. He is wearing a pair of loose black pants over his black boots, and a black, open fronted shirt with fire licking up the hem fromt he bottom. His mask is hard black leather with flames curling up from the bottom. A curtain of fire washes over the entrance, and Cable raises his hands over his head looking for a huge pop.)

(One more astronaut by I Mother Earth plays and Chazz Mendel comes out. The crowd boos the Rebellion Project member while he makes his way to the ring. He reaches ringside and rolls in).

(The referee explains the rules and they then lower the cage. The referee then goes to the outside of the cage and he locks it and puts the key in his pocket).

DT: Two wrestlers locked up in a cage. No referee in the cage....This is gonna be brutal.


DT: It's on and Cable and Mendel go at it right from the start. Cable with a couple of right hands that give him the early advantage. He hits Chazz with another big right hand and Chazz staggers backwards. Cable then grabs Chazz by the head and he throws him facefirst into the cage!!!......And Cable holds on to Chazz his head and drags him over to the other side of the ring and ...WHAMMM....throws Chazz into the cage once more!!!....And Cable is liking this for sure. He now has Chazz in the center of the ring and he continues to use his fists on Chazz. Cable then grabs Chazz by the arm and sends him into the ropes. Chazz comes off and Cable with a tilt-o-wirl backbreaker!!

ND: Cable picks Chazz up to his feet again and he whips him into the ropes....but this time Chazz holds on to the ropes.......Cable sees this and he storms in on Chazz.....But Chazz sidesteps him and ...CABLE CRASHES INTO THE CAGE HEADFIRST!!!.....That was a smart move by Chazz Mendel. Yep thats "JUST CHAZZ". Mendel now turns Cable around and ....snap suplexes him to the mat. Chazz follows that up with a standing moonsault on Cable. Nice follow up move by Mendel there. And Chazz now moves Cable in a surfboard submission. He got it hooked in right now and we can see that Cable can feel the pain.

DT: The referee checks from outside to see wether or not Cable is tapping out or not. But he isn't. Cable holds in there and is determined to win this thing. Chazz now can't hold on to this move any longer and he lets go off the surfboard. He then picks up Cable to his feet and throws him into the ropes. Cable comes off and Chazz with an armdrag takedown. He holds on to the arm and hooks in an armlock!!!.....And again the referee checks if Cable is tapping out!! But again Cable is not doing that....Instead he is trying to crawl over to the ropes....Yes...Cable is getting closer to the ropes now......and he reaches them....and Chazz is fair enough and lets go off the armlock.

ND: He didn't have to do that, since the referee is standing on the outside. But hey thats "JUST CHAZZ". Mendel pulls Cable up again and he whips him into a corner. Cable goes in hard and Chazz charges in on him......But oooooh Cable sticks his elbow out and Chazz goes right into that elbow!!!....Chazz stumbles backwards and Cable comes in with a double axe handle smash and Chazz goes down to the mat!!! Cable now brings Chazz up and throws him into the ropes.....Chazz comes off and Cable grabs him and ....POWERSLAMS HIM TO THE MAT!!!.....And Chazz landed on the mat hard after that move!! And Cable now turns Chazz around and he hooks in a Boston Crab. And Chazz in pain!

DT: Oh yes!! Now he got Chazz where he wants him!! He got him in that Boston Crab and Chazz is trying to reach for the ropes.......He's not that far away from them....but he's not there yet.......Chazz tries to drag himself over to the ropes now....We can see he is in pain, but he is not tapping....and he grabs the ropes now and Cable lets go off the submission!! Cable lifts Chazz up now and delivers a shoulder breaker!!! And Cable repeats this move and hits Chazz with another shoulderbreaker. Cable follows that up with grabbing Chazz and throwing him headfirst into the cage again. Man, he sure loves to use that steelcage as a weapon. And it had its effect on Chazz, because he is busted open now.

ND: Yeah Chazz is bleeding now. And Cable lifts Chazz up now for a Brainbuster.......and......OOOOOH CHAZZ TURNS IT INTO AN ARMDRAG TAKEDOWN!!!...Have you ever seen anything like that!!!.....Armdrag takedown and Chazz drags himself over to the ropes now and uses them to get back to his feet again. Chazz makes it to his feet and when he sees that Cable is back up agian...HE CHARGES IN ON CABLE AND TAKES HIM TO THE MAT WITH A CLOTHESLINE!!!.....And what a clothesline!!! ..Cable layed out now and Chazz moves over to him and he kicks him to the head several times. He then kneels down next to Cable and he is trying to rip Cable's mask off now!!!

DT: He shouldn't be doing that!! Never touch someone's mask!! Thats an honour thing!!! ....Chazz trying to rip the mask off, but Cable struggles and fights him off. Cable gets to his feet and he blocks the forearm from Chazz. He then headbutts Chazz to the head and ....BRAINBUSTER!!!...Now he was able to execute that move!!! The move that he wanted to do before, but then it was Chazz who countered. But not this time. This time he hit it and Chazz is layed out right now!!!.....And Cable picks up Chazz now and sends him into the ropes once more. Chazz comes off and Cable with a belly to belly suplex!!!.....Good move by Cable.....He now takes some time to straighten his mask back and he then moves over to Chazz. He picks him up, but ooooooh LOWBLOW!!

ND: Yeah thats "JUST CHAZZ" and Cable goes to his knees after that cheap shot. And Chazz goes into the ropes now and he comes off and he dropkicks Cable to the chest and Cable goes down to the mat!!!.....Chazz then quickly picks Cable up and throws him into the ropes......Cable comes off and Chazz to backdrop him, but Cable kicks him to the head!! Turns him around ....AND.....HE HOOKS IN THE DARKEST HOUR!!!......BUT CHAZZ STRUGGLES RIGHT AWAY AND MOVES OVER TO THE ROPES AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!!!....And Cable has to stop his attempt right there!! That was real close!!! Cable drags Chazz to the middle of the ring now and he then throws him into the ropes agian. Chazz comes off and he slides through Cable's legs.

DT: He gets up behind Cable and ......DDT'S CABLE TO THE CANVAS!!!....And Chazz now goes over to the cage and he starts to climb the cage. What is he doing?!!!......Chazz is climbing all the way to the top off the ring. He knows that this is a submission match right? He can't win by climbing out of the cage......Chazz now made it all the way to the top off the cage. Oh man what a sight!!! ...CHAZZ STANDS ON THE TOP OFF THE CAGE NOW AND .......THE FATED CIRCLE OFF THE TOP OFF THE CAGE ..........AND..........HE HITS IT....ON CABLE!!!......HOLY SHIT....HOLY SHIT!!!....UNBELIEVABLE!!!


DT: And Cable is layed out cold, but so is Chazz. Did was one suicide move allright!! I say it again, unbelievable!!!

ND: What a match! Both men are laid out on the mat in exhaustion!

DT: But now what!? Who's that!?

ND: Huh?

DT: Someone is coming from the entrance way!

ND: Damnit, Nick Dangerous is making his way to the ring.

DT: Look at that grin on his face, he looks like he has a plan.

ND: And that hockey stick in his hand doesn't make this situation look any better. Anyways, in the ring both men are still laying on the mat in exhaustion from this challenge they were just faced with, Chazz starts to recover a little as Nick Dangerous and Chazz smile at each other. Nick tries to open the cage door, but realizing the Referee locked it. Nick looks a little pissed, so does Chazz, after having their plans spoiled like this. Nick argues with the referee for the key, but the referee looks determined to keep the key out of Nick's posession. Nick gets angry and pushes the ref! The ref is momentarily knocked out on the mat, but he recovers quickly, and threatens Nick Dangerous to get him fired. Nick gives up and is about to walk away, but then from outside comes Sean Corvik, with Jezebelle at his side. Nick holds on to his hockey stick tight and looks ready to fight Sean Corvik as Corvik just stands there close to him and smiles, Jezebelle walks past Nick Dangerous to the referee, and brushes he hand across the referee's face. She runs her hand from his head, down to his chest, where she sneaks her hand in the Referee's chest pocket and snatches the key to the cage door. The referee tries to snatch it back but then Nick sees the opportunity to threaten him to stay back with a hockey stick. Jezebelle opens the door and Nick turns around and is about to go in the ring, as Cable and Chazz are just fighting each other. Nick is about to rush in when he sees Corvik wants in as well. Nick insists that Corvik goes in and shows Nick "how it's done." Corvik runs in and waits for Johnathan Cable's back to be turned.

DT: Sean is hammering on the back of Johnathan Cable with continuous axe handles, but he only manages to get Johnathan on his knees. Sean tries to connect a Darkest Hour while Cable's back is facing him, but Cable evades. Sean keeps the pressure on him by running to the ropes and rebounding into Cable with a drop kick. Cable wobbles back a little, but doesn't fall down as he leans on the side of the cage. Sean runs back into the ropes and rebounds into Cable again, BUT CABLE CATCHES CORVIK IN A CHOKE SLAM! Cable has Sean Corvik by the neck with his hand, and now Nick Dangerous is coming to the ring. Cable looks at Nick Dangerous as he signals Cable to keep going. Cable lifts Corvik high in the air, OOOOH! AND NICK DELIVERS A HOCKEY STICK TO THE LEG OF CABLE!

ND: Nick is kicking the shit out of Cable's left knee as Corvik recovers, and joins along and stomps on the body of Cable. Corvik rolls John into a mount position and delivers some right and left hands to the face of Cable, as Nick sits back and grins at Corvik. Corvik takes notice and takes himself off of Cable, and the two just stare each other down for a while. While their backs are turned, Chazz goes to Cable and locks in the Anesthia!...Cable doesn't take long to submit. The referee sees Cable tap out and signals for the bell, this match is over.

DT: What an ending of this match. The New Breed got screwed again. It seems like everytime they get screwed by either The Family or by The Project or by both of them. Unbelievable.


Winner: Chazz Mendel

(We come back from the commercials and we see that Thorn is moving through the backstage area when he spots Scott Monroe, he prepares to charge Monroe but Racheal notices him. She spins Scott around and the two come to blows. Thorn goes for a stiff right, but Monroe parrys it and throws him into the wall. Thorn stumbles forward and Monroe uses a stiff left roundhouse, catching him in the face and sending him to the ground. Monroe steps onto his throat and looks down his nose at him).

Monroe ~ Send a message back to Strait for me. I hope he's prepared for what I am willing to do, because I am willing to destroy everything that he has ever been. Starting with his best friend.

(Monroe then kicks Thorn in the side knocks him into the wall. Turning his back, Monroe and Racheal head back down the hall).

(Fade out).

Aaron Gold vs. G-Flem

DT: Back again people and this time we are gonna see Aaron Gold and Gargantuflem battle it out. Oh yes Gold and G-Flem. We all know the story. Once upon a time ago they both were part of The Legion. But before The Legion came to an end G-Flem decided to leave but the rest of the Legion didn't like this and they beat the crap out of G-Flem in front of a sold out arena. Aaron Gold was one of the people responsible for that beating. Now a couple of weeks ago G-Flem returned to the EWCL and he still hasn't forgotten about that.

ND: And what happend last week was the last straw so to speak.

DT: Yes, Gold and Cable were close to becoming the new tagchampions, when G-Flem came out and he ruined the hopes for The New Breed. He took out Gold and Cable with a steelchair and he cost them the titles. Now G-Flem only did that because Exile had his girlfriend kidnapped and he had no other choice. But still he cost The New Breed the titles. And now its gonna be Gold versus G-Flem one on one.

(Cruxify yourself by Fozzy begins to play and "24 Carat" Aaron Gold comes out and the crowd starts to cheer him on loudly. Gold makes it to the ring and he slides in).

(Prodigal son by Kid Rock blares over the pa system and G-Flem comes out. A part of the crowd cheers him on while another part boos him. The booing has to do with what he did last week. G-Flem walks to the ring and on his way to the ring he sees someone with a sign that says: "WE WANT FARVERGNUGEN, NOT G-FLEM".....G-Flem takes the sign out of the Italian fan and rips it in two. He then continous his way to the ring and enters it).


DT: The match has started and Gold and G-Flem stand in the center of the ring and they stare at eachother. They then start to circle eachother for a couple of seconds and then the two wrestlers lock up. G-Flem has the height advantage and he gets Gold in a headlock and he throws him into the ropes. Gold comes off and he goes for a shouldertackle, but it doesn't hurt G-Flem at all and he doesn't even move!!...Gold bounces himself into the ropes for a second time now and he tries another shouldertackle!! But G-Flem is still standing on his feet. Gold smiles and he then goes into the ropes for a third time and he comes off and ..he dropkicks G-Flem to the left knee!!

ND: And G-Flem goes down to that knee. Gold gets up and he charges in at G-Flem with a flying forearm and he takes G-Flem to the mat right now!! He did it, he actually did it. But he has to get a three count, not only get G-Flem to the mat. G-Flem is moving back on his feet now and Gold takes him and irish whips the giant into the ropes. G-Flem comes off and Gold catches him, kicks him into the stomache and ...DOUBLE ARM DDT'S G-FLEM TO THE MAT!!!.....And Gold turns G-Flem on his back now and goes for the cover.




DT: Gold gets back up now and he runs over to the corner and climbs to the topturnbuckle right now.....He gets to the top and ......HE LEAPS OFF THE TOPROPE.....BUT G-FLEM GOT BACK ON HIS FEET AGAIN AND.....HE GRABS GOLD OUT OF THE AIR BY THE THROAT ....AND.....HE THEN CHOKESLAMS GOLD TO THE MAT!!!...What an impact!!! And G-Flem drags Gold up to his feet and drags him over to the corner. He lifts Gold to his feet and then starts to ramm Golds head into the topturnbuckle....1.....2.....3......4.......5......6.......7.......8.......9........10....And G-Flem follows that up with lifting Gold on top off the topturnbuckle......Gold faces the crowd and G-Flem joins him on the toprope now....AND....BACKDROP SUPLEX OFF THE TOPROPE!!!

ND: Oooooh man!!! ...Did you see that!?!?!!!! What a move by the monster!!....And Gold is knocked out cold right now!!!....G-Flem now lays his arm on Aaron and goes for the cover attempt.




DT: But how can Gold ever get back in this match again. The giant got him beaten down on the canvas already. I mean what is Aaron gonna do? .....G-Flem now picks up Aaron Gold and he throws him into the ropes....Gold comes off and G-Flem with a big boot and it hits Gold right in the face!!! And Gold falls down again......G-Flem is not giving Gold any time to recover and he picks him up and sends him into the ropes. Gold goes into the ropes, but holds on to it.....G-Flem sees this and he charges in ......but oooooh Gold counters and he backdrops G-Flem over the toprope to the outside!!!!....And the big man lands hard on the concrete floor!!! I think that answers my question about how Gold was gonna change this match!!

ND: G-Flem layed out on the floor and Gold is taking his time and he now goes over to the corner and starts to climb the corner. He climbs to the toprope....faces the ring and .......MOONSAULTS OFF THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE ON G-FLEM!!!.....HOLY MOLEY!!!!.......What a move by Aaron Gold!!! But that also took alot out of Gold aswell. Both wrestlers are laying on the ground now......Not much movement to see right now........Although I think now after about 20 seconds it is Gold who is the first one to get to his feet again. He gets up and he picks up G-Flem by the head. He grabs him by the head and he drags him over to the ringpost and ramms G-Flems head into it!! WHAMMMM!!!

DT: And Gold turns G-Flem around now and he irish whips him,......but G-Flem reverses the whip and throws Gold backfirst into the security guardrail!! Oooooh there goes Gold his momentum!!!......Gold is layed against the guardrail and now G-Flem moves in and ....HE CLOTHESLINES GOLD OVER THE GUARDRAIL INTO THE CROWD!!!.....And G-Flem walks over to the spanish announce table now and he grabs one of the monitors. He takes the monitor and he then moves over to the guardrail.....He climbs on top off the guardrail and .......THROWS THE MONITOR ON TOP OFF AARON GOLD!!!....And it hit Gold in the head!!!

ND: And needless to say Gold is busted open after that shot to the head. G-Flem climbs over the guardrail now and he stomps Gold in the head a couple of times right now. He then picks Gold up and throws him facefirst into the guardrail. G-Flem follows that up with sending Gold over the guardrail back to ringside again. G-Flem climbs back to ringside aswell and he picks Gold up and drags him over to the spanish announce table. He then lifts Gold on top off the table and climbs on aswell. G-Flem picks Gold up and ....HE SETS GOLD UP FOR A POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!!!........BUT GOLD BLOCKS IT ......AND.....GOLD COUNTERS BY KICKING G-FLEM IN THE GUT .....AND.....GOLD RING THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!

DT: UNBELIEVABLE!!!....GOLD RING THROUGH THE ANNOUNCETABLE!! I got no clue where he got the energy from to do that.....But Gold did it.....But both wrestlers are layed out again...Both are laying between whats left of that announce table. None of them is moving at all. The referee is checking on both of the wrestlers right now....But there is no movement to see at all...........After about 25 seconds it is Gold who is the first to get back up on his feet again. He picks up G-Flem and he drags him over to the ringpost and ....WHAMMMM!!!!.....G-Flems head goes straight into it hard!!! And Gold tries it again, but this time G-Flem blocks it and he then ramms Golds head into the ringpost!! BAMMMMM!!!!

ND: Gold is stunned now and G-Flem takes him and irish whips him and .....Gold goes backfirst into the steel ringsteps!!!!......G-Flem follows in hot pursuit and he charges in on Gold......but ooooooh Gold moves out of the way in time and G-Flem goes shoulderfirst into those ringsteps!!! This is amazing here.....This match can still go either way. I can't predict it who is gonna win here!!! The crowd is also into to it totally.

DT: And Gold now looks under the ring and he takes out a table!! He takes it out and sets it up on the outside!!!.....He has the table set up now and he picks up G-Flem from the floor and lays him onto the table. G-Flem doesn't look good after everything he had to go through in this match. Gold punches G-Flem in the head one more time and he then goes over to the apron and starts to climb the topturnbuckle......BUT AT THAT MOMENT G-FLEM GETS UP FROM THE TABLE....AND HE CLIMBS ON THE APRON .....MOVES OVER TO THE CORNER AND ALSO STARTS TO CLIMB THE TOPROPE.....HE CLIMBS UP BEHIND AARON GOLD .....AND......HE GETS AARON GOLD IN AN ELECTRIC CHAIR POSITION ......AND......POINT OF IMPACT TO THE OUTSIDE THROUGH THE TABLE!!!........HOLY SHIT......HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

ND: Unfuckingbelievable!!! And Aaron Gold is totally knocked out right now.......G-Flem is able now to get on his feet and he picks up Gold and rolls him back into the ring again. G-Flem gets in aswell now and he goes for the cover on Gold.




DT: And it is over!! It is over for Aaron Gold and G-Flem wins this match!!!......But G-Flem is also exhausted from this match and he can barely raise his right hand in the air.

(Then all of a sudden all of the lights in the arena go out.)

ND: Oh no, this can't be good...

(The lights come back on, to reveal G-Flem lying motionless on his back in the middle of the ring, with John Daniels standing over him, holding a can of lighter fluid, a paint brush, and a lighter.)

DT: He's painting the symbol on the G-Flem's chest...ugh, what a horrible visual! *cough* I can smell the burning flesh all the way over here!

ND: Daniels has the mic again...

John Daniels: Today, on the Sabbath day, you all bear witness, to the dawn of a new era. Not only have you witnessed the rebirth of Original Sin, but you shall witness the beginning of the end, as my crusade begins, and the kings of the old, shall go down in flames...

ND: Crusade?

DT: Could it be the anti-religious crusade that he's been talking about for the last week?

ND: I don't know.


Winner: G-Flem

Sean Corvik(c) vs. Blade(c) vs. Marco(c)

DT: We are back again people. After that tremendous match between G-Flem and Aaron Gold. Man, what else are we gonna see here tonight. Still three matches to go.

ND: And three great matches. Or let me say three matches with alot of potential. First of all its gonna be Sean Corvik versus Blade versus Marco. Threeway match.

DT: Yes, lets get this thing started.

(Vanity or perfection by Dimmu Borgir begins to play and Sean Corvik and Jezebelle come walking out. The crowd boos them loudly as they make their way to the ring. Corvik smirks as he hears the crowd and he reaches the ring and enters it, while Jezebelle stays on the outside).

(Out of nowhere, a voice screams out, "I FEEL SO GOOD, I FEEL SO NUMB, YEAH!!" and Rob Zombie's "Feel So Numb" blasts throughout the arena. Simultaneously, the lights quickly blacken out, and several strobe lights go off around the entranceway. Fog also begins to fill the entranceway, and the crowd roars loudly as Blade walks out down the aisle with purpose. He is dressed in his normal attire of black pants and boots, with a black trench coat).

(Fight song by Marilyn Manson begins to play and "The Virus" Marco comes out from the back. The New Breed member gets cheered on by the crowd. He makes his way to the ring and enters it).

(The referee collects the titles from the wrestlers. He then wants to call for the bell to start the match, but Sean Corvik then asks for a microphone).

Sean Corvik: I offered the challenge earlier this week. What I want is that everyone is gonna put their title on the line in this match. I will put my tagtitle on the line, Blade will put his EWCL title on the line and Marco will put his Prime Time Title on the line. This match will have three falls and each fall is for one title. All I need to know is wether or not you accept or not?

(Corvik looks at Blade and Blade nodds which means he agrees).

(Corvik then looks at Marco).

Marco: Oh, I accept alright.

(Corvik then throws the mic to the ground and the match can begin).

DT: Ok, here's the deal all three the titles will be on the line. The first fall is for the tagtitle, the second fall is for the Prime Time Title and the third fall is for the EWCL Title.

ND: Holy cow!


DT: So this first fall is for Corviks tagtitle. Just imagine if he would lose it. That would mean that The Family will have an "outsider" as tagteampartner. Man, just imagine that and what that would cause. That would cause inner turmoil within The Family. Corvik must be real confident here. But then again, he is experienced and knows what he is doing. But anyway, the match has started and all three wrestlers stare at eachother. Blade and Marco then stare at eachother and only a second later they both attack Sean Corvik. Blade and Marco with punches forearms to work on Corvik. And Corvik is going down to his knees right now. He is not able to fight both of them off at the same time!!

ND: Corvik went down and Blade now picks him up from the mat. He irish whips Corvik into the ropes and when he comes off he clotheslines Corvik to the mat!! Marco then comes off the ropes and does a legdrop on Corvik....Marco then picks up Corvik and throws him into the ropes again......Corvik comes off and Marco leapfrogs over Corvik....And behind Marco it is Blade who catches Corvik and .....SIDEWALK SLAM......He slams Corvik to the mat!!!....I'm not sure if this is what Corvik wanted with this stipulation!!!...Corvik down now and Blade and Marco both pick him up from the mat now. They send him into the ropes and they catch Corvik and ...DOUBLE SUPLEX HIM TO THE CANVAS!!!...And Marco then goes for the cover.




DT: Ofcourse.....he breaks it up. He doesn't mind working together, but he doesn't want Marco to get the pinfalls now does he. And Marco now gets to his feet and he stares at Blade. The two stand eye to eye and they start to trade punches back and forth. Noone of the two is getting the upperhand here right now. But then it is Marco who ducks a forehand and he counters with a standing spinebuster!!! He took Blade to the mat and he pulls him to his feet again and bounces into the ropes and comes off for a running clothesline!!!...And Blade goes down once again!!!.....Marco drags Blade to his feet and sends him into the ropes....But Blade comes off and counters with a flying shouldertackle!!

ND: Marco didn't see that one coming at all here!!....And Blade lifts Marco up now and ....FULL NELSON SLAM!!...Marco goes down and Blade drags him over to the ropes and places him under the bottom rope. Blade then places his boot on the ropes and starts to choke Marco that way. The referee is counting till 5 and then trying to make Blade stop......But Blade holds on to the chokehold.........However at that moment Corvik comes in from behind.....and ...he knocks Blade to the back of the head with a double axe handle!!....He then drags Blade to the middle of the ring and throws him into the ropes.....Blade comes off and Corvik with a forward rolling legscissor takedown!!!

DT: Corvik follows that up with a stading figure four leglock.....But Blade rolls over to the ropes right away and grabs a hold of them. Blade escaped from that move before Corvik could hook it in.....Corvik now moves over to him and the two start to trade punches again. Blade then blocks a forehand and he irish whips Corvik into the ropes.....Corvik comes off and Blade with a big boot and Corvik goes down!!!.....Blade going for the cover now.




ND: He almost had the first fall there.

DT: Yeah almost...But thats not enough. Blade now looks down at Corvik and he then pulls him up by the head.

ND: Blade and Corvik in the middle of the ring but then from behind it is Marco who comes in and ......DOUBLE FLYING BULLDOG!!!.....And he takes both Corvik and Blade to the mat.....Marco then picks up Corvik and ....HE SLINGSHOTS CORVIK AND CORVIK GOES FACEFIRST INTO THE ROPES!!!.....And Corvik is layed out in the ring......Marco then goes over to Blade and he lifts him up and hands out a couple of shots to the head!!!.....MARCO THEN LIFTS BLADE UP .....AND......HELLBOUND2.........HOLY SHIT!!!....Thats his Jacknife Powerbomb into a Sharpshooter!!! Thats usually his finishing move!!! AND BLADE IS IN SEVERE PAIN NOW!! IS HE GONNA TAP OUT?!?!!.......

DT: BLADE IS ABOUT TO TAP OUT......BUT AT THAT MOMENT CORVIK COMES BACK IN THE GAME AND ....HE DROPKICKS MARCO RIGHT TO THE HEAD!!!....And Marco is stunned and has to let go off the Hellbound2. Corvik brings Marco to his feet now and ......THE DARKEST HOUR!!!.....OOH MY GOD!!!!.....BLADE IS LAYED OUT AND NOW CORVIK GOT THE DARKEST HOUR ON MARCO!!!....And the referee is checking Marco now. He raises up his arm falls down......He lifts Marco's arm for a second time .....and it goes down......He raises Marco's arm for a third time....AND IT GOES DOWN!!!.....AND SEAN CORVIK WINS THE FIRST FALL!!

ND: And he is still the tagteamchampion. The Family is probably relieved right now!! And it can only get better for the Family here. Corviks regained his tagtitle and now it is Marco's Prime Time Title that is on the line here.

DT: Marco is layed out on the mat right now and Corvik stares at him and he then places his boot on him and goes for the most arrogant cover in wrestling.




ND: That was close. Corvik almost had the second fall aswell there. But Blade stopped him and he kicked Corvik to the head. Corvik gets up to his feet and he and Blade go at it again with punches. Corvik swings and and Blade ducks it and he turns Corvik around and back to belly suplexes Corvik to the mat!! Blade picks Corvik up again and he throws him into the ropes....But this time Corvik ducks the forearm, he comes off the opposite ropes and ...SPINNING HEELKICK TO BLADE!!!....And Blade goes down to the canvas!!.....Corvik now tries again to hook in a standing figure four!!! And this time he hooks it in!!! Blade does not have the time to move out of it in time!!

DT: Blade in pain and Corvik standing confident in the ring....But he forgot about Marco. Marco comes in now and ....SWINGING NECKBREAKER ON CORVIK!!!....What a way to comeback by Marco. Marco then picks Corvik up from the mat and ....HE SETS HIM UP FOR A TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ....AND HE EXECUTES IT!!!......Marco goes for the cover, but Corvik manages to kick out after two. Marco shakes it off and he lifts Corvik up again and he throws him into the ropes........Corvik comes off and he stops and ......INSANITY'S EMBRACE!!!!........BUT MARCO MOVED OUT OF THE WAY AND ....CORVIK HITS BLADE RIGHT IN THE HEAD WITH THAT SUPERKICK!!! AND BLADE GOES DOWN TO THE MAT HARD!!!

ND: Blade really didn't see that one coming at all. He got that boot right in the face!!! That even surprised Corvik a bit. Corvik looks down at Blade, but Marco turns him around and .....German suplexes Corvik to the mat!!! And Marco holds on to the hold and he executes a second german suplex!!!....Marco then brings Corvik to his feet again, and he ends it with a release german suplex!!! And Corvik goes down to the mat....Marco going for the cover.




DT: Corvik is still layed out on the mat and Marco is going to the corner right now. He climbs to the topturnbuckle and gets ready to dive off the toprope. BUT WAIT!!!. WHO'S THAT?!?!.......

(We all of a sudden see Shawn Carter come running out from the back. He runs to ringside, climbs on the apron and he pushes Marco off the toprope to the mat. Carter then leaves again).

DT: Oh my God!!!.....Shawn Carter just pushed Marco off the toprope!! And that was a nasty fall!!!......And look Blade is getting up right now and he goes over to Marco and .....HE LIFTS HIM UP AND ......DEATHS EMBRACE!!!.....BLADE'S FINISHER!!!......And he goes for the cover.




ND: BLADE WON THE SECOND FALL!!!...BLADE WON THE PRIME TIME TITLE!!!....Hey, but why is Blade raising his hands in the air like that?? What kind of signal is he making right now??

DT: I don't know. But he's shouting out something aswell. What is he saying?

ND: He is saying something like "Grand Slammer".

DT: GRAND SLAMMER!!!....GRAND SLAMMER!!!...HE'S RIGHT!!!....BLADE IS A GRAND SLAMMER!!!....He has won the Universal Title, the Extreme Title, the Tagtitles, the EWCL title and now he won the Prime Time Title!! He won them all!! HE DID IT!! IT'S UNBELIEVABLE!!!.....

ND: Yeah what an honour for Blade to be the first ever Grand Slammer in the EWCL.

DT: Blade has his arms raises up in the air......But look Sean Corvik is getting back up again......He is up on his feet again....sneaks up behind Blade and .....HE ROLLS BLADE UP FOR THE PIN.






Winner 1st fall: Sean Corvik

Winner 2nd fall: Blade

Winner 3rd fall: Sean Corvik

Exile vs. Nick Dangerous

DT: We are back and right now it is time for a highly anticipated match. A match that alot of people have been waiting for. The match between Exile and Nick Dangerous. What some say as a match between the past and the future of the EWCL. What more can be said.

ND: I don't want to say more, I just want to see this match. Thats what I want. So stop babbling and get these men in the ring.

DT: Uhm...ok then.

(Sympathy for the devil by The Rolling Stones plays and Exile comes walking out. Exile gets booed loudly as walks to the ring. Exile reaches the ring and rolls in).

(Fire in the head by The Tea Party plays and "The" Nick Dangerous comes out. The crowd boos him loudly as he stands on the top of the ramp. Dangerous grins and he then makes his way to the ring. He reaches it and climbs in).


DT: The match has started and Nick Dangerous and Exile start to circle eachother. After 8 seconds the two tie up and it is Dangerous who waistlocks Exile, but Exile with an elbow to Nicks face and he reverses it and waistlocks Dangerous and takes him down to the mat. The two wrestlers get back on their feet and they lock up again. This time it is Dangerous who gets Exile in a side-headlock. He then throws Exile into the ropes and when he comes off Dangerous with a dropkick and Exile goes down to the mat. Dangerous pumps himself up, but Exile takes his time and he rolls himself out of the ring. Exile stands on the outside and he walks around the ring slowly and stares at Dangerous while he does that.

ND: Exile chuckles and he then rolls back into the ring again. He moves over to Dangerous and they lock up again. And it is Exile with a knee to the midsection. He follows that up with lifting Dangerous up and delivering an atomic drop. Exile grabs Dangerous and turns him around and throws him into the ropes......Dangerous comes off and....he slides through Exile's legs, gets up behind him and ......goes to kick Exile!! But Exile catches his leg!!!!.....But Dangerous counters with an ENZIGURI!!!.....Exile goes down and Dangerous pulls him up again and follows it up with a Russian Legsweep. And the first cover of the match.




DT: Dangerous picks Exile up from the mat and he grabs him and ....NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!!!......But before he can pin Exile, the Family member kicks out of it again. Dangerous gets back on his feet and he picks up Exile, but ooooh Exile rakes the eyes and Nick is stunned for a moment. Exile with a couple of chops to the chest and some kicks to the midsection. Exile bounces himself into the ropes and he comes off and .......ROCKER DROPPER ON DANGEROUS!!!...Exile took Dangerous out with one of his trademark moves. And Exile now goes over to the corner. He quickly climbs to the top and ......HE MOONSAULTS OFF THE TOPROPE AND LANDS ON DANGEROUS!!!....And he hooks the leg for the cover.




ND: Pretty close, but not the end for Nick Dangerous. Exile back up and he drags Dangerous over to the corner. Exile then rolls himself out of the ring and he grabs a hold of Dangerous his left leg and he drags it over to the ringpost and ....HE SLAMMS DANGEROUS HIS LEG INTO THE STEEL RINGPOST!!!....AND EXILE REPEATS THAT THREE TIMES!!!....Nick in alot of pain in the ring now!!!....And Exile now drags Dangerous even closer to the ringpost!! Whats he doing now??? ...OOOOH EXILE HOOKS IN A RINGPOST FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK!!!

DT: And Nick Dangerous is screaming it out from the pain right now!! Exile with that viscious ringpost leglock on Dangerous. After about 15 seconds Exile lets go and Dangerous crawls back to the center of the ring. But Exile is not giving him alot of time to recover. He climbs on the apron.....jumps off the apron.....uses the toprope as a springboard and does a senton bomb on Nick Dangerous!!!.....Exile controlling this match right now!! And Exile now gets back up and he works some more on Nicks left leg and he starts to stomp down on it.........He then lifts Nick to his feet and .....he sweeps his left leg and Dangerous falls down to the mat again....Exile grins and he picks Dangerous up again and ......DDT'S him to the mat!! Followed by a pin.




ND: Exile on his feet now and he picks up Dangerous and irish whips him into the corner. Dangerous goes in backfirst and Exile then decides to run in on him.......Exile comes in and he splashes on top off Dangerous!!!......Exile then drags Dangerous out of the corner and whips him, but somehow Dangerous manages to reverse the whip and he sends Exile into the corner!!! And Exile goes in so hard that he lands in a tree of woe position in the corner!!!...Dangerous charges in on him and .....BASEBALL SLIDE INTO EXILE'S FACE!!! And Nick gets up to his feet and unleashes a couple of kicks to Exile's face!!

DT: Dangerous then drags Exile out of the corner and he turns him around and hooks in a sharpshooter!!! Nick wants to inflict pain on Exile now.....he wants to reverse what Exile was doing to him only minutes ago in this match. But can he do it? Thats the question. He got Exile in this sharpshooter, but Exile now is trying to reverse it!! Yeah, thats what he is doing....Exile is trying to roll over now......Now after about 12 seconds in that hold.......EXILES MANAGES TO ROLL OVER AND HE TURNED THAT SHARPSHOOTER IN A FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK!!! And he's doing damage to Nicks leg again!!! Dangerous never saw that one coming at all. Its Exile back in control again and Dangerous with the hurt and pain.

ND: Nick Dangerous now trying to drag himself over to the ropes.......he gets closer.....and closer.......and......yeah he got a hold of the ropes. The referee makes Exile break the hold and the two can start all over again. Exile picks Dangerous up from the mat and he then slaps him in the face. He then takes Dangerous by the arm and whips him into the ropes.......Dangerous comes off and .....SPEAR!!!......Exile speared Dangerous to the mat!!!.......And The Canadian Superstar is down and out here in Rome......Exile going for the cover right now.




DT: Exile very close to the victory, but Nick kicked out of it. Exile now brings Dangerous back to his feet again and he irish whips him and he sends Dangerous into a corner!! And Dangerous goes in backfirst!!! Nick hit that corner hard and Exile follows in hot pursuit and storms in on Nick.....BUT OOOOOH EXILE GOING FOR ANOTHER SPEAR.....BUT DANGEROUS MOVED OUT OF THE WAY IN TIME AND......EXILE GOES SHOULDERFIRST INTO THE RINGPOST!!!...And this finally gives Dangerous some time to recuperate. But thats not what he is doing. Nick is going right back to Exile and he drags him out of the corner. And he grabs Exile by the arm and sends him into the ropes. Exile comes off and Nick catches him and ....SPINNING SAMOAN DROP!!! Great move by Dangerous!!! And Dangerous going for the cover right now.




ND: Dangerous now picks up Exile from the mat and he waistlocks him, but ooooooooh Exile with a mulekick!!! And Nick is stunned and Exile goes into the ropes and comes off and ...CLOTHESLINES NICK TO THE MAT!!!...Exile then picks up Nick and ....HE SETS HIM UP FOR THE OUTCAST!!!.....BUT DANGEROUS MOVES OUT OF IT USING AN ELBOW!!!...DANGEROUS THEN WITH A KICK TO EXILE;S GUT AND TRYING TO GO FOR THE DANGER DRIVER!!...BUT THEN IT IS EXILE WHO MOVES OUT OF IT!!! ....And Exile then throws Dangerous into the ropes and when the Canadian comes off, Exile grabs him and executes a belly to belly suplex!!!.....Exile going for the cover,




DT: Exile gets to his feet and he stomps down on Nick a few times. He then goes over to the corner and starts to climb it to the top. Exile reaches the topturnbuckle and he faces the ring. He wants to jump off, but Nick Dangerous got back on his feet again in time. He went over to the corner and starts to climb it aswell. He made it to the topturnbuckle too now....BUT EXILE THUMBS HIM IN THE EYE AGAIN!!! And Exile then pushes Dangerous off the toprope and Nick falls backwards to the mat!!!......And Exile now standing on the topturnbuckle and ....HE DIVES OFF FOR AN ELBOW DROP!!!....BUT OOOOOH NICK ROLLED OUT OF THE WAY IN TIME!!

ND: Where is this all leading!??!! Dangerous now the first one to get on his feet and he slowly moves over to the corner. He starts to climb it and he reaches the top. But now it is Exile who also got on his feet. Exile also makes it to the corner and climbs to the top aswell. Exile with a punch, but Dangerous blocks it and he counters with a hard right hand of his own. AND DANGEROUS THEN GRABS EXILE ......AND ......HE DDT'S EXILE OFF THE TOPROPE TO THE MAT!!!....HOLY SHIT!! WHAT A MOVE!!!......AND NICK DANGEROUS NOW GOING FOR THE COVER.




DT: HE WON IT!!! Nick Dangerous did it and defeats Exile!! Oh man!!!

(Fire in the Head plays on the PA system as Nick Dangerous rises off of his downed opponent. Nick rushes out of the ring and grabs a chair, he dashes in and he bashes on Exile with repeated shots to the chest. The crowd boos heavily as Nick gets up on the turnbuckle and raises his arms, talking trash to the crowd a little as someone hands him a mic. Nick steps down and begins to speak.)

Nick: .......

(Nick hesitates, just looking around at the people booing him.)

Nick: Awwww don't act like you didn't see this coming. Look at Exile, he's washed up, he's burned out, he isn't what he used to be, and even if he was, he'd wind up in the same position. Exile has too much going in his mind to beat me, being distracted by his multiple personalities, his ego pushing him to try harder, it's just too much for him to carry. But that's not what I am here, no, the reason I am talking to you all now is not for Exile, this is for Sean Corvik, I mean, as much as I'd love these mind games to continue, I think there comes a time where you just have to deal with things like this face to face, man to....Sean Corvik. So in case you're having trouble what I'm saying, Sean Corvik, come out here, it's high time we finish this as fast as possible, so you can stop bothering me, I have bigger fish to fry, Sean.

(Nick waits a while, looking at the entrance way for Sean Corvik, but after a while he talks again.)

Nick: Afraid. I thought so. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your legend, this, is Sean Corvik at his finest. Cowering away at a challenge. Who saw that coming? But come on now, Corvik, I'm not kidding around here, if you want to prove to me that you aren't just some loser, the LEAST you can do is come out, for me.

(Nick waits some more, but there is nothing, as we hear the fans chant "BORING" chants at Nick Dangerous.)

Nick: Damnit Corvik! Are you afraid!? Do you not want to risk failure? Is THAT it!? Well I always come prepared Sean, I have a plan to get you out here never the less. You see this man here? Yeah, Exile, you know, a Royal Family member? How willing are you to lose a family member Sean Corvik? How willing are you to let one of your brothers fall? I am more than ready to kick this man 's ass even further.

(Nick throws the mic on the floor and rolls out of the ring. He grabs the infamous hockey stick from under the ring, goes back in, and grabs the mic again.)

Nick: Whatever happens to this man Corvik, is YOUR FAULT.

(Nick holds his hockey stick high in the air and looks down on Exile, the fans booing the unprofessional act. Nick hammers it down on the leg of Exile. Continuously reminding himself it's Corvik's fault. He hits him once more in the leg, Exile screams in pain. Nick raises the hockey stick again, but then Perfection or Vanity by Dimmu Borgir hits the PA system and the lights go out. The violins mesh with the electric guitar and a beeping lifeline, neon green, beeps on the Familytron. The lights cut back on and Sean Corvik and Jezebelle appear on the ramp. They are not alone. In Corvik's right hand he weilds a scimitar and his left arm is wrapped around the neck of Chazz Mendel. He looks very groggy and weaves his head around a little. Sean smiles as he slides he dagger's point softly down the nape of Mendel's neck and smiles, looking at Dangerous.)

Nick: What the hell!? You let him go you son of a bitch!

(Jezebelle holds the microphone to Sean's lips.)

Corvik - My how things change when the tables are turned.

Nick: I'm telling you Corvik, this is only making things worse for YOU.

(Sean makes the slightest cut on the side of Mendel's neck that would not be visible to Nick except the image is being reflected on the Familytron.)

Corvik - Is it, Nick? Or have you lost your control...?

Nick: Lost control? Hell no you sick bastard, who's the one who is losing control here? To me this just looks like you're running low of options, you're taking drastic measures, you're going to wind up knee deep in your own shit.

Corvik - Running low of options? No...just leveling the playing field. Do you honestly think I would let you stand there and abuse my brother? My brother in every way except for blood? Nick, do you remember Hammurabi's Code of Law?

Nick: Not in the slightest, enlighten me Corvik, I can't wait to hear this.

Corvik - In the days of Hammurabi, strict law was enforced. I know you remember the term "an eye for an eye." It is something he created. If you knocked someone's tooth out, he knocked yours out. If you put out his eye, he could put out your eye. Maybe we should see what happens if I put out Chazz's eye.

(Sean moves the blade to in front of Mendel's face and presses the point against Mendel's nose.)

Nick: What the hell is wrong with you man? Are you sure you want to go through with this? I swear to god Sean, if you cut that man up there will be MAJOR repercussions to deal with.

(Jez holds the microphone to Sean's mouth still and brings her hand over to Mendel's chest, kissing his neck softly.)

Corvik - I am a sucker for the unpredictable my dear Nick.

(Nick paces around the ring, thinking to himself. He looks down and bring the mic to his mouth.)

Nick: Stop this....NOW.

(Sean smiles.)

Corvik - You know in times of negotiation, if you don't retain some semblance of organization you are letting your emotions fuel your actions toward business matters.

Nick: That's the problem Corvik, this isn't business. This isn't business at all. You're failure to get a grasp on what's right and wrong is resulting in you going too far, we all have our limits, Corvik, and this is just stupid, just stop before this goes to far.

(Jezebelle kisses his neck again and slowly slides her teeth in, a slow trickle of blood emerging from the wound. She licks it, kissing his cheek, making a lip shaped blood stain on the side of his neck. Sean smiles and shakes his head, moving the point closer to Mendel's eye.)

Nick: You know what, fine. You can cheat all you want, hell do you got a gun around? Bring it on! We all know it will happen eventually, might as well pick us off now seeing as you seem more than willing to make it happen. But it doesn't matter anymore. Do all you want, but let's see how much YOU like to watch one of your own take a fall.

(And with that, Nick looks at Exile, and drags him by the leg to the turnbuckle corner, he lays Exiles right foot on top of the second turnbuckle. Which holds up his leg while he lays down. Nick takes his hockey stick and talks on the mic.)

Nick: Think fast Sean Corvik, should I break his leg? Are you willing to take it this far?

Corvik - It was Exile's decision to bring around a gun. Not me. I operate differently. But let me ask you a question. Do you think I won't hesitate for a moment to slit Chazz's throat? Is that what you want?

Nick: ......

(Nick looks confused, not knowing what to think anymore. He continues to pace around. He closes his eyes and concentrates hard. A little later, he opens his eyes up, looking furious, as he puts the mic to his mouth.)

Nick: ....I am NOT losing this.

Nick immediately takes the hockey stick and breaks it on the leg of Exile, causing Exile to scream in pain. Bringing a slight smirk on Nick's face.

(Sean nods, knowing it is nothing Exile has never faced. Chazz comes to slightly, just enough to elbow Sean in the gut. Sean spins him around and powerbombs him harshly to the steel ramp, watching his head bounce off the ground. Sean takes the scimitar and kneels in front of Mendel's face, poised to strike.)

Nick: You know, you really are taking extreme lengths just so you don't have to face me in this ring.

(Jez takes the mic while Sean presses the blade against Mendel's throat.)

Jez - Do you honestly think he doesn't want to face you? You chose to pick a victim and so did he. What did you expect, that you wouldn't suffer a casualty of war?

Nick: If Corvik had any balls he would've come out when I asked him and fought me like a man. So yes, I think he doesn't want to face me, I didn't make the decision to break Exile's leg, CORVIK made me break his leg, not me.

(Jez shakes her head)

Jez - You didn't break his leg, come on. You picked your victim.

Nick: It's not like I didn't warn him.

Jez - You started it and you're about to finish it. Now you just have to make the decision. Are you going to watch your friend get destroyed because of a mistake you made or are you going to try to save him?

Nick: ......Hell, why don't you ask Sean that!?

(Nick puts the mic on the floor next to Exile's head, takes one of the remains of the hockey stick and chokes Exile with it, leaning all of his weight in.)

Nick: I'm not losing this Corvik!

(Sean sighs and relents, holding up his hand. Jez hands the microphone to Sean as he helps Chazz up to his feet.)

Corvik - Alright, win, Nick.

(Nick gets up with a smile on his face, mixed in with a look of relief that Chazz will be alright. Nick takes the mic as he stands in the ring.)

Nick: Why am I not surprised Sean? This looks so damn familiar.

(Sean just keeps walking away.)

Nick: You know, when you came out here, I knew, scimitar or not, this was a win/win situation for me. Thanks again Sean, for proving me correct.)

Corvik - And thanks again, Nick, for underestimating the ability of Sean Corvik.

(Sean rares back and with an Insanity's Embrace, knocks Chazz off the ramp and through a few tables 20 feet below him, shattering them.)

SeanCorvik: Corvik - That's what you get for your arrogance Nick. You sacrificed your own to hurt one of my own. Have a nice day.

Nick: Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! DAMNIT!

(Nick tries to keep himself cool, he breathes in heavily, then looks back at Exile.)

Nick: Fine....One last thing before I am out of here.

(Nick continues to drag Exile by the bad leg, he picks Exile up and places his foot in front of the bottom rope, and his knee behind the second rope, and flips Exile's entire upper body out between the top and middle rope, sending Exile flipping out of the ring, and leaving him to hang on the ropes by his bad leg.)

Nick: Come and get him Family, hit MY music.

(Nick begins to make his exit as Perfection or Vanity by Dimmu Borgir hits the PA system, realizing it's not his music, Nick looks suddenly really bitter, and walks away pissed off.)


Winner: Nick Dangerous

Scott Monroe(c) vs. Strait Hate(c) vs. Chris Christ - Non-Title

DT: Bill Carty is backstage with Strait Hate, Bill.

BC: Thanks Dean. Strait, you have Monroe and Christ in just a few minutes, your thoughts???

(Strait slugs back the last of a pint of Jack Daniels).

Strait: *burp* Well, I'm thinkin I'm in for a long fuckin night. I'm goin against two of the greatest of all time, and they both dispise me. I wouldnt have it any other way. Monroe is gonna try to end my career, hey, thats fine, many others have tried to, but hey, I'm still here. I challenge you to put me out of commishion Monroe, break me champ. Cuz no matter what you try to do to me, I'll be back, next week, drunk as hell pissin fire and comin for you and your disgusting whore. Speak of my demise, but you'll never break me.

BC: What about Chris Christ?

Strait: He wants to be hardcore, so guess what, I'll make him famous when it comes to being hardcore. I'm so conflicted, who do I wanna go after, Monroe or Christ.... damnit I hate this 3 way dance bullshit, too many options.

BC: Isnt that good for you, then you can take out two birds with one stone?

Strait: I'm drunk dude, I dunno what your talkin about....but when both the guys hate my guts, they are takin my ass out first, so I come prepaired.

(We see a John Deere riding lawnmower with a trailor filled with weapons like glassboard tables, barb wire, 2X4's, chairs, tacks, broken glass etc. Strait hops in and turns it on).

BC: Strait, your drunk!! You shouldnt drive that!!!

Strait: I'm a trained professional. Kids, dont drink and drive, find some lame friend to drive you around. See you at ringside.

(Strait drives through the curtain and down the ramp).

ND: Oh my god!! Hes coming down the ramp on that thing!!

(Stronger Then Death has kicked up and the fans cheer John Deere. Strait hits the ring with the lawnmower and it moves a bit).

DT: Strait Hate driving that lawnmover to the ring. Man, I never seen anything like that before.

ND: I wonder if he could borrow me that lawnmover, coz I desperately need to mow my lawn.


(Strait Hate makes it to ringside and he then turns off the lawnmover and steps off and enters the ring).

(Ballbreaker by AC/DC plays and "The Messiah" Chris Christ comes out from the back and the crowd begins to cheer him on. He walks to the ring and shakes the hands of some of the fans on his way. He reaches the ring and enters it).

DT: AND WOW!!! STRAIT HATE ATTACKS CHRIS CHRIST RIGHT AWAY!!!.....Christ doesn't even get the time to get on his feet....Strait is stomping him and kicking him to prevent him to get on his feet.......Man, look at the aggression in Straits eyes there!!!.....He's going insane!!

(Darkness suddenly engulfs the arena. A piano slowly plays throughout as The Cross by Samael begins. A single word then flashes onto the Cazzo (or Family) tron).


(The word errupts into flames and burns away almost as quickly as it appears. As it does a guitar tears through the P.A. system. The music comes together in a frightening hymn of terror and the macbre. The symbol of Scott Monroe flashes onto the ~Tron, a gothic cross wreathed in flames. Racheal steps through the curtain and drops to her knees, sitting back upon her heels. She slowly extends her arms and the darkness breaks, behind her however Scott Monroe has appeared. Wearing a black cloak with the hood pulled forth over his head. Racheal leans back and wraps her arms around his legs, like a snake coiled around a tree. Monroe brings his left hand down and runs it through her hair, then throws his head back. The hood falls back revealing his black and silver eyes. He stares into the nothing above as he slowly raises his arms. He stands in a mock crucifixition for a moment, then his balled fist slowly open. His mouth becomes agap in a silent scream as his body begins to convulse. His hands return to their balled posistion, and Monroe reaches down and lifts Racheal from the ground. The two then slowly make their way towards the ring).

(Monroe makes it to the ring and while he walks to the ring the camera zooms in on a couple of fans in the audience who are dressed similar as Monroe. And they cheer him on as he passes them).

DT: Oh God!! The guy actually has fans that try to be just like him. Thats sad...thats just sad.

ND: Nah thats "JUST CHAZZ"...


DT: Get serious.

ND: Actually I talked to some of those kids before the show and they even have a name. They call themselves The Morlocks.

DT: The Morlocks?

ND: Yes The Morlocks.

DT: Oh please.

ND: Yeah well.

DT: Monroe made it to the ring now and he looks at whats going on in the ring already. He then slowly walks over to the ringsteps and uses them to enter the ring. Monroe is in the ring right now and he watches how Strait Hate is kicking the crap out of Chris Christ. Strait now pulls Christ to his feet and after punching him to the head a few times, he irish whips him into the ropes.....Christ comes off and Strait with a power lariat!!! And Christ goes down to the canvas. Strait picks Christ up agian from behind and he executes a T-Bone suplex on him!!! He goes for the cover on Christ and thats the cue for Monroe to mix himself in the match. He charges in on the two wrestlers and he breaks the count by stomping Strait to the head.

ND: Strait gets to his feet and he stares into Monroe's eyes....but Monroe with a roundhouse kick that sweeps Strait of his feet. Strait falls down to one knee and Monroe with another stiff roundhouse kick to Straits head!!!....Oh man!!!..The master of the stiff kick. Monroe picks Strait up from the mat and he irish whips him into the corner....Strait goes in backfirst and Monroe charges into the corner,....does his traditional flip and ends up in the corner with a roundhouse kick to the side of Straits head!!! Hate is stunned now after that move!!! And Monroe wants to drag him out of that corner now.....But before he can do that it is Christ who got back to his feet again. And Christ turns Monroe around and throws a couple of punches.

DT: Christ then drags Monroe out of the corner and he irish whips him into the opposite corner!!...Monroe goes in hard backfirst and Christ goes in after and splashes on top off Monroe!!! ....Christ then takes Monroe and he irish whips him into the opposite corner again and ....MONROE GOES BACKFIRST INTO STRAIT HATE!!!.....AND CHRIST CHARGES IN AGAIN AND ....HE SPLASHES ON TOP OFF BOTH MONROE AND STRAIT!!!.....Haha!! Thats the way to handle the Family and The Project. Christ sure knows how to handle it all!!!......Christ raises his hands in the air and the Italian crowd is going bananas. Christ then pulls Monroe out of the corner and he lifts him up and delivers a backbreaker. He then pulls Monroe up to his feet again and throws him into the ropes.

ND: Monroe comes off and Christ with a hiptoss and it takes Monroe to the mat......Christ then goes into the ropes.....BUT OOOHHHHH STRAIT HATE PULLS DOWN THE ROPES JUST WHEN CHRIST GOES INTO THEM AND CHRIST GOES OVER THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!!.....WOW!!!!.........Christ landed hard on the concrete there!! That can't be good for his already prone body!!!......And Strait Hate now takes advantage of the situation and he climbs the topturnbuckle!!...He gets to the top and........HE LEAPS OFF THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE AND ....HE LANDS ON CHRIST!!!....OOOOH MY GODDD!!!...HE ALMOST SQUASHED CHRIST!!! I CAN"T LOOK AT IT!!! I AM AFRAID TO LOOK!!

DT: He's still moving Neil. And that says alot when Strait Hate just landed on you with all his weight. Man, this battle between Christ and Strait is really going to the limit here. In the ring we see now that Monroe runs over to the ropes and ..........HE DOES A SUMMERSAULT OVER THE TOPROPE AND LANDS ON BOTH STRAIT HATE AND CHRIS CHRIST!!! ...HOLY SHIT!!!!........He took out both his opponents with that move!! Although he also hurt himself with that move. All three wrestlers are now layed out on the concrete floor!!! We see that Racheal is checking on Monroe. But I think Monroe is doing best from all three of them right now. And it is Monroe who is the first one to get back on his feet again.

ND: Monroe is up and he picks up Christ and he rolls him back into the ring again. Monroe then climbs on the apron and wants to get back in the ring aswell, but just when he wants to step into the ring, it is Strait Hate who grabs him by the leg and holds on to it.....Monroe tries to kick Strait off of him...but the big guy holds on to it like a beer. And I can tell you that Strait ain't letting go then!! Haha!!.....And back in the ring we see that Christ charges in on Monroe now and ....HE DROPKICKS MONROE OFF THE APRON AND MONROE GOES TO THE CONCRETE!!!......Nice double team move by Strait and Christ, although that was not their intention at all!!

DT: Yeah well thats the way it goes sometimes, now doesn't it. Monroe is layed out now and we see that Strait Hate kicks down on him a couple of times. Strait Hate then walks away from him and he walks over to his lawnmover. Oh God no!! Strait takes a steelchair out of it, but he then drops it again and decides to take a 2X4.....He takes it and turns around and smiles....He then shouts out ...."OOOOOOOOOH' and lifts his thumb up!!!.....OH MAN THIS GUY IS REALLY DRUNK!!!..WHO LIKES TO IMITATE JIM DUGGAN THESE DAYS ANYMORE. ......Strait moves over to Monroe with the 2x4 and ...HE SWINGS AND .....HE NAILS MONROE IN THE HEAD WITH IT AND MONROE GOES DOWN TO THE CONCRETE AGAIN!!!...

ND: Strait stands over Monroe now and he uses his 2x4 to choke the life out of Monroe now......But Chris Christ is also still in this match and he comes up from behind Strait now.....He surprises Strait and kicks him to the back .......Strait turns around and he swings with his 2x4 towards Christ....but Christ ducks it and ....HE KICKS STRAIT INTO THE GUT!!! ....AND ...HE DDT'S STRAIT HARD TO THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!.....Oh man!!! Did you see that?!?!!! Strait is out of it for now and Christ now goes over to Monroe and picks him up and rolls him back into the ring again. Christ slides back in aswell and he lifts Monroe up and throws Monroe into the ropes....Monroe comes off and Christ with an overhead belly to belly suplex!!! And the cover....




DT: We almost had a winner there......Christ picks Monroe back up from the mat and after a chop to the chest he sends him into the ropes again.....Monroe comes off and Christ goes for a backdrop.....but Monroe sees it coming and he counters with a swinging neckbreaker!!!...And Monroe gets back on his feet and he picks up Christ and ....SHORT ARM CLOTHESLINE!!!....Monroe then follows it up with picking Christ up and he does a snappmare followed by a stiff kick to the back of the head. And Monroe then with a Northern Lights suplex for the pin.




ND: Christ managed to stay in the match and Monroe picks him up and starts another series of chops to the chest. While he is doing that we see on the outside that Strait Hate is up again and he is walking over to his lawnmover once more. And this time he takes a bag with thumbtacks and a steelchair. Man, this guy really is Extreme. Strait rolls himself back into the ring and he places the bag of thumbtacks in the corner....He then moves over to Monroe and Christ and .....WHAMMMMMMMMM....He whacks Christ in the head with that steelchair!!!.....And Christ goes down to the mat!!!.........STRAIT THEN SWINGS AGAIN TO HIT MONROE WITH THE CHAIR....BUT MONROE COUNTERS WITH A SPINKICK AND HE HITS THE STEELCHAIR AND IT GOES INTO STRAITS FACE!!!

DT: And Strait falls down to his knees!!!......Monroe takes a couple of steps back and he then charges in on Strait and .....SHINING WIZARD!!!....HOLY COW!!!!......He hit Strait right in the face with that kick!!! Monroe then takes the steelchair and he places the steelchair on top off Strait Hate's face. The Universal Champion then goes over to the corner and climbs to the top. He gets to the top and ....GUILLOTINE LEGDROP OFF THE TOPROPE ON THE STEELCHAIR ON STRAIT HATE!!!........HOLY SHIT!!!.....Strait is busted open now from that blow!!!.....And Monroe now throws the chair to the other side of the ring and goes for the cover on Strait.




ND: Unbelievable!! Strait kicked out of that one there!! Did I really see that?!? Monroe gets up again and he picks up Strait and throws him into the ropes.....Strait comes off and Monroe with a high knee and it hits Strait and the Extreme Champion falls down to the mat. Monroe going for another cover, but before he can get the three count we see that Christ stops it. He drags Monroe off of Strait and he then takes the steelchair and ....sets it up in the ring. Christ then picks up Monroe and whips him into the ropes....Monroe comes off and ....CHRIST WITH A DROP TOE HOLD TO MONROE AND MONROE GOES FACE FIRST INTO THE CHAIR!!! Ooooh I don't think that Monroe likes it that Christ uses this move on him!! I really don't think he likes it!! Christ now hooks the leg for the cover.




DT: Christ wipes the sweat out of his eyes and he then gets back up.....but Strait Hate miraculously got back on his feet again and he comes in from behind Christ and grabs him and ......DOWN ON THE CHAIR!!!...WHAT A MOVE BY STRAIT HATE!!!......And now it is Hate with the best chances in this match........He sees that both Monroe and Christ are layed out in the ring and Strait walks over to the corner and he takes his bag with thumbtacks. He opens the bag and he empties it in the center of the ring. Strait then smiles again, well it looks like a smile through all the blood in his face anyway. He then goes over to Monroe and picks him up from the mat!!.......He moves Monroe over to the thumbtacks and he then lifts Monroe up for a ...HATEBOMB INTO THE THUMBTACKS!!!




DT: And Monroe now going for the cover on Christ........





DT: And it's over. It's all over and once again Scott Monroe wins a match and stays undefeated in the EWCL.

(Monroe raises his hand triumphantly but is blindsided with the Extreme Title by Strait Hate).

DT: Oh man!! I guess he didn't take too well to losing!

(Sean Corvik and Jezebelle stalk the ring while Strait Hate kneels over Monroe and pummels him. Monroe starts blocking the punches and kicks Hate off. Hate looks to the crowd but before he can do anything he turns around to a Corvik clothesline. Sean winds up and gives Strait a kick to the ribs. Monroe backs into a corner and smiles then joins in on the attack. Monroe relents and cackles as Sean beckons Monroe. Corvik runs to the ropes and hits Strait in the back of the knee with a low dropkick as Monroe sends a roundkick to his face).


DT: Monroe and Corvik laid out Strait Hate with the Divine Right! Sean's grabbing a microphone...Jesus hasn't he already done enough tonight?

(Sean taps the microphone and looks down at Strait Hate).

Corvik - You thought you could escape, didn't you? You thought you could keep that precious little title around your waist even when Scott was willing to put it all on the line. Even when he was ready to sacrifice himself to destroy you, you denied. You denied his salvation and now you will suffer the wrath of the Royal Family. So next week you WILL put the title on the line and it WILL be against me. No paperwork can get you out of this, no pleading can mask your cowardice. You will become my finest jewel. You will complete me, Strait Hate. We will come full circle. We will flicker and flade as the candle. I will be set free...

(Sean throws his head back and brings the microphone crashing down on Hate's face, causing him to spit up blood).

(Monroe then motions for Racheal to enter the ring, then walks over to Strait Hate and pulls him up. Racheal enters the ring and Monroe points to her legs, then whips Hate into the ropes. As he bounces off Monroe gives him a stiff side kick to the stomach, forcing him down to one knee. Racheal then charges across the ring and delievers a shinning wizard roundhouse to Strait, sending him crashing into the canvas. Racheal then kneels over Hate as Monroe watches).

Racheal ~ You think this game is too big for a lady to play Hate? Don't worry, while you may be hardcore, I'm ultra violent. So next time you decide to try and prove a point, you'd better target a helpless victim instead of a determined woman.

(With that Racheal rises and stiff kicks Hate again. She then moves to Monroes side).

(Sean smiles and "The Cross" by Samael is played as Sea, Jezebelle, Monroe and Racheal exit the ring together).

(They walk out of the ringside and leave through the curtains).

DT: Man, what a night did we see right here!! Didn't we.

ND: Yeah we sure...

(All of a sudden the lights go out).

ND: Hey, I was still talking!!! Who turned off the light???

(A couple seconds later the lights come back on again and we see John Daniels standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone).


(A few seconds later Scott Monroe appears from behind the curtains again and he looks intrested and he starts to walk down the aisle to the ring. He reaches the ring and enters it. He stares at Strait and Christ who are still layed out and he then stares at Daniels).

ND: He and Monroe are staring each other down for the very first time. All this week, Daniels talked about Monroe, and what he wants to do to him...things could erupt here any second!

DT: Hold on just a minute here...Daniels just pulled something out of his pocket...I think Monroe noticed! Here comes Monroe and...OH MY GOD! DANIELS JUST LIT A FIREBALL AND THREW IT INTO SCOTT MONROE'S FACE! MONROE IS DOWN!

ND: MONROE DIDN"T SEE THAT ONE COMING!! HE THOUGHT THAT DANIELS WAS GONNA SAY SOMETHING!! BUT THEN THIS!!!....OOOOOH MAN!!!!..... DT: What an ending of this show!! We have to leave you all now folks. Till next week!!!

Winner: Scott Monroe


© 2002 EWCL.